Extensible 3D (X3D) encodings
Part 2: Classic VRML encoding
6 Encoding of nodes
This clause provides a detailed specification of the Classic VRML encoding for each node defined in ISO/IEC 19775-1. The topics in this clause are listed in Table 6.1.
Table 6.1 — Topics in this clause
Each node subclause specifies the Classic VRML encoding of the public declaration for the node. The declaration defines the names and types of the fields for the node.
For example, the following defines the Collision node declaration:
Collision { inputOnly MFNode addChildren inputOnly MFNode removeChildren inputOutput MFNode children inputOutput SFBool enabled inputOutput SFNode metadata outputOnly SFTime collideTime outputOnly SFBool isActive initializeOnly SFVec3f bboxCenter initializeOnly SFVec3f bboxSize initializeOnly SFNode proxy }
The following is an example of a Collision node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file:
Collision { enabled TRUE bboxCenter 0,0,0 bboxSize 10,10,10 proxy Shape {...} children [Shape {...}] metadata MetadataString ["Main structure"] }
Actual node usage does not specify the access type or the data type and does provide a value for the field. Not all fields need be present in any particular use of a node. Fields not provided will take on their default values. Only the syntax for the nodes is shown. Semantics for the nodes as well as the default values and value ranges for node fields can be found in ISO/IEC 19775-1.
AcousticProperties { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput SFFloat absorption positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFString description inputOutput SFFloat diffuse inputOutput SFBool enabled inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFFloat refraction inputOutput SFFloat specular }
The following is an example of an AcousticProperties node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
AcousticProperties { IS NULL absorption 0 description "" diffuse 0 enabled TRUE metadata NULL refraction 0 specular 0 }
Analyser { inputOutput SFNode IS outputOnly SFInt32 channelCount inputOutput SFString channelCountMode inputOutput SFString channelInterpretation inputOutput MFNode children positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFString description outputOnly SFTime elapsedTime inputOutput SFBool enabled inputOutput SFInt32 fftSize inputOutput SFInt32 frequencyBinCount inputOutput SFFloat gain outputOnly SFBool isActive outputOnly SFBool isPaused inputOutput SFFloat maxDecibels inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFFloat minDecibels inputOutput SFTime pauseTime inputOutput SFTime resumeTime inputOutput SFFloat smoothingTimeConstant inputOutput SFTime startTime inputOutput SFTime stopTime inputOutput SFTime tailTime }
The following is an example of an Analyser node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
Analyser { IS NULL channelCountMode "MAX" channelInterpretation "SPEAKERS" children [] description "" enabled TRUE fftSize 2048 frequencyBinCount 1024 gain 1 maxDecibels -30 metadata NULL minDecibels -100 pauseTime 0 resumeTime 0 smoothingTimeConstant 0.8 startTime 0 stopTime 0 tailTime 0 }
Anchor { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOnly MFNode addChildren inputOutput SFTime autoRefresh inputOutput SFTime autoRefreshTimeLimit initializeOnly SFVec3f bboxCenter inputOutput SFBool bboxDisplay initializeOnly SFVec3f bboxSize inputOutput MFNode children positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFString description inputOutput SFBool load inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput MFString parameter inputOnly MFNode removeChildren inputOutput MFString url inputOutput SFBool visible }
The following is an example of an Anchor node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
Anchor { IS NULL autoRefresh 0 autoRefreshTimeLimit 3600 bboxCenter 0 0 0 bboxDisplay FALSE bboxSize -1 -1 -1 children [] description "" load TRUE metadata NULL parameter [] url [] visible TRUE }
Appearance { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput SFNode acousticProperties inputOutput SFFloat alphaCutoff inputOutput SFString alphaMode inputOutput SFNode backMaterial positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFNode fillProperties inputOutput SFNode lineProperties inputOutput SFNode material inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFNode pointProperties inputOutput MFNode shaders inputOutput SFNode texture inputOutput SFNode textureTransform }
The following is an example of an Appearance node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
Appearance { IS NULL acousticProperties NULL alphaCutoff 0.5 alphaMode "AUTO" backMaterial NULL fillProperties NULL lineProperties NULL material NULL metadata NULL pointProperties NULL shaders [] texture NULL textureTransform NULL }
Arc2D { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName initializeOnly SFFloat endAngle inputOutput SFNode metadata initializeOnly SFFloat radius initializeOnly SFFloat startAngle }
The following is an example of an Arc2D node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
Arc2D { IS NULL endAngle 1.570796 metadata NULL radius 1 startAngle 0 }
ArcClose2D { inputOutput SFNode IS initializeOnly NMTOKEN closureType positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName initializeOnly SFFloat endAngle inputOutput SFNode metadata initializeOnly SFFloat radius initializeOnly SFBool solid inputOutput SFBool solid initializeOnly SFFloat startAngle }
The following is an example of an ArcClose2D node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
ArcClose2D { IS NULL closureType BAD FIELD TYPE endAngle 1.570796 metadata NULL radius 1 solid FALSE solid FALSE startAngle 0 }
AudioClip { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput SFTime autoRefresh inputOutput SFTime autoRefreshTimeLimit positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFString description outputOnly SFTime duration_changed outputOnly SFTime elapsedTime inputOutput SFBool enabled inputOutput SFFloat gain outputOnly SFBool isActive outputOnly SFBool isPaused inputOutput SFBool load inputOutput SFBool loop inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFTime pauseTime inputOutput SFFloat pitch inputOutput SFTime resumeTime inputOutput SFTime startTime inputOutput SFTime stopTime inputOutput MFString url }
The following is an example of an AudioClip node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
AudioClip { IS NULL autoRefresh 0 autoRefreshTimeLimit 3600 description "" enabled TRUE gain 1 load TRUE loop FALSE metadata NULL pauseTime 0 pitch 1.0 resumeTime 0 startTime 0 stopTime 0 url [] }
AudioDestination { inputOutput SFNode IS outputOnly SFInt32 channelCount inputOutput SFString channelCountMode inputOutput SFString channelInterpretation inputOutput MFNode children positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFString description inputOutput SFBool enabled inputOutput SFFloat gain outputOnly SFBool isActive inputOutput SFInt32 maxChannelCount inputOutput SFString mediaDeviceID inputOutput SFNode metadata }
The following is an example of an AudioDestination node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
AudioDestination { IS NULL channelCountMode "MAX" channelInterpretation "SPEAKERS" children [] description "" enabled TRUE gain 1 maxChannelCount 2 mediaDeviceID "" metadata NULL }
Background { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput MFString backUrl outputOnly SFTime bindTime inputOutput MFString bottomUrl positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput MFString frontUrl inputOutput MFFloat groundAngle inputOutput MFColor groundColor outputOnly SFBool isBound inputOutput MFString leftUrl inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput MFString rightUrl inputOnly SFBool set_bind inputOutput MFFloat skyAngle inputOutput MFColor skyColor inputOutput MFString topUrl inputOutput SFFloat transparency }
The following is an example of a Background node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
Background { IS NULL backUrl [] bottomUrl [] frontUrl [] groundAngle [] groundColor [] leftUrl [] metadata NULL rightUrl [] skyAngle [] skyColor [0 0 0] topUrl [] transparency 0 }
BallJoint { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput SFVec3f anchorPoint inputOutput SFNode body1 outputOnly SFVec3f body1AnchorPoint inputOutput SFNode body2 outputOnly SFVec3f body2AnchorPoint positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput MFString forceOutput inputOutput MFString forceOutput inputOutput SFNode metadata }
The following is an example of a BallJoint node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
BallJoint { IS NULL anchorPoint 0 0 0 body1 NULL body2 NULL forceOutput [] forceOutput ["NONE"] metadata NULL }
Billboard { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOnly MFNode addChildren inputOutput SFVec3f axisOfRotation initializeOnly SFVec3f bboxCenter inputOutput SFBool bboxDisplay initializeOnly SFVec3f bboxSize inputOutput MFNode children positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOnly MFNode removeChildren inputOutput SFBool visible }
The following is an example of a Billboard node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
Billboard { IS NULL axisOfRotation 0 1 0 bboxCenter 0 0 0 bboxDisplay FALSE bboxSize -1 -1 -1 children [] metadata NULL visible TRUE }
BiquadFilter { inputOutput SFNode IS outputOnly SFInt32 channelCount inputOutput SFString channelCountMode inputOutput SFString channelInterpretation inputOutput MFNode children positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFString description inputOutput SFFloat detune outputOnly SFTime elapsedTime inputOutput SFBool enabled inputOutput SFFloat frequency inputOutput SFFloat gain outputOnly SFBool isActive outputOnly SFBool isPaused inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFTime pauseTime inputOutput SFFloat qualityFactor inputOutput SFTime resumeTime inputOutput SFTime startTime inputOutput SFTime stopTime inputOutput SFTime tailTime inputOutput SFString type }
The following is an example of a BiquadFilter node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
BiquadFilter { IS NULL channelCountMode "MAX" channelInterpretation "SPEAKERS" children [] description "" detune 0 enabled TRUE frequency 350 gain 1 metadata NULL pauseTime 0 qualityFactor 1 resumeTime 0 startTime 0 stopTime 0 tailTime 0 type "LOWPASS" }
BlendedVolumeStyle { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFBool enabled inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFNode renderStyle inputOutput SFNode voxels inputOutput SFFloat weightConstant1 inputOutput SFFloat weightConstant2 inputOutput NMTOKEN weightFunction1 inputOutput NMTOKEN weightFunction2 inputOutput SFNode weightTransferFunction1 inputOutput SFNode weightTransferFunction2 }
The following is an example of a BlendedVolumeStyle node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
BlendedVolumeStyle { IS NULL enabled TRUE metadata NULL renderStyle NULL voxels NULL weightConstant1 0.5 weightConstant2 0.5 weightFunction1 BAD FIELD TYPE weightFunction2 BAD FIELD TYPE weightTransferFunction1 NULL weightTransferFunction2 NULL }
BooleanFilter { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName outputOnly SFBool inputFalse outputOnly SFBool inputNegate outputOnly SFBool inputTrue inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOnly SFBool set_boolean }
The following is an example of a BooleanFilter node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
BooleanFilter { IS NULL metadata NULL }
BooleanSequencer { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput MFFloat key inputOutput MFBool keyValue inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOnly SFBool next inputOnly SFBool previous inputOnly SFFloat set_fraction outputOnly SFBool value_changed }
The following is an example of a BooleanSequencer node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
BooleanSequencer { IS NULL key [] keyValue [] metadata NULL }
BooleanToggle { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOnly SFBool set_boolean inputOutput SFBool toggle }
The following is an example of a BooleanToggle node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
BooleanToggle { IS NULL metadata NULL toggle FALSE }
BooleanTrigger { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOnly SFTime set_triggerTime outputOnly SFBool triggerTrue }
The following is an example of a BooleanTrigger node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
BooleanTrigger { IS NULL metadata NULL }
BoundaryEnhancementVolumeStyle { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput SFFloat boundaryOpacity positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFBool enabled inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFFloat opacityFactor inputOutput SFFloat retainedOpacity }
The following is an example of a BoundaryEnhancementVolumeStyle node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
BoundaryEnhancementVolumeStyle { IS NULL boundaryOpacity 0.9 enabled TRUE metadata NULL opacityFactor 2 retainedOpacity 0.2 }
BoundedPhysicsModel { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFBool enabled inputOutput SFNode geometry inputOutput SFNode metadata }
The following is an example of a BoundedPhysicsModel node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
BoundedPhysicsModel { IS NULL enabled TRUE geometry NULL metadata NULL }
Box { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFNode metadata initializeOnly SFVec3f size initializeOnly SFVec3f size initializeOnly SFBool solid inputOutput SFBool solid }
The following is an example of a Box node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
Box { IS NULL metadata NULL size 2 2 2 size 2 2 2 solid TRUE solid TRUE }
BufferAudioSource { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput SFTime autoRefresh inputOutput SFTime autoRefreshTimeLimit inputOutput MFFloat buffer inputOutput MFFloat buffer inputOutput SFTime bufferDuration outputOnly SFInt32 bufferlength outputOnly SFInt32 channelCount inputOutput SFString channelCountMode inputOutput SFString channelInterpretation positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFString description inputOutput SFFloat detune outputOnly SFTime elapsedTime inputOutput SFBool enabled inputOutput SFFloat gain outputOnly SFBool isActive outputOnly SFBool isPaused outputOnly SFInt32 length inputOutput SFBool load inputOutput SFBool loop inputOutput SFFloat loopEnd inputOutput SFFloat loopStart inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFInt32 numberOfChannels inputOutput SFTime pauseTime inputOutput SFFloat playbackRate inputOutput SFTime resumeTime inputOutput SFFloat sampleRate inputOutput SFTime startTime inputOutput SFTime stopTime inputOutput MFString url }
The following is an example of a BufferAudioSource node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
BufferAudioSource { IS NULL autoRefresh 0 autoRefreshTimeLimit 3600 buffer [] buffer [] bufferDuration 0 channelCountMode "MAX" channelInterpretation "SPEAKERS" description "" detune 0 enabled TRUE gain 1 load TRUE loop FALSE loopEnd 0 loopStart 0 metadata NULL numberOfChannels 0 pauseTime 0 playbackRate 1 resumeTime 0 sampleRate 0 startTime 0 stopTime 0 url [] }
CADAssembly { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOnly MFNode addChildren initializeOnly SFVec3f bboxCenter inputOutput SFBool bboxDisplay initializeOnly SFVec3f bboxSize inputOutput MFNode children positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFString name inputOnly MFNode removeChildren inputOutput SFBool visible }
The following is an example of a CADAssembly node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
CADAssembly { IS NULL bboxCenter 0 0 0 bboxDisplay FALSE bboxSize -1 -1 -1 children [] metadata NULL name "" visible TRUE }
CADFace { inputOutput SFNode IS initializeOnly SFVec3f bboxCenter inputOutput SFBool bboxDisplay initializeOnly SFVec3f bboxSize positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFString name inputOutput SFNode shape inputOutput SFBool visible }
The following is an example of a CADFace node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
CADFace { IS NULL bboxCenter 0 0 0 bboxDisplay FALSE bboxSize -1 -1 -1 metadata NULL name "" shape NULL visible TRUE }
CADLayer { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOnly MFNode addChildren initializeOnly SFVec3f bboxCenter inputOutput SFBool bboxDisplay initializeOnly SFVec3f bboxSize inputOutput MFNode children positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFString name inputOnly MFNode removeChildren inputOutput SFBool visible }
The following is an example of a CADLayer node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
CADLayer { IS NULL bboxCenter 0 0 0 bboxDisplay FALSE bboxSize -1 -1 -1 children [] metadata NULL name "" visible TRUE }
CADPart { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOnly MFNode addChildren initializeOnly SFVec3f bboxCenter inputOutput SFBool bboxDisplay initializeOnly SFVec3f bboxSize inputOutput SFVec3f center inputOutput MFNode children positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFString name inputOnly MFNode removeChildren inputOutput SFRotation rotation inputOutput SFVec3f scale inputOutput SFRotation scaleOrientation inputOutput SFVec3f translation inputOutput SFBool visible }
The following is an example of a CADPart node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
CADPart { IS NULL bboxCenter 0 0 0 bboxDisplay FALSE bboxSize -1 -1 -1 center 0 0 0 children [] metadata NULL name "" rotation 0 0 1 0 scale 1 1 1 scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0 translation 0 0 0 visible TRUE }
CartoonVolumeStyle { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput SFInt32 colorSteps positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFBool enabled inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFColorRGBA orthogonalColor inputOutput SFColorRGBA parallelColor inputOutput SFNode surfaceNormals }
The following is an example of a CartoonVolumeStyle node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
CartoonVolumeStyle { IS NULL colorSteps 4 enabled TRUE metadata NULL orthogonalColor 1 1 1 1 parallelColor 0 0 0 1 surfaceNormals NULL }
ChannelMerger { inputOutput SFNode IS outputOnly SFInt32 channelCount inputOutput SFString channelCountMode inputOutput SFString channelInterpretation inputOutput MFNode children positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFString description inputOutput SFBool enabled inputOutput SFFloat gain inputOutput SFNode metadata }
The following is an example of a ChannelMerger node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
ChannelMerger { IS NULL channelCountMode "MAX" channelInterpretation "SPEAKERS" children [] description "" enabled TRUE gain 1 metadata NULL }
ChannelSelector { inputOutput SFNode IS outputOnly SFInt32 channelCount inputOutput SFString channelCountMode inputOutput SFString channelInterpretation inputOutput SFInt32 channelSelection inputOutput MFNode children positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFString description inputOutput SFBool enabled inputOutput SFFloat gain inputOutput SFNode metadata }
The following is an example of a ChannelSelector node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
ChannelSelector { IS NULL channelCountMode "MAX" channelInterpretation "SPEAKERS" channelSelection 0 children [] description "" enabled TRUE gain 1 metadata NULL }
ChannelSplitter { inputOutput SFNode IS outputOnly SFInt32 channelCount inputOutput SFString channelCountMode inputOutput SFString channelInterpretation inputOutput MFNode children positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFString description inputOutput SFBool enabled inputOutput SFFloat gain inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput MFNode outputs }
The following is an example of a ChannelSplitter node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
ChannelSplitter { IS NULL channelCountMode "MAX" channelInterpretation "SPEAKERS" children [] description "" enabled TRUE gain 1 metadata NULL outputs [] }
Circle2D { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFNode metadata initializeOnly SFFloat radius }
The following is an example of a Circle2D node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
Circle2D { IS NULL metadata NULL radius 1 }
ClipPlane { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFBool enabled inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFVec4f plane }
The following is an example of a ClipPlane node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
ClipPlane { IS NULL enabled TRUE metadata NULL plane 0 1 0 0 }
CollidableOffset { inputOutput SFNode IS initializeOnly SFVec3f bboxCenter inputOutput SFBool bboxDisplay initializeOnly SFVec3f bboxSize initializeOnly SFNode collidable positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFBool enabled inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFRotation rotation inputOutput SFVec3f translation inputOutput SFBool visible }
The following is an example of a CollidableOffset node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
CollidableOffset { IS NULL bboxCenter 0 0 0 bboxDisplay FALSE bboxSize -1 -1 -1 collidable NULL enabled TRUE metadata NULL rotation 0 0 1 0 translation 0 0 0 visible TRUE }
CollidableShape { inputOutput SFNode IS initializeOnly SFVec3f bboxCenter inputOutput SFBool bboxDisplay initializeOnly SFVec3f bboxSize positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFBool enabled inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFRotation rotation initializeOnly SFNode shape inputOutput SFVec3f translation inputOutput SFBool visible }
The following is an example of a CollidableShape node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
CollidableShape { IS NULL bboxCenter 0 0 0 bboxDisplay FALSE bboxSize -1 -1 -1 enabled TRUE metadata NULL rotation 0 0 1 0 shape NULL translation 0 0 0 visible TRUE }
Collision { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOnly MFNode addChildren initializeOnly SFVec3f bboxCenter inputOutput SFBool bboxDisplay initializeOnly SFVec3f bboxSize inputOutput MFNode children outputOnly SFTime collideTime positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFString description inputOutput SFBool enabled outputOnly SFBool isActive inputOutput SFNode metadata initializeOnly SFNode proxy inputOnly MFNode removeChildren inputOutput SFBool visible }
The following is an example of a Collision node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
Collision { IS NULL bboxCenter 0 0 0 bboxDisplay FALSE bboxSize -1 -1 -1 children [] description "" enabled TRUE metadata NULL proxy NULL visible TRUE }
CollisionCollection { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput MFString appliedParameters inputOutput MFString appliedParameters initializeOnly SFVec3f bboxCenter inputOutput SFBool bboxDisplay initializeOnly SFVec3f bboxSize inputOutput SFFloat bounce inputOutput MFNode collidables positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFString description inputOutput SFBool enabled inputOutput SFVec2f frictionCoefficients inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFFloat minBounceSpeed inputOutput SFVec2f slipFactors inputOutput SFFloat softnessConstantForceMix inputOutput SFFloat softnessErrorCorrection inputOutput SFVec2f surfaceSpeed inputOutput SFBool visible }
The following is an example of a CollisionCollection node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
CollisionCollection { IS NULL appliedParameters [] appliedParameters ["BOUNCE"] bboxCenter 0 0 0 bboxDisplay FALSE bboxSize -1 -1 -1 bounce 0 collidables [] description "" enabled TRUE frictionCoefficients 0 0 metadata NULL minBounceSpeed 0.1 slipFactors 0 0 softnessConstantForceMix 0.0001 softnessErrorCorrection 0.8 surfaceSpeed 0 0 visible TRUE }
CollisionSensor { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput SFNode collider positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName outputOnly MFNode contacts inputOutput SFString description inputOutput SFBool enabled outputOnly MFNode intersections outputOnly SFBool isActive inputOutput SFNode metadata }
The following is an example of a CollisionSensor node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
CollisionSensor { IS NULL collider NULL description "" enabled TRUE metadata NULL }
CollisionSpace { inputOutput SFNode IS initializeOnly SFVec3f bboxCenter inputOutput SFBool bboxDisplay initializeOnly SFVec3f bboxSize inputOutput MFNode collidables positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFBool enabled inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFBool useGeometry inputOutput SFBool visible }
The following is an example of a CollisionSpace node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
CollisionSpace { IS NULL bboxCenter 0 0 0 bboxDisplay FALSE bboxSize -1 -1 -1 collidables [] enabled TRUE metadata NULL useGeometry FALSE visible TRUE }
Color { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput MFColor color positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFNode metadata }
The following is an example of a Color node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
Color { IS NULL color [] metadata NULL }
ColorChaser { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName initializeOnly SFTime duration initializeOnly SFColor initialDestination initializeOnly SFColor initialValue outputOnly SFBool isActive inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOnly SFColor set_destination inputOnly SFColor set_value outputOnly SFColor value_changed }
The following is an example of a ColorChaser node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
ColorChaser { IS NULL duration 1 initialDestination 0.8 0.8 0.8 initialValue 0.8 0.8 0.8 metadata NULL }
ColorDamper { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName initializeOnly SFColor initialDestination initializeOnly SFColor initialValue outputOnly SFBool isActive inputOutput SFNode metadata initializeOnly SFInt32 order inputOnly SFColor set_destination inputOnly SFColor set_value inputOutput SFTime tau inputOutput SFFloat tolerance outputOnly SFColor value_changed }
The following is an example of a ColorDamper node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
ColorDamper { IS NULL initialDestination 0.8 0.8 0.8 initialValue 0.8 0.8 0.8 metadata NULL order 3 tau 0.3 tolerance -1 }
ColorInterpolator { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput MFFloat key inputOutput MFColor keyValue inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOnly SFFloat set_fraction outputOnly SFColor value_changed }
The following is an example of a ColorInterpolator node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
ColorInterpolator { IS NULL key [] keyValue [] metadata NULL }
ColorRGBA { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput MFColorRGBA color positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFNode metadata }
The following is an example of a ColorRGBA node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
ColorRGBA { IS NULL color [] metadata NULL }
ComposedCubeMapTexture { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput SFNode backTexture inputOutput SFNode bottomTexture positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFString description inputOutput SFNode frontTexture inputOutput SFNode leftTexture inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFNode rightTexture initializeOnly SFNode textureProperties inputOutput SFNode topTexture }
The following is an example of a ComposedCubeMapTexture node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
ComposedCubeMapTexture { IS NULL backTexture NULL bottomTexture NULL description "" frontTexture NULL leftTexture NULL metadata NULL rightTexture NULL textureProperties NULL topTexture NULL }
ComposedShader { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOnly SFBool activate positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName MFNode field outputOnly SFBool isSelected outputOnly SFBool isValid initializeOnly NMTOKEN language inputOutput SFString language inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput MFNode parts }
The following is an example of a ComposedShader node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
ComposedShader { IS NULL language BAD FIELD TYPE language "" metadata NULL parts [] }
ComposedTexture3D { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFString description inputOutput SFNode metadata initializeOnly SFBool repeatR initializeOnly SFBool repeatS initializeOnly SFBool repeatT inputOutput MFNode texture initializeOnly SFNode textureProperties }
The following is an example of a ComposedTexture3D node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
ComposedTexture3D { IS NULL description "" metadata NULL repeatR FALSE repeatS FALSE repeatT FALSE texture [] textureProperties NULL }
ComposedVolumeStyle { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFBool enabled inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput MFNode renderStyle }
The following is an example of a ComposedVolumeStyle node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
ComposedVolumeStyle { IS NULL enabled TRUE metadata NULL renderStyle [] }
Cone { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput SFBool bottom initializeOnly SFFloat bottomRadius positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName initializeOnly SFFloat height inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFBool side initializeOnly SFBool solid inputOutput SFBool solid }
The following is an example of a Cone node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
Cone { IS NULL bottom TRUE bottomRadius 1 height 2 metadata NULL side TRUE solid TRUE solid TRUE }
ConeEmitter { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput SFFloat angle positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFVec3f direction inputOutput SFFloat mass inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFBool on inputOutput SFVec3f position inputOutput SFFloat speed inputOutput SFFloat surfaceArea inputOutput SFFloat variation }
The following is an example of a ConeEmitter node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
ConeEmitter { IS NULL angle 0.7854 direction 0 1 0 mass 0 metadata NULL on TRUE position 0 0 0 speed 0 surfaceArea 0 variation 0.25 }
Contact { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput MFString appliedParameters inputOutput MFString appliedParameters inputOutput SFNode body1 inputOutput SFNode body2 inputOutput SFFloat bounce positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFVec3f contactNormal inputOutput SFFloat depth inputOutput SFVec2f frictionCoefficients inputOutput SFVec3f frictionDirection inputOutput SFNode geometry1 inputOutput SFNode geometry2 inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFFloat minBounceSpeed inputOutput SFVec3f position inputOutput SFVec2f slipCoefficients inputOutput SFFloat softnessConstantForceMix inputOutput SFFloat softnessErrorCorrection inputOutput SFVec2f surfaceSpeed }
The following is an example of a Contact node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
Contact { IS NULL appliedParameters [] appliedParameters ["BOUNCE"] body1 NULL body2 NULL bounce 0 contactNormal 0 1 0 depth 0 frictionCoefficients 0 0 frictionDirection 0 1 0 geometry1 NULL geometry2 NULL metadata NULL minBounceSpeed 0 position 0 0 0 slipCoefficients 0 0 softnessConstantForceMix 0.0001 softnessErrorCorrection 0.8 surfaceSpeed 0 0 }
Contour2D { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOnly MFNode addChildren inputOutput MFNode children positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOnly MFNode removeChildren }
The following is an example of a Contour2D node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
Contour2D { IS NULL children [] metadata NULL }
ContourPolyline2D { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput MFVec2d controlPoint inputOutput SFNode metadata }
The following is an example of a ContourPolyline2D node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
ContourPolyline2D { IS NULL controlPoint [] metadata NULL }
Convolver { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput MFFloat buffer inputOutput MFFloat buffer outputOnly SFInt32 channelCount inputOutput SFString channelCountMode inputOutput SFString channelInterpretation inputOutput MFNode children positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFString description outputOnly SFTime elapsedTime inputOutput SFBool enabled inputOutput SFFloat gain outputOnly SFBool isActive outputOnly SFBool isPaused inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFBool normalize inputOutput SFTime pauseTime inputOutput SFTime resumeTime inputOutput SFTime startTime inputOutput SFTime stopTime inputOutput SFTime tailTime }
The following is an example of a Convolver node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
Convolver { IS NULL buffer [] buffer [] channelCountMode "MAX" channelInterpretation "SPEAKERS" children [] description "" enabled TRUE gain 1 metadata NULL normalize FALSE pauseTime 0 resumeTime 0 startTime 0 stopTime 0 tailTime 0 }
Coordinate { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput MFVec3f point }
The following is an example of a Coordinate node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
Coordinate { IS NULL metadata NULL point [] }
CoordinateChaser { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName initializeOnly SFTime duration initializeOnly MFVec3f initialDestination initializeOnly MFVec3f initialValue outputOnly SFBool isActive inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOnly MFVec3f set_destination inputOnly MFVec3f set_value outputOnly MFVec3f value_changed }
The following is an example of a CoordinateChaser node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
CoordinateChaser { IS NULL duration 1 initialDestination [0 0 0] initialValue [0 0 0] metadata NULL }
CoordinateDamper { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName initializeOnly MFVec3f initialDestination initializeOnly MFVec3f initialValue outputOnly SFBool isActive inputOutput SFNode metadata initializeOnly SFInt32 order inputOnly MFVec3f set_destination inputOnly MFVec3f set_value inputOutput SFTime tau inputOutput SFFloat tolerance outputOnly MFVec3f value_changed }
The following is an example of a CoordinateDamper node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
CoordinateDamper { IS NULL initialDestination [0 0 0] initialValue [0 0 0] metadata NULL order 3 tau 0.3 tolerance -1 }
CoordinateDouble { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput MFVec3d point }
The following is an example of a CoordinateDouble node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
CoordinateDouble { IS NULL metadata NULL point [] }
CoordinateInterpolator { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput MFFloat key inputOutput MFVec3f keyValue inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOnly SFFloat set_fraction outputOnly MFVec3f value_changed }
The following is an example of a CoordinateInterpolator node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
CoordinateInterpolator { IS NULL key [] keyValue [] metadata NULL }
CoordinateInterpolator2D { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput MFFloat key inputOutput MFVec2f keyValue inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOnly SFFloat set_fraction outputOnly MFVec2f value_changed }
The following is an example of a CoordinateInterpolator2D node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
CoordinateInterpolator2D { IS NULL key [] keyValue [] metadata NULL }
Cylinder { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput SFBool bottom positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName initializeOnly SFFloat height inputOutput SFNode metadata initializeOnly SFFloat radius inputOutput SFBool side initializeOnly SFBool solid inputOutput SFBool solid inputOutput SFBool top }
The following is an example of a Cylinder node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
Cylinder { IS NULL bottom TRUE height 2 metadata NULL radius 1 side TRUE solid TRUE solid TRUE top TRUE }
CylinderSensor { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput SFBool autoOffset inputOutput SFRotation axisRotation positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFString description inputOutput SFFloat diskAngle inputOutput SFBool enabled outputOnly SFBool isActive outputOnly SFBool isOver inputOutput SFFloat maxAngle inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFFloat minAngle inputOutput SFFloat offset outputOnly SFRotation rotation_changed outputOnly SFVec3f trackPoint_changed }
The following is an example of a CylinderSensor node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
CylinderSensor { IS NULL autoOffset TRUE axisRotation 0 0 1 0 description "" diskAngle 0.26179167 enabled TRUE maxAngle -1 metadata NULL minAngle 0 offset 0 }
DISEntityManager { inputOutput SFNode IS outputOnly MFNode addedEntities inputOutput SFString address inputOutput SFInt32 applicationID inputOutput MFNode children positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFInt32 port outputOnly MFNode removedEntities inputOutput SFInt32 siteID }
The following is an example of a DISEntityManager node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
DISEntityManager { IS NULL address "localhost" applicationID 0 children [] metadata NULL port 0 siteID 0 }
DISEntityTypeMapping { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput SFTime autoRefresh inputOutput SFTime autoRefreshTimeLimit initializeOnly SFInt32 category positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName initializeOnly SFInt32 country inputOutput SFString description initializeOnly SFInt32 domain initializeOnly SFInt32 extra initializeOnly SFInt32 kind inputOutput SFBool load inputOutput SFNode metadata initializeOnly SFInt32 specific initializeOnly SFInt32 subcategory inputOutput MFString url }
The following is an example of a DISEntityTypeMapping node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
DISEntityTypeMapping { IS NULL autoRefresh 0 autoRefreshTimeLimit 3600 category 0 country 0 description "" domain 0 extra 0 kind 0 load TRUE metadata NULL specific 0 subcategory 0 url [] }
Delay { inputOutput SFNode IS outputOnly SFInt32 channelCount inputOutput SFString channelCountMode inputOutput SFString channelInterpretation inputOutput MFNode children positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFTime delayTime inputOutput SFString description outputOnly SFTime elapsedTime inputOutput SFBool enabled inputOutput SFFloat gain outputOnly SFBool isActive outputOnly SFBool isPaused inputOutput SFTime maxDelayTime inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFTime pauseTime inputOutput SFTime resumeTime inputOutput SFTime startTime inputOutput SFTime stopTime inputOutput SFTime tailTime }
The following is an example of a Delay node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
Delay { IS NULL channelCountMode "MAX" channelInterpretation "SPEAKERS" children [] delayTime 0 description "" enabled TRUE gain 1 maxDelayTime 1 metadata NULL pauseTime 0 resumeTime 0 startTime 0 stopTime 0 tailTime 0 }
DirectionalLight { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput SFFloat ambientIntensity inputOutput SFColor color positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFVec3f direction inputOutput SFBool global inputOutput SFFloat intensity inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFBool on inputOutput SFFloat shadowIntensity inputOutput SFBool shadows }
The following is an example of a DirectionalLight node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
DirectionalLight { IS NULL ambientIntensity 0 color 1 1 1 direction 0 0 -1 global FALSE intensity 1 metadata NULL on TRUE shadowIntensity 1 shadows FALSE }
Disk2D { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName initializeOnly SFFloat innerRadius inputOutput SFNode metadata initializeOnly SFFloat outerRadius initializeOnly SFBool solid inputOutput SFBool solid }
The following is an example of a Disk2D node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
Disk2D { IS NULL innerRadius 0 metadata NULL outerRadius 1 solid FALSE solid FALSE }
DoubleAxisHingeJoint { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput SFVec3f anchorPoint inputOutput SFVec3f axis1 inputOutput SFVec3f axis2 inputOutput SFNode body1 outputOnly SFVec3f body1AnchorPoint outputOnly SFVec3f body1Axis inputOutput SFNode body2 outputOnly SFVec3f body2AnchorPoint outputOnly SFVec3f body2Axis positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFFloat desiredAngularVelocity1 inputOutput SFFloat desiredAngularVelocity2 inputOutput MFString forceOutput inputOutput MFString forceOutput outputOnly SFFloat hinge1Angle outputOnly SFFloat hinge1AngleRate outputOnly SFFloat hinge2Angle outputOnly SFFloat hinge2AngleRate inputOutput SFFloat maxAngle1 inputOutput SFFloat maxTorque1 inputOutput SFFloat maxTorque2 inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFFloat minAngle1 inputOutput SFFloat stop1Bounce inputOutput SFFloat stop1ConstantForceMix inputOutput SFFloat stop1ErrorCorrection inputOutput SFFloat suspensionErrorCorrection inputOutput SFFloat suspensionForce }
The following is an example of a DoubleAxisHingeJoint node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
DoubleAxisHingeJoint { IS NULL anchorPoint 0 0 0 axis1 1 0 0 axis2 0 1 0 body1 NULL body2 NULL desiredAngularVelocity1 0 desiredAngularVelocity2 0 forceOutput [] forceOutput ["NONE"] maxAngle1 3.141592653 maxTorque1 0 maxTorque2 0 metadata NULL minAngle1 -3.141592653 stop1Bounce 0 stop1ConstantForceMix 0.001 stop1ErrorCorrection 0.8 suspensionErrorCorrection 0.8 suspensionForce 0 }
DynamicsCompressor { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput SFTime attack outputOnly SFInt32 channelCount inputOutput SFString channelCountMode inputOutput SFString channelInterpretation inputOutput MFNode children positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFString description outputOnly SFTime elapsedTime inputOutput SFBool enabled inputOutput SFFloat gain outputOnly SFBool isActive outputOnly SFBool isPaused inputOutput SFFloat knee inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFTime pauseTime inputOutput SFFloat ratio outputOnly SFFloat reduction inputOutput SFTime release inputOutput SFTime resumeTime inputOutput SFTime startTime inputOutput SFTime stopTime inputOutput SFTime tailTime inputOutput SFFloat threshold }
The following is an example of a DynamicsCompressor node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
DynamicsCompressor { IS NULL attack 0.003 channelCountMode "MAX" channelInterpretation "SPEAKERS" children [] description "" enabled TRUE gain 1 knee 30 metadata NULL pauseTime 0 ratio 12 release 0.25 resumeTime 0 startTime 0 stopTime 0 tailTime 0 threshold -24 }
EaseInEaseOut { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput MFVec2f easeInEaseOut inputOutput MFFloat key inputOutput SFNode metadata outputOnly SFFloat modifiedFraction_changed inputOnly SFFloat set_fraction }
The following is an example of an EaseInEaseOut node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
EaseInEaseOut { IS NULL easeInEaseOut [] key [] metadata NULL }
EdgeEnhancementVolumeStyle { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFColorRGBA edgeColor inputOutput SFBool enabled inputOutput SFFloat gradientThreshold inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFNode surfaceNormals }
The following is an example of an EdgeEnhancementVolumeStyle node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
EdgeEnhancementVolumeStyle { IS NULL edgeColor 0 0 0 1 enabled TRUE gradientThreshold 0.4 metadata NULL surfaceNormals NULL }
ElevationGrid { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput MFNode attrib initializeOnly SFBool ccw inputOutput SFNode color initializeOnly SFBool colorPerVertex positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName initializeOnly SFFloat creaseAngle inputOutput SFNode fogCoord initializeOnly MFFloat height inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFNode normal initializeOnly SFBool normalPerVertex inputOnly MFFloat set_height initializeOnly SFBool solid inputOutput SFBool solid inputOutput SFNode texCoord initializeOnly SFInt32 xDimension initializeOnly SFFloat xSpacing initializeOnly SFInt32 zDimension initializeOnly SFFloat zSpacing }
The following is an example of an ElevationGrid node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
ElevationGrid { IS NULL attrib [] ccw TRUE color NULL colorPerVertex TRUE creaseAngle 0 fogCoord NULL height [] metadata NULL normal NULL normalPerVertex TRUE solid TRUE solid TRUE texCoord NULL xDimension 0 xSpacing 1.0 zDimension 0 zSpacing 1.0 }
EspduTransform { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOnly MFNode addChildren inputOutput SFString address inputOutput SFInt32 applicationID inputOutput MFFloat articulationParameterArray inputOutput MFInt32 articulationParameterChangeIndicatorArray inputOutput SFInt32 articulationParameterCount inputOutput MFInt32 articulationParameterDesignatorArray inputOutput MFInt32 articulationParameterIdPartAttachedToArray inputOutput MFInt32 articulationParameterTypeArray outputOnly SFFloat articulationParameterValue0_changed outputOnly SFFloat articulationParameterValue1_changed outputOnly SFFloat articulationParameterValue2_changed outputOnly SFFloat articulationParameterValue3_changed outputOnly SFFloat articulationParameterValue4_changed outputOnly SFFloat articulationParameterValue5_changed outputOnly SFFloat articulationParameterValue6_changed outputOnly SFFloat articulationParameterValue7_changed initializeOnly SFVec3f bboxCenter inputOutput SFBool bboxDisplay initializeOnly SFVec3f bboxSize inputOutput SFVec3f center inputOutput MFNode children outputOnly SFTime collideTime inputOutput SFInt32 collisionType positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFInt32 deadReckoning inputOutput SFString description outputOnly SFTime detonateTime inputOutput SFVec3f detonationLocation inputOutput SFVec3f detonationRelativeLocation inputOutput SFInt32 detonationResult inputOutput SFBool enabled inputOutput SFInt32 entityCategory inputOutput SFInt32 entityCountry inputOutput SFInt32 entityDomain inputOutput SFInt32 entityExtra inputOutput SFInt32 entityID inputOutput SFInt32 entityKind inputOutput SFInt32 entitySpecific inputOutput SFInt32 entitySubcategory inputOutput SFInt32 eventApplicationID inputOutput SFInt32 eventEntityID inputOutput SFInt32 eventNumber inputOutput SFInt32 eventSiteID inputOutput SFInt32 fireMissionIndex inputOutput SFBool fired1 inputOutput SFBool fired2 outputOnly SFTime firedTime inputOutput SFFloat firingRange inputOutput SFInt32 firingRate inputOutput SFInt32 forceID inputOutput SFInt32 fuse inputOutput SFVec3d geoCoords initializeOnly MFString geoSystem outputOnly SFBool isActive outputOnly SFBool isCollided outputOnly SFBool isDetonated outputOnly SFBool isNetworkReader outputOnly SFBool isNetworkWriter outputOnly SFBool isRtpHeaderHeard outputOnly SFBool isStandAlone inputOutput SFVec3f linearAcceleration inputOutput SFVec3f linearVelocity inputOutput SFString marking inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFString multicastRelayHost inputOutput SFInt32 multicastRelayPort inputOutput SFInt32 munitionApplicationID inputOutput SFVec3f munitionEndPoint inputOutput SFInt32 munitionEntityID inputOutput SFInt32 munitionQuantity inputOutput SFInt32 munitionSiteID inputOutput SFVec3f munitionStartPoint inputOutput NMTOKEN networkMode inputOutput SFInt32 port inputOutput SFTime readInterval inputOnly MFNode removeChildren inputOutput SFRotation rotation inputOutput SFBool rtpHeaderExpected inputOutput SFVec3f scale inputOutput SFRotation scaleOrientation inputOnly SFFloat set_articulationParameterValue0 inputOnly SFFloat set_articulationParameterValue1 inputOnly SFFloat set_articulationParameterValue2 inputOnly SFFloat set_articulationParameterValue3 inputOnly SFFloat set_articulationParameterValue4 inputOnly SFFloat set_articulationParameterValue5 inputOnly SFFloat set_articulationParameterValue6 inputOnly SFFloat set_articulationParameterValue7 inputOutput SFInt32 siteID outputOnly SFTime timestamp inputOutput SFVec3f translation inputOutput SFBool visible inputOutput SFInt32 warhead inputOutput SFTime writeInterval }
The following is an example of an EspduTransform node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
EspduTransform { IS NULL address "localhost" applicationID 0 articulationParameterArray [] articulationParameterChangeIndicatorArray [] articulationParameterCount 0 articulationParameterDesignatorArray [] articulationParameterIdPartAttachedToArray [] articulationParameterTypeArray [] bboxCenter 0 0 0 bboxDisplay FALSE bboxSize -1 -1 -1 center 0 0 0 children [] collisionType 0 deadReckoning 0 description "" detonationLocation 0 0 0 detonationRelativeLocation 0 0 0 detonationResult 0 enabled TRUE entityCategory 0 entityCountry 0 entityDomain 0 entityExtra 0 entityID 0 entityKind 0 entitySpecific 0 entitySubcategory 0 eventApplicationID 0 eventEntityID 0 eventNumber 0 eventSiteID 0 fireMissionIndex 0 fired1 FALSE fired2 FALSE firingRange 0 firingRate 0 forceID 0 fuse 0 geoCoords 0 0 0 geoSystem ["GD" "WE"] linearAcceleration 0 0 0 linearVelocity 0 0 0 marking "" metadata NULL multicastRelayHost "" multicastRelayPort 0 munitionApplicationID 0 munitionEndPoint 0 0 0 munitionEntityID 0 munitionQuantity 0 munitionSiteID 0 munitionStartPoint 0 0 0 networkMode BAD FIELD TYPE port 0 readInterval 0.1 rotation 0 0 1 0 rtpHeaderExpected FALSE scale 1 1 1 scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0 siteID 0 translation 0 0 0 visible TRUE warhead 0 writeInterval 1.0 }
ExplosionEmitter { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFFloat mass inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFBool on inputOutput SFVec3f position inputOutput SFFloat speed inputOutput SFFloat surfaceArea inputOutput SFFloat variation }
The following is an example of an ExplosionEmitter node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
ExplosionEmitter { IS NULL mass 0 metadata NULL on TRUE position 0 0 0 speed 0 surfaceArea 0 variation 0.25 }
Extrusion { inputOutput SFNode IS initializeOnly SFBool beginCap initializeOnly SFBool beginCap initializeOnly SFBool ccw initializeOnly SFBool ccw positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName initializeOnly SFBool convex initializeOnly SFBool convex initializeOnly SFFloat creaseAngle initializeOnly SFFloat creaseAngle initializeOnly MFVec2f crossSection initializeOnly MFVec2f crossSection initializeOnly SFBool endCap initializeOnly SFBool endCap inputOutput SFNode metadata initializeOnly MFRotation orientation initializeOnly MFRotation orientation initializeOnly MFVec2f scale initializeOnly MFVec2f scale inputOnly MFVec2f set_crossSection inputOnly MFRotation set_orientation inputOnly MFVec2f set_scale inputOnly MFVec3f set_spine initializeOnly SFBool solid inputOutput SFBool solid initializeOnly MFVec3f spine initializeOnly MFVec3f spine }
The following is an example of an Extrusion node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
Extrusion { IS NULL beginCap TRUE beginCap TRUE ccw TRUE ccw TRUE convex TRUE convex TRUE creaseAngle 0 creaseAngle 0 crossSection [1 1 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1 1 1] crossSection [1 1 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1 1 1] endCap TRUE endCap TRUE metadata NULL orientation [0 0 1 0] orientation [0 0 1 0] scale [1 1] scale [1 1] solid TRUE solid TRUE spine [0 0 0 0 1 0] spine [0 0 0 0 1 0] }
FillProperties { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFBool filled inputOutput SFColor hatchColor inputOutput SFInt32 hatchStyle inputOutput SFBool hatched inputOutput SFNode metadata }
The following is an example of a FillProperties node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
FillProperties { IS NULL filled TRUE hatchColor 1 1 1 hatchStyle 1 hatched TRUE metadata NULL }
FloatVertexAttribute { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFNode metadata initializeOnly NMTOKEN name initializeOnly NMTOKEN name initializeOnly SFInt32 numComponents inputOutput MFFloat value }
The following is an example of a FloatVertexAttribute node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
FloatVertexAttribute { IS NULL metadata NULL name BAD FIELD TYPE name BAD FIELD TYPE numComponents 4 value [] }
Fog { inputOutput SFNode IS outputOnly SFTime bindTime inputOutput SFColor color positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput NMTOKEN fogType outputOnly SFBool isBound inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOnly SFBool set_bind inputOutput SFFloat visibilityRange }
The following is an example of a Fog node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
Fog { IS NULL color 1 1 1 fogType BAD FIELD TYPE metadata NULL visibilityRange 0 }
FogCoordinate { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput MFFloat depth inputOutput SFNode metadata }
The following is an example of a FogCoordinate node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
FogCoordinate { IS NULL depth [] metadata NULL }
FontStyle { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput NMTOKENS class positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput MFString family inputOutput MFString family inputOutput SFBool horizontal inputOutput NMTOKEN id inputOutput MFString justify inputOutput SFString language inputOutput SFBool leftToRight inputOutput SFNode metadata initializeOnly SFFloat size inputOutput SFFloat spacing inputOutput NMTOKEN style inputOutput SFBool topToBottom }
The following is an example of a FontStyle node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
FontStyle { IS NULL class BAD FIELD TYPE family [] family ["SERIF"] horizontal TRUE id BAD FIELD TYPE justify ["BEGIN"] language "" leftToRight TRUE metadata NULL size 1.0 spacing 1.0 style BAD FIELD TYPE topToBottom TRUE }
ForcePhysicsModel { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFBool enabled inputOutput SFVec3f force inputOutput SFNode metadata }
The following is an example of a ForcePhysicsModel node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
ForcePhysicsModel { IS NULL enabled TRUE force 0 -9.8 0 metadata NULL }
Gain { inputOutput SFNode IS outputOnly SFInt32 channelCount inputOutput SFString channelCountMode inputOutput SFString channelInterpretation inputOutput MFNode children positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFString description outputOnly SFTime elapsedTime inputOutput SFBool enabled inputOutput SFFloat gain outputOnly SFBool isActive outputOnly SFBool isPaused inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFTime pauseTime inputOutput SFTime resumeTime inputOutput SFTime startTime inputOutput SFTime stopTime inputOutput SFTime tailTime }
The following is an example of a Gain node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
Gain { IS NULL channelCountMode "MAX" channelInterpretation "SPEAKERS" children [] description "" enabled TRUE gain 1 metadata NULL pauseTime 0 resumeTime 0 startTime 0 stopTime 0 tailTime 0 }
GeneratedCubeMapTexture { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFString description inputOutput SFNode metadata initializeOnly SFInt32 size initializeOnly SFInt32 size initializeOnly SFNode textureProperties inputOutput NMTOKEN update }
The following is an example of a GeneratedCubeMapTexture node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
GeneratedCubeMapTexture { IS NULL description "" metadata NULL size 128 size 128 textureProperties NULL update BAD FIELD TYPE }
GeoCoordinate { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName initializeOnly SFNode geoOrigin initializeOnly MFString geoSystem inputOutput SFNode metadata initializeOnly MFVec3d point }
The following is an example of a GeoCoordinate node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
GeoCoordinate { IS NULL geoOrigin NULL geoSystem ["GD" "WE"] metadata NULL point [] }
GeoElevationGrid { inputOutput SFNode IS initializeOnly SFBool ccw inputOutput SFNode color initializeOnly SFBool colorPerVertex positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName initializeOnly SFDouble creaseAngle initializeOnly SFVec3d geoGridOrigin initializeOnly SFNode geoOrigin initializeOnly MFString geoSystem initializeOnly MFDouble height inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFNode normal initializeOnly SFBool normalPerVertex inputOnly MFDouble set_height initializeOnly SFBool solid inputOutput SFBool solid inputOutput SFNode texCoord initializeOnly SFInt32 xDimension initializeOnly SFDouble xSpacing inputOutput SFFloat yScale initializeOnly SFInt32 zDimension initializeOnly SFDouble zSpacing }
The following is an example of a GeoElevationGrid node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
GeoElevationGrid { IS NULL ccw TRUE color NULL colorPerVertex TRUE creaseAngle 0 geoGridOrigin 0 0 0 geoOrigin NULL geoSystem ["GD" "WE"] height [0 0] metadata NULL normal NULL normalPerVertex TRUE solid TRUE solid TRUE texCoord NULL xDimension 0 xSpacing 1.0 yScale 1 zDimension 0 zSpacing 1.0 }
GeoLOD { inputOutput SFNode IS initializeOnly SFVec3f bboxCenter inputOutput SFBool bboxDisplay initializeOnly SFVec3f bboxSize initializeOnly SFVec3d center inputOutput SFVec3d center initializeOnly MFString child1Url initializeOnly MFString child2Url initializeOnly MFString child3Url initializeOnly MFString child4Url outputOnly MFNode children positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName initializeOnly SFNode geoOrigin initializeOnly MFString geoSystem outputOnly SFInt32 level_changed inputOutput SFNode metadata initializeOnly SFFloat range initializeOnly MFNode rootNode initializeOnly MFString rootUrl inputOutput SFBool visible }
The following is an example of a GeoLOD node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
GeoLOD { IS NULL bboxCenter 0 0 0 bboxDisplay FALSE bboxSize -1 -1 -1 center 0 0 0 center 0 0 0 child1Url [] child2Url [] child3Url [] child4Url [] geoOrigin NULL geoSystem ["GD" "WE"] metadata NULL range 10 rootNode [] rootUrl [] visible TRUE }
GeoLocation { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOnly MFNode addChildren initializeOnly SFVec3f bboxCenter inputOutput SFBool bboxDisplay initializeOnly SFVec3f bboxSize inputOutput MFNode children positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFVec3d geoCoords initializeOnly SFNode geoOrigin initializeOnly MFString geoSystem inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOnly MFNode removeChildren inputOutput SFBool visible }
The following is an example of a GeoLocation node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
GeoLocation { IS NULL bboxCenter 0 0 0 bboxDisplay FALSE bboxSize -1 -1 -1 children [] geoCoords 0 0 0 geoOrigin NULL geoSystem ["GD" "WE"] metadata NULL visible TRUE }
GeoMetadata { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput SFTime autoRefresh inputOutput SFTime autoRefreshTimeLimit positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput MFNode data inputOutput SFString description inputOutput SFBool load inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput MFString summary inputOutput MFString url }
The following is an example of a GeoMetadata node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
GeoMetadata { IS NULL autoRefresh 0 autoRefreshTimeLimit 3600 data [] description "" load TRUE metadata NULL summary [] url [] }
GeoOrigin { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFVec3d geoCoords initializeOnly MFString geoSystem inputOutput SFNode metadata initializeOnly SFBool rotateYUp }
The following is an example of a GeoOrigin node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
GeoOrigin { IS NULL geoCoords 0 0 0 geoSystem ["GD" "WE"] metadata NULL rotateYUp FALSE }
GeoPositionInterpolator { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName initializeOnly SFNode geoOrigin initializeOnly MFString geoSystem outputOnly SFVec3d geovalue_changed inputOutput MFFloat key inputOutput MFVec3d keyValue inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOnly SFFloat set_fraction outputOnly SFVec3f value_changed }
The following is an example of a GeoPositionInterpolator node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
GeoPositionInterpolator { IS NULL geoOrigin NULL geoSystem ["GD" "WE"] key [] keyValue [] metadata NULL }
GeoProximitySensor { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput SFVec3d center outputOnly SFVec3f centerOfRotation_changed positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFString description inputOutput SFBool enabled outputOnly SFTime enterTime outputOnly SFTime exitTime inputOutput SFVec3d geoCenter outputOnly SFVec3d geoCoord_changed initializeOnly SFNode geoOrigin initializeOnly MFString geoSystem outputOnly SFBool isActive inputOutput SFNode metadata outputOnly SFRotation orientation_changed outputOnly SFVec3f position_changed inputOutput SFVec3f size }
The following is an example of a GeoProximitySensor node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
GeoProximitySensor { IS NULL center 0 0 0 description "" enabled TRUE geoCenter 0 0 0 geoOrigin NULL geoSystem ["GD" "WE"] metadata NULL size 0 0 0 }
GeoTouchSensor { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFString description inputOutput SFBool enabled initializeOnly SFNode geoOrigin initializeOnly MFString geoSystem outputOnly SFVec3d hitGeoCoord_changed outputOnly SFVec3f hitNormal_changed outputOnly SFVec3f hitPoint_changed outputOnly SFVec2f hitTexCoord_changed outputOnly SFBool isActive outputOnly SFBool isOver inputOutput SFNode metadata outputOnly SFTime touchTime }
The following is an example of a GeoTouchSensor node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
GeoTouchSensor { IS NULL description "" enabled TRUE geoOrigin NULL geoSystem ["GD" "WE"] metadata NULL }
GeoTransform { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOnly MFNode addChildren initializeOnly SFVec3f bboxCenter inputOutput SFBool bboxDisplay initializeOnly SFVec3f bboxSize inputOutput MFNode children positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFVec3d geoCenter initializeOnly SFNode geoOrigin initializeOnly MFString geoSystem inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOnly MFNode removeChildren inputOutput SFRotation rotation inputOutput SFVec3f scale inputOutput SFRotation scaleOrientation inputOutput SFVec3f translation inputOutput SFBool visible }
The following is an example of a GeoTransform node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
GeoTransform { IS NULL bboxCenter 0 0 0 bboxDisplay FALSE bboxSize -1 -1 -1 children [] geoCenter 0 0 0 geoOrigin NULL geoSystem ["GD" "WE"] metadata NULL rotation 0 0 1 0 scale 1 1 1 scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0 translation 0 0 0 visible TRUE }
GeoViewpoint { inputOutput SFNode IS outputOnly SFTime bindTime inputOutput SFVec3d centerOfRotation positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFString description inputOutput SFFloat farDistance inputOutput SFFloat fieldOfView initializeOnly SFNode geoOrigin initializeOnly MFString geoSystem outputOnly SFBool isBound inputOutput SFBool jump inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFNode navigationInfo inputOutput SFFloat nearDistance inputOutput SFRotation orientation inputOutput SFVec3d position inputOutput SFBool retainUserOffsets inputOnly SFBool set_bind initializeOnly SFFloat speedFactor inputOutput SFBool viewAll }
The following is an example of a GeoViewpoint node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
GeoViewpoint { IS NULL centerOfRotation 0 0 0 description "" farDistance -1 fieldOfView 0.7854 geoOrigin NULL geoSystem ["GD" "WE"] jump TRUE metadata NULL navigationInfo NULL nearDistance -1 orientation 0 0 1 0 position 0 0 100000 retainUserOffsets FALSE speedFactor 1.0 viewAll FALSE }
Group { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOnly MFNode addChildren initializeOnly SFVec3f bboxCenter inputOutput SFBool bboxDisplay initializeOnly SFVec3f bboxSize inputOutput MFNode children positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOnly MFNode removeChildren inputOutput SFBool visible }
The following is an example of a Group node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
Group { IS NULL bboxCenter 0 0 0 bboxDisplay FALSE bboxSize -1 -1 -1 children [] metadata NULL visible TRUE }
HAnimDisplacer { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput MFInt32 coordIndex inputOutput MFInt32 coordIndex inputOutput SFString description inputOutput MFVec3f displacements inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput NMTOKEN name inputOutput NMTOKEN name inputOutput SFFloat weight }
The following is an example of an HAnimDisplacer node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
HAnimDisplacer { IS NULL coordIndex [] coordIndex [] description "" displacements [] metadata NULL name BAD FIELD TYPE name BAD FIELD TYPE weight 0.0 }
HAnimHumanoid { inputOutput SFNode IS initializeOnly SFVec3f bboxCenter inputOutput SFBool bboxDisplay initializeOnly SFVec3f bboxSize inputOutput SFVec3f center positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFString description inputOutput MFString info inputOutput MFVec3f jointBindingPositions inputOutput MFRotation jointBindingRotations inputOutput MFVec3f jointBindingScales inputOutput MFNode joints inputOutput SFInt32 loa inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput MFNode motions inputOutput MFBool motionsEnabled inputOutput NMTOKEN name inputOutput SFRotation rotation inputOutput SFVec3f scale inputOutput SFRotation scaleOrientation inputOutput MFNode segments inputOutput MFNode sites inputOutput SFString skeletalConfiguration inputOutput MFNode skeleton inputOutput MFNode skin inputOutput SFNode skinBindingCoords inputOutput SFNode skinBindingNormals inputOutput SFNode skinCoord inputOutput SFNode skinNormal inputOutput SFVec3f translation inputOutput NMTOKEN version inputOutput MFNode viewpoints inputOutput SFBool visible }
The following is an example of an HAnimHumanoid node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
HAnimHumanoid { IS NULL bboxCenter 0 0 0 bboxDisplay FALSE bboxSize -1 -1 -1 center 0 0 0 description "" info [] jointBindingPositions [] jointBindingRotations [] jointBindingScales [] joints [] loa -1 metadata NULL motions [] motionsEnabled [] name BAD FIELD TYPE rotation 0 0 1 0 scale 1 1 1 scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0 segments [] sites [] skeletalConfiguration "BASIC" skeleton [] skin [] skinBindingCoords NULL skinBindingNormals NULL skinCoord NULL skinNormal NULL translation 0 0 0 version BAD FIELD TYPE viewpoints [] visible TRUE }
HAnimJoint { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOnly MFNode addChildren initializeOnly SFVec3f bboxCenter inputOutput SFBool bboxDisplay initializeOnly SFVec3f bboxSize inputOutput SFVec3f center inputOutput MFNode children positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFString description inputOutput MFNode displacers inputOutput SFRotation limitOrientation inputOutput MFFloat llimit inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput NMTOKEN name inputOutput NMTOKEN name inputOnly MFNode removeChildren inputOutput SFRotation rotation inputOutput SFVec3f scale inputOutput SFRotation scaleOrientation inputOutput MFInt32 skinCoordIndex inputOutput MFFloat skinCoordWeight inputOutput MFFloat stiffness inputOutput SFVec3f translation inputOutput MFFloat ulimit inputOutput SFBool visible }
The following is an example of an HAnimJoint node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
HAnimJoint { IS NULL bboxCenter 0 0 0 bboxDisplay FALSE bboxSize -1 -1 -1 center 0 0 0 children [] description "" displacers [] limitOrientation 0 0 1 0 llimit [0 0 0] metadata NULL name BAD FIELD TYPE name BAD FIELD TYPE rotation 0 0 1 0 scale 1 1 1 scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0 skinCoordIndex [] skinCoordWeight [] stiffness [0 0 0] translation 0 0 0 ulimit [0 0 0] visible TRUE }
HAnimMotion { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput SFString channels inputOutput MFBool channelsEnabled positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName outputOnly SFTime cycleTime inputOutput SFString description outputOnly SFTime elapsedTime inputOutput SFBool enabled inputOutput SFInt32 endFrame outputOnly SFInt32 frameCount inputOutput SFTime frameDuration inputOutput SFInt32 frameIncrement inputOutput SFInt32 frameIndex inputOutput SFString joints inputOutput SFInt32 loa inputOutput SFBool loop inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput NMTOKEN name inputOnly SFBool next inputOnly SFBool previous inputOutput SFInt32 startFrame inputOutput MFFloat values }
The following is an example of an HAnimMotion node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
HAnimMotion { IS NULL channels "" channelsEnabled [] description "" enabled TRUE endFrame 0 frameDuration 0.1 frameIncrement 1 frameIndex 0 joints "" loa -1 loop FALSE metadata NULL name BAD FIELD TYPE startFrame 0 values [] }
HAnimSegment { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOnly MFNode addChildren initializeOnly SFVec3f bboxCenter inputOutput SFBool bboxDisplay initializeOnly SFVec3f bboxSize inputOutput SFVec3f centerOfMass inputOutput MFNode children positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFNode coord inputOutput SFString description inputOutput MFNode displacers inputOutput SFFloat mass inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput MFFloat momentsOfInertia inputOutput NMTOKEN name inputOutput NMTOKEN name inputOnly MFNode removeChildren inputOutput SFBool visible }
The following is an example of an HAnimSegment node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
HAnimSegment { IS NULL bboxCenter 0 0 0 bboxDisplay FALSE bboxSize -1 -1 -1 centerOfMass 0 0 0 children [] coord NULL description "" displacers [] mass 0 metadata NULL momentsOfInertia [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] name BAD FIELD TYPE name BAD FIELD TYPE visible TRUE }
HAnimSite { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOnly MFNode addChildren initializeOnly SFVec3f bboxCenter inputOutput SFBool bboxDisplay initializeOnly SFVec3f bboxSize inputOutput SFVec3f center inputOutput MFNode children positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFString description inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput NMTOKEN name inputOutput NMTOKEN name inputOnly MFNode removeChildren inputOutput SFRotation rotation inputOutput SFVec3f scale inputOutput SFRotation scaleOrientation inputOutput SFVec3f translation inputOutput SFBool visible }
The following is an example of an HAnimSite node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
HAnimSite { IS NULL bboxCenter 0 0 0 bboxDisplay FALSE bboxSize -1 -1 -1 center 0 0 0 children [] description "" metadata NULL name BAD FIELD TYPE name BAD FIELD TYPE rotation 0 0 1 0 scale 1 1 1 scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0 translation 0 0 0 visible TRUE }
ImageCubeMapTexture { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput SFTime autoRefresh inputOutput SFTime autoRefreshTimeLimit positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFString description inputOutput SFBool load inputOutput SFNode metadata initializeOnly SFNode textureProperties inputOutput MFString url }
The following is an example of an ImageCubeMapTexture node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
ImageCubeMapTexture { IS NULL autoRefresh 0 autoRefreshTimeLimit 3600 description "" load TRUE metadata NULL textureProperties NULL url [] }
ImageTexture { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput SFTime autoRefresh inputOutput SFTime autoRefreshTimeLimit positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFString description inputOutput SFBool load inputOutput SFNode metadata initializeOnly SFBool repeatS initializeOnly SFBool repeatT initializeOnly SFNode textureProperties inputOutput MFString url }
The following is an example of an ImageTexture node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
ImageTexture { IS NULL autoRefresh 0 autoRefreshTimeLimit 3600 description "" load TRUE metadata NULL repeatS TRUE repeatT TRUE textureProperties NULL url [] }
ImageTexture3D { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput SFTime autoRefresh inputOutput SFTime autoRefreshTimeLimit positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFString description inputOutput SFBool load inputOutput SFNode metadata initializeOnly SFBool repeatR initializeOnly SFBool repeatS initializeOnly SFBool repeatT initializeOnly SFNode textureProperties inputOutput MFString url }
The following is an example of an ImageTexture3D node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
ImageTexture3D { IS NULL autoRefresh 0 autoRefreshTimeLimit 3600 description "" load TRUE metadata NULL repeatR FALSE repeatS FALSE repeatT FALSE textureProperties NULL url [] }
IndexedFaceSet { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput MFNode attrib initializeOnly SFBool ccw inputOutput SFNode color initializeOnly MFInt32 colorIndex initializeOnly SFBool colorPerVertex positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName initializeOnly SFBool convex inputOutput SFNode coord initializeOnly MFInt32 coordIndex initializeOnly SFFloat creaseAngle inputOutput SFNode fogCoord inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFNode normal initializeOnly MFInt32 normalIndex initializeOnly SFBool normalPerVertex inputOnly MFInt32 set_colorIndex inputOnly MFInt32 set_coordIndex inputOnly MFInt32 set_normalIndex inputOnly MFInt32 set_texCoordIndex initializeOnly SFBool solid inputOutput SFBool solid inputOutput SFNode texCoord initializeOnly MFInt32 texCoordIndex }
The following is an example of an IndexedFaceSet node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
IndexedFaceSet { IS NULL attrib [] ccw TRUE color NULL colorIndex [] colorPerVertex TRUE convex TRUE coord NULL coordIndex [] creaseAngle 0 fogCoord NULL metadata NULL normal NULL normalIndex [] normalPerVertex TRUE solid TRUE solid TRUE texCoord NULL texCoordIndex [] }
IndexedLineSet { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput MFNode attrib inputOutput SFNode color initializeOnly MFInt32 colorIndex initializeOnly SFBool colorPerVertex positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFNode coord initializeOnly MFInt32 coordIndex inputOutput SFNode fogCoord inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFNode normal inputOnly MFInt32 set_colorIndex inputOnly MFInt32 set_coordIndex }
The following is an example of an IndexedLineSet node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
IndexedLineSet { IS NULL attrib [] color NULL colorIndex [] colorPerVertex TRUE coord NULL coordIndex [] fogCoord NULL metadata NULL normal NULL }
IndexedQuadSet { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput MFNode attrib initializeOnly SFBool ccw inputOutput SFNode color initializeOnly SFBool colorPerVertex positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFNode coord inputOutput SFNode fogCoord initializeOnly MFInt32 index inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFNode normal initializeOnly SFBool normalPerVertex inputOnly MFInt32 set_index initializeOnly SFBool solid inputOutput SFBool solid inputOutput SFNode texCoord }
The following is an example of an IndexedQuadSet node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
IndexedQuadSet { IS NULL attrib [] ccw TRUE color NULL colorPerVertex TRUE coord NULL fogCoord NULL index [] metadata NULL normal NULL normalPerVertex TRUE solid TRUE solid TRUE texCoord NULL }
IndexedTriangleFanSet { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput MFNode attrib initializeOnly SFBool ccw inputOutput SFNode color initializeOnly SFBool colorPerVertex positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFNode coord inputOutput SFNode fogCoord initializeOnly MFInt32 index inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFNode normal initializeOnly SFBool normalPerVertex inputOnly MFInt32 set_index initializeOnly SFBool solid inputOutput SFBool solid inputOutput SFNode texCoord }
The following is an example of an IndexedTriangleFanSet node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
IndexedTriangleFanSet { IS NULL attrib [] ccw TRUE color NULL colorPerVertex TRUE coord NULL fogCoord NULL index [] metadata NULL normal NULL normalPerVertex TRUE solid TRUE solid TRUE texCoord NULL }
IndexedTriangleSet { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput MFNode attrib initializeOnly SFBool ccw inputOutput SFNode color initializeOnly SFBool colorPerVertex positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFNode coord inputOutput SFNode fogCoord initializeOnly MFInt32 index inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFNode normal initializeOnly SFBool normalPerVertex inputOnly MFInt32 set_index initializeOnly SFBool solid inputOutput SFBool solid inputOutput SFNode texCoord }
The following is an example of an IndexedTriangleSet node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
IndexedTriangleSet { IS NULL attrib [] ccw TRUE color NULL colorPerVertex TRUE coord NULL fogCoord NULL index [] metadata NULL normal NULL normalPerVertex TRUE solid TRUE solid TRUE texCoord NULL }
IndexedTriangleStripSet { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput MFNode attrib initializeOnly SFBool ccw inputOutput SFNode color initializeOnly SFBool colorPerVertex positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFNode coord inputOutput SFNode fogCoord initializeOnly MFInt32 index inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFNode normal initializeOnly SFBool normalPerVertex inputOnly MFInt32 set_index initializeOnly SFBool solid inputOutput SFBool solid inputOutput SFNode texCoord }
The following is an example of an IndexedTriangleStripSet node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
IndexedTriangleStripSet { IS NULL attrib [] ccw TRUE color NULL colorPerVertex TRUE coord NULL fogCoord NULL index [] metadata NULL normal NULL normalPerVertex TRUE solid TRUE solid TRUE texCoord NULL }
Inline { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput SFTime autoRefresh inputOutput SFTime autoRefreshTimeLimit initializeOnly SFVec3f bboxCenter inputOutput SFBool bboxDisplay initializeOnly SFVec3f bboxSize positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFString description inputOutput SFBool global inputOutput SFBool load inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput MFString url inputOutput SFBool visible }
The following is an example of an Inline node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
Inline { IS NULL autoRefresh 0 autoRefreshTimeLimit 3600 bboxCenter 0 0 0 bboxDisplay FALSE bboxSize -1 -1 -1 description "" global FALSE load TRUE metadata NULL url [] visible TRUE }
IntegerSequencer { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput MFFloat key inputOutput MFInt32 keyValue inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOnly SFBool next inputOnly SFBool previous inputOnly SFFloat set_fraction outputOnly SFInt32 value_changed }
The following is an example of an IntegerSequencer node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
IntegerSequencer { IS NULL key [] keyValue [] metadata NULL }
IntegerTrigger { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFInt32 integerKey inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOnly SFBool set_boolean outputOnly SFInt32 triggerValue }
The following is an example of an IntegerTrigger node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
IntegerTrigger { IS NULL integerKey -1 metadata NULL }
IsoSurfaceVolumeData { inputOutput SFNode IS initializeOnly SFVec3f bboxCenter inputOutput SFBool bboxDisplay initializeOnly SFVec3f bboxSize positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFFloat contourStepSize inputOutput SFVec3f dimensions inputOutput SFNode gradients inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput MFNode renderStyle inputOutput SFFloat surfaceTolerance inputOutput MFFloat surfaceValues inputOutput SFBool visible inputOutput SFNode voxels }
The following is an example of an IsoSurfaceVolumeData node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
IsoSurfaceVolumeData { IS NULL bboxCenter 0 0 0 bboxDisplay FALSE bboxSize -1 -1 -1 contourStepSize 0 dimensions 1 1 1 gradients NULL metadata NULL renderStyle [] surfaceTolerance 0 surfaceValues [] visible TRUE voxels NULL }
KeySensor { inputOutput SFNode IS outputOnly SFInt32 actionKeyPress outputOnly SFInt32 actionKeyRelease outputOnly SFBool altKey positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName outputOnly SFBool controlKey inputOutput SFString description inputOutput SFBool enabled outputOnly SFBool isActive outputOnly SFString keyPress outputOnly SFString keyRelease inputOutput SFNode metadata outputOnly SFBool shiftKey }
The following is an example of a KeySensor node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
KeySensor { IS NULL description "" enabled TRUE metadata NULL }
LOD { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOnly MFNode addChildren initializeOnly SFVec3f bboxCenter inputOutput SFBool bboxDisplay initializeOnly SFVec3f bboxSize initializeOnly SFVec3f center inputOutput SFVec3f center inputOutput MFNode children positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName initializeOnly SFBool forceTransitions outputOnly SFInt32 level_changed inputOutput SFNode metadata initializeOnly MFFloat range inputOnly MFNode removeChildren inputOutput SFBool visible }
The following is an example of an LOD node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
LOD { IS NULL bboxCenter 0 0 0 bboxDisplay FALSE bboxSize -1 -1 -1 center 0 0 0 center 0 0 0 children [] forceTransitions FALSE metadata NULL range [] visible TRUE }
Layer { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOnly MFNode addChildren inputOutput MFNode children positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput MFString objectType inputOutput MFString objectType inputOutput SFBool pickable inputOnly MFNode removeChildren inputOutput SFNode viewport inputOutput SFBool visible }
The following is an example of a Layer node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
Layer { IS NULL children [] metadata NULL objectType [] objectType ["ALL"] pickable TRUE viewport NULL visible TRUE }
LayerSet { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput SFInt32 activeLayer positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput MFNode layers inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput MFInt32 order inputOutput MFInt32 order }
The following is an example of a LayerSet node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
LayerSet { IS NULL activeLayer 0 layers [] metadata NULL order [0] order [0] }
Layout { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput MFString align positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput MFFloat offset inputOutput MFString offsetUnits inputOutput MFString scaleMode inputOutput MFFloat size inputOutput MFFloat size inputOutput MFString sizeUnits }
The following is an example of a Layout node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
Layout { IS NULL align ["CENTER" "CENTER"] metadata NULL offset [0 0] offsetUnits ["WORLD" "WORLD"] scaleMode ["NONE" "NONE"] size [1 1] size [1 1] sizeUnits ["WORLD" "WORLD"] }
LayoutGroup { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOnly MFNode addChildren initializeOnly SFVec3f bboxCenter inputOutput SFBool bboxDisplay initializeOnly SFVec3f bboxSize inputOutput MFNode children positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFNode layout inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOnly MFNode removeChildren inputOutput SFNode viewport inputOutput SFBool visible }
The following is an example of a LayoutGroup node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
LayoutGroup { IS NULL bboxCenter 0 0 0 bboxDisplay FALSE bboxSize -1 -1 -1 children [] layout NULL metadata NULL viewport NULL visible TRUE }
LayoutLayer { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOnly MFNode addChildren inputOutput MFNode children positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFNode layout inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput MFString objectType inputOutput MFString objectType inputOutput SFBool pickable inputOnly MFNode removeChildren inputOutput SFNode viewport inputOutput SFBool visible }
The following is an example of a LayoutLayer node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
LayoutLayer { IS NULL children [] layout NULL metadata NULL objectType [] objectType ["ALL"] pickable TRUE viewport NULL visible TRUE }
LinePickSensor { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFString description inputOutput SFBool enabled initializeOnly NMTOKEN intersectionType initializeOnly NMTOKEN intersectionType outputOnly SFBool isActive inputOutput NMTOKEN matchCriterion inputOutput NMTOKEN matchCriterion inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput MFString objectType inputOutput MFString objectType inputOutput MFNode pickTarget outputOnly MFNode pickedGeometry outputOnly MFVec3f pickedNormal outputOnly MFVec3f pickedPoint outputOnly MFVec3f pickedTextureCoordinate inputOutput SFNode pickingGeometry initializeOnly NMTOKEN sortOrder initializeOnly NMTOKEN sortOrder }
The following is an example of a LinePickSensor node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
LinePickSensor { IS NULL description "" enabled TRUE intersectionType BAD FIELD TYPE intersectionType BAD FIELD TYPE matchCriterion BAD FIELD TYPE matchCriterion BAD FIELD TYPE metadata NULL objectType [] objectType ["ALL"] pickTarget [] pickingGeometry NULL sortOrder BAD FIELD TYPE sortOrder BAD FIELD TYPE }
LineProperties { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput SFBool applied positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFInt32 linetype inputOutput SFFloat linewidthScaleFactor inputOutput SFNode metadata }
The following is an example of a LineProperties node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
LineProperties { IS NULL applied TRUE linetype 1 linewidthScaleFactor 0 metadata NULL }
LineSet { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput MFNode attrib inputOutput SFNode color positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFNode coord inputOutput SFNode fogCoord inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFNode normal inputOutput MFInt32 vertexCount }
The following is an example of a LineSet node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
LineSet { IS NULL attrib [] color NULL coord NULL fogCoord NULL metadata NULL normal NULL vertexCount [] }
ListenerPointSource { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFString description inputOutput SFBool dopplerEnabled outputOnly SFTime elapsedTime inputOutput SFBool enabled inputOutput SFFloat gain inputOutput SFFloat interauralDistance outputOnly SFBool isActive outputOnly SFBool isPaused inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFRotation orientation inputOutput SFTime pauseTime inputOutput SFVec3f position inputOutput SFTime resumeTime inputOutput SFTime startTime inputOutput SFTime stopTime inputOutput SFBool trackCurrentView }
The following is an example of a ListenerPointSource node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
ListenerPointSource { IS NULL description "" dopplerEnabled FALSE enabled TRUE gain 1 interauralDistance 0 metadata NULL orientation 0 0 1 0 pauseTime 0 position 0 0 0 resumeTime 0 startTime 0 stopTime 0 trackCurrentView FALSE }
LoadSensor { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput MFNode children positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFString description inputOutput SFBool enabled outputOnly SFBool isActive outputOnly SFBool isLoaded outputOnly SFTime loadTime inputOutput SFNode metadata outputOnly SFFloat progress inputOutput SFTime timeOut }
The following is an example of a LoadSensor node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
LoadSensor { IS NULL children [] description "" enabled TRUE metadata NULL timeOut 0 }
LocalFog { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput SFColor color positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFBool enabled inputOutput NMTOKEN fogType inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFFloat visibilityRange }
The following is an example of a LocalFog node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
LocalFog { IS NULL color 1 1 1 enabled TRUE fogType BAD FIELD TYPE metadata NULL visibilityRange 0 }
Material { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput SFFloat ambientIntensity inputOutput SFNode ambientTexture inputOutput NMTOKEN ambientTextureMapping positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFColor diffuseColor inputOutput SFNode diffuseTexture inputOutput NMTOKEN diffuseTextureMapping inputOutput SFColor emissiveColor inputOutput SFNode emissiveTexture inputOutput NMTOKEN emissiveTextureMapping inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFFloat normalScale inputOutput SFNode normalTexture inputOutput NMTOKEN normalTextureMapping inputOutput SFFloat occlusionStrength inputOutput SFNode occlusionTexture inputOutput NMTOKEN occlusionTextureMapping inputOutput SFFloat shininess inputOutput SFNode shininessTexture inputOutput NMTOKEN shininessTextureMapping inputOutput SFColor specularColor inputOutput SFNode specularTexture inputOutput NMTOKEN specularTextureMapping inputOutput SFFloat transparency }
The following is an example of a Material node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
Material { IS NULL ambientIntensity 0.2 ambientTexture NULL ambientTextureMapping BAD FIELD TYPE diffuseColor 0.8 0.8 0.8 diffuseTexture NULL diffuseTextureMapping BAD FIELD TYPE emissiveColor 0 0 0 emissiveTexture NULL emissiveTextureMapping BAD FIELD TYPE metadata NULL normalScale 1 normalTexture NULL normalTextureMapping BAD FIELD TYPE occlusionStrength 1 occlusionTexture NULL occlusionTextureMapping BAD FIELD TYPE shininess 0.2 shininessTexture NULL shininessTextureMapping BAD FIELD TYPE specularColor 0 0 0 specularTexture NULL specularTextureMapping BAD FIELD TYPE transparency 0 }
Matrix3VertexAttribute { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFNode metadata initializeOnly NMTOKEN name initializeOnly NMTOKEN name inputOutput MFMatrix3f value }
The following is an example of a Matrix3VertexAttribute node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
Matrix3VertexAttribute { IS NULL metadata NULL name BAD FIELD TYPE name BAD FIELD TYPE value [] }
Matrix4VertexAttribute { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFNode metadata initializeOnly NMTOKEN name initializeOnly NMTOKEN name inputOutput MFMatrix4f value }
The following is an example of a Matrix4VertexAttribute node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
Matrix4VertexAttribute { IS NULL metadata NULL name BAD FIELD TYPE name BAD FIELD TYPE value [] }
MetadataBoolean { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFString name inputOutput SFString reference inputOutput MFBool value }
The following is an example of a MetadataBoolean node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
MetadataBoolean { IS NULL metadata NULL name "" reference "" value [] }
MetadataDouble { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFString name inputOutput SFString reference inputOutput MFDouble value }
The following is an example of a MetadataDouble node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
MetadataDouble { IS NULL metadata NULL name "" reference "" value [] }
MetadataFloat { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFString name inputOutput SFString reference inputOutput MFFloat value }
The following is an example of a MetadataFloat node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
MetadataFloat { IS NULL metadata NULL name "" reference "" value [] }
MetadataInteger { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFString name inputOutput SFString reference inputOutput MFInt32 value }
The following is an example of a MetadataInteger node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
MetadataInteger { IS NULL metadata NULL name "" reference "" value [] }
MetadataSet { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFString name inputOutput SFString name inputOutput SFString reference inputOutput SFString reference inputOutput MFNode value }
The following is an example of a MetadataSet node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
MetadataSet { IS NULL metadata NULL name "X3DMetadataObject" name "" reference "X3DMetadataObject" reference "" value [] }
MetadataString { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFString name inputOutput SFString reference inputOutput MFString value }
The following is an example of a MetadataString node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
MetadataString { IS NULL metadata NULL name "" reference "" value [] }
MicrophoneSource { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFString description outputOnly SFTime elapsedTime inputOutput SFBool enabled inputOutput SFFloat gain outputOnly SFBool isActive outputOnly SFBool isPaused inputOutput SFString mediaDeviceID inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFTime pauseTime inputOutput SFTime resumeTime inputOutput SFTime startTime inputOutput SFTime stopTime }
The following is an example of a MicrophoneSource node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
MicrophoneSource { IS NULL description "" enabled TRUE gain 1 mediaDeviceID "" metadata NULL pauseTime 0 resumeTime 0 startTime 0 stopTime 0 }
MotorJoint { inputOutput SFNode IS initializeOnly SFBool autoCalc inputOutput SFFloat axis1Angle inputOutput SFFloat axis1Torque inputOutput SFFloat axis2Angle inputOutput SFFloat axis2Torque inputOutput SFFloat axis3Angle inputOutput SFFloat axis3Torque inputOutput SFNode body1 inputOutput SFNode body2 positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFInt32 enabledAxes inputOutput MFString forceOutput inputOutput MFString forceOutput inputOutput SFNode metadata outputOnly SFFloat motor1Angle outputOnly SFFloat motor1AngleRate inputOutput SFVec3f motor1Axis outputOnly SFFloat motor2Angle outputOnly SFFloat motor2AngleRate inputOutput SFVec3f motor2Axis outputOnly SFFloat motor3Angle outputOnly SFFloat motor3AngleRate inputOutput SFVec3f motor3Axis inputOutput SFFloat stop1Bounce inputOutput SFFloat stop1ErrorCorrection inputOutput SFFloat stop2Bounce inputOutput SFFloat stop2ErrorCorrection inputOutput SFFloat stop3Bounce inputOutput SFFloat stop3ErrorCorrection }
The following is an example of a MotorJoint node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
MotorJoint { IS NULL autoCalc FALSE axis1Angle 0 axis1Torque 0 axis2Angle 0 axis2Torque 0 axis3Angle 0 axis3Torque 0 body1 NULL body2 NULL enabledAxes 1 forceOutput [] forceOutput ["NONE"] metadata NULL motor1Axis 1 0 0 motor2Axis 0 1 0 motor3Axis 0 0 1 stop1Bounce 0 stop1ErrorCorrection 0.8 stop2Bounce 0 stop2ErrorCorrection 0.8 stop3Bounce 0 stop3ErrorCorrection 0.8 }
MovieTexture { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput SFTime autoRefresh inputOutput SFTime autoRefreshTimeLimit positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFString description outputOnly SFTime duration_changed outputOnly SFTime elapsedTime inputOutput SFBool enabled inputOutput SFFloat gain outputOnly SFBool isActive outputOnly SFBool isPaused inputOutput SFBool load inputOutput SFBool loop inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFTime pauseTime inputOutput SFFloat pitch initializeOnly SFBool repeatS initializeOnly SFBool repeatT inputOutput SFTime resumeTime inputOutput SFFloat speed inputOutput SFTime startTime inputOutput SFTime stopTime initializeOnly SFNode textureProperties inputOutput MFString url }
The following is an example of a MovieTexture node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
MovieTexture { IS NULL autoRefresh 0 autoRefreshTimeLimit 3600 description "" enabled TRUE gain 1 load TRUE loop FALSE metadata NULL pauseTime 0 pitch 1.0 repeatS TRUE repeatT TRUE resumeTime 0 speed 1.0 startTime 0 stopTime 0 textureProperties NULL url [] }
MultiTexture { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput SFFloat alpha inputOutput SFColor color positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFString description inputOutput MFString function inputOutput MFString function inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput MFString mode inputOutput MFString mode inputOutput MFString source inputOutput MFString source inputOutput MFNode texture }
The following is an example of a MultiTexture node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
MultiTexture { IS NULL alpha 1 color 1 1 1 description "" function [] function [] metadata NULL mode [] mode [] source [] source [] texture [] }
MultiTextureCoordinate { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput MFNode texCoord }
The following is an example of a MultiTextureCoordinate node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
MultiTextureCoordinate { IS NULL metadata NULL texCoord [] }
MultiTextureTransform { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput MFNode textureTransform }
The following is an example of a MultiTextureTransform node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
MultiTextureTransform { IS NULL metadata NULL textureTransform [] }
NavigationInfo { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput MFFloat avatarSize outputOnly SFTime bindTime positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFBool headlight outputOnly SFBool isBound inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOnly SFBool set_bind inputOutput SFFloat speed outputOnly SFBool transitionComplete inputOutput SFTime transitionTime inputOutput MFString transitionType inputOutput MFString transitionType inputOutput MFString type inputOutput MFString type inputOutput SFFloat visibilityLimit }
The following is an example of a NavigationInfo node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
NavigationInfo { IS NULL avatarSize [0.25 1.6 0.75] headlight TRUE metadata NULL speed 1 transitionTime 1.0 transitionType [] transitionType ["LINEAR"] type [] type ["EXAMINE" "ANY"] visibilityLimit 0 }
Normal { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput MFVec3f vector }
The following is an example of a Normal node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
Normal { IS NULL metadata NULL vector [] }
NormalInterpolator { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput MFFloat key inputOutput MFVec3f keyValue inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOnly SFFloat set_fraction outputOnly MFVec3f value_changed }
The following is an example of a NormalInterpolator node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
NormalInterpolator { IS NULL key [] keyValue [] metadata NULL }
NurbsCurve { inputOutput SFNode IS initializeOnly SFBool closed positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFNode controlPoint initializeOnly MFDouble knot inputOutput SFNode metadata initializeOnly SFInt32 order inputOutput SFInt32 tessellation inputOutput MFDouble weight }
The following is an example of a NurbsCurve node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
NurbsCurve { IS NULL closed FALSE controlPoint NULL knot [] metadata NULL order 3 tessellation 0 weight [] }
NurbsCurve2D { inputOutput SFNode IS initializeOnly SFBool closed positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput MFVec2d controlPoint initializeOnly MFDouble knot inputOutput SFNode metadata initializeOnly SFInt32 order inputOutput SFInt32 tessellation inputOutput MFDouble weight }
The following is an example of a NurbsCurve2D node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
NurbsCurve2D { IS NULL closed FALSE controlPoint [] knot [] metadata NULL order 3 tessellation 0 weight [] }
NurbsOrientationInterpolator { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFNode controlPoint inputOutput MFDouble knot initializeOnly MFDouble knot inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFInt32 order initializeOnly SFInt32 order inputOnly SFFloat set_fraction outputOnly SFRotation value_changed inputOutput MFDouble weight }
The following is an example of a NurbsOrientationInterpolator node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
NurbsOrientationInterpolator { IS NULL controlPoint NULL knot [] knot [] metadata NULL order 3 order 3 weight [] }
NurbsPatchSurface { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFNode controlPoint inputOutput SFNode metadata initializeOnly SFBool solid inputOutput SFBool solid inputOutput SFNode texCoord initializeOnly SFBool uClosed initializeOnly SFInt32 uDimension initializeOnly MFDouble uKnot initializeOnly SFInt32 uOrder inputOutput SFInt32 uTessellation initializeOnly SFBool vClosed initializeOnly SFInt32 vDimension initializeOnly MFDouble vKnot initializeOnly SFInt32 vOrder inputOutput SFInt32 vTessellation inputOutput MFDouble weight }
The following is an example of a NurbsPatchSurface node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
NurbsPatchSurface { IS NULL controlPoint NULL metadata NULL solid TRUE solid TRUE texCoord NULL uClosed FALSE uDimension 0 uKnot [] uOrder 3 uTessellation 0 vClosed FALSE vDimension 0 vKnot [] vOrder 3 vTessellation 0 weight [] }
NurbsPositionInterpolator { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFNode controlPoint inputOutput MFDouble knot initializeOnly MFDouble knot inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFInt32 order inputOutput SFInt32 order inputOnly SFFloat set_fraction outputOnly SFVec3f value_changed inputOutput MFDouble weight }
The following is an example of a NurbsPositionInterpolator node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
NurbsPositionInterpolator { IS NULL controlPoint NULL knot [] knot [] metadata NULL order 3 order 3 weight [] }
NurbsSet { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOnly MFNode addGeometry initializeOnly SFVec3f bboxCenter inputOutput SFBool bboxDisplay initializeOnly SFVec3f bboxSize positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput MFNode geometry inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOnly MFNode removeGeometry inputOutput SFFloat tessellationScale inputOutput SFBool visible }
The following is an example of a NurbsSet node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
NurbsSet { IS NULL bboxCenter 0 0 0 bboxDisplay FALSE bboxSize -1 -1 -1 geometry [] metadata NULL tessellationScale 1.0 visible TRUE }
NurbsSurfaceInterpolator { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFNode controlPoint inputOutput SFNode metadata outputOnly SFVec3f normal_changed outputOnly SFVec3f position_changed inputOnly SFVec2f set_fraction initializeOnly SFInt32 uDimension initializeOnly MFDouble uKnot initializeOnly SFInt32 uOrder initializeOnly SFInt32 vDimension initializeOnly MFDouble vKnot initializeOnly SFInt32 vOrder inputOutput MFDouble weight }
The following is an example of a NurbsSurfaceInterpolator node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
NurbsSurfaceInterpolator { IS NULL controlPoint NULL metadata NULL uDimension 0 uKnot [] uOrder 3 vDimension 0 vKnot [] vOrder 3 weight [] }
NurbsSweptSurface { inputOutput SFNode IS initializeOnly SFBool ccw positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFNode crossSectionCurve inputOutput SFNode metadata initializeOnly SFBool solid inputOutput SFBool solid inputOutput SFNode trajectoryCurve }
The following is an example of a NurbsSweptSurface node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
NurbsSweptSurface { IS NULL ccw TRUE crossSectionCurve NULL metadata NULL solid TRUE solid TRUE trajectoryCurve NULL }
NurbsSwungSurface { inputOutput SFNode IS initializeOnly SFBool ccw positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFNode profileCurve initializeOnly SFBool solid inputOutput SFBool solid inputOutput SFNode trajectoryCurve }
The following is an example of a NurbsSwungSurface node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
NurbsSwungSurface { IS NULL ccw TRUE metadata NULL profileCurve NULL solid TRUE solid TRUE trajectoryCurve NULL }
NurbsTextureCoordinate { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput MFVec2f controlPoint inputOutput SFNode metadata initializeOnly SFInt32 uDimension initializeOnly MFDouble uKnot initializeOnly SFInt32 uOrder initializeOnly SFInt32 vDimension initializeOnly MFDouble vKnot initializeOnly SFInt32 vOrder inputOutput MFDouble weight }
The following is an example of a NurbsTextureCoordinate node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
NurbsTextureCoordinate { IS NULL controlPoint [] metadata NULL uDimension 0 uKnot [] uOrder 3 vDimension 0 vKnot [] vOrder 3 weight [] }
NurbsTrimmedSurface { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOnly MFNode addTrimmingContour positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFNode controlPoint inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOnly MFNode removeTrimmingContour initializeOnly SFBool solid inputOutput SFBool solid inputOutput SFNode texCoord inputOutput MFNode trimmingContour initializeOnly SFBool uClosed initializeOnly SFInt32 uDimension initializeOnly MFDouble uKnot initializeOnly SFInt32 uOrder inputOutput SFInt32 uTessellation initializeOnly SFBool vClosed initializeOnly SFInt32 vDimension initializeOnly MFDouble vKnot initializeOnly SFInt32 vOrder inputOutput SFInt32 vTessellation inputOutput MFDouble weight }
The following is an example of a NurbsTrimmedSurface node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
NurbsTrimmedSurface { IS NULL controlPoint NULL metadata NULL solid TRUE solid TRUE texCoord NULL trimmingContour [] uClosed FALSE uDimension 0 uKnot [] uOrder 3 uTessellation 0 vClosed FALSE vDimension 0 vKnot [] vOrder 3 vTessellation 0 weight [] }
OpacityMapVolumeStyle { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFBool enabled inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFNode transferFunction }
The following is an example of an OpacityMapVolumeStyle node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
OpacityMapVolumeStyle { IS NULL enabled TRUE metadata NULL transferFunction NULL }
OrientationChaser { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName initializeOnly SFTime duration initializeOnly SFRotation initialDestination initializeOnly SFRotation initialValue outputOnly SFBool isActive inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOnly SFRotation set_destination inputOnly SFRotation set_value outputOnly SFRotation value_changed }
The following is an example of an OrientationChaser node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
OrientationChaser { IS NULL duration 1 initialDestination 0 1 0 0 initialValue 0 1 0 0 metadata NULL }
OrientationDamper { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName initializeOnly SFRotation initialDestination initializeOnly SFRotation initialValue outputOnly SFBool isActive inputOutput SFNode metadata initializeOnly SFInt32 order inputOnly SFRotation set_destination inputOnly SFRotation set_value inputOutput SFTime tau inputOutput SFFloat tolerance outputOnly SFRotation value_changed }
The following is an example of an OrientationDamper node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
OrientationDamper { IS NULL initialDestination 0 1 0 0 initialValue 0 1 0 0 metadata NULL order 3 tau 0.3 tolerance -1 }
OrientationInterpolator { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput MFFloat key inputOutput MFRotation keyValue inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOnly SFFloat set_fraction outputOnly SFRotation value_changed }
The following is an example of an OrientationInterpolator node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
OrientationInterpolator { IS NULL key [] keyValue [] metadata NULL }
OrthoViewpoint { inputOutput SFNode IS outputOnly SFTime bindTime inputOutput SFVec3f centerOfRotation positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFString description inputOutput SFFloat farDistance inputOutput MFFloat fieldOfView outputOnly SFBool isBound inputOutput SFBool jump inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFNode navigationInfo inputOutput SFFloat nearDistance inputOutput SFRotation orientation inputOutput SFVec3f position inputOutput SFBool retainUserOffsets inputOnly SFBool set_bind inputOutput SFBool viewAll }
The following is an example of an OrthoViewpoint node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
OrthoViewpoint { IS NULL centerOfRotation 0 0 0 description "" farDistance -1 fieldOfView [-1 -1 1 1] jump TRUE metadata NULL navigationInfo NULL nearDistance -1 orientation 0 0 1 0 position 0 0 10 retainUserOffsets FALSE viewAll FALSE }
OscillatorSource { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFString description inputOutput SFFloat detune outputOnly SFTime elapsedTime inputOutput SFBool enabled inputOutput SFFloat frequency inputOutput SFFloat gain outputOnly SFBool isActive outputOnly SFBool isPaused inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFTime pauseTime inputOutput SFTime resumeTime inputOutput SFTime startTime inputOutput SFTime stopTime }
The following is an example of an OscillatorSource node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
OscillatorSource { IS NULL description "" detune 0 enabled TRUE frequency 440 gain 1 metadata NULL pauseTime 0 resumeTime 0 startTime 0 stopTime 0 }
PackagedShader { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOnly SFBool activate inputOutput SFTime autoRefresh inputOutput SFTime autoRefreshTimeLimit positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFString description MFNode field outputOnly SFBool isSelected outputOnly SFBool isValid initializeOnly NMTOKEN language inputOutput SFString language inputOutput SFBool load inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput MFString url }
The following is an example of a PackagedShader node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
PackagedShader { IS NULL autoRefresh 0 autoRefreshTimeLimit 3600 description "" language BAD FIELD TYPE language "" load TRUE metadata NULL url [] }
ParticleSystem { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput SFNode appearance initializeOnly SFVec3f bboxCenter inputOutput SFBool bboxDisplay initializeOnly SFVec3f bboxSize inputOutput SFBool castShadow initializeOnly SFNode color initializeOnly MFFloat colorKey positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFBool createParticles initializeOnly SFNode emitter inputOutput SFBool enabled inputOutput SFNode geometry inputOutput SFNode geometry initializeOnly NMTOKEN geometryType outputOnly SFBool isActive inputOutput SFFloat lifetimeVariation inputOutput SFInt32 maxParticles inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFFloat particleLifetime inputOutput SFVec2f particleSize initializeOnly MFNode physics initializeOnly SFNode texCoord initializeOnly MFFloat texCoordKey inputOutput SFBool visible }
The following is an example of a ParticleSystem node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
ParticleSystem { IS NULL appearance NULL bboxCenter 0 0 0 bboxDisplay FALSE bboxSize -1 -1 -1 castShadow TRUE color NULL colorKey [] createParticles TRUE emitter NULL enabled TRUE geometry NULL geometry NULL geometryType BAD FIELD TYPE lifetimeVariation 0.25 maxParticles 200 metadata NULL particleLifetime 5 particleSize 0.02 0.02 physics [] texCoord NULL texCoordKey [] visible TRUE }
PeriodicWave { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFString description inputOutput SFBool enabled inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput MFFloat optionsImag inputOutput MFFloat optionsReal inputOutput SFString type }
The following is an example of a PeriodicWave node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
PeriodicWave { IS NULL description "" enabled TRUE metadata NULL optionsImag [] optionsReal [] type "SQUARE" }
PhysicalMaterial { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput SFColor baseColor inputOutput SFNode baseTexture inputOutput NMTOKEN baseTextureMapping positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFColor emissiveColor inputOutput SFNode emissiveTexture inputOutput NMTOKEN emissiveTextureMapping inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFFloat metallic inputOutput SFNode metallicRoughnessTexture inputOutput NMTOKEN metallicRoughnessTextureMapping inputOutput SFFloat normalScale inputOutput SFNode normalTexture inputOutput NMTOKEN normalTextureMapping inputOutput SFFloat occlusionStrength inputOutput SFNode occlusionTexture inputOutput NMTOKEN occlusionTextureMapping inputOutput SFFloat roughness inputOutput SFFloat transparency }
The following is an example of a PhysicalMaterial node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
PhysicalMaterial { IS NULL baseColor 1 1 1 baseTexture NULL baseTextureMapping BAD FIELD TYPE emissiveColor 0 0 0 emissiveTexture NULL emissiveTextureMapping BAD FIELD TYPE metadata NULL metallic 1 metallicRoughnessTexture NULL metallicRoughnessTextureMapping BAD FIELD TYPE normalScale 1 normalTexture NULL normalTextureMapping BAD FIELD TYPE occlusionStrength 1 occlusionTexture NULL occlusionTextureMapping BAD FIELD TYPE roughness 1 transparency 0 }
PickableGroup { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOnly MFNode addChildren initializeOnly SFVec3f bboxCenter inputOutput SFBool bboxDisplay initializeOnly SFVec3f bboxSize inputOutput MFNode children positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFString description inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput MFString objectType inputOutput MFString objectType inputOutput SFBool pickable inputOnly MFNode removeChildren inputOutput SFBool visible }
The following is an example of a PickableGroup node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
PickableGroup { IS NULL bboxCenter 0 0 0 bboxDisplay FALSE bboxSize -1 -1 -1 children [] description "" metadata NULL objectType [] objectType ["ALL"] pickable TRUE visible TRUE }
PixelTexture { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFString description inputOutput SFImage image inputOutput SFNode metadata initializeOnly SFBool repeatS initializeOnly SFBool repeatT initializeOnly SFNode textureProperties }
The following is an example of a PixelTexture node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
PixelTexture { IS NULL description "" image 0 0 0 metadata NULL repeatS TRUE repeatT TRUE textureProperties NULL }
PixelTexture3D { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFString description inputOutput MFInt32 image inputOutput SFNode metadata initializeOnly SFBool repeatR initializeOnly SFBool repeatS initializeOnly SFBool repeatT initializeOnly SFNode textureProperties }
The following is an example of a PixelTexture3D node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
PixelTexture3D { IS NULL description "" image [0 0 0 0] metadata NULL repeatR FALSE repeatS FALSE repeatT FALSE textureProperties NULL }
PlaneSensor { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput SFBool autoOffset inputOutput SFRotation axisRotation positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFString description inputOutput SFBool enabled outputOnly SFBool isActive outputOnly SFBool isOver inputOutput SFVec2f maxPosition inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFVec2f minPosition inputOutput SFVec3f offset outputOnly SFVec3f trackPoint_changed outputOnly SFVec3f translation_changed }
The following is an example of a PlaneSensor node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
PlaneSensor { IS NULL autoOffset TRUE axisRotation 0 0 1 0 description "" enabled TRUE maxPosition -1 -1 metadata NULL minPosition 0 0 offset 0 0 0 }
PointEmitter { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFVec3f direction inputOutput SFFloat mass inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFBool on inputOutput SFVec3f position inputOutput SFFloat speed inputOutput SFFloat surfaceArea inputOutput SFFloat variation }
The following is an example of a PointEmitter node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
PointEmitter { IS NULL direction 0 1 0 mass 0 metadata NULL on TRUE position 0 0 0 speed 0 surfaceArea 0 variation 0.25 }
PointLight { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput SFFloat ambientIntensity inputOutput SFVec3f attenuation inputOutput SFColor color positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFBool global inputOutput SFFloat intensity inputOutput SFVec3f location inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFBool on inputOutput SFFloat radius inputOutput SFFloat radius inputOutput SFFloat shadowIntensity inputOutput SFBool shadows }
The following is an example of a PointLight node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
PointLight { IS NULL ambientIntensity 0 attenuation 1 0 0 color 1 1 1 global TRUE intensity 1 location 0 0 0 metadata NULL on TRUE radius 100 radius 100 shadowIntensity 1 shadows FALSE }
PointPickSensor { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFString description inputOutput SFBool enabled initializeOnly NMTOKEN intersectionType initializeOnly NMTOKEN intersectionType outputOnly SFBool isActive inputOutput NMTOKEN matchCriterion inputOutput NMTOKEN matchCriterion inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput MFString objectType inputOutput MFString objectType inputOutput MFNode pickTarget outputOnly MFNode pickedGeometry outputOnly MFVec3f pickedPoint inputOutput SFNode pickingGeometry initializeOnly NMTOKEN sortOrder initializeOnly NMTOKEN sortOrder }
The following is an example of a PointPickSensor node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
PointPickSensor { IS NULL description "" enabled TRUE intersectionType BAD FIELD TYPE intersectionType BAD FIELD TYPE matchCriterion BAD FIELD TYPE matchCriterion BAD FIELD TYPE metadata NULL objectType [] objectType ["ALL"] pickTarget [] pickingGeometry NULL sortOrder BAD FIELD TYPE sortOrder BAD FIELD TYPE }
PointProperties { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput SFVec3f attenuation positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFFloat pointSizeMaxValue inputOutput SFFloat pointSizeMinValue inputOutput SFFloat pointSizeScaleFactor }
The following is an example of a PointProperties node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
PointProperties { IS NULL attenuation 1 0 0 metadata NULL pointSizeMaxValue 1 pointSizeMinValue 1 pointSizeScaleFactor 1 }
PointSet { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput MFNode attrib inputOutput SFNode color positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFNode coord inputOutput SFNode fogCoord inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFNode normal }
The following is an example of a PointSet node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
PointSet { IS NULL attrib [] color NULL coord NULL fogCoord NULL metadata NULL normal NULL }
Polyline2D { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName initializeOnly MFVec2f lineSegments inputOutput SFNode metadata }
The following is an example of a Polyline2D node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
Polyline2D { IS NULL lineSegments [] metadata NULL }
PolylineEmitter { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFNode coord initializeOnly MFInt32 coordIndex inputOutput SFVec3f direction inputOutput SFFloat mass inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFBool on inputOnly MFInt32 set_coordIndex inputOutput SFFloat speed inputOutput SFFloat surfaceArea inputOutput SFFloat variation }
The following is an example of a PolylineEmitter node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
PolylineEmitter { IS NULL coord NULL coordIndex [-1] direction 0 1 0 mass 0 metadata NULL on TRUE speed 0 surfaceArea 0 variation 0.25 }
Polypoint2D { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput MFVec2f point }
The following is an example of a Polypoint2D node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
Polypoint2D { IS NULL metadata NULL point [] }
PositionChaser { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName initializeOnly SFTime duration initializeOnly SFVec3f initialDestination initializeOnly SFVec3f initialValue outputOnly SFBool isActive inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOnly SFVec3f set_destination inputOnly SFVec3f set_value outputOnly SFVec3f value_changed }
The following is an example of a PositionChaser node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
PositionChaser { IS NULL duration 1 initialDestination 0 0 0 initialValue 0 0 0 metadata NULL }
PositionChaser2D { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName initializeOnly SFTime duration initializeOnly SFVec2f initialDestination initializeOnly SFVec2f initialValue outputOnly SFBool isActive inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOnly SFVec2f set_destination inputOnly SFVec2f set_value outputOnly SFVec2f value_changed }
The following is an example of a PositionChaser2D node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
PositionChaser2D { IS NULL duration 1 initialDestination 0 0 initialValue 0 0 metadata NULL }
PositionDamper { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName initializeOnly SFVec3f initialDestination initializeOnly SFVec3f initialValue outputOnly SFBool isActive inputOutput SFNode metadata initializeOnly SFInt32 order inputOnly SFVec3f set_destination inputOnly SFVec3f set_value inputOutput SFTime tau inputOutput SFFloat tolerance outputOnly SFVec3f value_changed }
The following is an example of a PositionDamper node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
PositionDamper { IS NULL initialDestination 0 0 0 initialValue 0 0 0 metadata NULL order 3 tau 0.3 tolerance -1 }
PositionDamper2D { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName initializeOnly SFVec2f initialDestination initializeOnly SFVec2f initialValue outputOnly SFBool isActive inputOutput SFNode metadata initializeOnly SFInt32 order inputOnly SFVec2f set_destination inputOnly SFVec2f set_value inputOutput SFTime tau inputOutput SFFloat tolerance outputOnly SFVec2f value_changed }
The following is an example of a PositionDamper2D node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
PositionDamper2D { IS NULL initialDestination 0 0 initialValue 0 0 metadata NULL order 3 tau 0.3 tolerance -1 }
PositionInterpolator { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput MFFloat key inputOutput MFVec3f keyValue inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOnly SFFloat set_fraction outputOnly SFVec3f value_changed }
The following is an example of a PositionInterpolator node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
PositionInterpolator { IS NULL key [] keyValue [] metadata NULL }
PositionInterpolator2D { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput MFFloat key inputOutput MFVec2f keyValue inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOnly SFFloat set_fraction outputOnly SFVec2f value_changed }
The following is an example of a PositionInterpolator2D node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
PositionInterpolator2D { IS NULL key [] keyValue [] metadata NULL }
PrimitivePickSensor { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFString description inputOutput SFBool enabled initializeOnly NMTOKEN intersectionType initializeOnly NMTOKEN intersectionType outputOnly SFBool isActive inputOutput NMTOKEN matchCriterion inputOutput NMTOKEN matchCriterion inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput MFString objectType inputOutput MFString objectType inputOutput MFNode pickTarget outputOnly MFNode pickedGeometry inputOutput SFNode pickingGeometry initializeOnly NMTOKEN sortOrder initializeOnly NMTOKEN sortOrder }
The following is an example of a PrimitivePickSensor node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
PrimitivePickSensor { IS NULL description "" enabled TRUE intersectionType BAD FIELD TYPE intersectionType BAD FIELD TYPE matchCriterion BAD FIELD TYPE matchCriterion BAD FIELD TYPE metadata NULL objectType [] objectType ["ALL"] pickTarget [] pickingGeometry NULL sortOrder BAD FIELD TYPE sortOrder BAD FIELD TYPE }
ProgramShader { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOnly SFBool activate positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName outputOnly SFBool isSelected outputOnly SFBool isValid initializeOnly NMTOKEN language inputOutput SFString language inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput MFNode programs }
The following is an example of a ProgramShader node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
ProgramShader { IS NULL language BAD FIELD TYPE language "" metadata NULL programs [] }
ProjectionVolumeStyle { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFBool enabled inputOutput SFFloat intensityThreshold inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput NMTOKEN type inputOutput NMTOKEN type }
The following is an example of a ProjectionVolumeStyle node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
ProjectionVolumeStyle { IS NULL enabled TRUE intensityThreshold 0 metadata NULL type BAD FIELD TYPE type BAD FIELD TYPE }
ProximitySensor { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput SFVec3f center outputOnly SFVec3f centerOfRotation_changed positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFString description inputOutput SFBool enabled outputOnly SFTime enterTime outputOnly SFTime exitTime outputOnly SFBool isActive inputOutput SFNode metadata outputOnly SFRotation orientation_changed outputOnly SFVec3f position_changed inputOutput SFVec3f size }
The following is an example of a ProximitySensor node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
ProximitySensor { IS NULL center 0 0 0 description "" enabled TRUE metadata NULL size 0 0 0 }
QuadSet { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput MFNode attrib initializeOnly SFBool ccw inputOutput SFNode color initializeOnly SFBool colorPerVertex positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFNode coord inputOutput SFNode fogCoord inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFNode normal initializeOnly SFBool normalPerVertex initializeOnly SFBool solid inputOutput SFBool solid inputOutput SFNode texCoord }
The following is an example of a QuadSet node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
QuadSet { IS NULL attrib [] ccw TRUE color NULL colorPerVertex TRUE coord NULL fogCoord NULL metadata NULL normal NULL normalPerVertex TRUE solid TRUE solid TRUE texCoord NULL }
ReceiverPdu { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput SFString address inputOutput SFInt32 applicationID initializeOnly SFVec3f bboxCenter inputOutput SFBool bboxDisplay initializeOnly SFVec3f bboxSize positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFString description inputOutput SFBool enabled inputOutput SFInt32 entityID inputOutput SFVec3d geoCoords initializeOnly MFString geoSystem outputOnly SFBool isActive outputOnly SFBool isNetworkReader outputOnly SFBool isNetworkWriter outputOnly SFBool isRtpHeaderHeard outputOnly SFBool isStandAlone inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFString multicastRelayHost inputOutput SFInt32 multicastRelayPort inputOutput NMTOKEN networkMode inputOutput SFInt32 port inputOutput SFInt32 radioID inputOutput SFTime readInterval inputOutput SFFloat receivedPower inputOutput SFInt32 receiverState inputOutput SFBool rtpHeaderExpected inputOutput SFInt32 siteID outputOnly SFTime timestamp inputOutput SFInt32 transmitterApplicationID inputOutput SFInt32 transmitterEntityID inputOutput SFInt32 transmitterRadioID inputOutput SFInt32 transmitterSiteID inputOutput SFBool visible inputOutput SFInt32 whichGeometry inputOutput SFTime writeInterval }
The following is an example of a ReceiverPdu node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
ReceiverPdu { IS NULL address "localhost" applicationID 0 bboxCenter 0 0 0 bboxDisplay FALSE bboxSize -1 -1 -1 description "" enabled TRUE entityID 0 geoCoords 0 0 0 geoSystem ["GD" "WE"] metadata NULL multicastRelayHost "" multicastRelayPort 0 networkMode BAD FIELD TYPE port 0 radioID 0 readInterval 0.1 receivedPower 0.0 receiverState 0 rtpHeaderExpected FALSE siteID 0 transmitterApplicationID 0 transmitterEntityID 0 transmitterRadioID 0 transmitterSiteID 0 visible TRUE whichGeometry 1 writeInterval 1.0 }
Rectangle2D { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFNode metadata initializeOnly SFVec2f size initializeOnly SFVec2f size initializeOnly SFBool solid inputOutput SFBool solid }
The following is an example of a Rectangle2D node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
Rectangle2D { IS NULL metadata NULL size 2 2 size 2 2 solid FALSE solid FALSE }
RigidBody { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput SFFloat angularDampingFactor inputOutput SFVec3f angularVelocity inputOutput SFBool autoDamp inputOutput SFBool autoDisable initializeOnly SFVec3f bboxCenter inputOutput SFBool bboxDisplay initializeOnly SFVec3f bboxSize inputOutput SFVec3f centerOfMass positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFFloat disableAngularSpeed inputOutput SFFloat disableLinearSpeed inputOutput SFTime disableTime inputOutput SFBool enabled inputOutput SFVec3f finiteRotationAxis inputOutput SFBool fixed inputOutput MFVec3f forces inputOutput MFNode geometry inputOutput SFMatrix3f inertia inputOutput SFFloat linearDampingFactor inputOutput SFVec3f linearVelocity inputOutput SFFloat mass inputOutput SFNode massDensityModel inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFRotation orientation inputOutput SFVec3f position inputOutput MFVec3f torques inputOutput SFBool useFiniteRotation inputOutput SFBool useGlobalGravity inputOutput SFBool visible }
The following is an example of a RigidBody node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
RigidBody { IS NULL angularDampingFactor 0.001 angularVelocity 0 0 0 autoDamp FALSE autoDisable FALSE bboxCenter 0 0 0 bboxDisplay FALSE bboxSize -1 -1 -1 centerOfMass 0 0 0 disableAngularSpeed 0 disableLinearSpeed 0 disableTime 0 enabled TRUE finiteRotationAxis 0 1 0 fixed FALSE forces [] geometry [] inertia 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 linearDampingFactor 0.001 linearVelocity 0 0 0 mass 1 massDensityModel NULL metadata NULL orientation 0 0 1 0 position 0 0 0 torques [] useFiniteRotation FALSE useGlobalGravity TRUE visible TRUE }
RigidBodyCollection { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput SFBool autoDisable initializeOnly SFVec3f bboxCenter inputOutput SFBool bboxDisplay initializeOnly SFVec3f bboxSize inputOutput MFNode bodies initializeOnly SFNode collider positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFFloat constantForceMix inputOutput SFFloat contactSurfaceThickness inputOutput SFFloat disableAngularSpeed inputOutput SFFloat disableLinearSpeed inputOutput SFTime disableTime inputOutput SFBool enabled inputOutput SFFloat errorCorrection inputOutput SFVec3f gravity inputOutput SFInt32 iterations inputOutput MFNode joints inputOutput SFFloat maxCorrectionSpeed inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFBool preferAccuracy inputOnly MFNode set_contacts inputOutput SFBool visible }
The following is an example of a RigidBodyCollection node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
RigidBodyCollection { IS NULL autoDisable FALSE bboxCenter 0 0 0 bboxDisplay FALSE bboxSize -1 -1 -1 bodies [] collider NULL constantForceMix 0.0001 contactSurfaceThickness 0 disableAngularSpeed 0 disableLinearSpeed 0 disableTime 0 enabled TRUE errorCorrection 0.8 gravity 0 -9.8 0 iterations 10 joints [] maxCorrectionSpeed -1 metadata NULL preferAccuracy FALSE visible TRUE }
ScalarChaser { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName initializeOnly SFTime duration initializeOnly SFFloat initialDestination initializeOnly SFFloat initialValue outputOnly SFBool isActive inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOnly SFFloat set_destination inputOnly SFFloat set_value outputOnly SFFloat value_changed }
The following is an example of a ScalarChaser node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
ScalarChaser { IS NULL duration 1 initialDestination 0 initialValue 0 metadata NULL }
ScalarDamper { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName initializeOnly SFFloat initialDestination initializeOnly SFFloat initialValue outputOnly SFBool isActive inputOutput SFNode metadata initializeOnly SFInt32 order inputOnly SFFloat set_destination inputOnly SFFloat set_value inputOutput SFTime tau inputOutput SFFloat tolerance outputOnly SFFloat value_changed }
The following is an example of a ScalarDamper node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
ScalarDamper { IS NULL initialDestination 0 initialValue 0 metadata NULL order 3 tau 0.3 tolerance -1 }
ScalarInterpolator { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput MFFloat key inputOutput MFFloat keyValue inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOnly SFFloat set_fraction outputOnly SFFloat value_changed }
The following is an example of a ScalarInterpolator node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
ScalarInterpolator { IS NULL key [] keyValue [] metadata NULL }
ScreenFontStyle { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput NMTOKENS class positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput MFString family inputOutput MFString family inputOutput SFBool horizontal inputOutput NMTOKEN id inputOutput MFString justify inputOutput SFString language inputOutput SFBool leftToRight inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFFloat pointSize inputOutput SFFloat spacing inputOutput NMTOKEN style inputOutput SFBool topToBottom }
The following is an example of a ScreenFontStyle node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
ScreenFontStyle { IS NULL class BAD FIELD TYPE family [] family ["SERIF"] horizontal TRUE id BAD FIELD TYPE justify ["BEGIN"] language "" leftToRight TRUE metadata NULL pointSize 12.0 spacing 1.0 style BAD FIELD TYPE topToBottom TRUE }
ScreenGroup { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOnly MFNode addChildren initializeOnly SFVec3f bboxCenter inputOutput SFBool bboxDisplay initializeOnly SFVec3f bboxSize inputOutput MFNode children positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOnly MFNode removeChildren inputOutput SFBool visible }
The following is an example of a ScreenGroup node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
ScreenGroup { IS NULL bboxCenter 0 0 0 bboxDisplay FALSE bboxSize -1 -1 -1 children [] metadata NULL visible TRUE }
Script { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput SFTime autoRefresh inputOutput SFTime autoRefreshTimeLimit positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFString description initializeOnly SFBool directOutput MFNode field inputOutput SFBool load inputOutput SFNode metadata initializeOnly SFBool mustEvaluate inputOutput string sourceCode inputOutput MFString url }
The following is an example of a Script node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
Script { IS NULL autoRefresh 0 autoRefreshTimeLimit 3600 description "" directOutput FALSE load TRUE metadata NULL mustEvaluate FALSE sourceCode BAD FIELD TYPE url [] }
SegmentedVolumeData { inputOutput SFNode IS initializeOnly SFVec3f bboxCenter inputOutput SFBool bboxDisplay initializeOnly SFVec3f bboxSize positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFVec3f dimensions inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput MFNode renderStyle inputOutput MFBool segmentEnabled inputOutput SFNode segmentIdentifiers inputOutput SFBool visible inputOutput SFNode voxels }
The following is an example of a SegmentedVolumeData node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
SegmentedVolumeData { IS NULL bboxCenter 0 0 0 bboxDisplay FALSE bboxSize -1 -1 -1 dimensions 1 1 1 metadata NULL renderStyle [] segmentEnabled [] segmentIdentifiers NULL visible TRUE voxels NULL }
ShadedVolumeStyle { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFBool enabled inputOutput SFBool lighting inputOutput SFNode material inputOutput SFNode metadata initializeOnly SFString phaseFunction initializeOnly SFString phaseFunction inputOutput SFBool shadows inputOutput SFNode surfaceNormals }
The following is an example of a ShadedVolumeStyle node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
ShadedVolumeStyle { IS NULL enabled TRUE lighting FALSE material NULL metadata NULL phaseFunction "" phaseFunction "Henyey-Greenstein" shadows FALSE surfaceNormals NULL }
ShaderPart { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput SFTime autoRefresh inputOutput SFTime autoRefreshTimeLimit positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFString description inputOutput SFBool load inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput string sourceCode initializeOnly NMTOKEN type initializeOnly NMTOKEN type inputOutput MFString url }
The following is an example of a ShaderPart node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
ShaderPart { IS NULL autoRefresh 0 autoRefreshTimeLimit 3600 description "" load TRUE metadata NULL sourceCode BAD FIELD TYPE type BAD FIELD TYPE type BAD FIELD TYPE url [] }
ShaderProgram { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput SFTime autoRefresh inputOutput SFTime autoRefreshTimeLimit positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFString description MFNode field inputOutput SFBool load inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput string sourceCode initializeOnly NMTOKEN type initializeOnly NMTOKEN type inputOutput MFString url }
The following is an example of a ShaderProgram node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
ShaderProgram { IS NULL autoRefresh 0 autoRefreshTimeLimit 3600 description "" load TRUE metadata NULL sourceCode BAD FIELD TYPE type BAD FIELD TYPE type BAD FIELD TYPE url [] }
Shape { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput SFNode appearance initializeOnly SFVec3f bboxCenter inputOutput SFBool bboxDisplay initializeOnly SFVec3f bboxSize inputOutput SFBool castShadow positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFNode geometry inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFBool visible }
The following is an example of a Shape node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
Shape { IS NULL appearance NULL bboxCenter 0 0 0 bboxDisplay FALSE bboxSize -1 -1 -1 castShadow TRUE geometry NULL metadata NULL visible TRUE }
SignalPdu { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput SFString address inputOutput SFInt32 applicationID initializeOnly SFVec3f bboxCenter inputOutput SFBool bboxDisplay initializeOnly SFVec3f bboxSize positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput MFInt32 data inputOutput SFInt32 dataLength inputOutput SFString description inputOutput SFBool enabled inputOutput SFInt32 encodingScheme inputOutput SFInt32 entityID inputOutput SFVec3d geoCoords initializeOnly MFString geoSystem outputOnly SFBool isActive outputOnly SFBool isNetworkReader outputOnly SFBool isNetworkWriter outputOnly SFBool isRtpHeaderHeard outputOnly SFBool isStandAlone inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFString multicastRelayHost inputOutput SFInt32 multicastRelayPort inputOutput NMTOKEN networkMode inputOutput SFInt32 port inputOutput SFInt32 radioID inputOutput SFTime readInterval inputOutput SFBool rtpHeaderExpected inputOutput SFInt32 sampleRate inputOutput SFInt32 samples inputOutput SFInt32 siteID inputOutput SFInt32 tdlType outputOnly SFTime timestamp inputOutput SFBool visible inputOutput SFInt32 whichGeometry inputOutput SFTime writeInterval }
The following is an example of a SignalPdu node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
SignalPdu { IS NULL address "localhost" applicationID 0 bboxCenter 0 0 0 bboxDisplay FALSE bboxSize -1 -1 -1 data [] dataLength 0 description "" enabled TRUE encodingScheme 0 entityID 0 geoCoords 0 0 0 geoSystem ["GD" "WE"] metadata NULL multicastRelayHost "" multicastRelayPort 0 networkMode BAD FIELD TYPE port 0 radioID 0 readInterval 0.1 rtpHeaderExpected FALSE sampleRate 0 samples 0 siteID 0 tdlType 0 visible TRUE whichGeometry 1 writeInterval 1.0 }
SilhouetteEnhancementVolumeStyle { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFBool enabled inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFFloat silhouetteBoundaryOpacity inputOutput SFFloat silhouetteRetainedOpacity inputOutput SFFloat silhouetteSharpness inputOutput SFNode surfaceNormals }
The following is an example of a SilhouetteEnhancementVolumeStyle node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
SilhouetteEnhancementVolumeStyle { IS NULL enabled TRUE metadata NULL silhouetteBoundaryOpacity 0 silhouetteRetainedOpacity 1 silhouetteSharpness 0.5 surfaceNormals NULL }
SingleAxisHingeJoint { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput SFVec3f anchorPoint outputOnly SFFloat angle outputOnly SFFloat angleRate inputOutput SFVec3f axis inputOutput SFNode body1 outputOnly SFVec3f body1AnchorPoint inputOutput SFNode body2 outputOnly SFVec3f body2AnchorPoint positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput MFString forceOutput inputOutput MFString forceOutput inputOutput SFFloat maxAngle inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFFloat minAngle inputOutput SFFloat stopBounce inputOutput SFFloat stopErrorCorrection }
The following is an example of a SingleAxisHingeJoint node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
SingleAxisHingeJoint { IS NULL anchorPoint 0 0 0 axis 0 1 0 body1 NULL body2 NULL forceOutput [] forceOutput ["NONE"] maxAngle 3.141592653 metadata NULL minAngle -3.141592653 stopBounce 0 stopErrorCorrection 0.8 }
SliderJoint { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput SFVec3f axis inputOutput SFNode body1 inputOutput SFNode body2 positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput MFString forceOutput inputOutput MFString forceOutput inputOutput SFFloat maxSeparation inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFFloat minSeparation outputOnly SFFloat separation outputOnly SFFloat separationRate inputOutput SFFloat sliderForce inputOutput SFFloat stopBounce inputOutput SFFloat stopErrorCorrection }
The following is an example of a SliderJoint node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
SliderJoint { IS NULL axis 0 1 0 body1 NULL body2 NULL forceOutput [] forceOutput ["NONE"] maxSeparation 1 metadata NULL minSeparation 0 sliderForce 0 stopBounce 0 stopErrorCorrection 1 }
Sound { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFString description inputOutput SFVec3f direction inputOutput SFBool enabled inputOutput SFFloat intensity inputOutput SFVec3f location inputOutput SFFloat maxBack inputOutput SFFloat maxFront inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFFloat minBack inputOutput SFFloat minFront inputOutput SFFloat priority inputOutput SFNode source initializeOnly SFBool spatialize }
The following is an example of a Sound node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
Sound { IS NULL description "" direction 0 0 1 enabled TRUE intensity 1 location 0 0 0 maxBack 10 maxFront 10 metadata NULL minBack 1 minFront 1 priority 0 source NULL spatialize TRUE }
SpatialSound { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput MFNode children positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFFloat coneInnerAngle inputOutput SFFloat coneOuterAngle inputOutput SFFloat coneOuterGain inputOutput SFString description inputOutput SFVec3f direction inputOutput SFString distanceModel inputOutput SFBool dopplerEnabled inputOutput SFBool enableHRTF inputOutput SFBool enabled inputOutput SFFloat gain inputOutput SFFloat intensity inputOutput SFVec3f location inputOutput SFFloat maxDistance inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFFloat priority inputOutput SFFloat referenceDistance inputOutput SFFloat rolloffFactor initializeOnly SFBool spatialize }
The following is an example of a SpatialSound node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
SpatialSound { IS NULL children [] coneInnerAngle 6.2832 coneOuterAngle 6.2832 coneOuterGain 0 description "" direction 0 0 1 distanceModel "INVERSE" dopplerEnabled FALSE enableHRTF FALSE enabled TRUE gain 1 intensity 1 location 0 0 0 maxDistance 10000 metadata NULL priority 0 referenceDistance 1 rolloffFactor 1 spatialize TRUE }
Sphere { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFNode metadata initializeOnly SFFloat radius initializeOnly SFBool solid inputOutput SFBool solid }
The following is an example of a Sphere node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
Sphere { IS NULL metadata NULL radius 1 solid TRUE solid TRUE }
SphereSensor { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput SFBool autoOffset positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFString description inputOutput SFBool enabled outputOnly SFBool isActive outputOnly SFBool isOver inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFRotation offset outputOnly SFRotation rotation_changed outputOnly SFVec3f trackPoint_changed }
The following is an example of a SphereSensor node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
SphereSensor { IS NULL autoOffset TRUE description "" enabled TRUE metadata NULL offset 0 1 0 0 }
SplinePositionInterpolator { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput SFBool closed initializeOnly SFBool closed positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput MFFloat key inputOutput MFVec3f keyValue inputOutput MFVec3f keyVelocity inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFBool normalizeVelocity inputOnly SFFloat set_fraction outputOnly SFVec3f value_changed }
The following is an example of a SplinePositionInterpolator node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
SplinePositionInterpolator { IS NULL closed FALSE closed FALSE key [] keyValue [] keyVelocity [] metadata NULL normalizeVelocity FALSE }
SplinePositionInterpolator2D { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput SFBool closed initializeOnly SFBool closed positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput MFFloat key inputOutput MFVec2f keyValue inputOutput MFVec2f keyVelocity inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFBool normalizeVelocity inputOnly SFFloat set_fraction outputOnly SFVec2f value_changed }
The following is an example of a SplinePositionInterpolator2D node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
SplinePositionInterpolator2D { IS NULL closed FALSE closed FALSE key [] keyValue [] keyVelocity [] metadata NULL normalizeVelocity FALSE }
SplineScalarInterpolator { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput SFBool closed initializeOnly SFBool closed positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput MFFloat key inputOutput MFFloat keyValue inputOutput MFFloat keyVelocity inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFBool normalizeVelocity inputOnly SFFloat set_fraction outputOnly SFFloat value_changed }
The following is an example of a SplineScalarInterpolator node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
SplineScalarInterpolator { IS NULL closed FALSE closed FALSE key [] keyValue [] keyVelocity [] metadata NULL normalizeVelocity FALSE }
SpotLight { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput SFFloat ambientIntensity inputOutput SFVec3f attenuation inputOutput SFFloat beamWidth inputOutput SFColor color positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFFloat cutOffAngle inputOutput SFVec3f direction inputOutput SFBool global inputOutput SFFloat intensity inputOutput SFVec3f location inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFBool on inputOutput SFFloat radius inputOutput SFFloat radius inputOutput SFFloat shadowIntensity inputOutput SFBool shadows }
The following is an example of a SpotLight node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
SpotLight { IS NULL ambientIntensity 0 attenuation 1 0 0 beamWidth 0.589049 color 1 1 1 cutOffAngle 1.570796 direction 0 0 -1 global TRUE intensity 1 location 0 0 0 metadata NULL on TRUE radius 100 radius 100 shadowIntensity 1 shadows FALSE }
SquadOrientationInterpolator { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput MFFloat key inputOutput MFRotation keyValue inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFBool normalizeVelocity inputOnly SFFloat set_fraction outputOnly SFRotation value_changed }
The following is an example of a SquadOrientationInterpolator node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
SquadOrientationInterpolator { IS NULL key [] keyValue [] metadata NULL normalizeVelocity FALSE }
StaticGroup { inputOutput SFNode IS initializeOnly SFVec3f bboxCenter inputOutput SFBool bboxDisplay initializeOnly SFVec3f bboxSize initializeOnly MFNode children positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFBool visible }
The following is an example of a StaticGroup node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
StaticGroup { IS NULL bboxCenter 0 0 0 bboxDisplay FALSE bboxSize -1 -1 -1 children [] metadata NULL visible TRUE }
StreamAudioDestination { inputOutput SFNode IS outputOnly SFInt32 channelCount inputOutput SFString channelCountMode inputOutput SFString channelInterpretation inputOutput MFNode children positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFString description inputOutput SFBool enabled inputOutput SFFloat gain outputOnly SFBool isActive inputOutput SFString mediaDeviceID inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFString streamIdentifier }
The following is an example of a StreamAudioDestination node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
StreamAudioDestination { IS NULL channelCountMode "MAX" channelInterpretation "SPEAKERS" children [] description "" enabled TRUE gain 1 mediaDeviceID "" metadata NULL streamIdentifier "" }
StreamAudioSource { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput SFString channelCountMode inputOutput SFString channelInterpretation positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFString description outputOnly SFTime elapsedTime inputOutput SFBool enabled inputOutput SFFloat gain outputOnly SFBool isActive outputOnly SFBool isPaused inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFTime pauseTime inputOutput SFTime resumeTime inputOutput SFTime startTime inputOutput SFTime stopTime inputOutput SFString streamIdentifier }
The following is an example of a StreamAudioSource node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
StreamAudioSource { IS NULL channelCountMode "MAX" channelInterpretation "SPEAKERS" description "" enabled TRUE gain 1 metadata NULL pauseTime 0 resumeTime 0 startTime 0 stopTime 0 streamIdentifier "" }
StringSensor { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFBool deletionAllowed inputOutput SFString description inputOutput SFBool enabled outputOnly SFString enteredText outputOnly SFString finalText outputOnly SFBool isActive inputOutput SFNode metadata }
The following is an example of a StringSensor node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
StringSensor { IS NULL deletionAllowed TRUE description "" enabled TRUE metadata NULL }
SurfaceEmitter { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFFloat mass inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFBool on inputOutput SFFloat speed initializeOnly SFNode surface inputOutput SFFloat surfaceArea inputOutput SFFloat variation }
The following is an example of a SurfaceEmitter node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
SurfaceEmitter { IS NULL mass 0 metadata NULL on TRUE speed 0 surface NULL surfaceArea 0 variation 0.25 }
Switch { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOnly MFNode addChildren initializeOnly SFVec3f bboxCenter inputOutput SFBool bboxDisplay initializeOnly SFVec3f bboxSize inputOutput MFNode children positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOnly MFNode removeChildren inputOutput SFBool visible inputOutput SFInt32 whichChoice }
The following is an example of a Switch node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
Switch { IS NULL bboxCenter 0 0 0 bboxDisplay FALSE bboxSize -1 -1 -1 children [] metadata NULL visible TRUE whichChoice -1 }
TexCoordChaser2D { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName initializeOnly SFTime duration initializeOnly MFVec2f initialDestination initializeOnly MFVec2f initialValue outputOnly SFBool isActive inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOnly MFVec2f set_destination inputOnly MFVec2f set_value outputOnly MFVec2f value_changed }
The following is an example of a TexCoordChaser2D node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
TexCoordChaser2D { IS NULL duration 1 initialDestination [] initialValue [] metadata NULL }
TexCoordDamper2D { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName initializeOnly MFVec2f initialDestination initializeOnly MFVec2f initialValue outputOnly SFBool isActive inputOutput SFNode metadata initializeOnly SFInt32 order inputOnly MFVec2f set_destination inputOnly MFVec2f set_value inputOutput SFTime tau inputOutput SFFloat tolerance outputOnly MFVec2f value_changed }
The following is an example of a TexCoordDamper2D node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
TexCoordDamper2D { IS NULL initialDestination [] initialValue [] metadata NULL order 3 tau 0.3 tolerance -1 }
Text { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFNode fontStyle inputOutput MFFloat length outputOnly MFVec2f lineBounds inputOutput SFFloat maxExtent inputOutput SFNode metadata outputOnly SFVec3f origin initializeOnly SFBool solid inputOutput SFBool solid inputOutput MFString string outputOnly SFVec2f textBounds }
The following is an example of a Text node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
Text { IS NULL fontStyle NULL length [] maxExtent 0.0 metadata NULL solid FALSE solid FALSE string [] }
TextureBackground { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput SFNode backTexture outputOnly SFTime bindTime inputOutput SFNode bottomTexture positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFNode frontTexture inputOutput MFFloat groundAngle inputOutput MFColor groundColor outputOnly SFBool isBound inputOutput SFNode leftTexture inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFNode rightTexture inputOnly SFBool set_bind inputOutput MFFloat skyAngle inputOutput MFColor skyColor inputOutput SFNode topTexture inputOutput SFFloat transparency }
The following is an example of a TextureBackground node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
TextureBackground { IS NULL backTexture NULL bottomTexture NULL frontTexture NULL groundAngle [] groundColor [] leftTexture NULL metadata NULL rightTexture NULL skyAngle [] skyColor [0 0 0] topTexture NULL transparency 0 }
TextureCoordinate { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput NMTOKEN mapping inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput MFVec2f point }
The following is an example of a TextureCoordinate node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
TextureCoordinate { IS NULL mapping BAD FIELD TYPE metadata NULL point [] }
TextureCoordinate3D { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput NMTOKEN mapping inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput MFVec3f point }
The following is an example of a TextureCoordinate3D node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
TextureCoordinate3D { IS NULL mapping BAD FIELD TYPE metadata NULL point [] }
TextureCoordinate4D { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput NMTOKEN mapping inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput MFVec4f point }
The following is an example of a TextureCoordinate4D node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
TextureCoordinate4D { IS NULL mapping BAD FIELD TYPE metadata NULL point [] }
TextureCoordinateGenerator { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput NMTOKEN mapping inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput NMTOKEN mode inputOutput MFFloat parameter }
The following is an example of a TextureCoordinateGenerator node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
TextureCoordinateGenerator { IS NULL mapping BAD FIELD TYPE metadata NULL mode BAD FIELD TYPE parameter [] }
TextureProjector { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput SFFloat ambientIntensity outputOnly SFFloat aspectRatio inputOutput SFColor color positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFString description inputOutput SFVec3f direction inputOutput SFFloat farDistance inputOutput SFFloat fieldOfView inputOutput SFBool global inputOutput SFFloat intensity inputOutput SFVec3f location inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFFloat nearDistance inputOutput SFBool on inputOutput SFFloat shadowIntensity inputOutput SFBool shadows inputOutput SFNode texture inputOutput SFVec3f upVector }
The following is an example of a TextureProjector node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
TextureProjector { IS NULL ambientIntensity 0 color 1 1 1 description "" direction 0 0 1 farDistance -1 fieldOfView 0.7854 global TRUE intensity 1 location 0 0 0 metadata NULL nearDistance -1 on TRUE shadowIntensity 1 shadows FALSE texture NULL upVector 0 0 1 }
TextureProjectorParallel { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput SFFloat ambientIntensity outputOnly SFFloat aspectRatio inputOutput SFColor color positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFString description inputOutput SFVec3f direction inputOutput SFFloat farDistance inputOutput SFVec4f fieldOfView inputOutput SFBool global inputOutput SFFloat intensity inputOutput SFVec3f location inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFFloat nearDistance inputOutput SFBool on inputOutput SFFloat shadowIntensity inputOutput SFBool shadows inputOutput SFNode texture }
The following is an example of a TextureProjectorParallel node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
TextureProjectorParallel { IS NULL ambientIntensity 0 color 1 1 1 description "" direction 0 0 1 farDistance -1 fieldOfView -1 -1 1 1 global TRUE intensity 1 location 0 0 0 metadata NULL nearDistance -1 on TRUE shadowIntensity 1 shadows FALSE texture NULL }
TextureProperties { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput SFFloat anisotropicDegree inputOutput SFColorRGBA borderColor inputOutput SFInt32 borderWidth inputOutput NMTOKEN boundaryModeR inputOutput NMTOKEN boundaryModeS inputOutput NMTOKEN boundaryModeT positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName initializeOnly SFBool generateMipMaps inputOutput NMTOKEN magnificationFilter inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput NMTOKEN minificationFilter inputOutput NMTOKEN textureCompression inputOutput SFFloat texturePriority }
The following is an example of a TextureProperties node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
TextureProperties { IS NULL anisotropicDegree 1 borderColor 0 0 0 0 borderWidth 0 boundaryModeR BAD FIELD TYPE boundaryModeS BAD FIELD TYPE boundaryModeT BAD FIELD TYPE generateMipMaps FALSE magnificationFilter BAD FIELD TYPE metadata NULL minificationFilter BAD FIELD TYPE textureCompression BAD FIELD TYPE texturePriority 0 }
TextureTransform { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput SFVec2f center positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput NMTOKEN mapping inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFFloat rotation inputOutput SFVec2f scale inputOutput SFVec2f translation }
The following is an example of a TextureTransform node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
TextureTransform { IS NULL center 0 0 mapping BAD FIELD TYPE metadata NULL rotation 0 scale 1 1 translation 0 0 }
TextureTransform3D { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput SFVec3f center positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput NMTOKEN mapping inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFRotation rotation inputOutput SFVec3f scale inputOutput SFVec3f translation }
The following is an example of a TextureTransform3D node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
TextureTransform3D { IS NULL center 0 0 0 mapping BAD FIELD TYPE metadata NULL rotation 0 0 1 0 scale 1 1 1 translation 0 0 0 }
TextureTransformMatrix3D { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput NMTOKEN mapping inputOutput SFMatrix4f matrix inputOutput SFNode metadata }
The following is an example of a TextureTransformMatrix3D node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
TextureTransformMatrix3D { IS NULL mapping BAD FIELD TYPE matrix 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 metadata NULL }
TimeSensor { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFTime cycleInterval outputOnly SFTime cycleTime inputOutput SFString description outputOnly SFTime elapsedTime inputOutput SFBool enabled outputOnly SFFloat fraction_changed outputOnly SFBool isActive outputOnly SFBool isPaused inputOutput SFBool loop inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFTime pauseTime inputOutput SFTime resumeTime inputOutput SFTime startTime inputOutput SFTime stopTime outputOnly SFTime time }
The following is an example of a TimeSensor node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
TimeSensor { IS NULL cycleInterval 1.0 description "" enabled TRUE loop FALSE metadata NULL pauseTime 0 resumeTime 0 startTime 0 stopTime 0 }
TimeTrigger { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOnly SFBool set_boolean outputOnly SFTime triggerTime }
The following is an example of a TimeTrigger node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
TimeTrigger { IS NULL metadata NULL }
ToneMappedVolumeStyle { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFColorRGBA coolColor inputOutput SFBool enabled inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFNode surfaceNormals inputOutput SFColorRGBA warmColor }
The following is an example of a ToneMappedVolumeStyle node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
ToneMappedVolumeStyle { IS NULL coolColor 0 0 1 0 enabled TRUE metadata NULL surfaceNormals NULL warmColor 1 1 0 0 }
TouchSensor { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFString description inputOutput SFBool enabled outputOnly SFVec3f hitNormal_changed outputOnly SFVec3f hitPoint_changed outputOnly SFVec2f hitTexCoord_changed outputOnly SFBool isActive outputOnly SFBool isOver inputOutput SFNode metadata outputOnly SFTime touchTime }
The following is an example of a TouchSensor node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
TouchSensor { IS NULL description "" enabled TRUE metadata NULL }
Transform { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOnly MFNode addChildren initializeOnly SFVec3f bboxCenter inputOutput SFBool bboxDisplay initializeOnly SFVec3f bboxSize inputOutput SFVec3f center inputOutput MFNode children positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOnly MFNode removeChildren inputOutput SFRotation rotation inputOutput SFVec3f scale inputOutput SFRotation scaleOrientation inputOutput SFVec3f translation inputOutput SFBool visible }
The following is an example of a Transform node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
Transform { IS NULL bboxCenter 0 0 0 bboxDisplay FALSE bboxSize -1 -1 -1 center 0 0 0 children [] metadata NULL rotation 0 0 1 0 scale 1 1 1 scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0 translation 0 0 0 visible TRUE }
TransformSensor { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput SFVec3f center positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFString description inputOutput SFBool enabled outputOnly SFTime enterTime outputOnly SFTime exitTime outputOnly SFBool isActive inputOutput SFNode metadata outputOnly SFRotation orientation_changed outputOnly SFVec3f position_changed inputOutput SFVec3f size inputOutput SFNode targetObject }
The following is an example of a TransformSensor node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
TransformSensor { IS NULL center 0 0 0 description "" enabled TRUE metadata NULL size 0 0 0 targetObject NULL }
TransmitterPdu { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput SFString address inputOutput SFVec3f antennaLocation inputOutput SFInt32 antennaPatternLength inputOutput SFInt32 antennaPatternType inputOutput SFInt32 applicationID initializeOnly SFVec3f bboxCenter inputOutput SFBool bboxDisplay initializeOnly SFVec3f bboxSize positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFInt32 cryptoKeyID inputOutput SFInt32 cryptoSystem inputOutput SFString description inputOutput SFBool enabled inputOutput SFInt32 entityID inputOutput SFInt32 frequency inputOutput SFVec3d geoCoords initializeOnly MFString geoSystem inputOutput SFInt32 inputSource outputOnly SFBool isActive outputOnly SFBool isNetworkReader outputOnly SFBool isNetworkWriter outputOnly SFBool isRtpHeaderHeard outputOnly SFBool isStandAlone inputOutput SFInt32 lengthOfModulationParameters inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFInt32 modulationTypeDetail inputOutput SFInt32 modulationTypeMajor inputOutput SFInt32 modulationTypeSpreadSpectrum inputOutput SFInt32 modulationTypeSystem inputOutput SFString multicastRelayHost inputOutput SFInt32 multicastRelayPort inputOutput NMTOKEN networkMode inputOutput SFInt32 port inputOutput SFFloat power inputOutput SFInt32 radioEntityTypeCategory inputOutput SFInt32 radioEntityTypeCountry inputOutput SFInt32 radioEntityTypeDomain inputOutput SFInt32 radioEntityTypeKind inputOutput SFInt32 radioEntityTypeNomenclature inputOutput SFInt32 radioEntityTypeNomenclatureVersion inputOutput SFInt32 radioID inputOutput SFTime readInterval inputOutput SFVec3f relativeAntennaLocation inputOutput SFBool rtpHeaderExpected inputOutput SFInt32 siteID outputOnly SFTime timestamp inputOutput SFFloat transmitFrequencyBandwidth inputOutput SFInt32 transmitState inputOutput SFBool visible inputOutput SFInt32 whichGeometry inputOutput SFTime writeInterval }
The following is an example of a TransmitterPdu node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
TransmitterPdu { IS NULL address "localhost" antennaLocation 0 0 0 antennaPatternLength 0 antennaPatternType 0 applicationID 0 bboxCenter 0 0 0 bboxDisplay FALSE bboxSize -1 -1 -1 cryptoKeyID 0 cryptoSystem 0 description "" enabled TRUE entityID 0 frequency 0 geoCoords 0 0 0 geoSystem ["GD" "WE"] inputSource 0 lengthOfModulationParameters 0 metadata NULL modulationTypeDetail 0 modulationTypeMajor 0 modulationTypeSpreadSpectrum 0 modulationTypeSystem 0 multicastRelayHost "" multicastRelayPort 0 networkMode BAD FIELD TYPE port 0 power 0.0 radioEntityTypeCategory 0 radioEntityTypeCountry 0 radioEntityTypeDomain 0 radioEntityTypeKind 0 radioEntityTypeNomenclature 0 radioEntityTypeNomenclatureVersion 0 radioID 0 readInterval 0.1 relativeAntennaLocation 0 0 0 rtpHeaderExpected FALSE siteID 0 transmitFrequencyBandwidth 0 transmitState 0 visible TRUE whichGeometry 1 writeInterval 1.0 }
TriangleFanSet { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput MFNode attrib initializeOnly SFBool ccw inputOutput SFNode color initializeOnly SFBool colorPerVertex positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFNode coord inputOutput MFInt32 fanCount inputOutput SFNode fogCoord inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFNode normal initializeOnly SFBool normalPerVertex initializeOnly SFBool solid inputOutput SFBool solid inputOutput SFNode texCoord }
The following is an example of a TriangleFanSet node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
TriangleFanSet { IS NULL attrib [] ccw TRUE color NULL colorPerVertex TRUE coord NULL fanCount [] fogCoord NULL metadata NULL normal NULL normalPerVertex TRUE solid TRUE solid TRUE texCoord NULL }
TriangleSet { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput MFNode attrib initializeOnly SFBool ccw inputOutput SFNode color initializeOnly SFBool colorPerVertex positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFNode coord inputOutput SFNode fogCoord inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFNode normal initializeOnly SFBool normalPerVertex initializeOnly SFBool solid inputOutput SFBool solid inputOutput SFNode texCoord }
The following is an example of a TriangleSet node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
TriangleSet { IS NULL attrib [] ccw TRUE color NULL colorPerVertex TRUE coord NULL fogCoord NULL metadata NULL normal NULL normalPerVertex TRUE solid TRUE solid TRUE texCoord NULL }
TriangleSet2D { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFNode metadata initializeOnly SFBool solid inputOutput SFBool solid inputOutput MFVec2f vertices }
The following is an example of a TriangleSet2D node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
TriangleSet2D { IS NULL metadata NULL solid FALSE solid FALSE vertices [] }
TriangleStripSet { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput MFNode attrib initializeOnly SFBool ccw inputOutput SFNode color initializeOnly SFBool colorPerVertex positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFNode coord inputOutput SFNode fogCoord inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFNode normal initializeOnly SFBool normalPerVertex initializeOnly SFBool solid inputOutput SFBool solid inputOutput MFInt32 stripCount inputOutput SFNode texCoord }
The following is an example of a TriangleStripSet node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
TriangleStripSet { IS NULL attrib [] ccw TRUE color NULL colorPerVertex TRUE coord NULL fogCoord NULL metadata NULL normal NULL normalPerVertex TRUE solid TRUE solid TRUE stripCount [] texCoord NULL }
TwoSidedMaterial { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput SFFloat ambientIntensity inputOutput SFFloat backAmbientIntensity inputOutput SFColor backDiffuseColor inputOutput SFColor backEmissiveColor inputOutput SFFloat backShininess inputOutput SFColor backSpecularColor inputOutput SFFloat backTransparency positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFColor diffuseColor inputOutput SFColor emissiveColor inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFBool separateBackColor inputOutput SFFloat shininess inputOutput SFColor specularColor inputOutput SFFloat transparency }
The following is an example of a TwoSidedMaterial node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
TwoSidedMaterial { IS NULL ambientIntensity 0.2 backAmbientIntensity 0.2 backDiffuseColor 0.8 0.8 0.8 backEmissiveColor 0 0 0 backShininess 0.2 backSpecularColor 0 0 0 backTransparency 0 diffuseColor 0.8 0.8 0.8 emissiveColor 0 0 0 metadata NULL separateBackColor FALSE shininess 0.2 specularColor 0 0 0 transparency 0 }
UniversalJoint { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput SFVec3f anchorPoint inputOutput SFVec3f axis1 inputOutput SFVec3f axis2 inputOutput SFNode body1 outputOnly SFVec3f body1AnchorPoint outputOnly SFVec3f body1Axis inputOutput SFNode body2 outputOnly SFVec3f body2AnchorPoint outputOnly SFVec3f body2Axis positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput MFString forceOutput inputOutput MFString forceOutput inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFFloat stop1Bounce inputOutput SFFloat stop1ErrorCorrection inputOutput SFFloat stop2Bounce inputOutput SFFloat stop2ErrorCorrection }
The following is an example of a UniversalJoint node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
UniversalJoint { IS NULL anchorPoint 0 0 0 axis1 1 0 0 axis2 0 1 0 body1 NULL body2 NULL forceOutput [] forceOutput ["NONE"] metadata NULL stop1Bounce 0 stop1ErrorCorrection 0.8 stop2Bounce 0 stop2ErrorCorrection 0.8 }
UnlitMaterial { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFColor emissiveColor inputOutput SFNode emissiveTexture inputOutput NMTOKEN emissiveTextureMapping inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFFloat normalScale inputOutput SFNode normalTexture inputOutput NMTOKEN normalTextureMapping inputOutput SFFloat transparency }
The following is an example of a UnlitMaterial node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
UnlitMaterial { IS NULL emissiveColor 1 1 1 emissiveTexture NULL emissiveTextureMapping BAD FIELD TYPE metadata NULL normalScale 1 normalTexture NULL normalTextureMapping BAD FIELD TYPE transparency 0 }
Viewpoint { inputOutput SFNode IS outputOnly SFTime bindTime inputOutput SFVec3f centerOfRotation positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFString description inputOutput SFFloat farDistance inputOutput SFFloat fieldOfView outputOnly SFBool isBound inputOutput SFBool jump inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFNode navigationInfo inputOutput SFFloat nearDistance inputOutput SFRotation orientation inputOutput SFVec3f position inputOutput SFBool retainUserOffsets inputOnly SFBool set_bind inputOutput SFBool viewAll }
The following is an example of a Viewpoint node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
Viewpoint { IS NULL centerOfRotation 0 0 0 description "" farDistance -1 fieldOfView 0.7854 jump TRUE metadata NULL navigationInfo NULL nearDistance -1 orientation 0 0 1 0 position 0 0 10 retainUserOffsets FALSE viewAll FALSE }
ViewpointGroup { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput SFVec3f center inputOutput MFNode children positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFString description inputOutput SFBool displayed inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFBool retainUserOffsets inputOutput SFVec3f size inputOutput SFVec3f size }
The following is an example of a ViewpointGroup node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
ViewpointGroup { IS NULL center 0 0 0 children [] description "" displayed TRUE metadata NULL retainUserOffsets FALSE size 0 0 0 size 0 0 0 }
Viewport { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOnly MFNode addChildren initializeOnly SFVec3f bboxCenter inputOutput SFBool bboxDisplay initializeOnly SFVec3f bboxSize inputOutput MFNode children inputOutput MFFloat clipBoundary positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOnly MFNode removeChildren inputOutput SFBool visible }
The following is an example of a Viewport node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
Viewport { IS NULL bboxCenter 0 0 0 bboxDisplay FALSE bboxSize -1 -1 -1 children [] clipBoundary [0 1 0 1] metadata NULL visible TRUE }
VisibilitySensor { inputOutput SFNode IS inputOutput SFVec3f center positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFString description inputOutput SFBool enabled outputOnly SFTime enterTime outputOnly SFTime exitTime outputOnly SFBool isActive inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFVec3f size }
The following is an example of a VisibilitySensor node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
VisibilitySensor { IS NULL center 0 0 0 description "" enabled TRUE metadata NULL size 0 0 0 }
VolumeData { inputOutput SFNode IS initializeOnly SFVec3f bboxCenter inputOutput SFBool bboxDisplay initializeOnly SFVec3f bboxSize positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFVec3f dimensions inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFNode renderStyle inputOutput SFBool visible inputOutput SFNode voxels }
The following is an example of a VolumeData node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
VolumeData { IS NULL bboxCenter 0 0 0 bboxDisplay FALSE bboxSize -1 -1 -1 dimensions 1 1 1 metadata NULL renderStyle NULL visible TRUE voxels NULL }
VolumeEmitter { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFNode coord initializeOnly MFInt32 coordIndex inputOutput SFVec3f direction initializeOnly SFBool internal inputOutput SFFloat mass inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFBool on inputOnly MFInt32 set_coordIndex inputOutput SFFloat speed inputOutput SFFloat surfaceArea inputOutput SFFloat variation }
The following is an example of a VolumeEmitter node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
VolumeEmitter { IS NULL coord NULL coordIndex [-1] direction 0 1 0 internal TRUE mass 0 metadata NULL on TRUE speed 0 surfaceArea 0 variation 0.25 }
VolumePickSensor { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFString description inputOutput SFBool enabled initializeOnly NMTOKEN intersectionType initializeOnly NMTOKEN intersectionType outputOnly SFBool isActive inputOutput NMTOKEN matchCriterion inputOutput NMTOKEN matchCriterion inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput MFString objectType inputOutput MFString objectType inputOutput MFNode pickTarget outputOnly MFNode pickedGeometry inputOutput SFNode pickingGeometry initializeOnly NMTOKEN sortOrder initializeOnly NMTOKEN sortOrder }
The following is an example of a VolumePickSensor node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
VolumePickSensor { IS NULL description "" enabled TRUE intersectionType BAD FIELD TYPE intersectionType BAD FIELD TYPE matchCriterion BAD FIELD TYPE matchCriterion BAD FIELD TYPE metadata NULL objectType [] objectType ["ALL"] pickTarget [] pickingGeometry NULL sortOrder BAD FIELD TYPE sortOrder BAD FIELD TYPE }
WaveShaper { inputOutput SFNode IS outputOnly SFInt32 channelCount inputOutput SFString channelCountMode inputOutput SFString channelInterpretation inputOutput MFNode children positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFString description outputOnly SFTime elapsedTime inputOutput SFBool enabled inputOutput SFFloat gain outputOnly SFBool isActive outputOnly SFBool isPaused inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFString oversample inputOutput SFTime pauseTime inputOutput SFTime resumeTime inputOutput SFTime startTime inputOutput SFTime stopTime inputOutput SFTime tailTime }
The following is an example of a WaveShaper node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
WaveShaper { IS NULL channelCountMode "MAX" channelInterpretation "SPEAKERS" children [] description "" enabled TRUE gain 1 metadata NULL oversample "NONE" pauseTime 0 resumeTime 0 startTime 0 stopTime 0 tailTime 0 }
WindPhysicsModel { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName inputOutput SFVec3f direction inputOutput SFBool enabled inputOutput SFFloat gustiness inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFFloat speed inputOutput SFFloat turbulence }
The following is an example of a WindPhysicsModel node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
WindPhysicsModel { IS NULL direction 1 0 0 enabled TRUE gustiness 0.1 metadata NULL speed 0.1 turbulence 0 }
WorldInfo { inputOutput SFNode IS positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel positiveIntegercomponentLevel NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName NMTOKEN componentName initializeOnly MFString info inputOutput SFNode metadata inputOutput SFString title }
The following is an example of a WorldInfo node in a Classic VRML encoded X3D file with all fields set to default values:
WorldInfo { IS NULL info [] metadata NULL title "" }