[x3d-public] Flow maps

Holger Seelig holger.seelig at yahoo.de
Mon May 20 09:19:24 PDT 2024

I think this is already possible with a custom shader and vertex attributes:


The file shows a minimal example with 6 lines and a shader and appropriate vertex attributes. The lines can have more than 2 vertices, then lineId and lineFraction should be adjusted.

Best regards,

Holger Seelig
Leipzig, Germany

holger.seelig at yahoo.de

> Am 20.05.2024 um 02:13 schrieb GPU Group via x3d-public <x3d-public at web3d.org>:
> http://hint.fm/wind/
> http://earth.nullschool.net/
> - flow maps in browser
> Is this something web3d can do now, or do we need new nodes?
> -Doug
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