<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div><div><div><div><div>Greetings all~<br><br></div>I just wanted to remind everyone that our annual Board of Directors election cycle is underway!<br><br></div>This is a great time to make sure your membership is up to date and you are eligible to vote! We are a member-driven not-for-profit organization, so your vote counts! Join us!<br></div><br></div>Onward to a great 2016! <br></div><div><br></div><div>PS the annual Web3D Conference will be co-located with SIGGRAPH in Anaheim, CA this year! Mark you calendars!<br></div><div><br></div>best regards,<br><br></div>Nicholas Polys, Web3D President<br><br></div>fwd:--------------------------------------------------------------------<br><div><br><div>Greetings Web3D Members, friends and colleagues-</div> <br>It is that time of year again that our by-laws require annual Web3D Consortium elections for the Board of Directors. <br><br>We
have had a great year with lots of technical and market developments.
We want to thank all the current Board Members for their amazing talents
and dedication, we have accomplished so much!<br>Â <br>The clock is underway for the nomination and balloting period
for the 2016 Board, who will carry on this great momentum for 3D on the
world wide web. <br> <br>Nomination Period:     December 16 - <span tabindex="0" class=""><span class="">January 28</span></span>; (6 weeks)<br>Ballot Period:          <span tabindex="0" class=""><span class="">Jan 29 -  Feb 15</span></span> (21 days min ballot)<br>Results Announced      Feb 16<br>Board Pass-off Meeting   <span tabindex="0" class=""><span class="">Mar 1</span></span><br> <br>Board
Members are seated on a voluntary basis and are expected to be leaders
in advocacy and adoption initiatives for Web3D standards, technologies
and techniques in their field.<br><br>Please Send your nominations to Secretary Mike McCann [mccann at <a href="http://mbari.org">mbari.org</a> ] and CC the candidate. Nominees must be member in good standing (membership dues paid).<br><br></div><div>------------------------------------- end fwd<br></div><div><div><div><div><div><div><div><div><div><br clear="all"><div><div><br>-- <br><div>Nicholas F. Polys, Ph.D.<br><br>Director of Visual Computing <br>Virginia Tech Research Computing <br><br>Affiliate Professor<br>Virginia Tech Department of Computer Science<br></div>