[x3d-public] X3D Standards review: clearer support for glTF, Inline glTF demonstrated, Web3D Recommended Practices discussion

John Carlson yottzumm at gmail.com
Fri May 17 22:17:49 PDT 2024

For example, these trimmed lines in X3D have the -99999 value previously

$ grep -e -99999 *.x3d|cut -c1-150
gramps_animated_full_1_NEW.x3d:                          <TextureCoordinate
DEF='TX_gramps_low_poly' point='0.87121 0.52307 0.87146 0.52263 0.87197 0.
point="0.8712 0.5231 0.8715 0.5226 0.8720 0.5231 0.3777 0.3135 0.3773
0.3135 0.3773 0.3

So I would focus my search for the problem on the TextureCoordinate code.

Thank me for months of work on Winter and Spring to find this gotcha.  This
is why I worked on Blender, the X3D exports actually worked.


On Sat, May 18, 2024 at 12:08 AM John Carlson <yottzumm at gmail.com> wrote:

> My guess is, based on experience, that there's negative values in the UV
> map.
> A textual form of the UV map is attached for your perusal.  Here are the
> lines in question:
> 60658   0.6157  0.8191  0       0.6158  0.8191  0       0.1058  -99999  0
> 60659   0.6158  0.8191  0       0.1058  -99999  0       0.6158  0.8191  0
> 72862   1.5161  -0.232  0       1.516   -0.232  0       1.5165  -0.2304 0
> If you guys can figure this out in glTF, that would be great.
> Note that  the X3D node definition standard allows negative values, as
> does X3D viewers.  Apparently, glTF viewers get confused.
> It took me several months to discover these negative values, perhaps this
> will speed up your search.
> You may forward this email.
> Thanks, Katy, for the excellent test file.
> Thanks,
> John
> On Fri, May 17, 2024 at 11:25 PM John Carlson <yottzumm at gmail.com> wrote:
>> So it actually appears to be a problem with the Blender file or the
>> Blender glTF/glb export of the gramps blend file, found here:  gramps/gramps_animated_full_1.blend
>> at main · coderextreme/gramps (github.com)
>> <https://github.com/coderextreme/gramps/blob/main/gramps_animated_full_1.blend>
>> I did check the .glb with a very popular three.js glb viewer by Don
>> McCurdy (first link on Bing).  Here's the results:
>> [ deleted ]
>> So I tried the 2nd glTF viewer on Bing the PlayCanvas one, with the glb:
>> [ deleted ]
>> Since .x3d texture seems to export OK (except for intentionally added
>> geometry), I think it may be the glTF/glb export.  But there could be a
>> virulent problem with glTF/glb viewers, too.  Probably X3D folks should
>> make sure that their code does not produce results like the above.
>> Another thing may be that I exported the PNG directly from Blender,
>> instead of with the .x3d file, but I don't think that's the case.  I can
>> double check.  Since .glb contains the texture, AFAIK, the .glb should not
>> have any issue.  Well, as you can see above, it does!
>> X3D encodings rock!
>> For reference, here are my test files:
>> coderextreme/gramps: Demo of glTF/glb textures vs X3D textures, exported
>> from Blender (github.com) <https://github.com/coderextreme/gramps>
>> You may forward this message.  Obviously, we want all web 3D graphics
>> formats and Blender exports to improve.
>> Thanks!
>> John Carlson
>> On Fri, May 17, 2024 at 10:25 PM John Carlson <yottzumm at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> While I appreciate that glTF works for this *one* model, perhaps with
>>> PBR materials, that doesn't help my use of PNG textures with glTF or glb.
>>> For me, normal X3D texture export from Blender works much better,
>>> especially with viewers like octaga, view3dscene/castle-model-view and
>>> sunrize (I tried X_ITE and X3DOM inside X3D-Edit as well).
>>> I've already posted images, at least a couple of times.  Here is a full
>>> repository for your own testing.
>>> coderextreme/gramps: Demo of glTF/glb textures vs X3D textures, exported
>>> from Blender (github.com) <https://github.com/coderextreme/gramps>
>>> I did try replacing the png in glb with another image, and I got an
>>> error (???).  Replacing the png in the glTF did not change the result.
>>> So the problem is with the glTF use of ordinary textures, or the glTF
>>> viewers.  Or perhaps Blender is exporting glTF/glb poorly.
>>> Please address this.  I will continue testing with non-X3D viewers.
>>> John
>>> John
>>> On Fri, May 17, 2024 at 8:41 AM Brutzman, Donald (Don) (CIV) via
>>> x3d-public <x3d-public at web3d.org> wrote:
>>>> X3D Standards Review meeting
>>>> Participants:  Nicholas Polys, Dick Puk, Vince Marchetti, Anita Havele,
>>>> Don Brutzman
>>>> [apologies for late posting of minutes, some time was needed for
>>>> executing followups.]
>>>>    1. We discussed future change considerations for X3D and how to
>>>>    better support glTF
>>>>    1. Fix glTF examples by adding component statements, 3 are actually
>>>>    needed if not using X3D version=’4.0’ profile=’Full’
>>>> Corrections applied and deployed.  Also added new model to test glTF
>>>> capability using Inline node.
>>>>    - X3D Example Archives: X3D4AM, X3D for Advanced Modeling, Gltf
>>>>    Sample Models
>>>>    -
>>>>    https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dForAdvancedModeling/GltfSampleModels
>>>>    - X3D Example Archives: X3D4AM, X3D for Advanced Modeling, Gltf
>>>>    Sample Models, Alpha Blend Mode Test Inline
>>>>    -
>>>>    https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dForAdvancedModeling/GltfSampleModels/AlphaBlendModeTestInlineIndex.html
>>>> Of happy note is that X_ITE and X3DOM both appear to render well  (and
>>>> full ZOOM rocks!)
>>>>    -
>>>>    https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dForAdvancedModeling/GltfSampleModels/AlphaBlendModeTestInlineX_ITE.html
>>>>    -
>>>>    https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dForAdvancedModeling/GltfSampleModels/AlphaBlendModeTestInlineX3dom.xhtml
>>>> Castle view3dscene worked well for me too, so forthcoming
>>>> castle-model-viewer should be fine also.  All three renderings were super
>>>> high quality and apparently identical.  Evidence:
>>>>    -
>>>>    https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dForAdvancedModeling/GltfSampleModels/AlphaBlendModeTestInlineX3dom.png
>>>> Ladies and gentlemen, we have a demonstrated capability of X3D Inline
>>>> of glTF models!    😊
>>>>    2. Do we need to consider a new profile?  This adds much attendant
>>>>    overhead for implementers, and baggage for tools to keep track of, but
>>>>    might result in simplicity if use cases for a given community are well
>>>>    defined enough to show that the profile indeed adds value.
>>>> Always a perennial topic of interest, always a high hurdle to show that
>>>> sufficient benefit results from a major change.  Good discussion occurred,
>>>> leading to the following.
>>>>    3. Add glTF to Interactive and Interchange profile?  Interesting
>>>>    that our prior motivations of not breaking browser support (e.g. “no
>>>>    changes to Interchange”) might be balanced with making X3D inclusion of
>>>>    glTF more appealing to new adopters.
>>>> This seems like a promising avenue to pursue further.  Integrating glTF
>>>> more fully into X3D infrastructure holds much promise.  Minor changes to
>>>> X3D Architecture would be needed but likely provide big payoff.  This would
>>>> first be an X3D Recommended Practice, eventually leading to X3D amendment
>>>> at ISO.
>>>> Next discussion: what exactly is Web3D strategy regarding deployment,
>>>> testing and adoption of new capabilities?
>>>>    4. Encouraging browser permissiveness, i.e. rendering what they can
>>>>    while not blocking for what they can’t
>>>>    - if profile=Full then do not report “capability not supported”
>>>>       unless there x3d nodes in the file are indeed not supported
>>>>       - if profile is less that actual content, but browser supports
>>>>       it, then render with no more than a warning (i.e. don’t be overly strict)
>>>>       - Note that unsupported capabilities won’t render correctly,
>>>>       causing frustration… decision on when to issue warnings and when to fail is
>>>>       left up to browsers, since X3D does not impose requirements (potential
>>>>       performance burdens) on error handling.
>>>>    5. Full profile always includes everything… meaning an author
>>>>    producing a model only has to be correct and valid X3D without having to
>>>>    worry about getting profile and component statements sliced and diced
>>>>    correctly.  A permissive approach by browsers to permit content (even if
>>>>    only partially supported at the moment) encourages authors to use
>>>>    profile=Full regardless of other concerns, supporting long-term workability
>>>>    of models independent of evolution of browser capabilities over time.
>>>>    6. Do we need someone to look at MPEG4 again, is anything happening
>>>>    over there that we should consider?
>>>> Group assessment: current X3D profile and component architecture design
>>>> is flexible, descriptive, concise, and sound overall.  No fundamental
>>>> changes needed at all.
>>>> Near-term options:
>>>>    - Encourage correct profile/component combinations are provided in
>>>>    X3D model content
>>>>    - Our recommended practices and examples should be much clearer
>>>>    about how authors can use glTF in X3D
>>>>    - Consider additional profiles?  None yet specifically proposed… so
>>>>    not now.
>>>>    - Push glTF into other profiles, e.g. Interchange, Interactive,
>>>>    Immersive, Medical, CADInterchange?   Hmmm…
>>>>    - Similarly consider upgrading some of the components (e.g.
>>>>    Geospatial) by revising component prerequisites corresponding to glTF.
>>>>    - Must be careful about modifying past components since that might
>>>>    cause backwards incompatibility.
>>>>    - What do implementers think?
>>>>    2. TODO for future meeting: lay down X3D Recommended Practices page.
>>>>    3. Other activity:
>>>>    1. Good progress resuming unit testing of X3D Examples conversion
>>>>    from XML (.x3d) to produce Classic VRML (.x3dv) and VRML97 (.wrl) using the
>>>>    newly-renamed Castle Model Viewer.  Ongoing progress results maintained in
>>>>    sourceforge version control and visible at
>>>>    - https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/build.x3dv.all.log.txt
>>>>    -
>>>>    https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/build.vrml97.all.log.txt
>>>>    2. We are preparing a quarterly update release of X3D-Edit.
>>>>    3. Dick and I continue updating two draft ISO specifications, with
>>>>    all improvements scrupulously documented in Web3D Issue Tracker.
>>>>    Specification comments always welcome.
>>>>    - X3D XML Encoding
>>>>    -
>>>>    https://www.web3d.org/specifications/X3Dv4Draft/ISO-IEC19776-1v4.0-WD1/Part01/X3D_XML.html
>>>>    - X3D Classic VRML Encoding
>>>>    -
>>>>    https://www.web3d.org/specifications/X3Dv4Draft/ISO-IEC19776-2v4.0-WD1/Part02/X3D_ClassicVRML.html
>>>> Have fun with X3D4!  8)
>>>> all the best, Don
>>>> --
>>>> Don Brutzman  Naval Postgraduate School, Code USW/Br
>>>> brutzman at nps.edu
>>>> Watkins 270,  MOVES Institute, Monterey CA 93943-5000 USA
>>>> +1.831.656.2149
>>>> X3D graphics, virtual worlds, navy robotics
>>>> https://faculty.nps.edu/brutzman
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