[x3d-public] X3DEOM -- X3D4 Extended Object Model

John Carlson yottzumm at gmail.com
Tue Mar 19 03:06:57 PDT 2024

Extending from great minds like Don Brutzman and Roy Walmsly, I have
created the X3DEOM -- X3D4 Extended Object Model, intended to add
behavioral code directly into the X3DUOM.  I also appreciate Terrence
Parr's efforts on ANTLR's extended SAX like-parsers, and Jeff Gray's advice
on Aspect Oriented Programming and database triggers.


There is no current added behavior, just placeholders start, end and around
and after advice for elements and attributes.  I'm hoping that the advice
code can be added through a stylesheet or other mechanism, suchs as X3DSLP,
which generates X3DEOM from X3DUOM.

X3DJSONLD/src/main/java/net/coderextreme/X3DSLP.java at master ·
coderextreme/X3DJSONLD (github.com)

The advice (for elements and attributes) is to provide behavioral code when
parsing either the X3DUOM or a X3D scenegraph or when producing something
like the X3D JSON schema, X3DJSAIL, X3DPSAIL, SAI frameworks, and
scenegraph mutation visitors.

So the next thing to do is change the X3D JSON schema python code and my
serializers, create a SAX-Like parsers and mutators for scenegraphs, for
use with JSHumanoids.

coderextreme/JSHumanoids: Scale out Humanoids and Reorient
OrientationInterpolators (github.com)
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