[x3d-public] Animations in Blender. 3D debug format

John Carlson yottzumm at gmail.com
Tue Nov 26 00:30:24 PST 2024

A goal here is to discuss how to import X3D animations into Blender.  One
tack might be to force everyone using the importer into X3D space.  This
can work well.  If people want to work in Blender space by importing a
variety of animation formats, then this probably won’t work very well.

So the question is, how can X3D adapt to the Blender ecosystem or replace
Blender entirely?

Indeed, I believe this is an issue for gLTF, OpenUSD and MSF:
 “Transportable animations.”

One tack might be to insist on standardized animations, but we already have
a lot of standards.  Creating a new one probably won’t work.

Another tack might be to create a 3D Rosetta Stone.  Many have tried this
for general 3D scenes, but I’d like to focus only on animations in the
short term.

It would be good to hear about Omniverse approaches to this.  I have a
decent graphics card now.

Perhaps we don’t have to worry about the myriad of standards and just
compile down to 3D “portable machine code.” But then we have to define the
machine code we want.  I don’t want to work on machine code.  I’m guessing
this would be some level near STL (STL does not have animation, and is
readable).  I think maintaining a level above video is also a good thing.
I believe that  both COLLADA and glTF attempt to be this portable machine
code space, and perhaps glTF is trying too hard to be X3D, especially by
providing “interactivity.”

I don’t know if OpenUSD supports levels of abstraction.

What I’m thinking of is a kind of “debuggable 3D machine code,” where the
full source code is still available, and so are the primitives.  I have not
heard of anything approaching a 3D debug format, indeed this may be the
best of all worlds.

Is MSF, Web3D or Khronos interested in defining a 3D debug format?  Can
DWARF be used for 3D?


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