[x3d-public] Please check validation of this file
John Carlson
yottzumm at gmail.com
Wed Oct 9 19:33:57 PDT 2024
You X3D want examples? Here's an example, attached.
Note that X3DJSAIL reports some things on Layer and LayoutLayer children I
have some questions about. Specific errors are way below.
Here are relevant sections of the standards and X3DJSAIL that show some
children of Layout and LayoutLayer are not being handled by
Layer : X3DLayerNode {
MFNode [in] addChildren [X3DChildNode]
MFNode [in] removeChildren [X3DChildNode]
MFNode [in,out] children [] [X3DChildNode]
SFNode [in,out] metadata NULL [X3DMetadataObject]
MFString [in,out] objectType "ALL" ["ALL","NONE","TERRAIN",...]
SFBool [in,out] pickable TRUE
SFNode [in,out] viewport NULL [X3DViewportNode]
SFBool [in,out] visible TRUE
LayoutLayer : X3DLayerNode {
MFNode [in] addChildren [X3DChildNode]
MFNode [in] removeChildren [X3DChildNode]
MFNode [in,out] children [] [X3DChildNode]
SFNode [in,out] layout NULL [X3DLayoutNode]
SFNode [in,out] metadata NULL [X3DMetadataObject]
MFString [in,out] objectType "ALL" ["ALL","NONE","TERRAIN",...]
SFBool [in,out] pickable TRUE
SFNode [in,out] viewport NULL [X3DViewportNode]
SFBool [in,out] visible TRUE
So I look for childnodes reported below to see if they inherit from
X3DChildNode. I think that Group and Transform are obviously
X3DScriptNode : X3DChildNode, X3DURLObject {
SFTime [in,out] autoRefresh 0.0 [0,∞)
SFTime [in,out] autoRefreshTimeLimit 3600.0 [0,∞)
SFString [in,out] description ""
SFBool [in,out] load TRUE
SFNode [in,out] metadata NULL [X3DMetadataObject]
MFString [in,out] url [] [URI]
X3DViewpointNode : X3DBindableNode {
SFBool [in] set_bind
SFVec3f/d [in,out] centerOfRotation 0 0 0 (-∞,∞)
SFString [in,out] description ""
SFFloat [in,out] farDistance -1 -1 or (0,∞)
SFBool [in,out] jump TRUE
SFNode [in,out] metadata NULL [X3DMetadataObject]
SFNode [in,out] navigationInfo NULL [NavigationInfo]
SFFloat [in,out] nearDistance -1 -1 or (0,∞)
SFRotation [in,out] orientation 0 0 1 0 (-∞,∞)
SFVec3f/d [in,out] position 0 0 10 (-∞,∞)
SFBool [in,out] retainUserOffsets FALSE
SFBool [in,out] viewAll FALSE
SFTime [out] bindTime
SFBool [out] isBound
And later:
X3DBindableNode : X3DChildNode {
SFBool [in] set_bind
SFNode [in,out] metadata NULL [X3DMetadataObject]
SFTime [out] bindTime
SFBool [out] isBound
X3DLayoutNode : X3DChildNode {
SFNode [in,out] metadata NULL [X3DMetadataObject]
Class ProtoDeclare
All Implemented Interfaces:X3DChildNode
, X3DNode
Class ProtoInstance
All Implemented Interfaces:X3DChildNode
, X3DNode
, X3DPrototypeInstance
I don't see anything wrong with the standard, but I don't know about
X3DJSAIL validation.
This may be an old version of X3DJSAIL, I will download a new copy
from the website.
[error] X3DLoaderDOM: Parent-child node relationship not found! (parent
Layer, child Collision, containerField='children') Please report this
problem to brutzman at nps.edu
[error] X3DLoaderDOM: Parent-child node relationship not found! (parent
Layer, child Group, containerField='children') Please report this problem
to brutzman at nps.edu
[error] X3DLoaderDOM: Parent-child node relationship not found! (parent
Layer, child ROUTE, containerField='') Please report this problem to
brutzman at nps.edu
[error] X3DLoaderDOM: Parent-child node relationship not found! (parent
Layer, child Script, containerField='children') Please report this problem
to brutzman at nps.edu
[error] X3DLoaderDOM: Parent-child node relationship not found! (parent
Layer, child Transform, containerField='children') Please report this
problem to brutzman at nps.edu
[error] X3DLoaderDOM: Parent-child node relationship not found! (parent
LayoutLayer, child Layout, containerField='layout') Please report this
problem to brutzman at nps.edu
[error] X3DLoaderDOM: Parent-child node relationship not found! (parent
LayoutLayer, child ProtoDeclare, containerField='') Please report this
problem to brutzman at nps.edu
[error] X3DLoaderDOM: Parent-child node relationship not found! (parent
LayoutLayer, child ProtoInstance, containerField='children') Please report
this problem to brutzman at nps.edu
[error] X3DLoaderDOM: Parent-child node relationship not found! (parent
LayoutLayer, child Transform, containerField='children') Please report this
problem to brutzman at nps.edu
[error] X3DLoaderDOM: Parent-child node relationship not found! (parent
LayoutLayer, child Viewport, containerField='viewport') Please report this
problem to brutzman at nps.edu
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