Augmented Reality Roadmap for X3D

Revision as of 16:20, 1 September 2011 by Brutzman (Talk | contribs)

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[Editors' note. We have had a lot of discussions to describe a comprehensive strategy for adding Augmented Reality (AR) capabilities in X3D. Here is a snapshot of many ideas proposed so far. This is being worked into a position paper. Feedback and improvements are welcome.]

Motivation: Value of X3D Standard for AR

Augmented Reality (AR) and Mixed Reality (MR) operate across a many devices, ranging from small hand-held mobile phones to laptops, desktop PCS and full-blown walk-around CAVES. There is always a mix of both 2D imagery and 3D graphics, plus a mix of the real world and the virtual world. Many people are especially interested in lightweight AR that they can use as part of the GPS-aware mobile devices.

X3D is a mature standard with many implementations and many converters. It collects numerous proven technologies together in a workable way, providing a simple and coherent way for authors to create 3D models and VR applications. Current X3D efforts include identification of critical lightweight components suitable for mobile devices. X3D can save a lot of time for developers looking to design new AR applications.

It is sometimes tempting to think of a mobile device as simply a rotatable 2D display situated within the 3D real world. However 2D displays by themselves can be pretty limiting and oversimplified. The X3D group is thinking in terms of the larger 2D + 3D space that authors and users want. Demonstrations are also showing that mobile X3D can fit well with HTML5 and DOM improvements. This all "plays well" when moving from simple mobile applications to bigger models and spaces.

Because there are multiple implementations and extensions for AR that have already been demonstrated for X3D, it is clear that we can build an AR component for X3D. It will have lightweight capabilities suitable for mobile devices, plus additional compatible capabilities that work with larger 3D scenes and spaces. We will take advantage of X3D extensibility to define component levels and profiles that capture these palettes as easily expanded extensions.

Now is the time for serious AR developers to consider these essential challenges. By joining and commenting, you can help influence and ensure that these efforts reach the broadest possible success. Our current work is focused on harmonizing proven capabilities into best practices for AR and 3D graphics, implementable by multiple X3D viewers and usable by content authors.

X3D Strategy for AR

Lots of discussions at Web3D Conference, SIGGRAPH and ISO meeting continue to improve and refine this strategy. What do other participants think?

  • Multiple AR nodes have been proposed and implemented for X3D by Fraunhofer team, Gerry's team and others
  • Current technical work includes harmonizing these proposals for best fitting AR capabilities into X3D scenes
  • This work will be formally written up as the Augmented Reality (AR) Component for the X3D Specification
  • Establishing common implementations and examples is important to demonstrate successful interoperable capabilities for the spec
  • Complementary work in HTML5/DOM, geospatial GpsSensor, and palettes for interactive scenes might be composed as a new Mobile Profile for X3D
  • Heavyweight advanced capabilities for mixed reality, CAVEs etc. kept separate from Mobile but available in an AR Profile
  • Continued collaboration and reaching out to W3C Augmented Reality Community Group, newly formed OGC ARML, Christine Perry's AR workshops and other arenas of interest
  • ISO Standards Committee (SC24) which administers X3D review as an International Standard has established a new Working Group for Augmented and Mixed Reality
  • Common goal remains maximum interoperability with all Web standards

Interoperability with Web Standards and Other Working Groups

  • Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) ARML group
  • Christine Perry AR workshop series
  • W3C Geolocation working group (need correct name, link)
  • ISO JTC-1 SC-24 standards committee forming AR/MR Working Group 9

As we achieve clarity on our larger strategy for AR in X3D, it will help a lot as we reach out for common ground with other standards groups.

We especially want to encourage new participants to join this important effort.

TODO and Next Steps

  • short description of X3D and an AR component that we want to achieve
  • short description of the the VR/AR/MR/Reality continuum
  • screen-capture pictures showing key capabilities already demonstrated
  • Further discussion, details and comments to finish this document in September