[x3d-public] JSONverse publishing large files.

John Carlson yottzumm at gmail.com
Tue Sep 3 06:03:06 PDT 2024

JSONverse Video 4 -- Large Files (youtube.com)


File sizes up to 1e8 (as JSON) are handled now.  I am using an array of
strings now, but may change to JSON if it will speed up things (I don't
want to parse JSON too much, and X_ITE takes a string, there's no way to do
a glTF JavaScript object as input to importJS, I am told. I'm going to try
glTF next!

Thanks to Joe and Myeoung for the example, I couldn't get Jin 20f to
animate properly. Maybe Joe and I can have a zoom meeting.

No, you don't get to see what's messed up this time.

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