X3D Plugfest

From Web3D.org
Revision as of 19:34, 21 February 2009 by Brutzman (Talk | contribs) (LineProperties and FillProperties support)

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The goal of the X3D Plugfest is to foster interoperability between X3D players. This event will bring content authors, authoring tool vendors and browser implementers together to work on interoperability issues.

The X3D Plugfest will be held at the Web3D Consortium Members Meeting, Wednesday, March 4th, 2009, at the NASA Ames research facility in Moffett Field, CA.

This page will be the navigation home page for the upcoming X3D Plugfest. Content will be linked from this page for everyone's review.

Please Note: submitted .x3d files must be zipped before being uploaded. Alternatively, links to online content can be provided.

Include in the Description fields - A description of your content. A description of your problem and any results from the browsers you've tested. Content Relese Option - Specify whether the content can be released publically or just distributed to browser implementers for testing.

2009 Plugfest Content

Content Date Author Short Description Problem Description Release
HelloWorld.x3d 21 February 2009 Don Brutzman, NPS Hello World simple scene (example image) Quality of Sphere geometry, Text alignment, default X3D navigation mode is EXAMINE Public
LineProperties.x3d and FillProperties.x3d 21 February 2009 Don Brutzman, NPS Material support (example images: LineProperties and FillProperties) Demonstrate lineType and hatchStyle capabilities Public
SpringExamples.x3d 21 February 2009 Don Brutzman, NPS Universal Media Materials examples Proper Material rendering, ProtoDeclare, ExternProtoDeclare, anchor links to HTML should get handed off to web browser Public
horizon3.x3d 21 February 2009 Don Brutzman, NPS Universal Media Panoramas examples Background textures, handle or ignore URN Public
Web3dLogo.x3d and X3dTimeline.x3d 21 February 2009 Anita Havele, Web3D Consortium Outreach examples for Web3D Consortium Prototype interoperability between browsers Public
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