[x3d-public] Issue with X3D HumanoidAnimation example.

John Carlson yottzumm at gmail.com
Fri Sep 8 01:07:44 PDT 2023


model as well)

Contains no HAnim component elements by inspection.

This was discovered with Holger's x3d-tidy.  See below diagnostics.


$ npx --yes x3d-tidy -i
XML Parser Error: Unknown node type 'HAnimHumanoid', you probably have
insufficient component/profile statements and/or an inappropriate
specification version.

XML Parser Error: Unknown node type 'HAnimHumanoid', you probably have
insufficient component/profile statements and/or an inappropriate
specification version.

XML Parser Error: Unknown node type 'HAnimHumanoid', you probably have
insufficient component/profile statements and/or an inappropriate
specification version.

XML Parser Error: Unknown node type 'HAnimHumanoid', you probably have
insufficient component/profile statements and/or an inappropriate
specification version.

XML Parser Error: Unknown node type 'HAnimHumanoid', you probably have
insufficient component/profile statements and/or an inappropriate
specification version.

XML Parser Error: Unknown node type 'HAnimHumanoid', you probably have
insufficient component/profile statements and/or an inappropriate
specification version.

XML Parser Error: Unknown node type 'HAnimHumanoid', you probably have
insufficient component/profile statements and/or an inappropriate
specification version.

XML Parser Error: Unknown node type 'HAnimHumanoid', you probably have
insufficient component/profile statements and/or an inappropriate
specification version.
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