Jul 15th, 2015 at 5:00pm PDT, Agenda and Minutes

From Web3D.org
Revision as of 01:13, 16 July 2015 by Cxo eoso (Talk | contribs) (Added comments for Agenda item #4)

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1. LOA2 and LOA3 H-Anim models

  - 10 Schematron errors from the validator in the LOA3 model. Don will review the reports and clarify the error messages. Don could not open either file with Instant Reality. 

2. SIGGRAPH Web3D standards draft meeting, August 9 (Sunday) at 1-5 pm

   - Waiting for reply from Anita who should facilitate with reserving a room for this meeting. Anita will arrange for the room at The Sheraton or a nearby conference hotel. WiFi, 

3. SFRotation interpolation between two SFRotation values

  - ex: if 10 SFRotations between 1 0 0 1.0 and 0 1 0 2.0. Don suggested using an Euler interpolation function. Don asked if MWL wants to compute the interpolation values herself. When you look at the "shortest path unit sphere" code examples you can back out the algorithm. Just look at the source code for the Open Source browsers (e.g., FreeWRL in C++) and search for the  implementation of the orientation interpolation node. Don suggested referencing the books Geometric Tools for Computer Graphics and Graphics Gems. MWL tried using X-axis, Y-axis, Z-axis independently but got poor results and rotation matrices didn't yield good results.

4. The specification v1.0 paragraph 4.9.5 Hierarchy and Table 4.4 Face Joint Object Names) defines eyelids, eyebrows and temporomandibular (jaw) joints but these joints are missing in Table A.9 — LOA Three: Default Site object translations. MWL will submit a Specification Change Form so the discrepancy will be captured in Mantis.

Joe and Don came up with the following Table extracts:


Joe, might you and I get back to a weekly call on topics like this? For example, maybe we should improve the table by adding counts for # joints, # segments etc.

5. H-Anim motion capture (Part 2 Working Draft)

  - Table of contents

6. Scheduling next meeting

 (1st Wednesday) August 5th at 5:00pm PDT (6th, 9:00am KST)