[x3d-public] Another great idea...x3d.py

John Carlson yottzumm at gmail.com
Mon Sep 25 09:38:51 PDT 2023

Yes, I understand!

I've just done something hacked together for the skeleton right now. I'm a
prototyper, for the most part.

I don't know if you saw my email on X3dToBlenderBpy.xslt.  I didn't call it

I've been able to export a half decent skeleton, next is figuring out skin
weight correspondences, and figuring out how to pull the right skin weight
values out of Blender.  I've made one or two attempts. Animations are
critical too, but first pulling weights out of Blender.

Someone has to do the research on the skance Blender documentation, peruse
blender online groups, look at plugins etc.  It's a lot of work.  I can
prototype stuff and provide information in the form of code, like the LOA4
skeleton, but ultimately, it takes some excellent minds to put it all

I'm in the ready phase, preparing/making ammunition/weaponry.  Someone has
to build prototypes before an actual weapon system can be manufactured,
otherwise, it will plop over if you try to deploy your first prototype.
Prototypes need to be tested, otherwise, no one learns how to do better.
I've already made a plea for additional testing examples (probably not in
X3D since the importer doesn't work how I want it to). I need a target to
test with.  Generating Blender bpy python code will reveal how to write a
good importer.

Look how many prototypes it took Edison to build a working light bulb.

I just have a broken lightbulb filament that flared once, but I now have an
idea for a good product. If I stopped at the broken lightbulb, I'd never be
able to create a working lightbulb. After the first working lightbulb, it
took even more time to build a lightbulb factory, etc.

Here's the first lightbulb that I created with Perl plus the standard:


(missing a few segments not in the standard hierarchy)

That's some good information that I gathered.

I'm not the guy shooting people, I'm the guy creating the gun prototypes
that I hope doesn't explode in the soldier's hands.  I'm hoping the gun
gets enough testing so it *doesn't* explode.  Yes, there will be many guns,
and perhaps I should do the testing in private, but I've found that the
best testing is done by other people, with a variety of tests.   I have
enough issues loading my ammunition into others' weapon systems.

I think maybe you've misunderstood that I'm a "soldier" and not a
defense/federal "contractor"?  I fully realize that a contractor needs to
read or help create the spec. Do we need a RFP/RFI/SRS/SDS, or whatever
they are called now?


1. Take either X3D XML or a modified/supplemented x3d.py and produce
Blender based python to create the same X3D model in Blender that appears
in other X3D browsers.

1.a. Create a stylesheet to convert an X3D XML model to Blender python
import code.

1.b. Modify an existing stylesheet to produce Blender python producing code
in the x3d.py Python library.

1.c. Create a new stylesheet to produce Blender python producing code as an
adjunct to x3d.py

2.  Discussion of alternatives.

2.a.  I don't really like that we are dependent on only stylesheets in the
requirements. Stylesheets are implementation, and requirements should not
mention stylesheets.

2.a.1. Are there alternatives to stylesheets?

2.a.2 We have a partial HAnim implementation in Perl.

2.a.3 What are other implementations?

More?  After requirements comes research into designs.  I wouldn't have
arrived at requirements without prototyping.


On Mon, Sep 25, 2023 at 10:24 AM Brutzman, Donald (Don) (CIV) <
brutzman at nps.edu> wrote:

> John:
>    - Good idea to someday align x3d.py capabilities with Blender.
>    - Not a good idea to do so before Blender-X3D import, export, and
>    design-pattern correspondences are worked out.  There is no point to
>    facilitating production of incorrect models, indeed that can be considered
>    harmful.
> Relevant motto:  “ready, aim, fire – in that order” if you want to hit a
> target (instead of your foot).
> So there won’t be significant additions to x3d.py or X3DJSAIL libraries
> regarding Blender until the Blender-X3D import/export capabilities are
> worked out and deployed in Blender.
> Am confident that the individuals working on Blender-X3D capabilities will
> keep everyone posted when notable progress occurs.
> all the best, Don
> --
> Don Brutzman  Naval Postgraduate School, Code USW/Br
> brutzman at nps.edu
> Watkins 270,  MOVES Institute, Monterey CA 93943-5000 USA
> +1.831.656.2149
> X3D graphics, virtual worlds, navy robotics
> https://faculty.nps.edu/brutzman
> *From:* x3d-public <x3d-public-bounces at web3d.org> *On Behalf Of *John
> Carlson
> *Sent:* Monday, September 25, 2023 7:49 AM
> *To:* X3D Graphics public mailing list <x3d-public at web3d.org>
> *Subject:* [x3d-public] Another great idea...x3d.py
> Instead of producing the X3D python binding with x3d.py python output,
> just produce working Blender bpy code.
> Then you aren't duplicating work done by X3DJSAIL.  It also solves the
> Blender import issue that X3D is having...
> Two birds with one stone?
> Excellent!
> John
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