[x3d-public] CSS Scroll-driven animations, Google I/O

Joe D Williams joedwil at earthlink.net
Thu May 16 21:54:14 PDT 2024

The video shows how the DOM has improved to allow the amazing control using cascading style sheets, css, now provably cascading and nested style sheets.

It is a matter of creator and user experience. And since the main w3c browsers are so easy to update, it is likely the host environment can support the latest css and any leftover scripting when the actual css gets blessed.

Also please note the x3d xml encoding 'class' field to allow appropriate css styling, if x3d player supports it.

Of course those 'popover' functionality possibilities advanced with evolving w3c DOM, ecma scripting, the gl, and the css. Any of the live display elements showed could be an html canvas for x3d. Then the user could be invited into interactive 3D. Most all view effects shown could be easier to code using 3d tools than 2d simulations of 3d interactions. Under the covers the x3d realtime sai event system is extended from dom yet compatible with dom, and so in principle can do any appropriate css styling, view manipulation, animations, and interactions coded with css. In x3d the css can be used to customize the authortime interface and for runtime delivery to interact with user(s).

For sure, using the scroll feature to control views, including up and down and sideways keys, function keys, other accessibility keys and key combos, and pointer motions really makes it more fun. For now, how can I style a TouchSensor action using css?

Thanks for fun with css and x3d, or at least thinking about it,

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