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Specification Link: ArcClose2D

ArcClose2D : X3DGeometryNode { 
  SFNode   [in,out] metadata    NULL  [X3DMetadataObject]
  SFString []       closureType "PIE" ["PIE"|"CHORD"]
  SFFloat  []       endAngle    π/2   [-2π,2π]
  SFFloat  []       radius      1     (0,∞)
  SFBool   []       solid       FALSE
  SFFloat  []       startAngle  0     [-2π,2π]

DTD Validation


Children must appear as follows:

  1. A single, optional IS.
  2. A single, optional node derived from X3DMetadataObject for the metadata field.


  • The closureType field can only accept one of the two values "PIE" or "CHORD".
  • There are no limits on the acceptable range of values for the endAngle field.
  • There are no limits on the acceptable range of values for the radius field.
  • There are no limits on the acceptable range of values for the startAngle field.

Schema Validation


Children must appear as follows:

  1. A single, optional IS.
  2. A single, optional node derived from X3DMetadataObject for the metadata field.


  • The closureType field can only accept one of the two values "PIE" or "CHORD".
  • There endAngle field is restricted to values between ±6.283185.
  • There radius field is restricted to non-negative values, i.e. greater than zero.
  • There startAngle field is restricted to values between ±6.283185.

Schematron validation