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<div class="" style="word-wrap:break-word"><span class=""><font face="Calibri, sans-serif" class=""><span class="" style="font-size:11pt"><br class="">
<div class="" style="word-wrap:break-word"><font face="Arial" class=""><span class="">2018 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CYBERWORLDS (CW2018)</span><br class="">
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<div class="" style="margin:0cm 0cm 0.0001pt"><font face="Arial" class=""><span lang="EN-US" class=""><br class="">
Singapore, 3-5 October, 2018<br class="">
Organized by Fraunhofer Singapore<br class="">
In cooperation with ACM SIGGRAPH, </span>Eurographics Association, </font></div>
<div class="" style="margin:0cm 0cm 0.0001pt"><span class=""><font face="Arial" class="">and International Federation for Information Processing</font></span></div>
<div class="" style="margin:0cm 0cm 0.0001pt"><font face="Arial" class=""><span lang="EN-US" class="">Conference web page: </span><a href="http://www.cyberworlds-conference.org/" class="" style="color:rgb(149,79,114)"><span lang="EN-US" class="">www.cyberworlds-conference.org</span></a><span lang="EN-US" class=""><br class="">
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CW 2018 SCOPE:<br class="">
Created intentionally or spontaneously, cyberworlds are information spaces and communities that </span></font></div>
<div class="" style="margin:0cm 0cm 0.0001pt"><font face="Arial" class=""><span lang="EN-US" class="">use </span>computer technologies to augment the way we interact, participate in business and receive </font></div>
<div class="" style="margin:0cm 0cm 0.0001pt"><font face="Arial" class="">information throughout the world. CW 2018 is the 17th conference organized annually since 2002. </font></div>
<div class="" style="margin:0cm 0cm 0.0001pt"><span lang="EN-US" class=""><font face="Arial" class="">CW 2018 will consider the following tracks and topics:<br class="">
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GENERAL TRACK:<br class="">
Applications of virtual and augmented reality; Networked and shared virtual worlds; </font></span></div>
<div class="" style="margin:0cm 0cm 0.0001pt"><font face="Arial" class="">Virtual collaborative spaces; Shape modeling for cyberworlds; Virtual humans and avatars; </font></div>
<div class="" style="margin:0cm 0cm 0.0001pt"><span lang="EN-US" class=""><font face="Arial" class="">Multimodal interaction and rendering; Computer vision for augmented and mixed reality; </font></span></div>
<div class="" style="margin:0cm 0cm 0.0001pt"><span lang="EN-US" class=""><font face="Arial" class="">Social computing; Online communities; Cyber-learning; Multi-user web games; </font></span></div>
<div class="" style="margin:0cm 0cm 0.0001pt"><span lang="EN-US" class=""><font face="Arial" class="">Art and heritage in cyberspace; Cyber-museums; Cyberethics and cyberlaws; </font></span></div>
<div class="" style="margin:0cm 0cm 0.0001pt"><font face="Arial" class=""><span lang="EN-US" class="">Welfare in cyberworlds; </span>Data mining and warehousing in cyberworlds; </font></div>
<div class="" style="margin:0cm 0cm 0.0001pt"><font face="Arial" class="">Visual analytics in cyberworlds</font></div>
<div class="" style="margin:0cm 0cm 0.0001pt"><span lang="EN-US" class=""><font face="Arial" class=""><br class="">
Cognitive informatics; Human factors in transportation, maritime, industry 4.0; </font></span></div>
<div class="" style="margin:0cm 0cm 0.0001pt"><span lang="EN-US" class=""><font face="Arial" class="">Neurorehabilitation and neuroplasticity; Affective computing; Mobile BCI; </font></span></div>
<div class="" style="margin:0cm 0cm 0.0001pt"><span lang="EN-US" class=""><font face="Arial" class="">Machine and deep learning for EEG-based algorithms; Multi-modal Interfaces; </font></span></div>
<div class="" style="margin:0cm 0cm 0.0001pt"><span lang="EN-US" class=""><font face="Arial" class="">Neurofeedback systems and games; BCI applications<br class="">
<br class="">
Security protocols; Authentication protocols; Privacy protocols; Password security; </font></span></div>
<div class="" style="margin:0cm 0cm 0.0001pt"><span lang="EN-US" class=""><font face="Arial" class="">Security of personal data; Content protection and digital rights management; </font></span></div>
<div class="" style="margin:0cm 0cm 0.0001pt"><span lang="EN-US" class=""><font face="Arial" class="">Risk and reputation management; Identity and trust management; Information hiding and anonymity; </font></span></div>
<div class="" style="margin:0cm 0cm 0.0001pt"><span lang="EN-US" class=""><font face="Arial" class="">Privacy, security and trust in social media; Security of embedded systems; Behavioral biometrics; </font></span></div>
<div class="" style="margin:0cm 0cm 0.0001pt"><span lang="EN-US" class=""><font face="Arial" class="">Performance evaluation of biometric systems; Multi-biometrics; Quality of biometric data; </font></span></div>
<div class="" style="margin:0cm 0cm 0.0001pt"><span lang="EN-US" class=""><font face="Arial" class="">Biometric template protection; Presentation attack detection; Emerging biometrics<br class="">
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Real-time analytics, modelling, and simulation for the future smart cities and urban mobility; </font></span></div>
<div class="" style="margin:0cm 0cm 0.0001pt"><span lang="EN-US" class=""><font face="Arial" class="">3D city modelling, processing and simulation; Predictive analytics and machine learning for future healthcare; </font></span></div>
<div class="" style="margin:0cm 0cm 0.0001pt"><span lang="EN-US" class=""><font face="Arial" class="">Medical Computing for future healthcare; Visual Computing for active ageing; </font></span></div>
<div class="" style="margin:0cm 0cm 0.0001pt"><span lang="EN-US" class=""><font face="Arial" class="">Cyber-physical systems technologies; Computer vision for industry 4.0 / smart manufacturing; </font></span></div>
<div class="" style="margin:0cm 0cm 0.0001pt"><span lang="EN-US" class=""><font face="Arial" class="">Optical inspection for industry 4.0 / smart manufacturing; </font></span></div>
<div class="" style="margin:0cm 0cm 0.0001pt"><span lang="EN-US" class=""><font face="Arial" class="">Virtual and Augmented Reality for the future smart cities and smart manufacturing<br class="">
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SUBMISSION CATEGORIES: full (up to 8 pages), short (up to 4 pages), and poster papers (up to 4 pages)<br class="">
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CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS with all accepted papers will be published by Conference Publishing Services </font></span></div>
<div class="" style="margin:0cm 0cm 0.0001pt"><span lang="EN-US" class=""><font face="Arial" class="">as well as submitted to the IEEE Xplore Digital Library, IEEE Computer Society Digital Library and </font></span></div>
<div class="" style="margin:0cm 0cm 0.0001pt"><font face="Arial" class=""><span lang="EN-US" class="">reference databases </span>of all major referencing indices including EI Compendex, Scopus, and SCI</font></div>
<div class="" style="margin:0cm 0cm 0.0001pt"><span lang="EN-US" class=""><font face="Arial" class=""><br class="">
SPECIAL JOURNAL ISSUES will consider for publications extended versions of all accepted full papers:<br class="">
Computers & Graphics (Elsevier); </font></span></div>
<div class="" style="margin:0cm 0cm 0.0001pt"><span lang="EN-US" class=""><font face="Arial" class="">The Visual Computer (Springer); </font></span></div>
<div class="" style="margin:0cm 0cm 0.0001pt"><span lang="EN-US" class=""><font face="Arial" class="">Transactions on Computational Science (Springer, LNCS); </font></span></div>
<div class="" style="margin:0cm 0cm 0.0001pt"><span lang="EN-US" class=""><font face="Arial" class="">Advanced Engineering Informatics (Elsevier); </font></span></div>
<div class="" style="margin:0cm 0cm 0.0001pt"><span lang="EN-US" class=""><font face="Arial" class="">Journal of Future Generation Systems (Elsevier); </font></span></div>
<div class="" style="margin:0cm 0cm 0.0001pt"><font face="Arial" class=""><span lang="EN-US" class="">International Journal of Art, Culture, and Design Technologies (IGI Global)<br class="">
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IMPORTANT DATES:<br class="">
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Monday 7 May Papers (Full/Short) submission<br class="">
Monday 25 June Papers (Full/Short) notification<br class="">
Monday 2 July Poster papers submission<br class="">
Monday 16 July Poster papers notification<br class="">
Monday 30 July Author registration<br class="">
Wednesday 30 July Camera-ready papers submisson to CPS<br class="">
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Conference flyer for downloading: </span><a href="http://www3.ntu.edu.sg/home/assourin/cw/cw2018/flyer.pdf" class="" style="color:rgb(149,79,114)"><span lang="EN-US" class="">http://www3.ntu.edu.sg/home/assourin/cw/cw2018/flyer.pdf</span></a><span lang="EN-US" class=""><br class="">
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CONTACT:<br class="">
Program Chair: Alexei Sourin </span><a href="mailto:cw2018@easychair.org" class="" style="color:rgb(149,79,114)"><span lang="EN-US" class="">cw2018@easychair.org</span></a><span lang="EN-US" class=""><br class="">
Conference URL: </span><a href="http://www.cyberworlds-conference.org/" class="" style="color:rgb(149,79,114)"><span lang="EN-US" class="">www.cyberworlds-conference.org</span></a></font></div>
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