Usage Guidelines

Revision as of 11:41, 18 November 2005 by Viveka (Talk | contribs)

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The goal of this Wiki is to let the X3D community develop tutorials for X3D nodes and concepts. As a community we can write the definitive book about X3D.

  1. Anybody may post a tutorial or tip - but the tutorial editor has responsibility to keep that tip current and corrected
  2. Everyone should insert their name next to their comments
  • You can add your name, with an automatic link to your user page, by typing three tildes, like this: ~~~. Viveka
  1. Everyone should work to keep the Wiki current and focused on X3D (no other topics please)


If you don't know how to do wiki markup, check out How to wiki.

Since anyone can edit a wiki, you should not consider anything on this wiki to be an official statement by the Web3D Consortium.