[x3d-public] Savage *url fields and goeSystem fields MFString with single SFString reports from X3dToJson.xslt.

John Carlson yottzumm at gmail.com
Thu Sep 14 11:12:11 PDT 2023

Single-string MFString without double quoting appears to be a wide-spread
issue with Savage.  Did something change?


GeoLOD warning: wrapped missing "quote marks" around single-string value
for MFString @child1Url='../../tiles/6/newport26-38.x3d' and be sure to fix
source file!
GeoLOD warning: wrapped missing "quote marks" around single-string value
for MFString @child2Url='../../tiles/6/newport26-39.x3d' and be sure to fix
source file!
GeoLOD warning: wrapped missing "quote marks" around single-string value
for MFString @child3Url='../../tiles/6/newport27-38.x3d' and be sure to fix
source file!
GeoLOD warning: wrapped missing "quote marks" around single-string value
for MFString @child4Url='../../tiles/6/newport27-39.x3d' and be sure to fix
source file!
GeoOrigin DEF=ORIGIN warning: wrapped missing "quote marks" around
single-string value for MFString @geoSystem='GDC' and be sure to fix source
ImageTexture warning: wrapped missing "quote marks" around single-string
value for MFString @url='../../images/5/newport13-19.jpg' and be sure to
fix source file!


>From XML:

<GeoLOD center='41.440088725567996 -71.36251490278393 0.0' geoSystem='"GD"
"WE"' range='3075.1726'
child1Url= '../../tiles/6/newport26-38.x3d'
child2Url= '../../tiles/6/newport26-39.x3d'
child3Url= '../../tiles/6/newport27-38.x3d'
child4Url= '../../tiles/6/newport27-39.x3d'

<GeoOrigin DEF="ORIGIN" geoCoords='41.5 -71.5 0' geoSystem="GDC"/>

I'm going to delete Savage for now, too many warnings!

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