[x3d-public] event-graph routing chains documentation now updated with type information (corrected)

Brutzman, Donald (Don) (CIV) brutzman at nps.edu
Wed Sep 13 18:04:12 PDT 2023

Update report: am happy to report that the X3D pretty-print HTML model
documentation for Event Graph ROUTE Chains now includes type information for
each field.  If there are mismatches, errant ROUTE connections are
highlighted in orange.


Note that types (SFTime, SFFloat, etc.) are listed below each field name.
Names of each data type, like the field names, are linked to the X3D
Tooltips for ready reference by authors.


*	X3D 4.0 Tooltips: type definitions and Field Types Table
*	https://www.web3d.org/x3d/tooltips/X3dTooltips.html#type
*	https://www.web3d.org/x3d/tooltips/X3dTooltips.html#FieldTypesTable


Working examples from the preceding message, now updated:








*	Example with ProtoDeclare, ProtoInstance, and embedded Script



and here is what an (intentional) stylesheet-detected error looks like:



. which is also shown earlier in the document as part of the prettified
ROUTE itself.  Types (or mismatches) are shown when hovering over the field
names as well.


*	(correct version online has bookmark link in documentation)
*	(test case breaking that first ROUTE follows)



Have applied updates a few times and uploaded results for 4000+ X3D
Examples.  Tuning will likely continue, with usage and trouble reports
always welcome.


*	X3D Resources, Examples: Scene Archives for X3D


This XSLT stylesheet is free and public, under a Web3D Consortium
open-source license, and becoming quite a useful tool.




A good engineering motto aboard ships:  "You get what you inspect, not what
you expect."


Have fun with strong field typing, to prevent authoring animation errors in
X3D!   . and


Have fun exploring X3D model documentation!  8)


all the best, Don


Don Brutzman  Naval Postgraduate School, Code USW/Br        brutzman at nps.edu

Watkins 270,  MOVES Institute, Monterey CA 93943-5000 USA    +1.831.656.2149

X3D graphics, virtual worlds, navy robotics https://faculty.nps.edu/brutzman


From: Brutzman, Donald (Don) (CIV) 
Sent: Wednesday, September 6, 2023 6:42 AM
To: Michalis Kamburelis <michalis.kambi at gmail.com>; Joe D Williams
<joedwil at earthlink.net>
Cc: x3d-public at web3d.org; brutzman at nps.edu
Subject: RE: [x3d-public] audio and timesensor synchronization; event-graph
routing chains documentation now available


Appreciate the continuing in-depth analysis, very helpful.  Consistent
authoring and presentation of timing in X3D models is essentially important.


Suggest that we continue to look at useful examples and best practices.  I
can keep updating tooltips as appropriate, also various diagnostics.  X3D
Architecture specification is quite detailed.


*	https://www.web3d.org/x3d/tooltips/X3dTooltips.html#TimeSensor


To help in this endeavor, am happy to report that we now have improved
support in X3D pretty-print documentation (X3dToXhtml.xslt stylesheet) to
show event-graph routing chains.


Some simple examples:


*	X3D Example Archives: X3D4WA, X3D for Web Authors, Chapter 07 Event
Animation Interpolation, Hello X3D Authors Animation Chain


*	X3D Example Archives: X3D4WA, X3D for Web Authors, Chapter 07 Event
Animation Interpolation, Color Interpolator Example


Complicated example:


*	X3D Example Archives: X3D4WA, X3D for Web Authors, Chapter 07 Event
Animation Interpolation, Time Sensor Chaining
*	The door opens OK but does not again shut satisfactorily, not yet
sure why.


Some HAnim examples:


*	X3D Example Archives: Humanoid Animation, Winter And Spring, Gramps
Box Timer Only
/GrampsBoxTimerOnlyEventGraphRouteTable.png (attached)


*	X3D Example Archives: Humanoid Animation, Motion Animation,


Looking forward to steadily improving adeptness and design patterns.  Have
fun with X3D animation!  8)


all the best, Don


Don Brutzman  Naval Postgraduate School, Code USW/Br        brutzman at nps.edu
<mailto:brutzman at nps.edu> 

Watkins 270,  MOVES Institute, Monterey CA 93943-5000 USA    +1.831.656.2149

X3D graphics, virtual worlds, navy robotics https://faculty.nps.edu/brutzman


-----Original Message-----
From: x3d-public <x3d-public-bounces at web3d.org
<mailto:x3d-public-bounces at web3d.org> > On Behalf Of Michalis Kamburelis
Sent: Tuesday, September 5, 2023 9:42 AM
To: Joe D Williams <joedwil at earthlink.net <mailto:joedwil at earthlink.net> >
Cc: x3d-public at web3d.org <mailto:x3d-public at web3d.org> 
Subject: Re: [x3d-public] audio and timesensor synchronization


1. Looking at your attached example code (thanks!) you have a ROUTE from
"TimeSensor.fraction_changed" -> interpolators, but you never start the
TimeSensor. That is, nothing ROUTEs to "TimeSensor.startTime".


    You instead rely that TimeSensor initially runs automatically because it
has loop=TRUE.


    And yes, in this case the TimeSensor will run, but it *does not* start
from zero. That is, the initial "TimeSensor.fraction_changed"

will not be zero. Instead, the TimeSensor behaves as if it started at time =
0, which means that it started at "epoch" (1st January 1970).

Long long time ago, yeah. The initial "TimeSensor.fraction_changed" is
calculated based on this assumption.


    Whatever you do -- any loading, reloading (even loading a completely
unrelated scene in the meantime) keeps this "global time"



    This is indeed a bit weird. I agree with your surprise, I had this
surprise many years ago. It caused me to write this old article on

(warning: really old article).


    But the X3D decision was dictated by the desire to support networking
and multi-user worlds. For this, using a "global time"

(seconds from 1st January 1970) seemed better. And the "startTime" and
"fraction_changed" mechanisms are I guess now too late to change.


2. The immediate solution (this is also what I heard some years ago when
talking about this) is to make sure you start your TimeSensor(s).


    Simplest way to start something when world loads is to use
ProximitySensor with ridiculous size (so that it for sure includes initial
viewpoint) and ROUTE from ProximitySensor.enterTime to TimeSensor.startTime.





    DEF MyTimeSensor TimeSensor { }

    DEF MyProximitySensor ProximitySensor {

      size 1000000 1000000 1000000


    ROUTE MyProximitySensor.enterTime TO MyTimeSensor.startTime



3. From what I know, AD 1 and AD 2 are the way X3D works.


    Comments / tests on other X3D browsers are welcome. If there's a better
advise than AD 2, if the browsers should do something else, I'm all ears.
For now, we follow X3D spec as we have to, from what I know.


4. To be clear, we really don't do anything like "the tool saves last
TimeSensor fraction before Reopen" as you mention.


    We have no way to do this. The previous nodes are destroyed (when doing
"Open" or "Reopen"), nothing gets saves.


    But the "global time since epoch" keeps ticking, which explains what you


5. Fair point that "preserving the camera" during "File -> Reopen" is
problematic if the camera was under the animation. Maybe we should have
separate "File -> Reopen (Reset Camera)" and "File -> Reopen (Preserve
Camera)" in the future.


    For now, just use "File -> Open" then.


    "File -> Reopen" is just a convenience feature, to reload the file but
keep looking at the same thing.







wt., 5 wrz 2023 o 04:20 Joe D Williams < <mailto:joedwil at earthlink.net>
joedwil at earthlink.net> napisał(a):


> - save the current camera (position, direction, up)

> - save the navigation type

> - open the file just like opening it using "File -> Open" would do

> - sets the camera to saved position, direction, up

> - sets the navigation type to saved type.


> Hey, maybe that is the way it is supposed to work, but what happens when
you want all that back to the real start at load? if the camera was animated
by being child of an animated thing, it is dropped where it was when unbound
at Open or Reopen. So, if reopen or open, why not put the camera where the
author puts it at open, well first open in his case.


> > Reopening doesn't do anything special with regards to animations or


> Well, it certainly doesn't start TimeSensor where the author defined them
to start, that is scene time 0.

> It remembers old TimeSensor fraction and reopens the animation from where
it was when Reopen happened. So, nothing special, just won't let me restart
from TimeSensor 0.


> So, for scene time, open and reopen both reset indicated World Time since
load and remembers and sets TimeSensor fraction to when Open or Reopen
stopped TimeSensor by the action.

> So, looks like the tool saves last TimeSensor fraction before Reopen 

> then I don't know for certain, but TimeSensor starts where it left off,
even after Open.

> ReOpen, ok, I can see where you might want to save some state as author
convenience, but tool doesn't allow me to actually restart the scene from
initial load state.


> How can I tell the tool that hey don't remember if this scene,  or
similar, has ever been loaded before, Forget all that partial state from
last time and start from author-defined initial state as written in the user


> This pain really shows when authoring a scene with animations that want to
be in sync with an audioclip.

> Can't work on the thing because a Open or Reopen only affects the audio
startTime and the TimeSensor startTime carries on from where it left off


>  > I don't know exactly how you run your animation,


> From a TimeSensor fraction_changed into Interpolator(s).

> From what I showed, when the audio begins,I send audio StartTime to
TmeSensor startTime and isActive to enabled. it begins to play audio and

> The animation cycle time is slightly less than the audio time time so I
want the animation to complete and not repeat, then the audio to end and not

> All that basically works ok, unless the tool happens to recall where this
or a similar file has been Opened by it. If not first Open, or if Reopen,
the audio starts fine, but the TimeSensor is off in memorylands, having
started from where it was last running.


> Try  and see, even some simple TimeSensor example like attached. After the
first Open, I bet you can't get it to start from 0 again.


> > Time origin" of X3D spec. It may make some things weird,


> Yes, SFTIme can be absolute or relative or an interval


> Anyway,is it a bug, or how it is supposed to work? I say for the Open, it
ought to be purely what the author gives as initial state. For Reopen, if
the tool wants to retain some state, then ok, but for time,  I have a
question if for Open#1 World Time since load is very close if not the same
as Scene Time.

> But  for open#2 or Reopen, World Time since load gets reset to 0 but Scene
Time is most likely very different., in fact, the same as left off by


> Thanks for thinking about this. Simple example attached. Open it,let it
run for a while, then Reopen or Open. It opens with a viewpoint child of the
thing that is moving so the viewpoint movement shows as the model moves.


> When it starts to run, the Scene Time at Reopen will be Scene Time when
you initiated the Reopen or Open. The camera assignment provided by the
author for initial viewpoint is ignored and this viewpoint is left floating,
suddenly parentless, apparently. Page Down recaptures the viewpoint so you
can see the camera location change.


> Thanks,

> Joe



> f behin



> Original Message-----

> From: Michalis Kamburelis < <mailto:michalis.kambi at gmail.com>
michalis.kambi at gmail.com>

> Sent: Sep 4, 2023 2:56 PM

> To: Joe D Williams < <mailto:joedwil at earthlink.net> joedwil at earthlink.net>

> Cc: < <mailto:x3d-public at web3d.org> x3d-public at web3d.org>

> Subject: Re: [x3d-public] audio and timesensor synchronization


> I understand that by "Reopen" you refer to view3dscene "File -> 

> Reopen"? To be clear, all it does is


> - save the current camera (position, direction, up)

> - save the navigation type

> - open the file just like opening it using "File -> Open" would do

> - sets the camera to saved position, direction, up

> - sets the navigation type to saved type.


> Reopening doesn't do anything special with regards to animations or time.


> If you believe it does have a bug, please submit a simple testcase to 

> show the problem -- a complete X3D file that I can load in view3dscene 

> and see the problem will be appreciated.


> Note that VRML and X3D internally use absolute time (seconds since 

> January 1, 1970) in SFTime. See "8.2.2 Time origin" of X3D spec. It 

> may make some things weird, but following the spec -- for good or bad.

> But I speculate, I don't know exactly how you run your animation, I 

> need more information than above.


> A proper usage is certainly possible, such that each opening of the 

> file runs the animation correctly from start. If you ROUTE to 

> TimeSensor.startTime values e.g. from ProximitySensor.enterTime or 

> TouchSensor.touchTime, it will behave as expected.


> Regards,

> Michalis


> pon., 4 wrz 2023 o 22:01 Joe D Williams napisał(a):

> >

> > Hi All,

> > I have a scene with AudioClip and TimeSensor animations.When Open, if
same file then, same as Reopen, the audio restarts, but the animation time
sensor (after instantaneous reset to 0) restarts where it left off, rather
than actually restarting. This leaves the sound and animations out of synch
and so useless. Really appears like my timer is running with WorldTime when
it is turned off then gets reset using relative to World Time when reopen or

> >

> > I thought I should have the answer to this by starting the animation
timers under control of the audio startTime. Just don't start animation
timers until audio starts then all should synch.

> >

> > So, I can understand some caretaking like this when the author is
reloading to fix some stuff and just wants to proceed rather than start an
animation over from the beginning, but it seems to me that the author also
ought to have the keys to get a complete restart from the beginning.

> >

> > So, in this case, I really do want to be able to keep this audio in sync
with the animation. When I do tell the animation timer to start with the
audio, I want to be able to depend on that rather than the tool taking over
and deciding what to do with regard to the TimeSensor timing depending upon
the last time I did Open or Reopen with the same or similar file. In this
case the Audio startTime sent to the animation timer is not being honored.

> >

> > This is how it is coded:

> >

> > enabled='false' loop='true'/>

> >

> >

> > loop='true' enabled='true'

> > url='"wrv2_103seconds.wav"'/>

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > toField='set_startTime' toNode='GBTimer'/> toField='set_enabled' 

> > toNode='GrampsBoxTimer'/>

> >

> > Is the basics. When the audio starts, then the animation timer starts.
But I also want to stop the animation at the last frame when it ends,
instead of repeating the animation. There must be a better way, but I am

> >

> > key='0 0.9 1' keyValue='true false false'/> toField='set_fraction' 

> > toNode='GBTimerLoopControl'/> toField='loop' toNode='GBTimer'/>

> >

> > Which turns off the animation timer after one cycle.

> >

> > Sending the loop false twice seems necessary since if sent only at
fraction time 1 it lets animation timer move to start and actually send 0
fraction instead of ending at last frame. I think the loop true/false should
be evaluated before start is set, not set start then check loop, Loop false
at tic fraction 1 should not allow the timer to proceed to 0. If loop is
false at load,then start is not sent.

> >

> > And I also want the AudioClip to stop after one play with no repeat so I
did this:

> >

> >

> >

> > Since the animation timer ends its cycle a few seconds before the
audioclip, (100 seconds vs 103 seconds) this should also keep the audioclip
from looping. Unfortunately,it does not and the audio continues until it is
stopped by unknown, Seems like loop false recognized some time later than
needed to stop the audio at its end. as the audio plays. By changing the
animation timer cycletime I see the loop false is recognized at some time
which seems related to when I send the audio loop false and that I might be
able to with luck pick a lucky time that matches the stop time I need.

> >

> > So, please help me figure out how to control this thing the way I need

> >

> > Thanks All,

> > Joe

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > .

> >

> >

> >

> > _______________________________________________

> > x3d-public mailing list

> >  <mailto:x3d-public at web3d.org> x3d-public at web3d.org

> >  <http://web3d.org/mailman/listinfo/x3d-public_web3d.org>





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 <mailto:x3d-public at web3d.org> x3d-public at web3d.org


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