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CADAssembly : X3DGroupingNode, X3DProductStructureChildNode {
ColorRGBA : X3DColorNode {  
   MFNode  [in]    addChildren
   MFColorRGBA [in,out] color    [NULL] [0,1]
  MFNode  [in]    removeChildren
   SFNode     [in,out] metadata NULL   [X3DMetadataObject]
  MFNode  [in,out] children      []       [X3DProductStructureChildNode]
   SFNode   [in,out] metadata       NULL     [X3DMetadataObject]
  SFString [in,out] name ""
  SFVec3f  []      bboxCenter    0 0 0    (-∞,∞)
  SFVec3f  []      bboxSize      -1 -1 -1 [0,∞) or −1 −1 −1
The CADAssembly node holds a set of assemblies or parts grouped together.
This node defines a set of RGBA colours to be used in the fields of another node.
The ''children'' field can contain X3DProductStructureChildNode types. Each child will be either a sub-assembly or a part.
RGBA color nodes are only used to specify multiple colours with alpha for a single geometric shape, such as colours for the faces or vertices of an IndexedFaceSet. A Material node is used to specify the overall material parameters of lit geometry. If both a Material node and a ColorRGBA node are specified for a geometric shape, the colours shall replace the diffuse and transparency components of the material.
The ''name'' field documents the name of this CADAssembly.
RGB or RGBA textures take precedence over colours; specifying both an RGB or RGBA texture and a Color node for geometric shape will result in the Color node being ignored. Details on lighting equations can be found in the Lighting model section of the X3D specification.
* [[Node Reference]]
* [[Node Reference]]

Revision as of 22:55, 1 February 2006


ColorRGBA : X3DColorNode { 
  MFColorRGBA [in,out] color    [NULL] [0,1]
  SFNode      [in,out] metadata NULL   [X3DMetadataObject]

This node defines a set of RGBA colours to be used in the fields of another node.

RGBA color nodes are only used to specify multiple colours with alpha for a single geometric shape, such as colours for the faces or vertices of an IndexedFaceSet. A Material node is used to specify the overall material parameters of lit geometry. If both a Material node and a ColorRGBA node are specified for a geometric shape, the colours shall replace the diffuse and transparency components of the material.

RGB or RGBA textures take precedence over colours; specifying both an RGB or RGBA texture and a Color node for geometric shape will result in the Color node being ignored. Details on lighting equations can be found in the Lighting model section of the X3D specification.