simpleType x3dVersionChoices
type restriction of xs:NMTOKEN
base xs:NMTOKEN
used by
attribute X3D/@version
Kind Value Annotation
enumeration 3.0
X3D version 3.0 approved by ISO in 2004.
enumeration 3.1
X3D version 3.1 Amendment 1 approved by ISO in 2005.  Backwards compatibility maintained with version 3.0.
enumeration 3.2
X3D version 3.2 Amendment 2 approved by ISO in 2007.  Backwards compatibility maintained with versions 3.0 and 3.1.
enumeration 3.3
X3D version 3.3 approved by ISO in 2013 as International Standard (IS).  Backwards compatibility maintained with versions 3.0, 3.1 and 3.2.
enumeration 4.0
X3D version 4.0 under final development by Web3D Consortium.  Backwards compatibility maintained with versions 3.0, 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3.
x3dVersionChoices enumeration string constants are used to identify the allowed versions for an X3D scene graph. This list is bounded, no additional values are allowed.
source <xs:simpleType name="x3dVersionChoices">
<xs:appinfo>x3dVersionChoices enumeration string constants are used to identify the allowed versions for an X3D scene graph. This list is bounded, no additional values are allowed.</xs:appinfo>
<xs:documentation source=""/>
<xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
<xs:enumeration value="3.0">
<xs:appinfo>X3D version 3.0 approved by ISO in 2004.</xs:appinfo>
<xs:documentation source=""/>
<xs:enumeration value="3.1">
<xs:appinfo>X3D version 3.1 Amendment 1 approved by ISO in 2005.  Backwards compatibility maintained with version 3.0.</xs:appinfo>
<xs:documentation source=""/>
<xs:enumeration value="3.2">
<xs:appinfo>X3D version 3.2 Amendment 2 approved by ISO in 2007.  Backwards compatibility maintained with versions 3.0 and 3.1.</xs:appinfo>
<xs:documentation source=""/>
<xs:enumeration value="3.3">
<xs:appinfo>X3D version 3.3 approved by ISO in 2013 as International Standard (IS).  Backwards compatibility maintained with versions 3.0, 3.1 and 3.2.</xs:appinfo>
<xs:documentation source=""/>
<xs:enumeration value="4.0">
<xs:appinfo>X3D version 4.0 under final development by Web3D Consortium.  Backwards compatibility maintained with versions 3.0, 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3.</xs:appinfo>
<xs:documentation source=""/>

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