Player support for X3D components

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TC184 is the ISO technical committee working on visualization standardization and interoperability support for CAD models.

  • The purpose of the assessment is to compile a summary report of 3D Visualization formats
  • The summary report will be used as part of an ISO ballot package
  • Balloting will take place to select formats which will be accepted by ISO as capable to support the 3D Visualization Requirements defined in document TC184/SC4 N2539
  • The ballot will allow selection of all formats if the level of compliance is sufficient.

TC184 is conducting the assessment process through a series of in-depth review sessions.

  • Format assessments are conducted by the Technical Experts that make up the 3D Visualization ad hoc committee
  • Each technical expert will be required to read the specification for the format being reviewed and assess its ability to support the 36 3D Visualization requirements
  • The technical expert will assign a value to each of the requirements a value of 0 – 5 will be assigned on each requirement. The value will define the level of support the technical expert found for the requirement while reviewing the format specification.

Formats under consideration for adoption as a 3D Visualization standard must either be already accepted by ISO or evaluated through the ISO Harvesting process.

  • X3D is already eligible as an approved set of ISO standards.

The X3D CAD Working Group is responding to this survey of requirements support to determine suitability of X3D Graphics Specification for CAD interoperability.

X3D References

  • ISO/IEC 19775-1:2008 — X3D Architecture and base components — Edition 2 (Web3D) (ISO)
    • 27 NURBS component (Web3D)
    • 32 CAD geometry component (Web3D)
    • 35 Layering component
    • 36 Layout component
  • (Draft) X3D CAD Component Revision: Parametric Surfaces, Boundary Representations (B-Reps)
  • X3D XML Encoding
  • X3D ClassicVRML Encoding
  • X3D Compressed Binary Encoding
  • [Others?]

Evaluation Criteria, Terminology and Acronyms

Ratings are evaluated on a scale of 0-5.

  • 0 - No support in the specification
  • 1 - Support is vaguely implied
  • 2 - Support appears available but the definition is not clear
  • 3 - Support is stated but the expert must seek clarification to determine how support is provided
  • 4 - Support is available in the specification
  • 5 - Full support for the requirement is readily available in the specification

Terminology and Acronyms

  • PDM Product Data Management
  • PMI Product Metadata Information

Summary of Scores

Requirement Score
1 STEP Consistency -1
2 STEP Mapping 0
3 STEP & Product Life Cycle -1
4 View Geometry, Attributes, Viewing Attributes, Management and other information 5
5 Display selection & editing 4
6 Print/Plot -1
7 Zoom/Pan -1
8 Camera Rotation -1
9 Bill of Material (BOM) -1
10 Screen Capture -1
11 Measurement -1
12 Sectioning -1
13 Compare -1
14 Markup -1
15 Collaboration -1
16 Transformation/Manipulation -1
17 Grouping -1
18 Animation -1
19 Annotation Association -1
20 Clearance & Interference Analysis -1
21 View Annotation -1
22 Performance Settings -1
23 Standard View Creation -1
24 Create Reference Planes -1
25 Area Selection Filter -1
26 Entity Selection Filter -1
27 Visualization File Attributes -1
28 Interrogation -1
29 Instances -1
30 External References -1
31 Accuracy -1
32 Kinematics -1
33 Rendering Modes -1
34 Lighting Control -1
35 Data Format Footprint -1
36 Persistence of Visualization Information -1
Total (out of 180 possible points) 0

Requirement Descriptions and Self-Assessment

Table listing follows.

Requirement 1: STEP Consistency

  • Formal Requirement. The information delivered via the visualisation format should be consistent with the complete standardised product representation used for exchange and archiving purposes - the ISO STEP standard.
  • Survey Description. (same)
  • X3D response. (TODO mark in red) Who is qualified to answer this?

Requirement 2: STEP Mapping

  • Formal Requirement. A published mapping specification as agreed to by SC4 is required from STEP to the visualisation format
  • Survey Description. (same)
  • X3D response. Such a correspondence has not been created, but it is a good idea. Nothing prevents such an effort.

Requirement 3: STEP & Product Life Cycle

  • Formal Requirement. The 3D visualisation format may be used across the whole extended enterprise, throughout the supply chain, without restriction to a particular functional area
  • Survey Description. (same)
  • X3D response.

Requirement 4: View Geometry, Attributes, Viewing Attributes, Management and other information

  • Formal Requirement. Display 3-D representation of parts and assemblies independent of any CAx or PDM system. Any data within the scope of ISO 10303-1231 and 10303-1230 may have a viewable representation of Geometry, Attributes, Viewing parameters, and Management and other information.
  • Survey Description. Format is able to store the data which is the 3-D representation of parts and assemblies independent of any CAx or PDM system. Any data within the scope of ISO 10303-1231 and 10303-1230 may have a viewable representation of Geometry, Attributes, Viewing parameters, and Management and other information.
  • X3D response. X3D provides complete support for these capabilities.

(TODO: verify completeness, add images)

Requirement 5: Display selection & editing

  • Formal Requirement. Any graphically selected element should be highlighted. All selected part or assembly from the assembly tree should be highlighted. The user should have the ability to, temporarily, turn on and off the display of selected elements (point, line, surface, solid annotation, mark-up, etc.) The user should have the ability to, temporarily, change the visual attributes of part(s) (e.g., turn parts on and off, change colour, make transparent) by selecting them from the assembly tree. The user should have the ability to select and display parts and assemblies sorted out by layers, colours, materials, dates, and other numerical or textual attributes
  • Survey Description. The Format supports storage of data or constructs which enable the following activities in an implementing system
- Any graphically selected element should able to be highlighted.
- All selected part or assembly from the assembly tree should be able to be highlighted
- Support for the ability to temporarily, turn on and off the display of selected elements (point, line, surface, solid annotation, mark-up, etc.
- Support for the ability to temporarily, change the visual attributes of part(s) i.e. turn parts on and off, change color, make transparent) by selecting them from the assembly tree.
- Support for the ability to select and display parts and assemblies sorted out by layers, colors, materials, dates, and other numerical or textual attributes
  • X3D response.
    • X3D specification is capable of containing model information for all these capabilities
    • Authors and tools can create model-specific animations that provide these capabilities to end users
    • Generic implementation for any arbitrary model is also possible but remains application dependent

Requirement 6: Print/Plot

  • Formal Requirement. Print and/or plot the information displayed on the screen. Users should be able to specify a scale to plot the image relative to native model boundaries, i.e., displayed images should be plotted at full scale, ½ scale, etc.
  • Survey Description. There are no restrictions in the format specification which prohibit the ability to print and/or plot the information displayed on the screen. No restrictions on the ability to scale and plot the data which represents the image relative to native model boundaries, i.e., displayed images could be plotted at full scale, ½ scale, etc by an implementing system.
  • X3D response. Applications can provide full support based on the information available in an X3D model.
    • Authors can use either perspective-based Viewpoint or orthographic OrthoVIewpoint to create model-specific animations

Requirement 7: Zoom/Pan

  • Formal Requirement. Zoom/Pan into a local area of a 3D image without losing visual accuracy.
  • Survey Description. Data format does not restrict an implementing system from providing Zoom/Pan into a local area of a 3D image without losing visual accuracy.
  • X3D response.

Requirement 8: Camera Rotation

  • Formal Requirement. Rotate the camera viewing perspective about a point either by an arbitrary or a specific axis. Rotation can occur either as a function of mouse/key input or by keying in exact angles. This is necessary in order to orient the parts relative to critical views for detailed analysis.
  • Survey Description. Format provides content definition which enables implementing systems to rotate the camera viewing perspective about a point either by an arbitrary or a specific axis.
  • X3D response.

Requirement 9: Bill of Material (BOM)

  • Formal Requirement. A selectable representation of the product structure (assembly Bill of Materials) should be displayed.

The product structure should be evident and individual parts and assemblies should be able to be displayed/highlighted by selecting from the product structure. The product structure representation shall be associated to the geometry representation, i.e. there is a bi-directional link between a part reference in the product tree and the corresponding part geometry.

  • Survey Description. The format provides data constructs such that an implementing system can define a selectable representation of the product structure (assembly Bill of Materials)

The product structure should be evident and individual parts and assemblies should be able to be displayed/highlighted by selecting from the product structure. The ability to support a bi-directional link between a part reference in an implementations product tree and the corresponding part geometry.

  • X3D response.

Requirement 10: Screen Capture

  • Formal Requirement. Capture the currently displayed image and save as another file. Users should be able to select from several neutral file types for the saved image.
  • Survey Description. An implementing system will be able to capture a displayed image of the data stored in the format and save it as another file type.
  • X3D response.

Requirement 11: Measurement

  • Formal Requirement. Basic measurement capability would include the ability to get arbitrary point-to-point measurements.

Additional required functionality would include measurements relative to features such as Vertices (end of line), Lines (edge), Surfaces (face), and Parts. Advanced measurement includes distance along a curve or surface. The visualisation tool should provide the capability to retrieve as much relevant information as possible, i.e., location, angle, size, area, volume, mass, etc. All measurements should be exact to model tolerance. The tool should measure in the unit of the native data.

  • Survey Description. Data stored in the format enables implementing systems to provide basic measurement capabilities such as
- arbitrary point-to-point measurements.
- measurements relative to features such as Vertices (end of line), Lines (edge), Surfaces (face), and Parts.
- the distance along a curve or surface.

The format should support the ability to store and retrieve as much relevant information as possible, i.e., location, angle, size, area, volume, mass, etc. The format will store data such that all measurements in an implementing system can be exact to model tolerance. The tool should support units of measure in the unit of the native data

  • X3D response.

Requirement 12: Sectioning

  • Formal Requirement. Sectioning capabilities are critical to the ability to conduct upfront design evaluations. Viewers should have the greatest number of options possible for sectioning a part or assembly.

Critical functionality includes relative-to-model orientation (body position), radial sections (sections cut perpendicular to a curve relative to view position), true radial section (perpendicular to a curve or surface), and parallel to a surface. Should have the capability to drag the section plane through the part and have the section view update dynamically.

  • Survey Description. Format data definition must allow for the following tasks relative to section creation:
- relative-to-model orientation (body position)
- radial sections (sections cut perpendicular to a curve relative to view position)
- true radial section (perpendicular to a curve or surface)
- parallel to a surface.

The format cannot prevent an implementation from providing the capability to drag the section plane through the part and have the section view update dynamically.

  • X3D response.

Requirement 13: Compare

  • Formal Requirement. Identify differences between parts or versions of the same part.
  • Survey Description. Format data allows implementers to identify differences between parts or versions of the same part
  • X3D response.

Requirement 14: Markup

  • Formal Requirement. Add markups to the 3D images so that they can be saved or printed and distributed to others. Minimum capabilities will include text and basic drawing functions such as circles and lines.

Visualisation tools should also give users the option of anchoring markups so that when the models are rotated, the markup maintains its original relationship with the model. Advanced functionality would include common symbols used in the engineering environment, i.e., Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing and Rubber Stamping.

  • Survey Description. Format provides for storage of markups to the 3D images so that they can be saved or printed and distributed to others.
- markups to include text and basic drawing data such as circles and lines.
- support for anchored markups so that when the models are rotated, the markup maintains its original relationship with the model.
- support for common symbols used in the engineering environment i.e., GD&T and Rubber Stamping
  • X3D response.

Requirement 15: Collaboration

  • Formal Requirement. Present and share the capabilities of the visualisation tools in real time with others over a network
  • Survey Description. Format supports the ability present and share the capabilities of the visualization tools in real time with others over a network
  • X3D response.

Requirement 16: Transformation/Manipulation

  • Formal Requirement. Move parts from their original position to a new position. Functionality includes scale, drag, alignment, rotate, and transform relative to fixed axis.

Additional functionality will allow the users to rotate and transform relative to a particular feature. This function is only for visualization and will not change the master assembly definition.

  • Survey Description. Enable the storage of data that allows implementers to move parts from their original position to a new position.
- Includes scale, drag, alignment, rotate, and transform relative to fixed axis.  Allow implementers to rotate and transform relative to a particular feature.
- Must be able to perform this function without changing the master assembly definition.
  • X3D response.

Requirement 17: Grouping

  • Formal Requirement. Create groups of parts or assemblies that can be acted on as one. This function is only for visualization and will not change the master assembly definition.
  • Survey Description. Allow implementers of the format to create groups of parts or assemblies that can be acted on as one. Implementation of this functionality must not change the master assembly definition.
  • X3D response.

Requirement 18: Animation

  • Formal Requirement. Create animations of one or more parts moving with respect to one another (e.g., simulating the assembly or disassembly process, mechanisms movement).
  • Survey Description. Format supports the creation of animations of one or more parts moving with respect to one another i.e., simulating the assembly or disassembly process, mechanisms movement
  • X3D response.

Requirement 19: Annotation Association

  • Formal Requirement. CAx entities linked to a selected annotation (dimension, tolerance, note, etc.) should be highlighted
  • Survey Description. Format supports the ability for CAx entities to be linked to a selected annotation e.g. dimension, tolerance, note, etc. should be able to be highlighted
  • X3D response.

Requirement 20: Clearance & Interference Analysis

  • Formal Requirement. Perform analysis of clearances and interferences of parts in assemblies.

The visualisation tool will then report the clearance values. Advanced functionality will display areas on parts where clearance conditions are violated. Visualisation tools should show users where clearances were violated or when contacts or interferences occurred.

  • Survey Description. Format supports retention of data required to perform analysis of clearances and interferences of parts in assemblies.

Data is available to support implementers in providing advanced functionality which will display areas on parts where clearance conditions are violated. Data is available that supports implementers of Visualization tools to show users where clearances were violated or when contacts or interferences occurred

  • X3D response.

Requirement 21: View Annotation

  • Formal Requirement. View 3D annotations (i.e., Dimensions, notes, geometric and dimensional tolerances, PMI, symbols…) created in the native CAx models.
  • Survey Description. Format implementers area able to store data that supports the View of 3D annotations i.e., Dimensions, notes, geometric and dimensional tolerances, PMI, symbols … created in the native CAx models.
  • X3D response.

Requirement 22: Performance Settings

  • Formal Requirement. Optimize the application and the way it works with the particular data set. Performance settings may allow users to automatically reduce the complexity of the model when it is being manipulated. The Levels of Details (LODs) the user requires may influence performances.
  • Survey Description. Provide constructs for Levels of Detail such that implementers can Optimize their application and the way they work with the particular data set. The format should support performance settings which allow users to automatically reduce the complexity of the model when it is being manipulated.
  • X3D response.

Requirement 23: Standard View Creation

  • Formal Requirement. Define and save standard views on the computer, i.e., side view, plan view, rear view, die view, etc.
  • Survey Description. Provides for data constructs that define and save standard views on the computer, i.e., side view, plan view, rear view, die view, etc.
  • X3D response.

Requirement 24: Create Reference Planes

  • Formal Requirement. Create reference planes on the model that can be used to perform functions relative to them such as measurement, sectioning, viewing, etc
  • Survey Description. Format provides data which can be used to create reference planes on the model

The reference plane data should allow implementers to provide functionality that can be used to perform functions relative to them such as measurement, sectioning, viewing, etc.

  • X3D response.

Requirement 25: Area Selection Filter

  • Formal Requirement. Specify a bounding box to identify parts. Users should have a minimum of 2 options: select completely inside or partially inside. The third option, select part that cross the boundary, is highly desirable.
  • Survey Description. Implementers of the format will be able to specify a bounding box to identify parts with a minimum of 2 options: select completely inside, and select partially inside. An optional option would be to select a part that crosses a boundary.
  • X3D response.

Requirement 26: Entity Selection Filter

  • Formal Requirement. Select the type of feature to be used in some other visualisation operation. This makes it much easier to select a particular feature for manipulation.
  • Survey Description. Implementers of the format will be able to specify a bounding box to identify parts with a minimum of 2 options: select completely inside, and select partially inside. An optional option would be to select a part that crosses a boundary
  • X3D response.

Requirement 27: Visualization File Attributes

  • Formal Requirement. Data specific to the creation of the visual representation (e.g., date and time translated, CAx file name, etc) should be available. Specific data associated with the product is covered by N°4 including any data quality stamps.
  • Survey Description. Format provides for data specific to the creation of the visual representation i.e. date and time translated, CAx file name, data quality stamps, etc.
  • X3D response.

Requirement 28: Interrogation

  • Formal Requirement. Interrogate product structure and GD&T (Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing)
  • Survey Description. Format provides for data that allows implementers to interrogate product structure and GD&T (Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing)
  • X3D response.

Requirement 29: Instances

  • Formal Requirement. View multiple instances of a single part in an assembly
  • Survey Description. The format does not prevent the implementation for view of multiple instances of a single part in an assembly.
  • X3D response.

Requirement 30: External References

  • Formal Requirement. Visualisation of externally referenced parts, drawn from a product library
  • Survey Description. Format supports data that enables the visualization of externally referenced parts, drawn from a product library.
  • X3D response.

Requirement 31: Accuracy

  • Formal Requirement. The interrogation of measurements from the visualisation model should deliver the same results as interrogation from the original CAD model, within a known tolerance.
  • Survey Description. Stored data supports the interrogation of measurements from the visualization model which deliver the same results as interrogation from the original CAD model, within a known tolerance.
  • X3D response.

Requirement 32: Kinematics

  • Formal Requirement. Support the kinematics of assemblies.
  • Survey Description. Format supports storage of data which allows implementers to provide kinematics motion with assemblies.
  • X3D response.

Requirement 33: Rendering Modes

  • Formal Requirement. Support different rendering styles of the model based on the original properties held in the CAD system, noting the various technologies available.
  • Survey Description. Format provides support for different rendering styles of the model based on the original properties held in the CAD system.
  • X3D response.

Requirement 34: Lighting Control

  • Formal Requirement. Change and control the number and types of lights and environment illuminating the scene.
  • Survey Description. Format supports the storage of data which enables the change and control of the number and types of lights and the environment illuminating the scene.
  • X3D response.

Requirement 35: Data Format Footprint

  • Formal Requirement. The format should be significantly smaller than the original CAD data. This will enable the data to be used on smaller office automation computers instead of engineering workstations.
  • Survey Description. The format should be significantly smaller than the original CAD data. This will enable the data to be used on smaller office automation computers instead of engineering workstations.
  • X3D response.

Requirement 36: Persistence of Visualization Information

  • Formal Requirement. The format should support the capability to save the current state of the visualization, including annotation, transformations, viewing parameters and rendering applied by the visualization tool.
  • Survey Description. The format should support the capability for implementers to save the current state of the visualization, including annotation, transformations, viewing parameters and rendering applied by the visualization tool.
  • X3D response.