[x3d-public] Fw: The Society: let me not forget for SIP

Christoph Valentin christoph.valentin at gmx.at
Fri Jan 26 16:23:41 PST 2024


Gesendet: Samstag, 27. Januar 2024 um 00:46 Uhr
Von: "Christoph Valentin" <christoph.valentin at gmx.at>
An: "Christoph" <christoph.valentin at gmx.at>
Cc: "Markus Sonntag" <mail at markus-sonntag.at>, "Kevin" <klw71 at yahoo.com>, "r.onickabsi.at" <r.onic at kabsi.at>, "John Carlson" <yottzumm at gmail.com>, "John R" <warthogale at aol.com>
Betreff: The Society: let me not forget for SIP

Hi Christoph,
Well, the first step of our activities at "The Society", is for sure to learn a little bit about IEEE DIS.
DIS comes with the use of IP multicast addresses. It is a very simple form of networking.
Nevertheless, DIS is an international standard, as X3D is an international standard (ISO).
So DIS and X3D fit very well together. However, DIS is rather old, maybe already outdated. I heard, it is still widely used for military applications.
Second step will be / could be, to combine DIS with SIP. This week, I had some reading of RFC 3261. It seems, the use of multicast addresses could be the origin of SIP - I will describe this theory in a little paper soon.
So we should implement a very simple SIP client that interfaces with FreeWrl - better: can we use some existing SIP client? The goal of "The Society" is not to implement anything, but to test 3rd party software. Only, if we need something very special to test something else, then we will implement something.
First step: no REGISTER, only INVITE, no SIP server at all, INVITE is directly sent from SIP client to mcast address 239.255.x.x (this mcast address must be input by the user) and all clients answer with 200 OK. ACK is sent to each client via unicast address from Contact header field. No provisional responses. Only 200 OK as possible answer (or no answer at all). ACK. BYE. Contact header field holds name of the user plus the unicast address of the client. Question: how to describe DIS session in SDP?
Second step: simple kamailio server (new element) listens to mcast address "all SIP servers". Answers with 302 Redirect (redirects to 239.255.x.x multicast address). Client calls a "room name" with Request-URI = sip:room-name at; mapping from room name to mcast address 239.255.x.x is configured at the kamailio server.
Third step: some kind of "admin" must authenticate at kamailio an can then register a 239.255.x.x address for the name of a "chat room" dynamically (mapping need not be configured at the kamailio server). Client sends INVITE to sip:room-name at
The "far-end" goal is an interworking between DIS and the BS Contact Network Sensor (which is a more recent networking technology), or even between DIS and a "HTML based" (WebGL) experimental network sensor (WebRTC based).
Sounds like a complete plan for my retirement, even for the rest of my life
Have a nice week

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