[x3d-public] Engineering problem.

John Carlson yottzumm at gmail.com
Sun Oct 6 09:38:12 PDT 2024

   1. I have an Engineering problem that's a combination of Mechanical
   Engineering (2D and 3D graphics) and Electrical Engineering (bits).
   2. [11:24 AM]
   https://coderextreme.net/public/symbols.html The 2D views below should
   agree with the 3D views above. Select the color box menu item, then
   select torus and cylinder geometry to change colors. Results will show
   below the 3D scene. If you play with it a bit, you'll see what's going on.
   You can move around the scene by click-dragging with the mouse in the black
   4. Ideally, we could do this sort of thing without scripting.

   1. John
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