[x3d-public] Units for BVH vs HAnimMotion.values

Joe D Williams joedwil at earthlink.net
Fri Oct 13 17:19:36 PDT 2023

> otherwise specified in a UNIT statement 


"However, the world coordinate units may be modified by specifying a different length unit using the UNIT statement."

There is Not Now nor will there Ever be a UNIT statement that allows degrees for rotation and orientation. 

Never, will angles appear in any x3d animation interpolator. 
To apply an import using angle units, it is converted to x3d before use, then discarded or possibly stored somewhere away from working area for reference.  

Thanks and Best,

-----Original Message-----
From: John Carlson <yottzumm at gmail.com>
Sent: Oct 13, 2023 11:44 AM
To: X3D Graphics public mailing list <x3d-public at web3d.org>
Subject: [x3d-public] Units for BVH vs HAnimMotion.values

Apparently BVH uses degrees for rotations.  Units for HAnimMotion should use radians unless otherwise specified in a UNIT statement, AFAIK. 

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