[x3d-public] Announcing! x3dvalidate for JSON

John Carlson yottzumm at gmail.com
Mon Sep 4 01:50:36 PDT 2023

x3dvalidate will validate with the latest X3D JSON schema which complies
with the latest JSON schema draft standard.

To install, you'll need npm, available commercially through GraalVM, an
Oracle sponsored project, or from the node.js website, https://nodejs.org/
(It's part of node.js).

To install x3dvalidate, run the following command:

$ npm install -g x3dvalidate

This will install the package globally.

Then you can run

$ x3dvalidate file1.json, file2.json, file3,json ...file1.x3dj, file2.x3dj,

I recommend running under bash, as I've not been able to get Command Prompt
or PowerShell working yet.  WIP!  bash is available in many places!

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