simpleType containerFieldChoicesSoundSource
type restriction of xs:NMTOKEN
base xs:NMTOKEN
used by
attributes BufferAudioSource/@containerField ListenerPointSource/@containerField MicrophoneSource/@containerField OscillatorSource/@containerField StreamAudioSource/@containerField
Kind Value Annotation
enumeration children
parent node is X3DSoundChannelNode, X3DSoundDestinationNode, or X3DSoundProcessingNode
enumeration source
parent node is Sound node (legacy X3D3 SFNode source is allowed content model, prefer X3D4 MFNode children)
containerFieldChoicesSoundSource lists the allowed containerField enumeration values for X3DSoundSourceNode elements: default "source" if parent node is Sound node, otherwise "inputs" if parent node is another node in audio graph.
source <xs:simpleType name="containerFieldChoicesSoundSource">
<xs:appinfo>containerFieldChoicesSoundSource lists the allowed containerField enumeration values for X3DSoundSourceNode elements: default "source" if parent node is Sound node, otherwise "inputs" if parent node is another node in audio graph.</xs:appinfo>
<xs:documentation source=""/>
<xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
<xs:enumeration value="children">
<xs:appinfo>parent node is X3DSoundChannelNode, X3DSoundDestinationNode, or X3DSoundProcessingNode</xs:appinfo>
<!-- TODO consider "children" rather than "inputs" for greatest of DEF/USE/authoring flexibility without loss of parent-child functional relationships -->
<xs:enumeration value="source">
<xs:appinfo>parent node is Sound node (legacy X3D3 SFNode source is allowed content model, prefer X3D4 MFNode children)</xs:appinfo>

XML Schema documentation generated by XMLSpy Schema Editor