[x3d-public] Joe asked me to post a video

John Carlson yottzumm at gmail.com
Thu Mar 21 12:36:45 PDT 2024

This is heavily based on Christoph's Teapot demo, with slider, DIS, and I
used his avatars.

I added 5 more sliders, doubled the number of avatars,  and replaced the
teapot with the orbital/rose:

If DIS works in Sunrize and X_ITE, can we see a demo/example?

Still to accomplish:

Incorporating arbitrary avatars, or coding avatars for the scene.
Enabling 4 more slider variables to work with the shaders.   There are many
problems on the log.    The Vertex shader is working in Sunrize, but I
don't think chromatic dispersion is working, like it is in
https://coderextreme.net/X3DJSONLD/src/main/data/ballx_ite.x3d (open with
sunrize.cmd after downloading).

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