[x3d-public] Using Castle Game Engine editor for X3D authoring

Michalis Kamburelis michalis.kambi at gmail.com
Wed Sep 18 03:59:10 PDT 2024


We have added a new feature for Castle Game Engine editor that makes
it useful for some (limited) X3D authoring needs.

I wrote everything in details on
, in short:

- Download full Castle Game Engine https://castle-engine.io/download

- Use all the editor features to design your 3D or 2D world. Create
new project from the "3D FPS Game" template, or open any existing
example project. Read about most important available components on
https://castle-engine.io/viewport_and_scenes .

- Export them to X3D (or STL) using the menu item "Data -> Export to
X3D, STL...".

Note: We're not trying to create another 3D modeling or animation
tool. We leave that to the "big guys" like Blender :) The main
use-case of the Castle Game Engine editor is to arrange existing
models (e.g. made using Blender). For example, if you have some level
elements (like walls, furniture, dungeon pieces, other props) and
creatures and you want to arrange them into a complete 3D world for
player to explore. And experiment with lighting, add fog, skybox, and
such. The editor is perfect for that :)

Please read the linked above news post for more details.

I also recently created a document
that lists various ways how Castle Game Engine tools can be useful for
X3D authors. This mentions this feature, and our other tools like
Castle Model Viewer / Converter.

Enjoy :) As always, all the feedback is welcome, and supporting us on
Patreon ( https://www.patreon.com/castleengine ) is much appreciated.


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