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===Humanoid Animation (H-Anim) WG Meeting===
*Next: teleconference 2023-Dec-07 at 21:00pm UTC for 60 minutes
*Regular Meetings: 1st Wednesday of month at 5pm, PDT or PST for 1 hour
*[[Agenda and Minutes]] The meeting minutes since mid-2012 are available here.
*Next Meeting: May 20 ('''Monday'''), 2013, at 5pm, PDT
*[[ISO/IEC JTC1]] International Organization for Standardization[http://www.iso.org/iso/home/about.htm]/International Electrotechnical Committee, Joint Technical Committee, Subcommittee 24 Computer Graphics, Image Processing and Environmental Data Representation[http://www.iec.ch/about/brochures/pdf/technology/ict_innovation.pdf] the Web3D Consortium uses to process its specifications.
*[[Agenda and Minutes]]
===New work items and working draft===
*New Work Item Proposal [http://www.web3d.org/membership/login/documents/accion.php?PHPSESSID=d0044829dfcf4acf949c5774153a444a&dir=.%2FH-Anim%20WG nwip_HAnim130206]
*Working Draft Summary for the H-Anim motion definition [http://www.web3d.org/membership/login/documents/accion.php?PHPSESSID=d0044829dfcf4acf949c5774153a444a&dir=.%2FH-Anim%20WG HAnimDraftSummary130206]  
[http://www.web3d.org/membership/login/memberwiki/index.php/H-Anim_Motion_Definition H-Anim Motion Definition]
===NWIP's scope and responsibility===
Please add responsible persons for each item.
We recommend that the persons of responsibility work on draft and/or examples for conformance.
*1) Definition of a humanoid character model capable of generating motion from captured motion data → Myeong and Joe
*2) Definition of a humanoid character model capable of generating motion using 3D scanner data → Myeong and William
*3) Definition of a humanoid character model capable of generating motion using a general motion definition such as keyframe, interpolation, kinematics, and dynamics for human figures → Myeong and Joe
*4) Definition of motion parameters for transferring or exchanging motion between different human character models → Myeong and Dick
*5) Definition of a motion data interface for including motion data → Myeong and Dick
*6) Definition of a motion viewer’s functionality → Myeong and Joe
*7) Definition of interoperable human behavior prototypes → Don and William
*8) Definition of a 3D skinning interface → Joe
*9) Definition of a recording interface for human motion such as gait → Don and William
*10) Provision for easier exchange of characters from design systems to H-Anim systems. → Myeong and Joe
Formal submission of the H-Anim NWIP to ISO depends on working-group preparation of
* Initial Committee Draft (CD) specification text
* At least one draft implementation (with plans for a second)
* Working examples, validation, quality assurance (QA)
===Previous work===
*[http://www.web3d.org/membership/login/memberwiki/index.php/H-Anim Web3D members-only H-Anim wiki]
*[http://www.web3d.org/membership/login/memberwiki/index.php/Accommodating_Diverse_Models Accommodating Diverse Models] (also linked there for members: Proposed amendment to H-Anim Specification)
*[http://www.igraphics.com/Standards/ISO_IEC_19774_WAM1_2009_01_12/index.html Proposed amendment to H-Anim Specification]
*H-Anim http://www.web3d.org/realtime-3d/h-anim
*ISO 19774 H-Anim Specification http://www.web3d.org/files/specifications/19774/V1.0/
*X3D Humanoid animation (H-Anim) component http://www.web3d.org/files/specifications/19775-1/V3.2/Part01/components/hanim.html
*H-Anim examples http://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Basic/HumanoidAnimation/
*Player support - shows five full implementations and three partial implementations http://www.web3d.org/x3d/wiki/index.php/Player_support_for_X3D_components
*Tool support - shows five full implementations and two partial implementations http://www.web3d.org/x3d/wiki/index.php/Tool_support_for_X3D_components
*X3D Tool-tips includes multilingual synopses of H-Anim nodes and fields http://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dResources.html#Tooltips
*Previous incomplete works: H-Anim: Accommodating Diverse Models, on the member wiki:
*H-Anim mailing list and archives (for subscribers):
*[[Proposed]] The work items proposed by Web3D Consortium members are available here.
*[[Planned]] The work items accepted by the H-Anim Working Group and assigned to human resources are available here. The work has not started. The work planned may not have a milestone schedule or priority if a human resource is assigned to multiple work packages.
*[[In-Progress]] The work items that have started by assigned human resources are available here with notes on the risks to completion, problems or issues, and any unusual ways the issues or problems were over come.
*[[Completed]] The work items completed as determined by the H-Anim Working Group are available here.
*Chairpersons: Myeong Won Lee, William O. Glascoe III
*Members: Joe Williams (Subject Matter Expert), Don Brutzman, Richard Puk, Sandy Ressler, Keith Victor, David Bruner, Anita Havele, Jung-Ju Choi, Kwan-Hee Yoo
*[[Charter]] The H-Anim working group charter is here.
*[[Strategic Plan]] The H-Anim Strategic Plan, derived from its Charter, is tagged with the Strategy Markup Language (StratML) at the URL here.
*[[Marketing Plan]] The legal and natural persons or Key Partners to deliver on the H-Anim strategic goals are enumerated here. The key activities and key resources defining our capacity to confidence are explained.
*[[Performance Plan and Report]] The cumulative performance plan and report of the H-Anim working group is here and tagged with the StratML Part II standard.
*[http://hanim.org H-Anim working group]
*[[Drafted]] Proposed text, figures, tables and scene graphs for the specification are here.
*[[In-Review]] Draft specification changes accepted by the working group and assigned to a minimum of three WG members including the Chair are here.
*[[Ratified]] URL to the ISO/IEC website and the Web3D website of the ratified specification are here.
*[[User Stories]] Commercial and non-commercial stories expressed with H-Anim amongst other technologies are cataloged here.
*[[Use Cases]] Cases in academia, industry and governments foreign and domestic that H-Anim was implemented are itemized here.
*[[Requirements]] Requirements, fulfilled and not, by the ratified H-Anim specification and its alternatives (e.g., BVH and MPEG4) are in a table here.
*[[Relationships]] Relationships between individuals and legal persons and the H-Anim WG and Web3D Consortium are enumerated here.
*[[Exchanges]] The animations reused between the H-Anim WG and Web3D Consortium members and others are enumerated here.
*[[Dependencies]] Expertise of individuals and legal persons who are not members of the Web3D Consortium are described here.
*[[Toolkits]] Toolkits for authors of H-Anim and other animation engines are enumerated with the WG's ratings for your comparison and feedback.
*[[Techniques]] The essential knowledge and skills for large to small H-Anim projects usually not found in toolkits' help systems or courseware are proffered here.
*[[Tips & Tricks]] The little secrets to the noteworthy H-Anim productions are revealed here.
*[[Alternate Animation File Formats]] H-Anim is not the only format so we acknowledge the alternatives in use here.
*[[Computing Platforms]] Suggestions on computing platforms from glasses and watches to CAVES and volumetric displays for H-Anim viewing are categorized here.
*[[Networking]] Distributed H-Anim rendering is discussed here.
* Professionals, publications, their groups and events where H-Anim could be used or is integrated in the tools and communications.
*[[Anthropometry]] Governmental, academic and commercial entities whose mission is the study and application of anthropometric data are here.
*[[Anatomy]] Governmental, academic and commercial entities whose mission is the study and application of human skeleton data are here.
*[[Biomechanics]] Governmental, academic and commercial entities whose mission is the study and application of biomechanics are here.
*[[Chiropratic]] Governmental, academic and commercial entities whose mission is the study and application of chiropractic are here.
*[[Human Factors & Ergonomics]] Governmental, academic and commercial entities whose mission is the study and application of ergonomics are here.
*[[Exercise Physiology]] Governmental, academic and commercial entities whose mission is the study and application of exercise physiology are here.
*[[Kinesiology]] Governmental, academic and commercial entities whose mission is the study and application of kinesiological data are here.
*[[Biometrics]] Governmental, academic and commercial entities whose mission is the study and application of biometric data are here.
*[[Flyers & Brochures]] Marketing and Advertising collateral for Working Group members at conferences, symposia, Hack-a-thons, etc.
*[http://www.web3d.org/realtime-3d/working-groups/h-anim H-Anim Executive Summary] for more Working Group information
*[[Exemplars]] H-Anim scene graphs the Working Group considers exemplary in complexity, novelty, and realism are available here.
*[http://hanim.org H-Anim working group]
*[[Libraries]] Commercial and non-commercial H-Animation collections, repositories, catalogs, and libraries are available here.
*[http://www.web3d.org/files/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/index.html Humanoid Animation V1.0 Specification] ([http://www.web3d.org/files/specifications/19774/V1.0/ISO-IEC-19774-IS-V1.0.zip .zip])
*[[Awards]] Recognition including awards to individuals, teams or organizations that H-Anim was mentioned or displayed in the winning submission are enumerated here.
*[http://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Basic/HumanoidAnimation H-Anim Examples] in the X3D Basic Examples Archive
*[[Projects]] Projects planned, underway and completed are enumerated here if H-Anim was used.
*H-Anim examples archive:
*[[Courses]] Courses in any educational institution, public or private, domestic or outside the United States that teach H-Anim are enumerated here.
H-Anim Behavior Prototypes
Prototypes for HAnimBehavior node, which collects OrientationInterpolators for aggregate animation of an H-Anim humanoid model, and
HAnimBodyBehaviorChooser, which selects one body and enables/disables multiple aggregate behaviors.
===Standards Development: Specifications===
Two primary specifications govern this work:  The H-Anim and the X3D International Standards.  The H-Anim standard describes functional information in full detail, while the X3D specification simply references this work and maps constructs into X3D nomenclature.
TODO: clarify versions, and then only refer to the official version as we confirm current capabilities and rejuvenate future work.
'''H-Anim specification, current'''
* Official version: ISO/IEC 19774:2006 (listed on Web3D Specifications - All Documents)
** http://www.web3d.org/files/specifications/19774/V1.0/index.html
'''H-Anim specification, draft and historical efforts'''
Note: the following versions have no official standing and are no longer active.
* H-Anim Working Draft Amendment WDAM1
** http://igraphics.com/Standards/ISO_IEC_19774_WAM1_2009_01_12/index.html
** This draft amendment proposed new capabilities but was never completed nor submitted to ISO.
** It stalled when working group activity ceased circa January 2009
** Added items in this draft "change document" can be reconsidered by the reactivated working group, but have no official standing
* Intermediate draft version, ISO/IEC 19774:2005
** http://www.web3d.org/x3d/specifications/ISO-IEC-19774-HumanoidAnimation/HAnim/HAnim.html
* H-Anim 200x specification (ISO_IEC_FCD_19774)
** http://h-anim.org/Specifications/H-Anim200x/ISO_IEC_FCD_19774/
* H-Anim working group version 1.1, unofficial
** http://h-anim.org/Specifications/H-Anim1.1/
* H-Anim working group version 1.0, unofficial
** http://h-anim.org/Specifications/H-Anim1.0/
'''X3D v3.3 specification, H-Anim Component'''
* version 3.3 Draft International Standard (DIS)
** http://www.web3d.org/files/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/hanim.html
TODO: further development efforts
===H-Anim WG Charter===
*March 2012: [[H-Anim Working Group Draft Charter]] materials by [http://www.web3d.kr Web3D Korean Chapter]
===WG Members===
*William Glascoe
*Joe D. Williams
*Keith Victor
*David Bruner
*Anita Havele
*Richard F. Puk
*Don Brutzman
*Kwan-Hee Yoo
*Myeong Won Lee
===Use Cases===
Working Group chairs keep the following pages up to date:
* Use Cases (titles only) by Customer Segment (Authors and Consumers):
High Schoolers (half gross and half fine motor control)
    Animate individual performance on sport team using official contest
times (and/or video footage, body sensors, MoCap, etc.) <6 minutes
    Animate a schoolyard fight between only two students (<4 minutes)
    Animate his/her character in a school play's scene (< 5 minutes)
Undergraduates (some fine motor control)
    Animate assembly of consumer product requiring three or more tools
and the assistance of another person (<15 minutes)
    Animate the operation of a motor vehicle's controls while the vehicle
is in motion (<15 minutes)
    Animate the operation of a human powered vehicle on various surfaces
(<10 minutes)
Graduates (a lot of fine motor control)
    Animate playing a musical instrument during a concert performance (<
15 minutes)
    Animate folding a load of functionally realistic clothes (< 20 minutes)
    Animate hunting wild game (<20 minutes)
    Animate four classes of surgical procedures with Bio-CAD and
patients' images (replacement, implantation, ...tetomy and
transplantation) [<60 minutes]
    Animate a job interview for a white collar position (e.g., Chief
Executive Officer of a mid-size corporation) [<30 minutes]
    Animate dying (fratricide, suicide and homicide) [<15 minutes]
    Animate long duration spaceflight effects [<180 minutes; representing
18,000 minutes]
    Animate the bends (scuba diving incident) [<60 minutes]
    Animate drug addiction [<60 minutes]
===Current Work===
Working group chairs keep the following pages up to date:
*[http://www.web3d.org/realtime-3d/working-groups/h-anim Humanoid Animation (H-Anim)] overview on web3d.org site
*This wiki page
Joe and Don are working each Monday night [1700-1900 pacific, Web3D teleconference line) on
*Confirming first the status of all current work relative to the approved H-Anim Specification
**[http://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Basic/index.html#HumanoidAnimation X3D Basic Examples for H-Anim]
**[http://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dResources.html#Tooltips X3D tooltips], [http://www.web3d.org/specifications/X3dDoctypeDocumentation3.3.html X3D DOCTYPE Documentation] and [http://www.web3d.org/specifications/X3dSchemaDocumentation3.3/x3d-3.3.html X3D Schema Documentation] for the H-Anim nodes
**[http://www.web3d.org/x3d/wiki/index.php/Player_support_for_X3D_components X3D Player Support] for H-Anim
**X3D Authoring Tool Support for H-Anim including [https://savage.nps.edu/X3D-Edit X3D-Edit]
**[http://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dResources.html#QualityAssurance X3D Quality Assurance (QA)] and [https://savage.nps.edu/X3dValidator X3D Validator]
*As those issues get sorted out, we are re-visiting all the important details regarding H-Anim skinning
**Definitions, example test scenes, tool support
**Proposing an improved H-Anim component for X3D v3.4
**Editing a corresponding update to H-Anim ISO 19774 Specification
The larger group is also working on
*interoperable, swappable behaviors
*motion capture
*facial animation
Published References for review and citation
Professional Societies:
Professional Certifications, Licenses in Anthropometry
International Standards:
Basic human body measurements for technological design -- Part 1: Body measurement definitions and landmarks
North American Standards:
South, Central, Latin American Standards:
European, Middle Eastern and African Standards:
Asian Standards:
This wiki page is the site for the recently renewed Humanoid Animation (H-Anim) Working Group.
'''Humanoid Animation (H-Anim) WG Meeting'''
*[[H-Anim WG Meeting at Web3D Conference & SIGGRAPH 2012, Los Angeles, USA, August 3, 2012]]
*Teleconferences: 1st Wednesday at 9:00am PDT every month
*Our August 2012 meeting will be replaced by the face-to-face H-Anim WG meeting (Hilton Checkers Hotel, 03 August at 16:00).
March 2012: [[H-Anim Working Group Draft Charter]] materials by [http://www.web3d.kr Web3D Korean Chapter]
Links of interest:
*[http://www.web3d.org/realtime-3d/working-groups/h-anim H-Anim Executive Summary] for more Working Group information
*[http://hanim.org H-Anim working group]
*[http://www.web3d.org/files/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/index.html Humanoid Animation V1.0 Specification] ([http://www.web3d.org/files/specifications/19774/V1.0/ISO-IEC-19774-IS-V1.0.zip .zip])
*[http://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Basic/HumanoidAnimation H-Anim Examples] in the X3D Basic Examples Archive
There has been previous work by the H-Anim working group during 2008-2009 that was not completed. Here are some additional links on the members-only wiki:
*[http://www.web3d.org/membership/login/memberwiki/index.php/H-Anim Web3D members-only H-Anim wiki]
*[http://www.web3d.org/membership/login/memberwiki/index.php/Accommodating_Diverse_Models Accommodating Diverse Models] (also linked there for members: Proposed amendment to H-Anim Specification)
*[http://www.igraphics.com/Standards/ISO_IEC_19774_WAM1_2009_01_12/index.html Proposed amendment to H-Anim Specification]
*TODO list progress and problems
*TODO determine visibility permissions for items on the members-only sites (this is a decision by the working group, assuming that no proprietary information is included)
*TODO find prior working group charter
Much additional work has been proposed by the Korea Chapter.
# Definition of a humanoid character model capable of generating motion from captured motion data
# Definition of a humanoid character model capable of generating motion using a general motion definition such as keyframe, interpolation, kinematics and dynamics for human figures.
# Definition of motion parameters for transferring or exchanging motion between different human character models
# Definition of motion data interface for including motion data
# Definition of behavior modeling data
# Definition of motion viewer’s functionality
# Video human functionality and gestures will be considered in AR/MR working group efforts
We agreed on the 1 Feb 2012 teleconference that it is a good idea to document work on these many good ideas using this H-Anim public wiki. Further comment is welcome about this.
The main thing that is needed next is to get the H-Anim Working Group restarted and rejuvenated.
*H-Anim WG Charter
*TODO: we need 1-2 members who are willing to volunteer to serve as working group co-chairs.
*Working Draft for the H-Anim motion definition (in preparation) [http://www.web3d.org/membership/login/memberwiki/index.php/H-Anim_Motion_Definition H-Anim Motion Definition]

Latest revision as of 02:32, 3 November 2023


  • Next: teleconference 2023-Dec-07 at 21:00pm UTC for 60 minutes
  • Agenda and Minutes The meeting minutes since mid-2012 are available here.
  • ISO/IEC JTC1 International Organization for Standardization[1]/International Electrotechnical Committee, Joint Technical Committee, Subcommittee 24 Computer Graphics, Image Processing and Environmental Data Representation[2] the Web3D Consortium uses to process its specifications.


  • Proposed The work items proposed by Web3D Consortium members are available here.
  • Planned The work items accepted by the H-Anim Working Group and assigned to human resources are available here. The work has not started. The work planned may not have a milestone schedule or priority if a human resource is assigned to multiple work packages.
  • In-Progress The work items that have started by assigned human resources are available here with notes on the risks to completion, problems or issues, and any unusual ways the issues or problems were over come.
  • Completed The work items completed as determined by the H-Anim Working Group are available here.


  • Chairpersons: Myeong Won Lee, William O. Glascoe III
  • Members: Joe Williams (Subject Matter Expert), Don Brutzman, Richard Puk, Sandy Ressler, Keith Victor, David Bruner, Anita Havele, Jung-Ju Choi, Kwan-Hee Yoo
  • Charter The H-Anim working group charter is here.
  • Strategic Plan The H-Anim Strategic Plan, derived from its Charter, is tagged with the Strategy Markup Language (StratML) at the URL here.
  • Marketing Plan The legal and natural persons or Key Partners to deliver on the H-Anim strategic goals are enumerated here. The key activities and key resources defining our capacity to confidence are explained.
  • Performance Plan and Report The cumulative performance plan and report of the H-Anim working group is here and tagged with the StratML Part II standard.


  • H-Anim working group
  • Drafted Proposed text, figures, tables and scene graphs for the specification are here.
  • In-Review Draft specification changes accepted by the working group and assigned to a minimum of three WG members including the Chair are here.
  • Ratified URL to the ISO/IEC website and the Web3D website of the ratified specification are here.


  • User Stories Commercial and non-commercial stories expressed with H-Anim amongst other technologies are cataloged here.
  • Use Cases Cases in academia, industry and governments foreign and domestic that H-Anim was implemented are itemized here.
  • Requirements Requirements, fulfilled and not, by the ratified H-Anim specification and its alternatives (e.g., BVH and MPEG4) are in a table here.


  • Relationships Relationships between individuals and legal persons and the H-Anim WG and Web3D Consortium are enumerated here.
  • Exchanges The animations reused between the H-Anim WG and Web3D Consortium members and others are enumerated here.
  • Dependencies Expertise of individuals and legal persons who are not members of the Web3D Consortium are described here.


  • Toolkits Toolkits for authors of H-Anim and other animation engines are enumerated with the WG's ratings for your comparison and feedback.
  • Techniques The essential knowledge and skills for large to small H-Anim projects usually not found in toolkits' help systems or courseware are proffered here.
  • Tips & Tricks The little secrets to the noteworthy H-Anim productions are revealed here.


  • Alternate Animation File Formats H-Anim is not the only format so we acknowledge the alternatives in use here.
  • Computing Platforms Suggestions on computing platforms from glasses and watches to CAVES and volumetric displays for H-Anim viewing are categorized here.
  • Networking Distributed H-Anim rendering is discussed here.


  • Professionals, publications, their groups and events where H-Anim could be used or is integrated in the tools and communications.
  • Anthropometry Governmental, academic and commercial entities whose mission is the study and application of anthropometric data are here.
  • Anatomy Governmental, academic and commercial entities whose mission is the study and application of human skeleton data are here.
  • Biomechanics Governmental, academic and commercial entities whose mission is the study and application of biomechanics are here.
  • Chiropratic Governmental, academic and commercial entities whose mission is the study and application of chiropractic are here.
  • Human Factors & Ergonomics Governmental, academic and commercial entities whose mission is the study and application of ergonomics are here.
  • Exercise Physiology Governmental, academic and commercial entities whose mission is the study and application of exercise physiology are here.
  • Kinesiology Governmental, academic and commercial entities whose mission is the study and application of kinesiological data are here.
  • Biometrics Governmental, academic and commercial entities whose mission is the study and application of biometric data are here.


  • Flyers & Brochures Marketing and Advertising collateral for Working Group members at conferences, symposia, Hack-a-thons, etc.
  • Exemplars H-Anim scene graphs the Working Group considers exemplary in complexity, novelty, and realism are available here.
  • Libraries Commercial and non-commercial H-Animation collections, repositories, catalogs, and libraries are available here.
  • Awards Recognition including awards to individuals, teams or organizations that H-Anim was mentioned or displayed in the winning submission are enumerated here.
  • Projects Projects planned, underway and completed are enumerated here if H-Anim was used.
  • Courses Courses in any educational institution, public or private, domestic or outside the United States that teach H-Anim are enumerated here.