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CADAssembly : X3DGroupingNode, X3DProductStructureChildNode {
  MFNode   [in]     addChildren
  MFNode   [in]     removeChildren
  MFNode   [in,out] children       []       [X3DProductStructureChildNode]
  SFNode   [in,out] metadata       NULL     [X3DMetadataObject]
  SFString [in,out] name ""
  SFVec3f  []       bboxCenter     0 0 0    (-∞,∞)
  SFVec3f  []       bboxSize       -1 -1 -1 [0,∞) or −1 −1 −1

The CADAssembly node holds a set of assemblies or parts grouped together.

The children field can contain X3DProductStructureChildNode types. Each child will be either a sub-assembly or a part.

The name field documents the name of this CADAssembly.