Extensible 3D (X3D)
Part 1: Architecture and base components
Component index
This index lists the components in alphabetical order by component title. The "Component" column lists the component title. The entries in the "Component" column are also hyperlinked and includes links to the component specification. The "Name" column lists the component name used in the COMPONENT statement. The "Clause" column specifies the clause that contains the specification of the component.
Component | Name | Clause |
Annotation | CADGeometry | 42 |
CAD geometry | CADGeometry | 32 |
Core | Core | 7 |
Cube map environmental texturing | CubeMapTexturing | 34 |
Distributed interactive simulation | DIS | 28 |
Environmental effects | EnvironmentalEffects | 24 |
Environmental sensor | EnvironmentalSensor | 22 |
Event utilities | EventUtilities | 30 |
Followers | Followers | 39 |
Geometry2D | Geometry2D | 14 |
Geometry3D | Geometry3D | 13 |
Geospatial | Geospatial | 25 |
Grouping | Grouping | 10 |
Humanoid animation (H-Anim) | H-Anim | 26 |
Interpolation | Interpolation | 19 |
Key device sensor | KeyDeviceSensor | 21 |
Layering | Layering | 35 |
Layout | Layout | 36 |
Lighting | Lighting | 17 |
Navigation | Navigation | 23 |
Networking | Networking | 9 |
NURBS | NURBS | 27 |
Particle systems | ParticleSystems | 40 |
Picking sensor | Pickingsensor | 38 |
Pointing device sensor | PointDeviceSensor | 20 |
Programmable shaders | Shaders | 31 |
Texture Projector | TextureProjector | 43 |
Rendering | Rendering | 11 |
Rigid body physics | RigidBodyPhysics | 37 |
Scripting | Scripting | 29 |
Shape | Shape | 12 |
Sound | Sound | 16 |
Text | Text | 15 |
Texturing | Texturing | 18 |
Texturing3D | Texturing3D | 33 |
Time | Time | 8 |
Volume rendering | VolumeRendering | 41 |