[x3d-public] Wish list for X3DJSAIL
John Carlson
yottzumm at gmail.com
Wed Mar 20 16:02:15 PDT 2024
Okay, I am seeing that the stylesheet to use is configurable in the
X3DJSAIL.properties file. Great. That applies to output.
Can I have an X3DJSAIL property for overriding the HAnimHumanoid class?
Suggestions? Or just override one output method through dependency
injection? Can I do dependency injection from the command line?
I'm guessing alternate stylesheets is the correct approach, but it may not
affect XML output? comments? Is there a way to set the stylesheets in
CommandLine.java command line options? If I can do that, then I can get
rid of my RunSaxon.java Except RunSaxon.java handles batch requests.
Another thing to do would be to send translated file names to standard
output, which I can then process successful conversions through a
json2all.js script.
Should I donate RunSaxon.java to the cause?
Here it is:
X3DJSONLD/src/main/java/net/coderextreme/RunSaxon.java at master ·
coderextreme/X3DJSONLD (github.com)
Probably some modifications would be required to pair input with output. I
compute stuff like file names automatically.
What I'm concerned most about is maintaining both a scene graph and a
String in memory as the Strings can get quite large (8GB). It looks like
there may already be streaming input, so the question might be, how is
streaming to/from standard input/standard output from a scene graph
accomplished? Similar to tovrml.exe. Say I want to put CommandLine in a
shell or Bun JavaScript pipeline?
I'll read the X3DJSAIL wish list in a bit.
On Wed, Mar 20, 2024 at 4:53 PM John Carlson <yottzumm at gmail.com> wrote:
> Support:
> toWriterXML(Writer w)
> toOutputStreamXML(OutputStream os)
> fromReaderXML(Reader r)
> fromInputStreamXML(InputStream is)
> methods in I/O classes or buffering/channel classes (java.nio). I’ve not
> used java.nio much. One can also consider Jackson XML.
> Or otherwise support XML Source and Result interfaces, namely:
> javax.xml.transform.Source
> javax.xml.transform.Result
> and implementers (preferred over above, I think), Sources can return a
> Node.
> I may do this myself. Let me know if this is already done.
> Comments?
> It would be good to do this for Classic VRML and VRML97 as well.
> The benefit is that the developer can bring any I/O object classes and any
> XML i/o they want. I believe that this can provide for formatting/pretty
> printing as well, and the user should be able to specify what pretty
> printing they want, so indenting is not necessary, or can be customized.
> What I’m ultimately aiming for is flexibility in field output ordering.
> I realize this may not do it, can I bring my own stylesheets to X3DJSAIL?
> Suggestions on how to override current methods recommended? I just want to
> override the HAnimHumanoid class. I don’t want to touch X3DJSAIL if I can
> help it.
> Another advantage might be that one doesn’t have to hold the whole
> document in a String on output.
> Breathe Java!
> John
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