type | restriction of xs:string | |||||||||
properties |
facets |
annotation |
source | <xs:simpleType name="SFColorRGBA"> <xs:annotation> <xs:appinfo> <xs:attribute name="defaultValue" type="SFColorRGBA" default="0 0 0 0"/> SFColorRGBA specifies one RGBA (red-green-blue-alpha) color 4-tuple, where each color value is an RGBA 4-tuple of floating point numbers in range [0,1]. Alpha (opacity) values = (1 - transparency). The default value of an uninitialized SFColorRGBA field is (0 0 0 0). Warning: comma characters within singleton values do not pass strict XML validation. </xs:appinfo> <xs:documentation source="https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/fieldsDef.html#SFColorRGBAAndMFColorRGBA"/> </xs:annotation> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:whiteSpace value="collapse"/> <xs:pattern value="(\s)*(([+-]?((0(\.[0-9]*)?|\.[0-9]+)|1(\.0*)?)([Ee][+-]?[0-9]+)?)(\s)+){3}([+-]?((0(\.[0-9]*)?|\.[0-9]+)|1(\.0*)?)([Ee][+-]?[0-9]+)?)(\s)*"/> <!-- min/max Inclusive/Exclusive range limits not validatable by XML Schema against string array --> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> |