CAD WG meeting at Web3D Seoul Meeting 2013 1 28 Minutes

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CAD WG Minutes

  • TC184/SC4 Issues : JT as a CAD standard from ISO TC184/SC4
    • Web3D is asking ISO/IEC JTC1/SC24 what are the ISO procedures and rules for patents in ISO standards.
    • We might invite TC184/SC4 to brief JTC1/SC24 and X3D CAD Working Group on their new standard.
      • Dick please find/add link to relevant ISO standards documents
      • Does this standard include patents and licensing fees?
    • see press release:
      • "Siemens’ JT Data Format Accepted as the World’s First ISO International Standard for Viewing and Sharing Lightweight 3D Product Information"
      • Don has sent them email asking for a conference about this erroneous and misleading statement.
      • Shouldn't SC 24 also be concerned?
    • What is the precise status of JT as a specification?
    • Does Han SoonHung have any advice for us, I believe that he is our liaison to SC4/TC184
    • What should we do next?
  • NURBS code integration in Xj3D NPS branch
  • X3DOM integration
  • Other Issues/News (be welcomed!)