[x3d-public] Negative scale and winding order

Michalis Kamburelis michalis.kambi at gmail.com
Tue Sep 19 12:47:40 PDT 2023

( Note: I didn't follow the related thread so far, so I'm not saying
what the X3D should do and which X3D browser is "right". By I thought
I'll add some notes what does glTF say and what does CGE/view3dscene
do :) )

CGE/view3dscene have an optional setting "Robust Negative Scale" that
allows to support lighting and backface culling on models with
negative scale in more obvious manner.

Turning it "on" makes CGE/view3dscene follow exactly the glTF spec
that says ( https://registry.khronos.org/glTF/specs/2.0/glTF-2.0.html

When a mesh primitive uses any triangle-based topology (i.e.,
triangles, triangle strip, or triangle fan), the determinant of the
node’s global transform defines the winding order of that primitive.
If the determinant is a positive value, the winding order triangle
faces is counterclockwise; in the opposite case, the winding order is

Implementation Note

Switching the winding order to clockwise enables mirroring geometry
via negative scale transforms.

One can test it in view3dscene (toggle "View -> Robust Negative Scale"
menu item) or in Castle Game Engine editor (toggle the
"RenderOptions.RobustNegativeScale" property of the relevant
TCastleScene). I generally found it a useful idea and some (rare) glTF
models rely on it. It is not enabled by default (for now) only because
it incurs a small performance cost and is often not necessary.


wt., 19 wrz 2023 o 18:03 Andreas Plesch <andreasplesch at gmail.com> napisał(a):
> Holger made good points on why a negative scale in the parent
> transform should not affect which side of a geomet is considered
> facing outward and visible with solid=true.
> While this approach is very practical, I am not sure what the spec.
> actually requires in this respect.
> First, it does not explicitly single out the case of a negative scale.
> Should it ? If so, it would probably have to deal with the effective
> world transform.
> https://www.web3d.org/specifications/X3Dv4Draft/ISO-IEC19775-1v4-IS.proof/Part01/components/rendering.html#CommonGeometryFields
> 'The ccw field defines the ordering of the vertex coordinates of the
> geometry with respect to user-given or automatically generated normal
> vectors used in the lighting model equations. If ccw is TRUE, the
> normals shall follow the right hand rule; the orientation of each
> normal with respect to the vertices (taken in order) shall be such
> that the vertices appear to be oriented in a counterclockwise order
> when the vertices are viewed (in the local coordinate system of the
> Shape) from the opposite direction as the normal. If ccw is FALSE, the
> normals shall be oriented in the opposite direction. If normals are
> not generated but are supplied using a Normal node, and the
> orientation of the normals does not match the setting of the ccw
> field, results are undefined.'
> has the relevant ccw field language.
> I think the specified process is:
> - Compute the outward facing normal of a triangle using the ordering
> of the vertices in such a way that the ordering appears
> counterclockwise when viewed in the opposite direction of the computed
> normal. This uses the local, untransformed (raw) coordinates.
> - invert the normal if ccw=false.
> - Apply the accumulated transforms to both the vertices and the
> computed normal. The spec. has a strict definition on how to apply a
> transform to vertices to transform from the child space to the parent
> space. For normals transformations there is a computer graphics
> standard approach and probably opengl based equations but the spec.
> itself seems to be silent.
> So perhaps the question is how to apply negative scale transforms to
> normals as intended by the spec.
> The Leif example has ccw=false and a negative scale (for z). It
> appears as outside in on x_ite and outside out on view3dscene and
> x3dom.
> A workaround is solid=false but that may not always be possible or desired.
> Another workaround is to not use negative scales/mirroring, eg.
> preprocess geometry accordingly which seems like a major limitation.
> -Andreas
> On Tue, Sep 19, 2023 at 10:37 AM <x3d-public-request at web3d.org> wrote:
> >
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> > 2. Negative Scale
> >
> > A negative scale will not affect what is front face and what is back face. This means that a Text node with solid true, mirrored with negative scale (0 -1 0), also shows its front face to the camera. This makes it possible to create a text with solid true which has a mirrored counterpart which is a clone of the Text node.
> >
> > A negative scale will not turn the model inside out, it stays as it is. The main advantage is as described above: we can use solid true models in many situations where a negative scale is used without flipping inside out.
> >
> > This effect is achieved by detecting if there is any negative scale, which can be determined if the determinant of the scale-rotation matrix is less than zero. If this is the case, ccw must be exchanged with cw and vice versa.
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