X3D/HTML Integration

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Example to investigate X3D/HTML specification issues

As an illustration consider the X3DOM example "OnOutputChange". The source for this example is reproduced below.

    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"/>
    <title>X3Dom Example OnOutputChange Event</title>
    <script type='text/javascript' src='http://x3dom.org/release/x3dom.js'> </script>
    <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='http://www.x3dom.org/download/x3dom.css'/>

	 * Uses the values of a PositionInterpolator to move another ball,
	 * but instead of just routing the values, round the y component.
	 * Thus the second ball moves like he is snapping to an invisible raster
	function snapBall(eventObject)
		//Check if type and output of the eventObject are correct
		//There may be multiple eventObjects but only one of them contains the value we need
		if(eventObject.type != "outputchange" || eventObject.fieldName != "value_changed")
		//Get the value...
		var value = eventObject.value;
		//...and create a copy with the manipulated coordinates
		var newPos = new x3dom.fields.SFVec3f(2, Math.round(value.y), 0);
		//Set the newly created array as new position for the second ball
		document.getElementById("ball2").setAttribute('translation', newPos.toString());
		//Show debug information (of course the data can be used to control non x3dom-objects, too)
		document.getElementById("posInterp").innerHTML = Math.round(value.y*100)/100;
		document.getElementById("posSnaped").innerHTML = newPos.y;


<h1>Animate Objects with X3DOM!</h1>
    Learn how to manipulate objects using values from the output of other objects.

Y-Position of output field (routed to red ball): <span id="posInterp"></span><br>
Calculated Y-Position (set directly to blue ball): <span id="posSnaped"></span>

<x3d width='500px' height='400px'>
        <transform DEF="ball" translation='-2 0 0'>
                <material diffuseColor='1 0 0'></material>
        <transform DEF="ball2" translation='2 0 0' id="ball2">
                <material diffuseColor='0 0 1'></material>

        <timeSensor DEF="time" cycleInterval="4" loop="true"></timeSensor>
        <PositionInterpolator DEF="move" key="0 0.5 1" keyValue="-2 -2.5 0  -2 2.5 0  -2 -2.5 0" onoutputchange="snapBall(event)"></PositionInterpolator>
        <Route fromNode="time" fromField ="fraction_changed" toNode="move" toField="set_fraction"></Route>
        <Route fromNode="move" fromField ="value_changed" toNode="ball" toField="translation"></Route>


Let's concentrate on a single line in this example:

        <PositionInterpolator DEF="move" key="0 0.5 1" keyValue="-2 -2.5 0  -2 2.5 0  -2 -2.5 0" onoutputchange="snapBall(event)"></PositionInterpolator>