[x3d-public] extruded text in X3D

John Carlson yottzumm at gmail.com
Sun Jan 21 18:34:28 PST 2024

Curved, extruded 3d text in Blender


On Sat, Jan 20, 2024 at 10:13 PM John Carlson <yottzumm at gmail.com> wrote:

> Look for Blender 3d text tutorials,e.g.:
> https://youtu.be/cS3aRmcohn8
> <https://youtu.be/cS3aRmcohn8?si=kZhZyZ72Jb0zSZjN>
> I’m not sure if the x3d exports as IndexedFace Set, etc., but if you have
> a Blender file, We can look into modifying an exporter.  Alternatively,
> export as glTF and convert with view3dscene, etc.
> I at one point, I was looking into wrapping a 3D text around a cylinder,
> but my Blender skills are lacking.
> Enjoy!
> John
> On Sat, Jan 20, 2024 at 11:05 AM Brutzman, Donald (Don) (CIV) via
> x3d-public <x3d-public at web3d.org> wrote:
>> Extruding text characters for a given font has always been a frequently
>> requested task using VRML and X3D.  Seems even more useful when considering
>> X3D models for 3D printing.
>> X3D has flat Text using FontStyle and screen-sized Text using
>> ScreenFontStyle, but no extruded 3D font style.
>>    - https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/X3dTooltips.html#FontStyle
>>    - https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/X3dTooltips.html#ScreenFontStyle
>> Historical blockers to this goal have been computational expense
>> (especially for keeping VRML/X3D players lightweight) and lack of openly
>> available font libraries.  Neither of these seems like a blocker these
>> days, especially given much development and availability of WebFonts and
>> CSS fonts module.
>> I found one online tool supporting 3D extrusion of text.  Lots of great
>> options.  Tried to extrude "X3D" using their default BlackJack font, things
>> moved along swimmingly right up to the next-to-last page requesting $13.57
>> USD.  Uh, no thanks.
>>    - Sculpteo Online 3D text creation
>>    - Discover our free 3D text creation tool
>>    - https://www.sculpteo.com/en/workshops/create/text
>>    <https://www.sculpteo.com/en/workshops/create/text/?uuid=PMDKxpz6NkF0ZYmb0aqYy>
>> Wondering if anyone has a good approach for creating extruded 3D text in
>> X3D?
>> all the best, Don
>> --
>> Don Brutzman  Naval Postgraduate School, Code USW/Br
>> brutzman at nps.edu
>> Watkins 270,  MOVES Institute, Monterey CA 93943-5000 USA
>> +1.831.656.2149
>> X3D graphics, virtual worlds, Navy robotics
>> https://faculty.nps.edu/brutzman
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