[x3d-public] ... argument for allowing containerFields in x3d.py is misleading, start with a valid example instead

John Carlson yottzumm at gmail.com
Mon Oct 30 13:38:32 PDT 2023

Sending the day after composing.

Don, Michalis, Nicholas,

Here’s an extremely simple test.  Look through x3d.py (X3DPSAIL) source
code for the string “containerField” (perhaps minus quotes).  If you don’t
see containerField in any XML methods (defs) using string concatenation,
then  containerFields are not exported as XML by x3d.py.  Now ask yourself,
are containerFields required in some cases in XML?  If yes, fix x3d.py.  If
no, fix view3dscene.

Real simple and it does require reams of email or examples.  Here’s a link
to the source code page for your con-venience.  Want to find out which
containerFields are required by view3dscene? Delete a few and find out.
Please focus on HAnim files initially.


I have already practically offered to fix x3d.py with an optional parameter
to the XML method.  I’m not sure what Don’s motives are for declining my
offer, perhaps something to do with x3d-edit, or he wants to track the
problem one method at a time.  I just want to get containerFields for HAnim
so that view3dscene will work.  Michalis has made it pretty clear he wants
X3D Blender import/export.  Nicholas has expressed interest in Blender
import/export.  Joe say no to Blender.  It seems like the people most
interested in Blender should be heard.  I chose blender because it has good
looking textures compared to my current alternatives and I wanted to export
my skeletons as X3D.  I even tried merging glTF “joints” with X3D skin,
editing 11GB files.  No one is going to want to edit 11GB files in
x3d-edit.  That’s only 500000 polygons.  I’m hoping to pare that down with
blender export.  I don’t have a clue if I’ll succeed.

It’s not my job to improve x3d.py, or test all the humanoid examples,
x3d.py was a short path to VRML AND XML export from Blender that Doug
started.  I have more things to work on.  If someone else wants to take
over the task or help me with providing a programming language as an
extension of Protactile, you are welcome to join me, Don has helped with
robotic mannequins.  Currently my path is at WS, developing HAnim animation
exports from blender.

I also have a pretty good idea of what’s required for containerFields for
DOM input into X3DJSAIL.  I will try to gather that information together in
the next few days.

No more conning.  It’s pretty clear Don has the con.

I feel a bit of Flop-Mop coming on.

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