Uses of Class
Packages that use TwoSidedMaterial
The Shape component defines nodes for associating geometry with their visible properties and the scene environment.
Uses of TwoSidedMaterial in org.web3d.x3d.jsail.Shape
Methods in org.web3d.x3d.jsail.Shape that return TwoSidedMaterialModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionTwoSidedMaterial.addComments
(String newComment) Add comment as String to contained commentsList.TwoSidedMaterial.addComments
(String[] newComments) Add comments as String[] array to contained commentsList.TwoSidedMaterial.addComments
(CommentsBlock newCommentsBlock) Add CommentsBlock to contained commentsList.TwoSidedMaterial.clearIS()
Utility method to clear SFNode value of IS field.TwoSidedMaterial.clearMetadata()
Utility method to clear SFNode value of metadata field.TwoSidedMaterial.setAmbientIntensity
(double newValue) Utility method: double-precision set-parameter accessor for X3D floating-point type, similar tosetAmbientIntensity(float)
(float newValue) Accessor method to assign float value to inputOutput SFFloat field named ambientIntensity.TwoSidedMaterial.setAmbientIntensity
(SFFloat newValue) Assign typed object value to SFFloat ambientIntensity field, similar tosetAmbientIntensity(float)
(double newValue) Utility method: double-precision set-parameter accessor for X3D floating-point type, similar tosetBackAmbientIntensity(float)
(float newValue) Accessor method to assign float value to inputOutput SFFloat field named backAmbientIntensity.TwoSidedMaterial.setBackAmbientIntensity
(SFFloat newValue) Assign typed object value to SFFloat backAmbientIntensity field, similar tosetBackAmbientIntensity(float)
(double[] newArray) Utility method: double-precision set-parameters accessor for X3D floating-point type, similar tosetBackDiffuseColor(float[])
(double red, double green, double blue) Utility method: double-precision set-parameters accessor for X3D floating-point type, similar tosetBackDiffuseColor(float[])
(float[] newValue) Accessor method to assign 3-tuple float array using RGB values [0..1] to inputOutput SFColor field named backDiffuseColor.TwoSidedMaterial.setBackDiffuseColor
(float red, float green, float blue) Assign values to SFColor backDiffuseColor field, similar tosetBackDiffuseColor(float[])
(SFColor newValue) Assign typed object value to SFColor backDiffuseColor field, similar tosetBackDiffuseColor(float[])
(double[] newArray) Utility method: double-precision set-parameters accessor for X3D floating-point type, similar tosetBackEmissiveColor(float[])
(double red, double green, double blue) Utility method: double-precision set-parameters accessor for X3D floating-point type, similar tosetBackEmissiveColor(float[])
(float[] newValue) Accessor method to assign 3-tuple float array using RGB values [0..1] to inputOutput SFColor field named backEmissiveColor.TwoSidedMaterial.setBackEmissiveColor
(float red, float green, float blue) Assign values to SFColor backEmissiveColor field, similar tosetBackEmissiveColor(float[])
(SFColor newValue) Assign typed object value to SFColor backEmissiveColor field, similar tosetBackEmissiveColor(float[])
(double newValue) Utility method: double-precision set-parameter accessor for X3D floating-point type, similar tosetBackShininess(float)
(float newValue) Accessor method to assign float value to inputOutput SFFloat field named backShininess.TwoSidedMaterial.setBackShininess
(SFFloat newValue) Assign typed object value to SFFloat backShininess field, similar tosetBackShininess(float)
(double[] newArray) Utility method: double-precision set-parameters accessor for X3D floating-point type, similar tosetBackSpecularColor(float[])
(double red, double green, double blue) Utility method: double-precision set-parameters accessor for X3D floating-point type, similar tosetBackSpecularColor(float[])
(float[] newValue) Accessor method to assign 3-tuple float array using RGB values [0..1] to inputOutput SFColor field named backSpecularColor.TwoSidedMaterial.setBackSpecularColor
(float red, float green, float blue) Assign values to SFColor backSpecularColor field, similar tosetBackSpecularColor(float[])
(SFColor newValue) Assign typed object value to SFColor backSpecularColor field, similar tosetBackSpecularColor(float[])
(double newValue) Utility method: double-precision set-parameter accessor for X3D floating-point type, similar tosetBackTransparency(float)
(float newValue) Accessor method to assign float value to inputOutput SFFloat field named backTransparency.TwoSidedMaterial.setBackTransparency
(SFFloat newValue) Assign typed object value to SFFloat backTransparency field, similar tosetBackTransparency(float)
.final TwoSidedMaterial
(String newValue) Accessor method to assign String value to inputOutput SFString field named class.TwoSidedMaterial.setCssClass
(SFString newValue) Assign typed object value to SFString cssClass field, similar tosetCssClass(String)
.final TwoSidedMaterial
(String newValue) Accessor method to assign String value to inputOutput SFString field named style.TwoSidedMaterial.setCssStyle
(SFString newValue) Assign typed object value to SFString cssClass field, similar tosetCssStyle(String)
.final TwoSidedMaterial
Accessor method to assign String value to inputOutput SFString field named DEF.Assign typed object value to SFString DEF field, similar tosetDEF(String)
(double[] newArray) Utility method: double-precision set-parameters accessor for X3D floating-point type, similar tosetDiffuseColor(float[])
(double red, double green, double blue) Utility method: double-precision set-parameters accessor for X3D floating-point type, similar tosetDiffuseColor(float[])
(float[] newValue) Accessor method to assign 3-tuple float array using RGB values [0..1] to inputOutput SFColor field named diffuseColor.TwoSidedMaterial.setDiffuseColor
(float red, float green, float blue) Assign values to SFColor diffuseColor field, similar tosetDiffuseColor(float[])
(SFColor newValue) Assign typed object value to SFColor diffuseColor field, similar tosetDiffuseColor(float[])
(double[] newArray) Utility method: double-precision set-parameters accessor for X3D floating-point type, similar tosetEmissiveColor(float[])
(double red, double green, double blue) Utility method: double-precision set-parameters accessor for X3D floating-point type, similar tosetEmissiveColor(float[])
(float[] newValue) Accessor method to assign 3-tuple float array using RGB values [0..1] to inputOutput SFColor field named emissiveColor.TwoSidedMaterial.setEmissiveColor
(float red, float green, float blue) Assign values to SFColor emissiveColor field, similar tosetEmissiveColor(float[])
(SFColor newValue) Assign typed object value to SFColor emissiveColor field, similar tosetEmissiveColor(float[])
.final TwoSidedMaterial
Accessor method to assign String value to inputOutput SFString field named id.Assign typed object value to SFString HtmlID field, similar tosetHtmlID(String)
.Accessor method to assign IS instance (using a properly typed node) to inputOutput SFNode field IS.TwoSidedMaterial.setMetadata
(ProtoInstance newValue) Assign ProtoInstance (using a properly typed node) to inputOutput SFNode field metadata.TwoSidedMaterial.setMetadata
(X3DMetadataObject newValue) Accessor method to assign org.web3d.x3d.sai.Core.X3DMetadataObject instance (using a properly typed node) to inputOutput SFNode field metadata.TwoSidedMaterial.setSeparateBackColor
(boolean newValue) Accessor method to assign boolean value to inputOutput SFBool field named separateBackColor.TwoSidedMaterial.setSeparateBackColor
(SFBool newValue) Assign typed object value to SFBool separateBackColor field, similar tosetSeparateBackColor(boolean)
(double newValue) Utility method: double-precision set-parameter accessor for X3D floating-point type, similar tosetShininess(float)
(float newValue) Accessor method to assign float value to inputOutput SFFloat field named shininess.TwoSidedMaterial.setShininess
(SFFloat newValue) Assign typed object value to SFFloat shininess field, similar tosetShininess(float)
(double[] newArray) Utility method: double-precision set-parameters accessor for X3D floating-point type, similar tosetSpecularColor(float[])
(double red, double green, double blue) Utility method: double-precision set-parameters accessor for X3D floating-point type, similar tosetSpecularColor(float[])
(float[] newValue) Accessor method to assign 3-tuple float array using RGB values [0..1] to inputOutput SFColor field named specularColor.TwoSidedMaterial.setSpecularColor
(float red, float green, float blue) Assign values to SFColor specularColor field, similar tosetSpecularColor(float[])
(SFColor newValue) Assign typed object value to SFColor specularColor field, similar tosetSpecularColor(float[])
(double newValue) Utility method: double-precision set-parameter accessor for X3D floating-point type, similar tosetTransparency(float)
(float newValue) Accessor method to assign float value to inputOutput SFFloat field named transparency.TwoSidedMaterial.setTransparency
(SFFloat newValue) Assign typed object value to SFFloat transparency field, similar tosetTransparency(float)
.final TwoSidedMaterial
Accessor method to assign String value to inputOutput SFString field named USE.Assign typed object value to SFString USE field, similar tosetUSE(String)
(TwoSidedMaterial DEFnode) Assign a USE reference to another DEF node of same node type, similar tosetUSE(String)
.Methods in org.web3d.x3d.jsail.Shape with parameters of type TwoSidedMaterialModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionTwoSidedMaterial.setUSE
(TwoSidedMaterial DEFnode) Assign a USE reference to another DEF node of same node type, similar tosetUSE(String)