[x3d-public] Discussion: containerField for x3d.py XML export

John Carlson yottzumm at gmail.com
Sun Sep 24 11:34:29 PDT 2023

First of all, great work on x3d.py, Loren and Don, I feel like I am
polishing a diamond.

I am considering adding the containerField attribute (not field) to XML
output in x3d.py. This is mainly to support requirements of view3dscene.
It complains if I don’t add the containerField attributes in HAnim
(skeleton and joints containerFields, maybe more)—the default, children, is
not an acceptable to view3dscene.  Also, not having a skin containerField
is weird when dropping arbitrary Shape nodes into a HAnimHumanoid.

Does adding the containerField attribute seem like a good idea, or should I
push back on browser vendors?

I plan to do something like I do for VRML when printing out joints and
skeleton fields etc.  I won’t print out the containerField for obvious
fields, i have a list of these somewhere…geometry, appearance, material,

Should I allow the x3d.py app programmer to add a containerField attribute,
or should I compute it as best i can, and save browser vendors the pain?

I think what this means is passing an optional parameter to some each.XML()
method calls.

After writing this message, the answer seems obvious.


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