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= X3D Plugfest =
== 2012 Interoperability ==
The goal of the X3D Plugfest is to foster interoperability between X3D players.  This event will bring
=== Resources ===
content authors, authoring tool vendors and browser implementers together to work on interoperability
There are many resources for interoperability available:
* Website "New to X3D"
* X3D Resources
* Player support
* Tool support
* X3D Examples
* Nightly builds
This page will be the navigation home page for the upcoming X3D Plugfest.  Content will be
=== Open Source ===
linked from this page for everyone's review.
Open Source codebases make achieving interoperability even easier too:
* Xj3D
* FreeWRL/FreeX3D
* Castle
* OpenVRML
* others...
== Problem Content ==
===Quality Assurance (QA)===
The [https://savage.nps.edu/X3dValidator X3D Validator] provides a server-based suite of tests to help ensure the quality of X3D scenes and metadata. Validation tests include:
* XML header and DOCTYPE checking for correct document headers
* Well-formed XML checking
* X3D DTD and XML Schema checking for valid X3D nodes, fields and values
* X3D Schematron rule checking to verify semantic correctness and detect internal-consistency problems
* X3D to ClassicVRML conversion checks a variety of legal X3D constructs
* Regular expression checking for malformed floating-point numbers and excess leading zeros
* X3D to XHTML conversion pretty-print listing to check online URL links, document ROUTE connections, and provide node tooltips
=== Example scenes for this year ===
* Extrusion: Moebius Strip Bushings
* ImageTexture TextureTransform
* Web3D Time Line (both X3D and X3DOM)
* X3D for Advanced Modeling preview: San Carlos Cathedral
=== CAD group recommendations for export ===
* CAD Interchange profile, includes simple CAD structure nodes
* 2D nodes
* Binary Compression
===2010 Plugfest Content - 24-29 July 2010 - Web3D Symposium, SIGGRAPH===
How about another Plugfest?
*When/where? [http://conferences.web3d.org/web3d2010 Web3D 2010 Symposium] and/or [http://www.siggraph.org/s2010 SIGGRAPH 2010]?
*Getting organized around priority "Bugs of the month" that we document for all active browsers
*Who is tracking each browser and reporting the bugs?
*Demo how to use X3D-Edit to launch one or many browsers at a time on individual test scenes
*How to best report and track status of successes and problems?
===2009 Plugfest Content - June 2009 - Fraunhofer IGD, Darmstadt, Germany===
|'''X3D Scenes, X3D Viewers'''||'''Updated'''||'''Author'''||'''Content Description'''||'''Problem Description'''||'''Content Releasability'''
|<small>[[{{ns:-2}}:Web3DTimeline.zip|(earlier revision)]]</small> [http://web3d.org/examples/timeline/timeline.html "Web3D Timeline (aka X3D Timeline)"]||25 May 2009||Anita Havele, Web3D Consortium||[http://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Basic/Outreach Outreach examples] for [http://www.web3d.org Web3D Consortium]||Prototype interoperability between browsers||Public
|[http://freewrl.sf.net/simpleShader.zip "simpleShader.zip"]||26 May 2009||John Stewart, CRC Canada||GLSL Shader test that uses a modified "toon" shader; light intensity on Spheres is shown where the color is dependent on intensity; the intensity bounding values are passed into the shader||Should display on hardware supporting GLSL shaders; Spheres will be "ringed". On non-GLSL systems, Spheres will be a uniformly shaded light blue||Public
|[[{{ns:media}}:UrlInProtoTest.zip]]||12 June 2009||Patrick Dähne, Fraunhofer IGD||The X3D spec does not specify how to resolve relative URLs in EXTERNPROTOs. Some X3D Browsers resolve them relative to the EXTERNPROTO declaration, some to the EXTERNPROTO instantiation.||Open the file "UrlInProtoTest.wrl" in different browsers. Some will show yellow textured boxes, and some will show cyan textured boxes. Which behaviour is correct?||Public
===2009 Plugfest Content - March 2009 - NASA Ames, California===
|'''X3D Scenes, X3D Viewers'''||'''Updated'''||'''Author'''||'''Content Description'''||'''Problem Description'''||'''Content Releasability'''
|[http://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Basic/HelloWorld.x3d HelloWorld.x3d]||21 February 2009||Don Brutzman, NPS||[http://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/HelloWorld.html Hello World] simple scene ([http://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/HelloWorldTall.png example image])||Quality of Sphere geometry, Text alignment, default X3D navigation mode is EXAMINE||Public
|<small>[[{{ns:-2}}:Web3DTimeline.zip|(earlier revision)]]</small> [http://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Basic/Outreach/Web3dLogo.x3d Web3dLogo.x3d]||21 February 2009||Anita Havele, Web3D Consortium||[http://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Basic/Outreach Outreach examples] for [http://www.web3d.org Web3D Consortium]||Simple polygonal text geometry||Public
|[http://web3d.org/examples/timeline/timeline.html "Web3D Timeline (aka X3D Timeline)"]||21 February 2009||Anita Havele, Web3D Consortium||[http://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Basic/Outreach Outreach examples] for [http://www.web3d.org Web3D Consortium]||Prototype interoperability between browsers||Public
|[http://x3dgraphics.com/examples/X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter05-AppearanceMaterialTextures/LineProperties.x3d LineProperties.x3d]||21 February 2009||Don Brutzman, NPS||Material support (example image: [http://x3dgraphics.com/examples/X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter05-AppearanceMaterialTextures/LinePropertiesLinetypeExample.png LineProperties] )||Demonstrate [http://www.web3d.org/x3d/specifications/ISO-IEC-FDIS-19775-1.2-X3D-AbstractSpecification/Part01/components/shape.html#t-Linetypes lineType] capabilities||Public
|[http://x3dgraphics.com/examples/X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter05-AppearanceMaterialTextures/FillProperties.x3d FillProperties.x3d]||21 February 2009||Don Brutzman, NPS||Material support (example image: [http://x3dgraphics.com/examples/X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter05-AppearanceMaterialTextures/FillPropertiesHatchStyleOctaga.png FillProperties])||Demonstrate [http://jitc.fhu.disa.mil/nitf/graph_reg/class_pages/hatchstyle.html hatchStyle] capabilities||Public
|[http://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Basic/UniversalMediaMaterials/SpringExamples.x3d SpringExamples.x3d]||21 February 2009||Don Brutzman, NPS||[http://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Basic/UniversalMediaMaterials Universal Media Materials examples]||Proper rendering of Material values, ProtoDeclare and ExternProtoDeclare support, anchor links to HTML should get handed off to web browser||Public
|[http://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Basic/UniversalMediaPanoramas/horizon3.x3d horizon3.x3d]||21 February 2009||Don Brutzman, NPS||[http://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Basic/UniversalMediaPanoramas Universal Media Panoramas examples]||Background textures, handle or ignore URN||Public
|[http://X3dGraphics.com/examples/X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter08-UserInteractivity/UserInteractivitySensorNodes.x3d UserInteractivitySensorNodes.x3d]||21 February 2009||Don Brutzman, NPS||[http://X3dGraphics.com/examples/X3dForWebAuthors X3D for Web Authors examples] scene to demonstrate user interaction ([http://x3dgraphics.com/examples/X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter08-UserInteractivity/UserInteractivitySensorNodes.png before] and [http://x3dgraphics.com/examples/X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter08-UserInteractivity/UserInteractivitySensorNodesModified.png after] images)||TouchSensor, PlaneSensor, CylinderSensor, SphereSensor, KeySensor and StringSensor||Public
|[http://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Basic/course/CreateX3dFromStringRandomSpheres.x3d CreateX3dFromStringRandomSpheres.x3d]||21 February 2009||Don Brutzman, NPS||[http://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Basic/ X3D Basic examples] scene to generate new X3D geometry using an embedded Script node||[http://www.web3d.org/x3d/specifications/ISO-IEC-FDIS-19775-1.2-X3D-AbstractSpecification/Part01/components/scripting.html#Script Script] node, [http://www.web3d.org/x3d/specifications/ISO-IEC-19777-1-X3DLanguageBindings-ECMAScript ECMAScript support] for [http://www.web3d.org/x3d/specifications/ISO-IEC-19777-1-X3DLanguageBindings-ECMAScript/Part1/functions.html#t-FunctionsBrowserObject createX3dFromString function]||Public
|[http://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Basic/DistributedInteractiveSimulation/Gimbals.x3d Gimbals.x3d]||21 February 2009||Don Brutzman, NPS||[http://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Basic/ X3D Basic examples] scene to show coordinate-system rotation values||Shows Extrusion, Text, TouchSensor and Script nodes working together, also tests proper [http://www.web3d.org/x3d/specifications/ISO-IEC-FDIS-19775-1.2-X3D-AbstractSpecification/Part01/behaviours.html#SelectFromMulitpleViewpoints keyboard navigation] using PgUp PgDn Home End keys.||Public
|[http://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Basic/development/ViewpointGroupTest.x3d ViewpointGroupTest.x3d]||9 March 2009||Don Brutzman, NPS||[http://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Basic/ X3D Basic examples] scene to demonstrate ViewpointGroup support||Shows ViewpointGroup nodes containing nested Viewpoints to support user navigation in large worlds.||Public
|[http://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Basic/GeoSpatial/HelloEarth.x3d HelloEarth.x3d], [http://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Basic/GeoSpatial/HelloEarthOpenStreetMap.x3d HelloEarthOpenStreetMap.x3d] and [http://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Basic/GeoSpatial/HelloEarthOpenAerialMap.x3d HelloEarthOpenAerialMap.x3d]||1 March 2009||Byounghyun Yoo, Web3D Fellow||[http://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Basic/Geospatial Geospatial Component] scenes to demonstrate X3D Earth support||Shows GeoLOD imagery and terrain nodes from various sources for 7 to 17 levels of detail.||Public
|[http://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Basic/HumanoidAnimation/NancyDiving.x3d NancyDiving.x3d]||1 March 2009||Don Brutzman, NPS||[http://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Basic/HumanoidAnimation HumanoidAnimation Component] scene to demonstrate H-Anim support||Shows Nancy avatar scuba diving.||Public
===2009 Plugfest - March 2009 - Results===
|'''X3D Scenes, X3D Viewers'''||[http://www.bitmanagement.de BS Contact] beta||[http://freewrl.sourceforge.net FreeWRL, FreeX3D]||[http://instantreality.org Instant Player]||[http://www.octaga.com Octaga]||[http://vivaty.wordpress.com Vivaty]||[http://www.xj3d.org Xj3D]
|[http://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Basic/HelloWorld.x3d HelloWorld.x3d]||<!--BS Contact--> <span style="color:green">Pass</span>||<!--FreeWrl - uses open source fonts, so some characters are slightly different--> <span style="color:green">Pass</span>||<!--InstantPlayer--> <span style="color:green">Pass</span>||<!--Octaga--> <span style="color:green">Pass</span>||<!--VivatyPlayer--> fail, defaults to FLY mode||<!--Xj3D--> fail, incorrect Text vertical alignment
|<small>[[{{ns:-2}}:Web3DTimeline.zip|(earlier revision)]]</small> [http://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Basic/Outreach/Web3dLogo.x3d Web3dLogo.x3d]||<!--BS Contact--> <span style="color:green">Pass</span>||<!--FreeWrl--> <span style="color:green">Pass</span>||<!--InstantPlayer--> <span style="color:green">Pass</span>||<!--Octaga--> <span style="color:green">Pass</span>||<!--VivatyPlayer--> <span style="color:green">Pass</span>||<!--Xj3D--> <span style="color:green">Pass</span>
|[http://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Basic/Outreach/Web3DTimeline.x3d Web3DTimeline.x3d] (still being improved)||<!--BS Contact--> <span style="color:green">Pass</span>||<!--FreeWrl-->||<!--InstantPlayer--> <span style="color:green">Pass</span>||<!--Octaga--> <span style="color:green">Pass</span>||<!--VivatyPlayer-->||<!--Xj3D--> <span style="color:green">Pass</span>
|[http://x3dgraphics.com/examples/X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter05-AppearanceMaterialTextures/LineProperties.x3d LineProperties.x3d]||<!--BS Contact--> fail||<!--FreeWrl--> <span style="color:green">Pass</span>||<!--InstantPlayer--> <span style="color:green">Pass</span>||<!--Octaga--> <span style="color:green">Pass</span>||<!--VivatyPlayer--> fail||<!--Xj3D--> <span style="color:green">Pass</span>
|[http://x3dgraphics.com/examples/X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter05-AppearanceMaterialTextures/FillProperties.x3d FillProperties.x3d]||<!--BS Contact--> fail||<!--FreeWrl--> <span style="color:green">Pass</span>||<!--InstantPlayer--> fail||<!--Octaga--> <span style="color:green">Pass</span>||<!--VivatyPlayer--> fail||<!--Xj3D--> fail
|[http://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Basic/UniversalMediaMaterials/SpringExamples.x3d SpringExamples.x3d]||<!--BS Contact--> <span style="color:green">Pass</span>||<!--FreeWrl--> no ExternProtoDeclare support yet in XML parser interface code||<!--InstantPlayer--> <span style="color:green">Pass</span>||<!--Octaga--> <span style="color:green">Pass</span>||<!--VivatyPlayer--> crash||<!--Xj3D--> fail
|[http://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Basic/UniversalMediaPanoramas/horizon3.x3d horizon3.x3d]||<!--BS Contact--> <span style="color:green">Pass</span>||<!--FreeWrl--> <span style="color:green">Pass</span>||<!--InstantPlayer--> <span style="color:green">Pass</span>||<!--Octaga--> <span style="color:green">Pass</span>||<!--VivatyPlayer--> crash||<!--Xj3D--> <span style="color:green">Pass</span>
|[http://X3dGraphics.com/examples/X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter08-UserInteractivity/UserInteractivitySensorNodes.x3d UserInteractivitySensorNodes.x3d]||<!--BS Contact--> <span style="color:green">Pass</span>||<!--FreeWrl--> <span style="color:green">Pass</span>||<!--InstantPlayer--> All pass but StringSensor, since &lt;enter&gt; key goes full screen||<!--Octaga--> <span style="color:green">Pass</span>||<!--VivatyPlayer--> KeySensor case error, StringSensor duplicates characters||<!--Xj3D--> <span style="color:green">Pass</span>
|[http://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Basic/course/CreateX3dFromStringRandomSpheres.x3d CreateX3dFromStringRandomSpheres.x3d]||<!--BS Contact--> fail||<!--FreeWrl--> fail||<!--InstantPlayer--> fail||<!--Octaga--> fail||<!--VivatyPlayer--> fail||<!--Xj3D--> fail
|[http://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Basic/DistributedInteractiveSimulation/Gimbals.x3d Gimbals.x3d]||<!--BS Contact--> <span style="color:green">Pass</span>||<!--FreeWrl--> <span style="color:green">Pass</span>||<!--InstantPlayer--> <span style="color:green">Pass</span>||<!--Octaga--> <span style="color:green">Pass</span>||<!--VivatyPlayer--> crash||<!--Xj3D--> Works OK but Extrusion ends are warped
|[http://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Basic/development/ViewpointGroupTest.x3d ViewpointGroupTest.x3d]||<!--BS Contact--> fail, only shows Viewpoints||<!--FreeWrl--> fail||<!--InstantPlayer--> OK except for nested ViewpointGroup||<!--Octaga--> <span style="color:green">Pass</span>||<!--VivatyPlayer--> fail||<!--Xj3D--> fail
|[http://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Basic/GeoSpatial/HelloEarth.x3d HelloEarth.x3d], [http://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Basic/GeoSpatial/HelloEarthOpenStreetMap.x3d HelloEarthOpenStreetMap.x3d] and [http://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Basic/GeoSpatial/HelloEarthOpenAerialMap.x3d HelloEarthOpenAerialMap.x3d]||<!--BS Contact--> fail||<!--FreeWrl--> <span style="color:green">Pass</span>||<!--InstantPlayer--> fail||<!--Octaga--> fail||<!--VivatyPlayer--> fail||<!--Xj3D--> <span style="color:green">Pass</span>
|[http://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Basic/HumanoidAnimation/NancyDiving.x3d NancyDiving.x3d] (Script still being improved)||<!--BS Contact--> <span style="color:green">Pass</span>||<!--FreeWrl--> fail||<!--InstantPlayer--> crash||<!--Octaga--> <span style="color:green">Pass</span>||<!--VivatyPlayer--> fail||<!--Xj3D--> No animation
The X3D Plugfest was held at the [http://www.web3d.org/events/details/web3d-consortium-members-meeting Web3D Consortium Members Meeting], Wednesday 4 March 2009, at the NASA Ames research facility in Moffett Field, California.
===2008 Plugfest - 9 August 2008 - Web3D Symposium===
|''' '''||[http://www.bitmanagement.de BS Contact]||[http://www.xj3d.org XJ3D]||[http://www.swirlx3d.com Swirl]||[http://www.octaga.com Octaga]||[http://freewrl.sourceforge.net FreeWRL, FreeX3D]||[http://vivaty.wordpress.com Vivaty]||[http://instantreality.org Instant Player]
|City Scapes||<span style="color:green">Pass</span>||<span style="color:green">Pass</span>||<span style="color:green">Pass</span>||<span style="color:green">Pass</span>||Clipping Issues||<span style="color:green">Pass</span>||<span style="color:green">Pass</span>
|Hello World||<span style="color:green">Pass</span>||Space Bet Image and Text||rotation off by -1x||<span style="color:green">Pass</span>||<span style="color:green">Pass</span>||failed n examine mode||<span style="color:green">Pass</span>
|Panoramic View||<span style="color:green">Pass</span>||dropped down||outside the cylinder||dropped down||can't go up or down or front or back||didn't drop until u take step||shifted view and field
|Gravity Effect||drop down until u move||<span style="color:green">Pass</span>||no change until u move||<span style="color:green">Pass</span>||no gravity||gravity kicks in only when u move||<span style="color:green">Pass</span>
|Virtual Museum||<span style="color:green">Pass</span>||<span style="color:green">Pass</span>||navigation failure||<span style="color:green">Pass</span>||no gravity more pixelation||<span style="color:green">Pass</span>||<span style="color:green">Pass</span>
|Inline View Point||<span style="color:green">Pass</span>||wrong inline||||<span style="color:green">Pass</span>||does not keep track of view point||<span style="color:green">Pass</span>||wrong in line
|Proto Instance||referenced||referenced||script does not work||copy||failed||copy||failed - same color
|Moving Box||<span style="color:green">Pass</span>||<span style="color:green">Pass</span>||<span style="color:green">Pass</span>||<span style="color:green">Pass</span>||<span style="color:green">Pass</span>||<span style="color:green">Pass</span>||<span style="color:green">Pass</span>
|Extrusion Text||<span style="color:green">Pass</span>||inside out||y-axis off||<span style="color:green">Pass</span>||<span style="color:green">Pass</span>||<span style="color:green">Pass</span>||<span style="color:green">Pass</span>
|Top Level||<span style="color:green">Pass</span>||top level nodes are implicit||<span style="color:green">Pass</span>||<span style="color:green">Pass</span>||mouse icon instead of text||<span style="color:green">Pass</span>||<span style="color:green">Pass</span>
|Co-ordinate Morphs||<span style="color:green">Pass</span>||<span style="color:green">Pass</span>||initial view point is off||||<span style="color:green">Pass</span>||<span style="color:green">Pass</span>||<span style="color:green">Pass</span>
|Color||<span style="color:green">Pass</span>||<span style="color:green">Pass</span>||color does not change||<span style="color:green">Pass</span>||<span style="color:green">Pass</span>||<span style="color:green">Pass</span>||<span style="color:green">Pass</span>
|Venus X3D||<span style="color:green">Pass</span>||<span style="color:green">Pass</span>||no environment mapping||<span style="color:green">Pass</span>||<span style="color:green">Pass</span>||<span style="color:green">Pass</span>||<span style="color:green">Pass</span>
|String X3D||vertical||horizontal||horizontal||horizontal||vertical||vertical||horizontal
|Global Annotations||<span style="color:green">Pass</span>||<span style="color:green">Pass</span>||head lights on||<span style="color:green">Pass</span>||does not support||<span style="color:green">Pass</span>||failed
|Script I/O Field||close||function||||close||||||function
===Problematic Content===
== Working Content ==
===Working Content===
== Issues ==
This is a summary of the issues discovered:
This is a summary of the issues discovered.
*User Initial Position without a Viewpoint
*User Initial Position without a Viewpoint
*Extrusion Implementations
*Extrusion Implementations
*Node fields on a proto declaration, copy or reference
*Node fields on a proto declaration, copy or reference
==Instructions to submitters==
Please upload your Plugfest content here. Be sure to create a single zip file with all the parts included. Each zip file will be verified for content.
The goal of the each X3D Plugfest is to foster interoperability between X3D players. Each Plugfest is a regular event that brings content authors, authoring tool vendors and browser implementers together to work on interoperability issues. Consistent quality for X3D content helps everyone.
This is the navigation home page for the upcoming X3D Plugfests. Content will be linked from this page for everyone's review.
Please note: Submitted .x3d files must be zipped before being uploaded. Alternatively, links to online content can be provided.
Description fields: Include a description of your content, or else a description of the problem and any results from the browsers you've tested.
Content Release Option: Specify whether the content can be released publicly or just distributed to browser implementers for testing.
Related links include:
*[[Player support for X3D components]]
*[[Tool support for X3D components]]

Latest revision as of 06:28, 21 July 2013

2012 Interoperability


There are many resources for interoperability available:

  • Website "New to X3D"
  • X3D Resources
  • Player support
  • Tool support
  • X3D Examples
  • Nightly builds

Open Source

Open Source codebases make achieving interoperability even easier too:

  • Xj3D
  • X3DOM
  • FreeWRL/FreeX3D
  • Castle
  • OpenVRML
  • others...

Quality Assurance (QA)

The X3D Validator provides a server-based suite of tests to help ensure the quality of X3D scenes and metadata. Validation tests include:

  • XML header and DOCTYPE checking for correct document headers
  • Well-formed XML checking
  • X3D DTD and XML Schema checking for valid X3D nodes, fields and values
  • X3D Schematron rule checking to verify semantic correctness and detect internal-consistency problems
  • X3D to ClassicVRML conversion checks a variety of legal X3D constructs
  • Regular expression checking for malformed floating-point numbers and excess leading zeros
  • X3D to XHTML conversion pretty-print listing to check online URL links, document ROUTE connections, and provide node tooltips

Example scenes for this year

  • Extrusion: Moebius Strip Bushings
  • ImageTexture TextureTransform
  • Web3D Time Line (both X3D and X3DOM)
  • X3D for Advanced Modeling preview: San Carlos Cathedral

CAD group recommendations for export

  • CAD Interchange profile, includes simple CAD structure nodes
  • 2D nodes
  • Binary Compression


2010 Plugfest Content - 24-29 July 2010 - Web3D Symposium, SIGGRAPH

How about another Plugfest?

  • When/where? Web3D 2010 Symposium and/or SIGGRAPH 2010?
  • Getting organized around priority "Bugs of the month" that we document for all active browsers
  • Who is tracking each browser and reporting the bugs?
  • Demo how to use X3D-Edit to launch one or many browsers at a time on individual test scenes
  • How to best report and track status of successes and problems?


2009 Plugfest Content - June 2009 - Fraunhofer IGD, Darmstadt, Germany

X3D Scenes, X3D Viewers Updated Author Content Description Problem Description Content Releasability
(earlier revision) "Web3D Timeline (aka X3D Timeline)" 25 May 2009 Anita Havele, Web3D Consortium Outreach examples for Web3D Consortium Prototype interoperability between browsers Public
"simpleShader.zip" 26 May 2009 John Stewart, CRC Canada GLSL Shader test that uses a modified "toon" shader; light intensity on Spheres is shown where the color is dependent on intensity; the intensity bounding values are passed into the shader Should display on hardware supporting GLSL shaders; Spheres will be "ringed". On non-GLSL systems, Spheres will be a uniformly shaded light blue Public
Media:UrlInProtoTest.zip 12 June 2009 Patrick Dähne, Fraunhofer IGD The X3D spec does not specify how to resolve relative URLs in EXTERNPROTOs. Some X3D Browsers resolve them relative to the EXTERNPROTO declaration, some to the EXTERNPROTO instantiation. Open the file "UrlInProtoTest.wrl" in different browsers. Some will show yellow textured boxes, and some will show cyan textured boxes. Which behaviour is correct? Public

2009 Plugfest Content - March 2009 - NASA Ames, California

X3D Scenes, X3D Viewers Updated Author Content Description Problem Description Content Releasability
HelloWorld.x3d 21 February 2009 Don Brutzman, NPS Hello World simple scene (example image) Quality of Sphere geometry, Text alignment, default X3D navigation mode is EXAMINE Public
(earlier revision) Web3dLogo.x3d 21 February 2009 Anita Havele, Web3D Consortium Outreach examples for Web3D Consortium Simple polygonal text geometry Public
"Web3D Timeline (aka X3D Timeline)" 21 February 2009 Anita Havele, Web3D Consortium Outreach examples for Web3D Consortium Prototype interoperability between browsers Public
LineProperties.x3d 21 February 2009 Don Brutzman, NPS Material support (example image: LineProperties ) Demonstrate lineType capabilities Public
FillProperties.x3d 21 February 2009 Don Brutzman, NPS Material support (example image: FillProperties) Demonstrate hatchStyle capabilities Public
SpringExamples.x3d 21 February 2009 Don Brutzman, NPS Universal Media Materials examples Proper rendering of Material values, ProtoDeclare and ExternProtoDeclare support, anchor links to HTML should get handed off to web browser Public
horizon3.x3d 21 February 2009 Don Brutzman, NPS Universal Media Panoramas examples Background textures, handle or ignore URN Public
UserInteractivitySensorNodes.x3d 21 February 2009 Don Brutzman, NPS X3D for Web Authors examples scene to demonstrate user interaction (before and after images) TouchSensor, PlaneSensor, CylinderSensor, SphereSensor, KeySensor and StringSensor Public
CreateX3dFromStringRandomSpheres.x3d 21 February 2009 Don Brutzman, NPS X3D Basic examples scene to generate new X3D geometry using an embedded Script node Script node, ECMAScript support for createX3dFromString function Public
Gimbals.x3d 21 February 2009 Don Brutzman, NPS X3D Basic examples scene to show coordinate-system rotation values Shows Extrusion, Text, TouchSensor and Script nodes working together, also tests proper keyboard navigation using PgUp PgDn Home End keys. Public
ViewpointGroupTest.x3d 9 March 2009 Don Brutzman, NPS X3D Basic examples scene to demonstrate ViewpointGroup support Shows ViewpointGroup nodes containing nested Viewpoints to support user navigation in large worlds. Public
HelloEarth.x3d, HelloEarthOpenStreetMap.x3d and HelloEarthOpenAerialMap.x3d 1 March 2009 Byounghyun Yoo, Web3D Fellow Geospatial Component scenes to demonstrate X3D Earth support Shows GeoLOD imagery and terrain nodes from various sources for 7 to 17 levels of detail. Public
NancyDiving.x3d 1 March 2009 Don Brutzman, NPS HumanoidAnimation Component scene to demonstrate H-Anim support Shows Nancy avatar scuba diving. Public

2009 Plugfest - March 2009 - Results

X3D Scenes, X3D Viewers BS Contact beta FreeWRL, FreeX3D Instant Player Octaga Vivaty Xj3D
HelloWorld.x3d Pass Pass Pass Pass fail, defaults to FLY mode fail, incorrect Text vertical alignment
(earlier revision) Web3dLogo.x3d Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
Web3DTimeline.x3d (still being improved) Pass Pass Pass Pass
LineProperties.x3d fail Pass Pass Pass fail Pass
FillProperties.x3d fail Pass fail Pass fail fail
SpringExamples.x3d Pass no ExternProtoDeclare support yet in XML parser interface code Pass Pass crash fail
horizon3.x3d Pass Pass Pass Pass crash Pass
UserInteractivitySensorNodes.x3d Pass Pass All pass but StringSensor, since <enter> key goes full screen Pass KeySensor case error, StringSensor duplicates characters Pass
CreateX3dFromStringRandomSpheres.x3d fail fail fail fail fail fail
Gimbals.x3d Pass Pass Pass Pass crash Works OK but Extrusion ends are warped
ViewpointGroupTest.x3d fail, only shows Viewpoints fail OK except for nested ViewpointGroup Pass fail fail
HelloEarth.x3d, HelloEarthOpenStreetMap.x3d and HelloEarthOpenAerialMap.x3d fail Pass fail fail fail Pass
NancyDiving.x3d (Script still being improved) Pass fail crash Pass fail No animation

The X3D Plugfest was held at the Web3D Consortium Members Meeting, Wednesday 4 March 2009, at the NASA Ames research facility in Moffett Field, California.




2008 Plugfest - 9 August 2008 - Web3D Symposium

BS Contact XJ3D Swirl Octaga FreeWRL, FreeX3D Vivaty Instant Player
City Scapes Pass Pass Pass Pass Clipping Issues Pass Pass
Hello World Pass Space Bet Image and Text rotation off by -1x Pass Pass failed n examine mode Pass
Panoramic View Pass dropped down outside the cylinder dropped down can't go up or down or front or back didn't drop until u take step shifted view and field
Gravity Effect drop down until u move Pass no change until u move Pass no gravity gravity kicks in only when u move Pass
Virtual Museum Pass Pass navigation failure Pass no gravity more pixelation Pass Pass
Inline View Point Pass wrong inline Pass does not keep track of view point Pass wrong in line
Proto Instance referenced referenced script does not work copy failed copy failed - same color
Moving Box Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
Extrusion Text Pass inside out y-axis off Pass Pass Pass Pass
Top Level Pass top level nodes are implicit Pass Pass mouse icon instead of text Pass Pass
Co-ordinate Morphs Pass Pass initial view point is off Pass Pass Pass
Color Pass Pass color does not change Pass Pass Pass Pass
Venus X3D Pass Pass no environment mapping Pass Pass Pass Pass
String X3D vertical horizontal horizontal horizontal vertical vertical horizontal
Global Annotations Pass Pass head lights on Pass does not support Pass failed
Script I/O Field close function close function

Problematic Content

Working Content


This is a summary of the issues discovered:

  • User Initial Position without a Viewpoint
  • Extrusion Implementations
  • Node fields on a proto declaration, copy or reference

Instructions to submitters

Please upload your Plugfest content here. Be sure to create a single zip file with all the parts included. Each zip file will be verified for content.

The goal of the each X3D Plugfest is to foster interoperability between X3D players. Each Plugfest is a regular event that brings content authors, authoring tool vendors and browser implementers together to work on interoperability issues. Consistent quality for X3D content helps everyone.

This is the navigation home page for the upcoming X3D Plugfests. Content will be linked from this page for everyone's review.

Please note: Submitted .x3d files must be zipped before being uploaded. Alternatively, links to online content can be provided.

Description fields: Include a description of your content, or else a description of the problem and any results from the browsers you've tested.

Content Release Option: Specify whether the content can be released publicly or just distributed to browser implementers for testing.

Related links include: