[x3d-public] HAnim examples

Vincent Marchetti vmarchetti at kshell.com
Fri Jan 19 07:11:27 PST 2024

I propose that the correct thing for authoring software that outputs XML encoding would be to start, at release N,  by aways including a value for containerField. That way the code meet the requirement of producing correct files, which is the purpose. The files will be ugly , and larger than necessary  , because they will contain a lot of unnecessary containerField values, but ugliness and size in bytes  is a secondary or lower issue.

Andreas Plesch recently produced a version of x3d.py that does this, always emit the containerField. (see his email to X3D-Public of Nov 1 2023  ( http://web3d.org/pipermail/x3d-public_web3d.org/2023-November/019991.html )
and the github project https://github.com/andreasplesch/x3d-python-mod

At release N+1 , N+2... the developers can start removing the containerField attribute from those XML elements where they are equal to a DTD default value.

Vince Marchetti

> On Jan 19, 2024, at 9:29 AM, John Carlson <yottzumm at gmail.com> wrote:
> In general, the group should have discussions about how authoring tools, including X3dToJava.xslt can help x3d players by specifying container field in Java.  X3DJSAIL already provides setContainerFieldOverride.  We probably should have some good Java examples in the X3D HAnim archive.
> It might be possible for X3DJSAIL to guess the right containerField for output to XML, like x3d.py does, but as Michalis, Don, and I agree, it’s a headache or a small matter of programming (SMOP).  My preliminary investigations into X3DJSAIL went right over my head, despite patching this kind of thing in the past.  Conceivably, one could call setContainerFieldOverride in HAnimHumanoid.addJoints and HAnimHumanoid.addSkeleton.
> So in my Java(Script) code, I preferred to use setContainerFieldOverride until X3DJSAIL produces XML view3dscene can consume.  I also delivered a patch to X3DJSAIL to sort skeleton field first in output.  I believe I can resend the patch, if desired.
> I believe there are also difficulties with XML MetadataXxx output from X3DJSAIL, but I haven’t verified this.  This does not currently concern me, but if there’s interest, I can extend my setContainerFieldOverride code to handle this case.
> I’ve been taking a break, but I’m willing to discuss this via phone or zoom.  I shouldn’t do extensive typing at a physical keyboard.  I can also continue using my phone keyboard.
> I am limited to one post a day to x3d-public.
> Please forward as you see fit.
> =================================
> John
> On Thu, Jan 18, 2024 at 10:14 PM Joe D Williams via x3d-public <x3d-public at web3d.org> wrote:
> > ForHAnimJoint or HAnimSite,there are no rules to "guess" containerField from what I know.
> Hi Michalis, the rule for Joint container field is: First Joint (root) is skeleton, all Joint childs are children. 
> Thanks,
> Joe
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