[x3d-public] RawKee X3D Exporter for Maya Update
Bergstrom, Aaron
aaron.bergstrom at und.edu
Wed Oct 2 08:12:17 PDT 2024
Well Web3D community, it's been a while, but after 16 years there will soon be a new RawKee X3D Exporter plugin for Maya 2019-2025.
Last night I finally slogged through 3 days worth of compiling errors to successfully build RawKee for Maya 2023. This morning I successfully loaded the plugin, and exported the following from Maya and loaded it into FreeWRL:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<X3D version = '3.1' profile='Immersive'>
<meta name='created_with' content='RawKee (version 1.2.0): an open source X3D plug-in for Maya'/>
<Transform DEF='pSphere1'>
<Shape DEF='pSphereShape1' containerField='children'>
<Appearance DEF='initialShadingGroup' containerField='appearance'>
<Material DEF='lambert1' ambientIntensity='0' diffuseColor='0.4 0.4 0.4' containerField='material'/>
</Appearance> <!-- end of initialShadingGroup -->
<Sphere DEF='x3dSphere1' containerField='geometry'/>
</Shape> <!-- end of pSphereShape1 -->
</Transform> <!-- end of pSphere1 -->
Though we still have some minor issues to iron out, we're hoping to have the revised code posted to GitHub soon with new builds available not long after for Win/Linux/OSX for Maya 2019-2025.
For those who have been around from way back in the day, I originally wrote the RawKee exporter for the NDSU Archaeology Tech Lab (checkout the Internet Wayback Machine - http://atl.ndsus.edu/ ).
This revised version of RawKee is a project of the UND DREAM Lab (https://dream.crc.und.edu/ ), which I now lead as part of my duties for the UND Computational Research Center (https://crc.und.edu/ ).
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