Xj3D Evolution

From Web3D.org
Revision as of 02:54, 28 May 2014 by Brutzman (Talk | contribs) (Web3D.org home page)

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Xj3D is an open-source Java implementation for X3D that has been used to demonstrate many capabilities for valuable projects and for specification development.

We are considering how to further stabilize, improve and accelerate development of the Xj3D code base. This page is collecting ideas for potential improvement.

Timeline Goals

These are familiar topics and lots of great work continues. It should be straightforward for interested stakeholders to discuss and agree on next steps.

  • After initial discussion on the email list, we will make this the subject of a weekly X3D working group teleconference (held Wednesdays 8-10am pacific)
  • Our goal is to have everything transitioned, stabilized, announced and ready for new contributions at the Web3D 2014 Conference and SIGGRAPH 2014 Conference in Vancouver Canada, 8-10 and 11-14 August.

Source Code Hosting

xj3d.org has hosted the source for many years but development has been intermittent and somewhat less than fully open.

  • The NPS branch of Xj3D is used for experimental development.
    • Proven changes and unit tests are integrated back into the Xj3D trunk when stable.

In order to achieve greater participation and development, the code needs to move to a stable public open-source repository. This will gain a lot more visibility among programmers who might want to contribute.


  • Web3D already has numerous assets checked into the Sourceforge X3D project
  • Multiple participants have experience with using and administering this site
  • The current code is in subversion, this can be migrated completely


  • GitHub includes the X3DOM project and a few other X3D-related projects
  • TODO: it appears that the github pricing policy costs money to operate an organizational repository

Web3D.org home page

Several project builds are maintained on external repositories but their corresponding websites are automatically built and updated on web3d.org

  • TODO: should www.web3d.org/xj3d (or somesuch) become the official home of Xj3D?

Mailing List

Web3D Consortium maintains the mailing list archives.

  • Discussion list source@web3D.org is a misnomer and can be restarted as xj3d@web3d.org
  • This list is also used for discussions on the SourceForge jgeom project
  • Commits list source_x3d_cvs@web3d.org and commits account cvs-user@xj3d.org are also mis-named since subversion is used

Upcoming tasks