[x3d-public] Spatial Heritage Review -- a newsletter on Cultural Heritage and 3D
Vincent Marchetti
vmarchetti at kshell.com
Thu Feb 8 06:45:16 PST 2024
You are invited to view the latest edition of "Spatial Heritage Review" , a monthly newletter of recent events in the field of cultural Heritage
This newsletter broadly covers 3D presentations of cultural heritage model, applications in virtual reality, games, exhibits, and tutorials.
Of particular interest may be a item about "scrollytelling" -- see https://nebulousflynn.substack.com/p/spatial-heritage-review-issue-3-january#%C2%A7tutorials-learning-and-resources
Scrollytelling is a technique for computer visual presentation where the description annotations, labels, are triggered by the user interacting and navigating through a presentation,
The declarative nature of X3D scenes and the available standard environmental sensor nodes make X3D a good environment for implementing scrollytelling.
The newsletter author, Tom Flynn, is an active member of the IIIF 3D Technical Study Group https://iiif.io/community/groups/3d/tsg/ in which the Web3D Consortium also participates.
Vince Marchetti
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