1 |
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2 |
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3 | <X3D profile='Immersive' version='3.0' xmlns:xsd='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance' xsd:noNamespaceSchemaLocation='https://www.web3d.org/specifications/x3d-3.0.xsd'> |
4 | <head> |
5 | <meta name='title' content='LaetitiaWithDvdController.x3d'/> |
6 | <meta name='description' content="An animation of human body modeled and animated in 3d Studio Max environment and then translated into X3D environment. Instead of using 'mesh deformation' like in LaetitiaSprints.x3d (by using Character Studio's physique modifier), which was not modular and compact enough for x3d environment, I used this time 'segmented animation' approach: 1- At first we divided up the body into segments such as head, upperarm and forearm... 2- Then we linked each segment to a segment of biped skeleton such as head to bip-Head, forearm to bip-Forearm... (Biped is a pre-built skeleton structure in 3d Studion Max) 3- After that we could create the walking animation by using biped's animation features. 4- We hid all of the biped segments and then did some tweaks on the body at vertex level to fix the breaking points during the animation. 5- It was ready to be exported into VRML and then to be translated into x3d. To have it work properly in x3d environment, we had to add new routes connecting interpolators with nodes. (except all SCALE-INTERP's and some SCALE-ORI-INTERP's) 6- Then we had to fix the main position interpolator (Laetitia-POS-INTERP) by defining new keyValues. (Adding new translation values to its transform node doesn't help anything at all.) 7- Finally we deleted unnecessary interpolators from the file... After that we added DVDController and WaypointControler to have more control of the path she walks..."/> |
7 | <meta name='creator' content='Yilmaz Degirmenci'/> |
8 | <meta name='translator' content='Yilmaz Degirmenci'/> |
9 | <meta name='created' content='30 April 2002'/> |
10 | <meta name='modified' content='23 August 2023'/> |
11 | <meta name=' warning ' content=' Not in H-Anim form. '/> |
12 | <meta name='identifier' content='https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Basic/StudentProjects/LaetitiaWithDvdController.x3d'/> |
13 | <meta name='generator' content='Vrml97ToX3dNist, http://ovrt.nist.gov/v2_x3d.html'/> |
14 | <meta name='license' content='../license.html'/> |
15 | </head> |
16 | <Scene> |
17 | <WorldInfo title='LaetitiaWithDvdController.x3d'/> |
18 | <ExternProtoDeclare name='DvdController' appinfo='Digital Virtual Display (DVD) Controller Prototype is a heads-up display (HUD) to control animation timing' url=' "../../Savage/Tools/HeadsUpDisplays/DvdControllerPrototype.x3d#DvdController" "https://savage.nps.edu/Savage/Tools/HeadsUpDisplays/DvdControllerPrototype.x3d#DvdController" "../../Savage/Tools/HeadsUpDisplays/DvdControllerPrototype.wrl#DvdController" "https://savage.nps.edu/Savage/Tools/HeadsUpDisplays/DvdControllerPrototype.wrl#DvdController" '> |
19 |
<field name='description' type='SFString' accessType='initializeOnly'
appinfo='Short description of what is animated by this DvdController.'/> |
20 |
<field name='playEnabled' type='SFBool' accessType='initializeOnly'
appinfo='Whether or not play mode is enabled including during startup.'/> |
21 |
<field name='displayMode' type='SFString' accessType='initializeOnly'
appinfo='Initializes how control buttons and slider are displayed. The control buttons include DIS control (i.e. Master Ghost Local) and Playback control (i.e. Reset to Start Fast Rewind Rewind Pause Play Fast Forward Reset to End). Possible values are (case sensitive): ALL DIS_ONLY PLAYBACK_ONLY SLIDER_ONLY DIS_PLAYBACK DIS_SLIDER PLAYBACK_SLIDER and NONE.'/> |
22 |
<field name='setDisplayMode' type='SFString' accessType='inputOnly'
appinfo='Sets how control buttons and slider are displayed. The control buttons include DIS control (i.e. Master Ghost Local) and Playback control (i.e. Reset to Start Fast Rewind Rewind Pause Play Fast Forward Reset to End). Possible values are (case sensitive): ALL DIS_ONLY PLAYBACK_ONLY SLIDER_ONLY DIS_PLAYBACK DIS_SLIDER PLAYBACK_SLIDER and NONE.'/> |
23 |
<field name='buttonColor' type='SFColor' accessType='initializeOnly'
appinfo='Default button color.'/> |
24 |
<field name='selectedButtonColor' type='SFColor' accessType='initializeOnly'
appinfo='Button color when selected by user.'/> |
25 |
<field name='labelColor' type='SFColor' accessType='initializeOnly'
appinfo='Default label color.'/> |
26 |
<field name='selectedLabelColor' type='SFColor' accessType='initializeOnly'
appinfo='Label color when selected by user.'/> |
27 |
<field name='locationOffset' type='SFVec3f' accessType='initializeOnly'
appinfo='Modified screen location and distance (for size).'/> |
28 |
<field name='clockEnabled' type='SFBool' accessType='initializeOnly'
appinfo='default value true'/> |
29 |
<field name='cycleInterval' type='SFTime' accessType='initializeOnly'
appinfo='Time for complete loop cycle in seconds.'/> |
30 | <field name='set_cycleInterval' type='SFTime' accessType='inputOnly'/> |
31 | <field name='cycleInterval_changed' type='SFTime' accessType='outputOnly'/> |
32 |
<field name='speedFactor' type='SFFloat' accessType='initializeOnly'
appinfo='Factor used to determine the speed increase/decrease for Fast Rewind and Fast Forward action.'/> |
33 | <field name='isActive' type='SFBool' accessType='outputOnly'/> |
34 | <field name='startTime_changed' type='SFTime' accessType='outputOnly'/> |
35 | <field name='stopTime_changed' type='SFTime' accessType='outputOnly'/> |
36 | <field name='time_changed' type='SFTime' accessType='outputOnly'/> |
37 | <field name='fraction_changed' type='SFFloat' accessType='outputOnly'/> |
38 | <field name='secondsElapsed' type='SFTime' accessType='outputOnly'/> |
39 |
<field name='isMaster' type='SFBool' accessType='outputOnly'
appinfo='isMaster isRemote and isLocal are booleans represent a 3-way toggle. Only one of them can have a true value at any time.'/> |
40 |
<field name='isRemote' type='SFBool' accessType='outputOnly'
appinfo='isMaster isRemote and isLocal are booleans represent a 3-way toggle. Only one of them can have a true value at any time.'/> |
41 |
<field name='isLocal' type='SFBool' accessType='outputOnly'
appinfo='isMaster isRemote and isLocal are booleans represent a 3-way toggle. Only one of them can have a true value at any time.'/> |
42 |
<field name='isPaused' type='SFBool' accessType='outputOnly'
appinfo='isPaused and isRunning always have opposite values. When isPaused is true isRunning will be false and vice versa.'/> |
43 |
<field name='isRunning' type='SFBool' accessType='outputOnly'
appinfo='isPaused and isRunning always have opposite values. When isPaused is true isRunning will be false and vice versa.'/> |
44 |
<field name='traceEnabled' type='SFBool' accessType='initializeOnly'
appinfo='Enable/disable console output for troubleshooting'/> |
45 |
<field name='testTimeVal' type='SFTime' accessType='initializeOnly'
appinfo='default value -2'/> |
46 | </ExternProtoDeclare> |
47 | <ExternProtoDeclare name='WaypointInterpolator' appinfo='Reads waypoints and legSpeeds/legDurations/defaultSpeed to provide a customizable position/orientation interpolator.' url=' "../../Savage/Tools/Animation/WaypointInterpolatorPrototype.x3d#WaypointInterpolator" "https://savage.nps.edu/Savage/Tools/Animation/WaypointInterpolatorPrototype.x3d#WaypointInterpolator" "../../Savage/Tools/Animation/WaypointInterpolatorPrototype.wrl#WaypointInterpolator" "https://savage.nps.edu/Savage/Tools/Animation/WaypointInterpolatorPrototype.wrl#WaypointInterpolator" '> |
48 | <!-- Priority of use: legSpeeds (m/sec), legDurations (seconds), defaultSpeed (m/sec) --> |
49 | <!-- interpolation fields --> |
50 | <!-- display-related fields --> |
51 |
<field name='description' type='SFString' accessType='initializeOnly'
appinfo='Short description of what is animated by this WaypointInterpolator.'/> |
52 |
<field name='waypoints' type='MFVec3f' accessType='initializeOnly'
appinfo='Waypoints being traversed with interpolation of intermediate positions and orientations.'/> |
53 |
<field name='add_waypoint' type='SFVec3f' accessType='inputOnly'
appinfo='Add another single waypoint to array of waypoints recalculate interpolator values.'/> |
54 |
<field name='set_waypoints' type='MFVec3f' accessType='inputOnly'
appinfo='Replace all waypoints recalculate interpolator values.'/> |
55 |
<field name='pitchUpDownForVerticalWaypoints' type='SFBool' accessType='initializeOnly'
appinfo='Whether to pitch child geometry (such as a vehicle) up or down to match vertical slope'/> |
56 |
<field name='legSpeeds' type='MFFloat' accessType='initializeOnly'
appinfo='Units m/sec. If used, array lengths for legSpeeds and legDurations must be one less than number of waypoints.'/> |
57 |
<field name='legDurations' type='MFTime' accessType='initializeOnly'
appinfo='Units in seconds. If used, array lengths for legSpeeds and legDurations must be one less than number of waypoints.'/> |
58 |
<field name='defaultSpeed' type='SFFloat' accessType='initializeOnly'
appinfo='Units m/sec.'/> |
59 |
<field name='turningRate' type='SFFloat' accessType='initializeOnly'
appinfo='turningRate (degrees/second) also determines standoff distance prior to waypoint where turn commences. If 0 turns are instantaneous.'/> |
60 |
<field name='totalDuration' type='SFTime' accessType='outputOnly'
appinfo='Output calculation summing all leg durations, useful for setting TimeSensor cycleInterval. Units in seconds.'/> |
61 |
<field name='set_fraction' type='SFFloat' accessType='inputOnly'
appinfo='exposed PositionInterpolator and OrientationInterpolator setting'/> |
62 |
<field name='position_changed' type='SFVec3f' accessType='outputOnly'
appinfo='exposed PositionInterpolator setting'/> |
63 |
<field name='orientation_changed' type='SFRotation' accessType='outputOnly'
appinfo='exposed OrientationInterpolator setting'/> |
64 |
<field name='lineColor' type='SFColor' accessType='inputOutput'
appinfo='default color for non-active line segments'/> |
65 |
<field name='highlightSegmentColor' type='SFColor' accessType='inputOutput'
appinfo='highlightSegmentColors must contain two color values for each endpoint of the highlight segment.'/> |
66 |
<field name='transparency' type='SFFloat' accessType='inputOutput'
appinfo='1.0 is completely transparent, 0.0 is completely opaque.'/> |
67 |
<field name='labelDisplayMode' type='SFString' accessType='initializeOnly'
appinfo='allowed values: none; waypoints (produce labels at each waypoint); or interpolation (produce single moving label at interpolator time course speed location)'/> |
68 |
<field name='heightLabel' type='SFString' accessType='initializeOnly'
appinfo='allowed values: altitude depth (negate Y value) none'/> |
69 |
<field name='labelOffset' type='SFVec3f' accessType='initializeOnly'
appinfo='heightLabel relative location'/> |
70 |
<field name='labelFontSize' type='SFFloat' accessType='initializeOnly'
appinfo='heightLabel text size'/> |
71 |
<field name='labelColor' type='SFColor' accessType='initializeOnly'
appinfo='heightLabel text color'/> |
72 |
<field name='traceEnabled' type='SFBool' accessType='initializeOnly'
appinfo='enable console output to trace script computations and prototype progress'/> |
73 |
<field name='outputInitializationComputations' type='SFBool' accessType='initializeOnly'
appinfo='Output the number of waypoints totalDistance and totalDuration to console upon initialization'/> |
74 |
<field name='verticalDropLineColor' type='SFColor' accessType='inputOutput'
appinfo='default color for vertical drop-line segments'/> |
75 |
<field name='verticalDropLineTransparency' type='SFFloat' accessType='inputOutput'
appinfo='1.0 is completely transparent, 0.0 is completely opaque.'/> |
76 | </ExternProtoDeclare> |
77 |
<!-- ROUTE information for SampleInterface node:
[from TrackBuilder.totalDuration to set_cycleInterval
[from fraction_changed to TrackBuilder.set_fraction
<ProtoInstance name='DvdController' DEF='SampleInterface'> |
78 | <fieldValue name='displayMode' value='PLAYBACK_SLIDER'/> |
79 | <fieldValue name='playEnabled' value='true'/> |
80 | <fieldValue name='buttonColor' value='0.655 0.655 0.655'/> |
81 | <fieldValue name='selectedButtonColor' value='0.675 0.675 0.675'/> |
82 | <fieldValue name='selectedLabelColor' value='0.9 0 0'/> |
83 | <fieldValue name='locationOffset' value='-3 -1 0'/> |
84 | <fieldValue name='cycleInterval' value='7329.5'/> |
85 | <fieldValue name='speedFactor' value='10.0'/> |
86 | <fieldValue name='traceEnabled' value='false'/> |
87 | </ProtoInstance> |
88 |
<!-- ROUTE information for TrackBuilder node:
[from SampleInterface.fraction_changed to set_fraction
[from totalDuration to SampleInterface.set_cycleInterval
[from orientation_changed to LaetitiaTransformDVD.rotation
[from position_changed to LaetitiaTransformDVD.translation
<ProtoInstance name='WaypointInterpolator' DEF='TrackBuilder'> |
89 | <fieldValue name='description' value='TrackBuilder'/> |
90 | <fieldValue name='waypoints' value='0 0 -1000 0 0 -980 0 0 -960 0 0 -940 0 0 -920 0 0 -900 0 0 -880 0 0 -860 0 0 -840 0 0 -820 0 0 -800 0 0 -780 0 0 -760 0 0 -740 0 0 -720 0 0 -700 0 0 -680 0 0 -660 0 0 -640 0 0 -620 0 0 -600 0 0 -580 0 0 -560 0 0 -540 0 0 -520 0 0 -500 0 0 -480 0 0 -460 0 0 -440 0 0 -420 0 0 -400 0 0 -390 0 0 -380 0 0 -370 0 0 -360'/> |
91 | <fieldValue name='pitchUpDownForVerticalWaypoints' value='false'/> |
92 | <!-- Priority of use: legSpeeds (m/sec), legDurations (seconds), defaultSpeed (m/sec) --> |
93 | <fieldValue name='legDurations' value='1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1'/> |
94 | <fieldValue name='legSpeeds' value='1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1'/> |
95 | <fieldValue name='defaultSpeed' value='5'/> |
96 | <fieldValue name='turningRate' value='90'/> |
97 | <fieldValue name='lineColor' value='1 0 0'/> |
98 | <fieldValue name='highlightSegmentColor' value='0.2 0.2 1'/> |
99 | <fieldValue name='transparency' value='0'/> |
100 | <fieldValue name='labelDisplayMode' value='interpolation'/> |
101 | <fieldValue name='heightLabel' value='altitude'/> |
102 | <fieldValue name='labelOffset' value='0 -0.8 0'/> |
103 | <fieldValue name='labelFontSize' value='0.5'/> |
104 | <fieldValue name='labelColor' value='0.3 0.9 0.3'/> |
105 | <fieldValue name='traceEnabled' value='false'/> |
106 | </ProtoInstance> |
107 | < ROUTE fromNode='TrackBuilder' fromField='totalDuration' toNode='SampleInterface' toField='set_cycleInterval'/> |
108 | < ROUTE fromNode='SampleInterface' fromField='fraction_changed' toNode='TrackBuilder' toField='set_fraction'/> |
109 | <Background groundAngle='1.309 1.570796' groundColor='0 0 0' skyAngle='1.309 1.571' backUrl=' "urn:web3d:media:textures/panoramas/desert_1_back.jpg" "../UniversalMediaPanoramas/desert_1_back.jpg " "https://www.web3d.org/WorkingGroups/media/textures/panoramas/desert_1_back.jpg " "https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Basic/UniversalMediaPanoramas/desert_1_back.jpg " "http://www.web3dmedia.com/UniversalMedia/textures/panoramas/desert_1_back.jpg " "http://www.officetowers.com/UniversalMedia/textures/panoramas/desert_1_back.jpg " "http://geometrek.com/UniversalMedia/textures/panoramas/desert_1_back.jpg " "http://www.sc.ehu.es/ccwgamoa/UniversalMedia/textures/panoramas/desert_1_back.jpg " ' bottomUrl=' "urn:web3d:media:textures/panoramas/desert_1_bottom.jpg" "../UniversalMediaPanoramas/desert_1_bottom.jpg " "https://www.web3d.org/WorkingGroups/media/textures/panoramas/desert_1_bottom.jpg " "https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Basic/UniversalMediaPanoramas/desert_1_bottom.jpg " "http://www.web3dmedia.com/UniversalMedia/textures/panoramas/desert_1_bottom.jpg " "http://www.officetowers.com/UniversalMedia/textures/panoramas/desert_1_bottom.jpg " "http://geometrek.com/UniversalMedia/textures/panoramas/desert_1_bottom.jpg " "http://www.sc.ehu.es/ccwgamoa/UniversalMedia/textures/panoramas/desert_1_bottom.jpg " ' frontUrl=' "urn:web3d:media:textures/panoramas/desert_1_front.jpg" "../UniversalMediaPanoramas/desert_1_front.jpg " "https://www.web3d.org/WorkingGroups/media/textures/panoramas/desert_1_front.jpg " "https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Basic/UniversalMediaPanoramas/desert_1_front.jpg " "http://www.web3dmedia.com/UniversalMedia/textures/panoramas/desert_1_front.jpg " "http://www.officetowers.com/UniversalMedia/textures/panoramas/desert_1_front.jpg " "http://geometrek.com/UniversalMedia/textures/panoramas/desert_1_front.jpg " "http://www.sc.ehu.es/ccwgamoa/UniversalMedia/textures/panoramas/desert_1_front.jpg " ' leftUrl=' "urn:web3d:media:textures/panoramas/desert_1_left.jpg" "../UniversalMediaPanoramas/desert_1_left.jpg " "https://www.web3d.org/WorkingGroups/media/textures/panoramas/desert_1_left.jpg " "https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Basic/UniversalMediaPanoramas/desert_1_left.jpg " "http://www.web3dmedia.com/UniversalMedia/textures/panoramas/desert_1_left.jpg " "http://www.officetowers.com/UniversalMedia/textures/panoramas/desert_1_left.jpg " "http://geometrek.com/UniversalMedia/textures/panoramas/desert_1_left.jpg " "http://www.sc.ehu.es/ccwgamoa/UniversalMedia/textures/panoramas/desert_1_left.jpg " ' rightUrl=' "urn:web3d:media:textures/panoramas/desert_1_right.jpg" "../UniversalMediaPanoramas/desert_1_right.jpg " "https://www.web3d.org/WorkingGroups/media/textures/panoramas/desert_1_right.jpg " "https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Basic/UniversalMediaPanoramas/desert_1_right.jpg " "http://www.web3dmedia.com/UniversalMedia/textures/panoramas/desert_1_right.jpg " "http://www.officetowers.com/UniversalMedia/textures/panoramas/desert_1_right.jpg " "http://geometrek.com/UniversalMedia/textures/panoramas/desert_1_right.jpg " "http://www.sc.ehu.es/ccwgamoa/UniversalMedia/textures/panoramas/desert_1_right.jpg " ' topUrl=' "urn:web3d:media:textures/panoramas/desert_1_top.jpg" "../UniversalMediaPanoramas/desert_1_top.jpg " "https://www.web3d.org/WorkingGroups/media/textures/panoramas/desert_1_top.jpg " "https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Basic/UniversalMediaPanoramas/desert_1_top.jpg " "http://www.web3dmedia.com/UniversalMedia/textures/panoramas/desert_1_top.jpg " "http://www.officetowers.com/UniversalMedia/textures/panoramas/desert_1_top.jpg " "http://geometrek.com/UniversalMedia/textures/panoramas/desert_1_top.jpg " "http://www.sc.ehu.es/ccwgamoa/UniversalMedia/textures/panoramas/desert_1_top.jpg " '/> |
110 |
<!-- ROUTE information for LaetitiaTransformDVD node:
[from TrackBuilder.orientation_changed to rotation
[from TrackBuilder.position_changed to translation
<Transform DEF='LaetitiaTransformDVD'> |
111 | <Transform DEF='Laetitia' scale='.5 .5 .5'> |
112 |
<!-- ROUTE information for Laetitia-TIMER node:
[from fraction_changed to Laetitia_Pelvis-POS-INTERP.set_fraction
[from fraction_changed to Laetitia_Pelvis-ROT-INTERP.set_fraction
[from fraction_changed to Laetitia_Spine-POS-INTERP.set_fraction
[from fraction_changed to Laetitia_Spine-ROT-INTERP.set_fraction
[from fraction_changed to Laetitia_Neck-SCALE-ORI-INTERP.set_fraction
[from fraction_changed to Laetitia_Head-ROT-INTERP.set_fraction
[from fraction_changed to Laetitia_Head-SCALE-ORI-INTERP.set_fraction
[from fraction_changed to Laetitia_L_UpperArm-ROT-INTERP.set_fraction
[from fraction_changed to Laetitia_L_UpperArm-SCALE-ORI-INTERP.set_fraction
[from fraction_changed to Laetitia_L_Forearm-ROT-INTERP.set_fraction
[from fraction_changed to Laetitia_L_Forearm-SCALE-ORI-INTERP.set_fraction
[from fraction_changed to Laetitia_L_Hand-ROT-INTERP.set_fraction
[from fraction_changed to Laetitia_L_Hand-SCALE-ORI-INTERP.set_fraction
[from fraction_changed to Laetitia_R_UpperArm-ROT-INTERP.set_fraction
[from fraction_changed to Laetitia_R_UpperArm-SCALE-ORI-INTERP.set_fraction
[from fraction_changed to Laetitia_R_Forearm-ROT-INTERP.set_fraction
[from fraction_changed to Laetitia_R_Forearm-SCALE-ORI-INTERP.set_fraction
[from fraction_changed to Laetitia_R_Hand-ROT-INTERP.set_fraction
[from fraction_changed to Laetitia_R_Hand-SCALE-ORI-INTERP.set_fraction
[from fraction_changed to Laetitia_L_Thigh-POS-INTERP.set_fraction
[from fraction_changed to Laetitia_L_Thigh-ROT-INTERP.set_fraction
[from fraction_changed to Laetitia_L_Calf-ROT-INTERP.set_fraction
[from fraction_changed to Laetitia_L_Foot-ROT-INTERP.set_fraction
[from fraction_changed to Laetitia_R_Thigh-POS-INTERP.set_fraction
[from fraction_changed to Laetitia_R_Thigh-ROT-INTERP.set_fraction
[from fraction_changed to Laetitia_R_Calf-ROT-INTERP.set_fraction
[from fraction_changed to Laetitia_R_Foot-ROT-INTERP.set_fraction
<TimeSensor DEF='Laetitia-TIMER' cycleInterval='8' loop='true'/> |
113 |
<!-- ROUTE information for Laetitia_Pelvis node:
[from Laetitia_Pelvis-POS-INTERP.value_changed to set_translation
[from Laetitia_Pelvis-ROT-INTERP.value_changed to set_rotation
<Transform DEF='Laetitia_Pelvis' rotation='-0.5867 -0.5581 0.5867 -4.16' scale='50.0 40.0 50.0' translation='0.3421 0.0 0.0'> |
114 |
<!-- ROUTE information for Laetitia_Pelvis-POS-INTERP node:
[from Laetitia-TIMER.fraction_changed to set_fraction
[from value_changed to Laetitia_Pelvis.set_translation
<PositionInterpolator DEF='Laetitia_Pelvis-POS-INTERP' key='0.0 0.01961 0.03922 0.05882 0.07843 0.09804 0.1176 0.1373 0.1569 0.1765 0.1961 0.2157 0.2353 0.2549 0.2745 0.2941 0.3137 0.3333 0.3529 0.3725 0.3922 0.4118 0.4314 0.451 0.4706 0.4902 0.5098 0.5294 0.549 0.5686 0.5882 0.6078 0.6275 0.6471 0.6667' keyValue='0.3421 0.0 0.0 0.4168 0.0 0.2984 0.5021 0.0 0.6595 0.5839 0.0 1.001 0.6484 0.0 1.239 0.6817 0.0 1.293 0.6462 0.0 0.9199 0.5168 0.0 -0.03664 0.3846 0.0 -0.9679 0.3474 0.0 -1.223 0.4644 0.0 -0.3602 0.6236 0.0 0.8178 0.6805 0.0 1.24 0.5818 0.0 0.5086 0.4301 0.0 -0.6137 0.3425 0.0 -1.259 0.4074 0.0 -0.7806 0.5568 0.0 0.3233 0.6727 0.0 1.182 0.6488 0.0 1.005 0.511 0.0 -0.0157 0.3743 0.0 -1.025 0.3546 0.0 -1.17 0.4735 0.0 -0.2927 0.622 0.0 0.8057 0.6824 0.0 1.255 0.592 0.0 0.5842 0.44 0.0 -0.5404 0.344 0.0 -1.247 0.3872 0.0 -1.002 0.5118 0.0 -0.2349 0.637 0.0 0.668 0.6781 0.0 1.318 0.4329 0.0 1.292 0.3419 0.0 1.264'/> |
115 |
<!-- ROUTE information for Laetitia_Pelvis-ROT-INTERP node:
[from Laetitia-TIMER.fraction_changed to set_fraction
[from value_changed to Laetitia_Pelvis.set_rotation
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116 |
<!-- ROUTE information for Laetitia_Spine node:
[from Laetitia_Spine-POS-INTERP.value_changed to set_translation
[from Laetitia_Spine-ROT-INTERP.value_changed to set_rotation
<Transform DEF='Laetitia_Spine' rotation='0.003939 0.1433 0.9897 -0.04677' scale='0.2518 0.6497 0.52' scaleOrientation='-0.03313 1.696E-4 -0.9995 -0.01025' translation='0.4594 -0.02874 2.004E-4'> |
117 |
<!-- ROUTE information for Laetitia_Spine-POS-INTERP node:
[from Laetitia-TIMER.fraction_changed to set_fraction
[from value_changed to Laetitia_Spine.set_translation
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118 |
<!-- ROUTE information for Laetitia_Spine-ROT-INTERP node:
[from Laetitia-TIMER.fraction_changed to set_fraction
[from value_changed to Laetitia_Spine.set_rotation
<OrientationInterpolator DEF='Laetitia_Spine-ROT-INTERP' key='0.0 0.01961 0.03922 0.05882 0.07843 0.09804 0.1176 0.1373 0.1569 0.1765 0.1961 0.2157 0.2353 0.2549 0.2745 0.2941 0.3137 0.3333 0.3529 0.3725 0.3922 0.4118 0.4314 0.451 0.4706 0.4902 0.5098 0.5294 0.549 0.5686 0.5882 0.6078 0.6275 0.6471 0.6667' keyValue='0.003939 0.1433 0.9897 -0.04677 0.007411 0.2055 0.9786 -0.04058 0.0129 0.2943 0.9556 -0.03468 0.02024 0.4115 0.9112 -0.02916 0.02845 0.5569 0.8301 -0.02409 0.03511 0.7253 0.6875 -0.01951 0.03215 0.9113 0.4106 -0.01467 0.004547 0.9693 -0.2458 -0.01087 -0.02038 0.6239 -0.7813 -0.01224 -0.02381 0.5199 -0.8539 -0.01311 -0.005829 0.9434 -0.3315 -0.009948 0.02905 0.8641 0.5024 -0.0149 0.0358 0.7788 0.6263 -0.01813 0.02243 0.9317 0.3626 -0.01284 -0.01378 0.8381 -0.5454 -0.0103 -0.02405 0.5031 -0.8639 -0.01334 -0.01782 0.7512 -0.6598 -0.01083 0.01752 0.9679 0.2509 -0.01179 0.03499 0.7896 0.6126 -0.01766 0.03231 0.8244 0.565 -0.01629 0.006569 0.9999 -0.0139 -0.01041 -0.02189 0.6195 -0.7847 -0.01196 -0.02339 0.5458 -0.8376 -0.01278 -0.00345 0.9631 -0.2693 -0.009953 0.02882 0.8668 0.4978 -0.01481 0.036 0.7761 0.6296 -0.01825 0.02421 0.9155 0.4017 -0.01331 -0.01168 0.8728 -0.4879 -0.01014 -0.02397 0.5084 -0.8608 -0.01327 -0.02137 0.6422 -0.7663 -0.01198 -4.014E-4 0.9794 -0.202 -0.01064 0.0265 0.9067 0.421 -0.01452 0.03659 0.7585 0.6507 -0.01855 0.02909 0.592 0.8054 -0.01469 0.0247 0.5008 0.8652 -0.01337'/> |
119 | <OrientationInterpolator DEF='Laetitia_Spine-SCALE-ORI-INTERP' key='0.0 0.01961 0.03922 0.05882 0.07843 0.09804 0.1176 0.1373 0.1569 0.1765 0.1961 0.2157 0.2353 0.2549 0.2745 0.2941 0.3137 0.3333 0.3529 0.3725 0.3922 0.4118 0.4314 0.451 0.4706 0.4902 0.5098 0.5294 0.549 0.5686 0.5882 0.6078 0.6275 0.6471 0.6667' keyValue='-0.03313 1.696E-4 -0.9995 -0.01025 -0.05299 2.331E-4 -0.9986 -0.008805 -0.08374 3.072E-4 -0.9965 -0.007364 -0.1264 3.719E-4 -0.992 -0.005931 -0.182 4.028E-4 -0.9833 -0.004503 -0.254 3.763E-4 -0.9672 -0.00307 -0.3584 2.4E-4 -0.9336 -0.001429 -0.05961 -1.684E-5 0.9982 -5.929E-4 0.1338 1.413E-4 0.991 -0.002137 0.1399 1.735E-4 0.9902 -0.002505 0.1001 3.589E-5 0.995 -7.341E-4 -0.2787 2.3E-4 -0.9604 -0.001726 -0.2786 3.504E-4 -0.9604 -0.002618 -0.2929 1.511E-4 -0.9561 -0.001078 0.1323 8.416E-5 0.9912 -0.001255 0.1394 1.781E-4 0.9902 -0.002578 0.1389 1.096E-4 0.9903 -0.001598 -0.3228 1.079E-4 -0.9465 -6.921E-4 -0.278 3.335E-4 -0.9606 -0.002494 -0.2772 2.825E-4 -0.9608 -0.002121 -0.9033 0.0 0.4291 -7.486E-5 0.1412 1.466E-4 0.99 -0.0021 0.1404 1.67E-4 0.9901 -0.002396 0.07924 2.26E-5 0.9969 -5.955E-4 -0.2789 2.282E-4 -0.9603 -0.0017 -0.2788 3.55E-4 -0.9604 -0.002649 -0.2871 1.699E-4 -0.9579 -0.001236 0.127 6.831E-5 0.9919 -0.001105'/> |
120 | <!-- 0.1396 1.762E-4 0.9902 -0.002555, 0.1418 1.435E-4 0.9899 -0.002053, 0.03249 0.0 0.9995 -4.765E-4, -0.2996 2.029E-4 -0.9541 -0.001419, -0.2747 3.671E-4 -0.9615 -0.002779, -0.1797 2.357E-4 -0.9837 -0.002664, -0.1426 1.824E-4 -0.9898 -0.002589, --> |
121 | <Transform DEF='Laetitia_Spine1' rotation='0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.001952' scale='1.839 1.0 1.0' scaleOrientation='-0.001213 -1.0 0.0 -0.002289' translation='1.0 0.0 7.089E-4'> |
122 | <Transform DEF='Laetitia_Spine2' rotation='0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.001875' scale='1.123 1.0 1.0' scaleOrientation='3.709E-5 -1.0 0.0 -0.001875' translation='1.0 0.0 7.964E-4'> |
123 | <Transform DEF='Laetitia_Spine3' rotation='0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.001875' translation='1.0 0.0 7.963E-4'> |
124 |
<!-- ROUTE information for Laetitia_Neck node:
[from Laetitia_Neck-SCALE-ORI-INTERP.value_changed to set_rotation
<Transform DEF='Laetitia_Neck' scale='0.5769 1.0 1.0' scaleOrientation='1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0' translation='1.0 0.0 4.592E-4'> |
125 |
<!-- ROUTE information for Laetitia_Neck-SCALE-ORI-INTERP node:
[from Laetitia-TIMER.fraction_changed to set_fraction
[from value_changed to Laetitia_Neck.set_rotation
<OrientationInterpolator DEF='Laetitia_Neck-SCALE-ORI-INTERP' key='0.0 0.01961 0.03922 0.05882 0.07843 0.09804 0.1176 0.1373 0.1569 0.1765 0.1961 0.2157 0.2353 0.2549 0.2745 0.2941 0.3137 0.3333 0.3725 0.3922 0.4118 0.4314 0.451 0.4706 0.4902 0.5098 0.5294 0.5686 0.5882 0.6078 0.6275 0.6471' keyValue='1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 -2.178E-5 0.0 -1.827E-5 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 -3.018E-4 1.0 0.0 0.0 -5.398E-4 -1.0 -1.087E-5 0.0 -2.202E-4 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -1.0 0.0 0.0 -3.501E-4 -1.0 2.106E-5 0.0 -6.366E-5 -1.0 -2.521E-5 0.0 -7.047E-5 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -1.0 -7.264E-5 0.0 -1.152E-5 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -1.0 0.0 0.0 -2.424E-4 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -1.0 -2.28E-5 0.0 -9.154E-5 -1.0 0.0 0.0 -2.268E-4 -1.0 0.0 0.0 -1.267E-4 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 -4.671E-5 0.0 -3.769E-5 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 7.408E-5 0.0 -3.928E-5 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -1.0 1.42E-5 0.0 -6.422E-5 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -1.0 -1.542E-5 0.0 -9.057E-5 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0'/> |
126 |
<!-- ROUTE information for Laetitia_Head node:
[from Laetitia_Head-ROT-INTERP.value_changed to set_rotation
[from Laetitia_Head-SCALE-ORI-INTERP.value_changed to set_rotation
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127 |
<!-- ROUTE information for Laetitia_Head-ROT-INTERP node:
[from Laetitia-TIMER.fraction_changed to set_fraction
[from value_changed to Laetitia_Head.set_rotation
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128 |
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[from Laetitia-TIMER.fraction_changed to set_fraction
[from value_changed to Laetitia_Head.set_rotation
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129 | <Transform DEF='Laetitia_HeadNub' scale='0.1157 0.125 0.1157' scaleOrientation='1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0' translation='1.0 0.0 0.0'/> |
130 | <Transform DEF='head-Transform' rotation='-0.1076 -0.02227 -0.9939 -1.584' scale='0.0951 0.1039 0.06101' scaleOrientation='-0.01089 -0.8089 -0.5879 -0.01796' translation='-0.2442 -0.01193 0.03446'> |
131 | <Shape> |
132 | <Appearance> |
133 | <Material ambientIntensity='1.0' diffuseColor='0.01961 0.3529 0.3098' shininess='0.145'/> |
134 |
<!-- ImageTexture
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135 | </Appearance> |
136 | <IndexedFaceSet DEF='head-FACES' ccw='false' creaseAngle='15'> |
137 |
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head-TEXCOORD is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 --> <TextureCoordinate DEF='head-TEXCOORD' point='0.8126 0.5527 0.8327 0.5481 0.5843 0.6207 0.5821 0.631 0.6137 0.5991 0.6553 0.5964 0.6803 0.616 0.7563 0.6321 0.7482 0.6301 0.7909 0.6367 0.8254 0.6409 0.849 0.6403 0.5877 0.7295 0.5783 0.6847 0.6124 0.6536 0.6775 0.6816 0.6828 0.6571 0.7486 0.6682 0.8455 0.7399 0.5926 0.7439 0.587 0.7167 0.9344 0.668 0.9314 0.7002 0.9469 0.6788 0.934 0.7474 0.6007 0.7207 0.6604 0.7523 0.6072 0.7396 0.6548 0.7295 0.6773 0.7408 0.6762 0.7191 0.6856 0.7101 0.6085 0.702 0.6291 0.6824 0.6556 0.6992 0.6583 0.6785 0.6747 0.6943 0.6855 0.683 0.697 0.6979 0.9026 0.7003 0.9036 0.7173 0.9021 0.6934 0.2451 0.5731 0.4293 0.7821 0.4225 0.7765 0.4384 0.778 0.4029 0.7448 0.3927 0.769 0.3796 0.7282 0.4393 0.7324 0.4636 0.7422 0.3712 0.7302 0.4656 0.7817 0.3887 0.7856 0.3735 0.7608 0.4397 0.795 0.4121 0.6221 0.379 0.6153 0.436 0.7234 0.3921 0.6306 0.4214 0.6366 0.4371 0.6324 0.4316 0.5878 0.4019 0.5859 0.4389 0.6127 0.3644 0.5404 0.3711 0.438 0.363 0.4443 0.3752 0.5355 0.3969 0.5325 0.3896 0.4348 0.4186 0.5324 0.4231 0.5451 0.4257 0.5881 0.4355 0.588 0.4025 0.5345 0.3814 0.4347 0.3647 0.4436 0.3797 0.5379 0.4049 0.5869 0.3848 0.5924 0.4316 0.2796 0.4516 0.2642 0.4269 0.2746 0.4344 0.2955 0.4297 0.2979 0.4434 0.3162 0.4711 0.3068 0.4727 0.266 0.4573 0.3127 0.4241 0.2321 0.4256 0.2498 0.4306 0.2511 0.4234 0.2217 0.4289 0.2248 0.432 0.2269 0.4292 0.2191 0.4283 0.2337 0.4319 0.2128 0.4378 0.2182 0.4426 0.2251 0.439 0.2288 0.4394 0.213 0.4422 0.2172 0.4519 0.226 0.4489 0.2303 0.4487 0.2172 0.456 0.245 0.4525 0.2478 0.4632 0.2489 0.4557 0.2373 0.4544 0.2291 0.4589 0.2312 0.4629 0.2365 0.4611 0.2393 0.4595 0.2288 0.4673 0.2512 0.4271 0.2805 0.4498 0.3153 0.4307 0.2686 0.4445 0.2685 0.4626 0.3106 0.4623 0.267 0.4267 0.2318 0.4259 0.2252 0.4275 0.2412 0.4291 0.2506 0.4348 0.2452 0.4383 0.2364 0.4399 0.2448 0.4368 0.2263 0.4356 0.2208 0.4458 0.244 0.4492 0.2389 0.4505 0.2462 0.4466 0.2233 0.447 0.2286 0.4593 0.2374 0.4582 0.2331 0.461 0.2452 0.4627 0.2528 0.4165 0.2663 0.4089 0.263 0.4071 0.2662 0.4183 0.277 0.4042 0.269 0.4119 0.2763 0.42 0.2841 0.4136 0.2705 0.4103 0.2672 0.4049 0.2655 0.6019 0.3848 0.6068 0.3869 0.6253 0.3793 0.6538 0.3793 0.6624 0.3827 0.7562 0.3959 0.7617 0.396 0.7792 0.3957 0.8088 0.396 0.8189 0.3966 0.61 0.3127 0.6162 0.3117 0.6269 0.3092 0.6475 0.3095 0.6559 0.3109 0.7563 0.3259 0.7642 0.3254 0.7765 0.3268 0.7967 0.3256 0.8042 0.3254 0.6188 0.2739 0.622 0.2718 0.6287 0.2718 0.6382 0.2716 0.6467 0.2716 0.7651 0.2755 0.7709 0.2712 0.7764 0.2723 0.7853 0.2759 0.7917 0.2808 0.9533 0.4685 0.947 0.4641 0.9521 0.4436 0.9559 0.4595 0.9387 0.4644 0.9322 0.462 0.939 0.4447 0.934 0.5157 0.9318 0.535 0.9337 0.5447 0.9307 0.539 0.9447 0.5367 0.9455 0.5461 0.9579 0.5345 0.9558 0.5448 0.9576 0.515 0.9629 0.538 0.9583 0.4758 0.9608 0.4521 0.9629 0.4894 0.9458 0.4391 0.9336 0.4522 0.9311 0.4772 0.9306 0.4881 0.9479 0.5237 0.9334 0.5207 0.9449 0.564 0.9491 0.5643 0.9392 0.557 0.9535 0.5582 0.878 0.5146 0.8857 0.497 0.8954 0.4943 0.9045 0.5131 0.8837 0.448 0.8777 0.451 0.883 0.4333 0.8928 0.4437 0.8908 0.4807 0.8819 0.4793 0.9462 0.4957 0.9414 0.5155 0.8938 0.4267 0.9542 0.515 0.9093 0.4608 0.9044 0.4832 0.9036 0.4457 0.9059 0.4345 0.09562 0.6679 0.1058 0.6699 0.4529 0.7907 0.2246 0.3566 0.3073 0.3671 0.07699 0.6575 0.2122 0.6544 0.1242 0.7349 0.1317 0.7413 0.14 0.7441 0.1595 0.7363 0.1502 0.739 0.1612 0.7603 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.05235 0.6182 0.03497 0.5863 0.05009 0.575 0.04345 0.6114 0.05434 0.5749 0.7548 0.5023 0.7845 0.5003 0.8276 0.5046 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.7115 0.6061 0.9203 0.6057 0.3188 0.8471 0.5892 0.2322 0.7608 0.6101 0.8616 0.6461 0.9045 0.6504 0.5033 0.7486 0.4644 0.8045 0.3678 0.8368 0.7105 0.5041 0.7115 0.4157 0.7117 0.3652 0.2823 0.5568 0.3072 0.6266 0.1452 0.6886 0.1574 0.7609 0.2553 0.8396 0.2388 0.5121 0.3045 0.5111 0.7044 0.2298 0.3601 0.6655 0.3108 0.7723 0.3156 0.8102 0.6403 0.3063 0.855 0.4262 0.8886 0.5294 0.4905 0.7493 0.4246 0.7163 0.3728 0.7946 0.7424 0.5043 0.7682 0.3905 0.8538 0.5137 0.1807 0.7166 0.2196 0.7746 0.2678 0.7302 0.3057 0.5124 0.9285 0.537 0.7053 0.3068 0.4157 0.8238 0.7114 0.6716 0.7114 0.5836 0.7113 0.57 0.7109 0.5391 0.7415 0.5365 0.7352 0.5607 0.7106 0.5245 0.7114 0.4937 0.7116 0.4863 0.7112 0.4646 0.748 0.4876 0.7587 0.4623 0.7486 0.5534 0.7702 0.5064 0.7966 0.4474 0.8166 0.4224 0.581 0.2608 0.7116 0.4412 0.7119 0.4066 0.7118 0.3818 0.5649 0.2347 0.6549 0.2302 0.7581 0.4216 0.7112 0.4556 0.7114 0.4281 0.7616 0.4422 0.7327 0.4684 0.8021 0.5088 0.7506 0.5203 0.731 0.5215 0.7589 0.4274 0.8247 0.6334 0.7522 0.5927 0.8839 0.5857 0.8148 0.6622 0.7979 0.582 0.7331 0.5818 0.8471 0.6014 0.8761 0.6241 0.7881 0.6158 0.7937 0.6316 0.4532 0.7373 0.4465 0.7799 0.836 0.4691 0.7422 0.23 0.7113 0.6352 0.7804 0.3806 0.7326 0.5974 0.7481 0.6196 0.7689 0.6444 0.8449 0.5879 0.7971 0.5484 0.8571 0.5587 0.7707 0.4834 0.1511 0.587 0.1696 0.6105 0.1975 0.814 0.1997 0.5284 0.1802 0.5409 0.1593 0.5518 0.1474 0.5219 0.1288 0.5012 0.1018 0.4655 0.07201 0.4159 0.02679 0.3441 0.05829 0.2186 0.09219 0.1816 0.1579 0.1795 0.1803 0.238 0.2153 0.3139 0.2279 0.4148 0.214 0.4605 0.2176 0.4777 0.2285 0.4941 0.08988 0.3155 0.1442 0.3629 0.1972 0.5113 0.1475 0.2981 0.1254 0.233 0.148 0.4101 0.1465 0.4589 0.174 0.4945 0.09557 0.2585 0.1499 0.4957 0.1652 0.51 0.178 0.5238 0.5109 0.1797 0.5065 0.1739 0.4986 0.1703 0.4931 0.171 0.4851 0.1719 0.4798 0.1784 0.4782 0.1864 0.5159 0.2007 0.5077 0.1955 0.4997 0.1963 0.495 0.2102 0.489 0.202 0.4791 0.198 0.5299 0.2001 0.5227 0.2015 0.5162 0.2231 0.489 0.2186 0.4868 0.2069 0.5367 0.2169 0.5176 0.2323 0.5003 0.2388 0.4898 0.2365 0.5371 0.2332 0.5297 0.2341 0.5176 0.2469 0.505 0.2559 0.4989 0.2522 0.5332 0.2475 0.5057 0.2626 0.4954 0.2614 0.4907 0.2553 0.4843 0.2549 0.5261 0.2641 0.5215 0.2704 0.5136 0.272 0.5052 0.2743 0.4947 0.2717 0.4862 0.2639 0.5113 0.1788 0.5069 0.173 0.499 0.1694 0.4855 0.1711 0.4813 0.177 0.5164 0.1998 0.5081 0.1946 0.5001 0.1955 0.5303 0.1992 0.5258 0.2161 0.518 0.2315 0.5371 0.216 0.5375 0.2324 0.5301 0.2332 0.518 0.2461 0.5054 0.2551 0.5337 0.2467 0.5164 0.2576 0.5061 0.2618 0.4958 0.2605 0.5266 0.2632 0.5219 0.2696 0.514 0.2711 0.5056 0.2734 0.4952 0.2709 0.4866 0.263 0.5177 0.6098 0.6649 0.6045 0.569 0.6744 0.5305 0.6554 0.2845 0.5569 0.3085 0.6276 0.3617 0.6663 0.3059 0.7563 0.3128 0.7974 0.634 0.1634 0.5562 0.4303 0.551 0.53 0.4822 0.7453 0.4224 0.7131 0.3696 0.7805 0.6794 0.5044 0.6566 0.3908 0.5768 0.5143 0.1807 0.7158 0.2205 0.7754 0.262 0.7111 0.3054 0.5118 0.5149 0.5288 0.7042 0.1559 0.6816 0.5366 0.6882 0.5608 0.6758 0.4878 0.6647 0.4624 0.6655 0.5582 0.6521 0.5043 0.6284 0.4478 0.6143 0.4101 0.5797 0.2022 0.6661 0.4218 0.662 0.4424 0.6902 0.4685 0.612 0.5096 0.6732 0.5199 0.6906 0.5216 0.6648 0.4275 0.6006 0.6387 0.6699 0.5917 0.5465 0.5863 0.6097 0.6626 0.6232 0.5834 0.6905 0.5819 0.5874 0.6082 0.557 0.6118 0.6363 0.6201 0.6272 0.633 0.4554 0.7347 0.4434 0.7663 0.5927 0.4713 0.6481 0.3724 0.691 0.5975 0.67 0.6224 0.654 0.6446 0.5782 0.5894 0.627 0.5519 0.5845 0.5609 0.6527 0.4895 0.1692 0.6095 0.1989 0.5257 0.1794 0.5383 0.09398 0.3588 0.1362 0.4032 0.1964 0.5087 0.161 0.3162 0.1281 0.2293 0.1459 0.4498 0.1732 0.4907 0.08025 0.278 0.1492 0.4933 0.1644 0.5076 0.1772 0.5214 0.4166 0.1802 0.4206 0.1745 0.4283 0.1709 0.4338 0.1716 0.4418 0.1726 0.4461 0.1785 0.4494 0.1874 0.4124 0.201 0.4204 0.1959 0.4283 0.1968 0.432 0.2108 0.4376 0.2026 0.4482 0.1984 0.3985 0.2004 0.4058 0.2019 0.4115 0.2236 0.4388 0.2186 0.4417 0.2076 0.3925 0.2171 0.4105 0.2328 0.428 0.2392 0.3929 0.2334 0.4002 0.2342 0.4128 0.247 0.424 0.2562 0.4299 0.2525 0.3973 0.2475 0.4248 0.2627 0.4348 0.2615 0.4396 0.2555 0.4489 0.256 0.4051 0.264 0.41 0.2703 0.4179 0.2719 0.4264 0.2742 0.4366 0.2717 0.4447 0.2639 0.416 0.1778 0.4213 0.1734 0.4291 0.1699 0.4425 0.1715 0.4468 0.1774 0.4501 0.1864 0.4131 0.2 0.4211 0.1949 0.429 0.1957 0.3993 0.1994 0.4045 0.2162 0.3932 0.2161 0.4009 0.2332 0.3936 0.2323 0.4136 0.2459 0.4248 0.2552 0.398 0.2465 0.4157 0.2574 0.4255 0.2616 0.4356 0.2604 0.4407 0.254 0.4058 0.2629 0.4107 0.2693 0.4186 0.2708 0.4271 0.2731 0.4373 0.2706 0.4455 0.2628 0.8673 0.4753 0.5559 0.4701 0.4896 0.2468 0.441 0.2417 0.7161 0.7588 0.9698 0.5545 0.9555 0.6365 0.9299 0.7021 0.8135 0.3782 0.7696 0.7689 0.88 0.7396 0.9587 0.4934 0.876 0.416 0.7507 0.349 0.7119 0.3507 0.8256 0.7594 0.4623 0.5555 0.4752 0.6494 0.5031 0.6976 0.6095 0.3784 0.6417 0.7671 0.5467 0.7301 0.4728 0.4963 0.548 0.4079 0.6693 0.3498 0.5962 0.7535 0.8035 0.2322 0.7992 0.2901 0.8026 0.1751'/> |
138 |
<!-- Coordinate
head-COORD is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 --> <Coordinate DEF='head-COORD' point='-1.887 -3.78 2.657 2.479 -3.707 2.394 -0.407 -8.198 -6.974 4.272 -7.33 -0.8678 0.2667 -12.64 4.28 -0.2694 -1.954 -6.377 0.4657 -8.225 -6.412 3.373 -8.893 -5.017 3.832 -8.062 -3.52 -0.3357 -11.01 -5.457 -0.1641 -12.4 -2.276 0.1209 -12.67 2.079 -0.5186 -5.967 -9.182 -0.4501 -3.993 -8.628 -0.4332 -2.838 -8.648 3.425 -5.88 3.528 4.132 -8.029 2.97 0.7743 -8.52 10.99 0.7071 -10.41 10.39 0.4247 -12.39 6.594 0.5476 -4.373 6.568 0.3109 -3.022 2.662 0.07495 -2.584 -1.014 4.426 -8.096 -0.08317 3.661 -11.39 4.122 2.233 -12.39 4.274 2.315 -2.901 -4.991 3.27 -3.785 -3.971 4.148 -5.799 -2.08 1.454 -11.44 -3.961 3.711 -9.511 -2.623 2.338 -12.17 1.55 0.08449 -6.003 -8.741 1.074 -3.278 -7.337 3.241 -5.798 -5.186 2.987 -9.652 9.707 2.992 -11.42 8.239 4.419 -10.06 5.745 3.881 -5.905 0.2803 2.644 -3.27 -1.936 -0.0305 -12.66 -0.1911 -0.4055 -9.71 -6.559 -0.4253 -7.715 -7.367 -0.4362 -7.422 -7.602 -0.4763 -6.761 -8.355 0.1428 -6.593 -7.301 0.04294 -7.117 -6.899 -0.5184 -6.206 -9.135 -0.4789 -5.709 -8.656 -0.4435 -5.512 -8.167 -0.4898 -5.091 -8.968 0.3879 -5.491 -7.736 0.7558 -4.964 -8.331 0.3191 -7.002 -6.459 0.7049 -5.81 -7.161 1.805 -4.479 -6.918 2.372 -3.866 -5.977 0.6208 -2.21 -7.706 -0.4473 -4.527 -8.458 -0.4101 -3.735 -8.084 -0.4185 -3.194 -8.34 -0.4043 -2.326 -8.332 -0.05927 -2.122 -3.156 0.7919 -4.005 -7.631 -0.4908 -4.902 -9.027 -0.4675 -4.284 -8.822 0.842 -4.517 -8.213 0.0755 -5.134 -8.631 1.904 -5.939 -7.342 0.2589 -6.263 -7.862 -0.131 -6.416 -8.788 0.7809 -4.19 -8.16 2.364 -8.897 -6.341 0.264 -7.732 -5.932 3.701 -7.391 -4.304 2.235 -9.446 -6.385 1.226 -7.595 -6.25 0.01432 -7.581 -6.612 2.669 -8.166 -5.859 3.361 -8.418 -5.319 1.041 -8.327 -5.8 1.141 -8.823 -6.851 2.897 -10.73 -3.276 1.994 -12.04 -1.873 2.591 -5.008 -6.317 0.1669 -3.088 0.4973 -0.4256 -8.907 -7.067 1.397 -3.025 -7.188 0.009189 -7.935 -6.475 0.3285 -8.601 -7.179 0.6217 -9.108 -7.034 2.853 -7.625 -5.005 1.191 -6.757 -6.435 2.964 -6.894 -5.251 0.9026 -5.407 -7.778 0.781 -5.288 10.32 3.192 -6.753 9.553 0.5883 -11.58 8.877 1.195 -4.435 7.997 1.233 -4.705 8.963 0.7519 -4.422 9.672 0.7862 -4.081 10.11 0.8817 -3.527 11.42 0.9569 -2.598 12.34 1.018 -0.7746 12.83 1.188 1.149 14.95 1.085 4.422 12.61 0.9607 5.302 10.84 0.8052 5.126 7.838 0.7566 3.401 7.881 0.6023 1.284 6.05 0.5514 -1.504 5.942 0.6729 -2.965 8.129 0.6053 -3.246 7.173 0.5755 -3.587 6.803 1.711 1.729 11.67 1.555 0.2519 9.493 1.167 -3.965 8.011 1.345 1.984 8.971 1.418 3.825 9.58 1.331 -1.051 9.629 1.211 -2.374 10.01 1.315 -3.425 8.955 1.47 3.239 11.1 1.287 -3.376 10.07 1.246 -3.818 9.461 1.211 -4.238 8.962 4.126 -5.9 3.185 4.019 -5.758 2.965 3.876 -5.707 2.615 3.795 -5.764 2.404 3.676 -5.848 2.094 3.629 -6.075 1.942 3.71 -6.333 1.906 4.312 -6.485 3.584 4.155 -6.389 3.208 4.036 -6.469 2.899 3.809 -6.882 3.0 3.672 -6.681 2.686 3.729 -6.66 2.09 4.525 -6.371 4.134 4.421 -6.464 3.859 4.21 -7.118 3.965 3.874 -7.187 2.761 3.884 -6.87 2.487 4.723 -6.822 4.56 4.281 -7.382 4.102 4.048 -7.694 3.473 4.055 -7.72 2.905 4.818 -7.303 4.723 4.711 -7.38 4.436 4.59 -7.843 4.07 4.215 -8.167 3.817 4.1 -8.099 3.541 4.836 -7.752 4.7 4.408 -8.379 3.798 4.242 -8.412 3.38 4.039 -8.253 3.207 4.141 -8.313 2.799 4.816 -8.29 4.568 4.779 -8.511 4.441 4.665 -8.612 4.141 4.546 -8.738 3.825 4.371 -8.735 3.387 4.195 -8.561 2.974 4.29 -5.892 3.077 4.184 -5.75 2.856 4.041 -5.699 2.507 3.841 -5.84 1.986 3.797 -6.043 1.881 4.476 -6.477 3.476 4.319 -6.381 3.1 4.2 -6.461 2.79 4.69 -6.363 4.026 4.713 -6.895 4.001 4.446 -7.374 3.994 4.888 -6.814 4.451 4.982 -7.295 4.614 4.875 -7.372 4.328 4.754 -7.835 3.961 4.379 -8.159 3.709 5.001 -7.745 4.591 4.792 -8.187 4.002 4.572 -8.371 3.69 4.406 -8.405 3.272 4.981 -8.283 4.459 4.944 -8.503 4.333 4.829 -8.604 4.032 4.711 -8.73 3.716 4.535 -8.727 3.279 4.359 -8.553 2.866 -4.174 -7.235 0.2955 -1.191 -8.206 -6.184 -3.883 -8.811 -4.017 -4.112 -7.972 -2.426 -2.688 -5.508 4.009 -3.534 -7.794 3.941 -4.256 -8.146 0.8519 -3.064 -11.31 5.046 -1.848 -12.2 4.802 -2.539 -2.652 -4.366 -3.486 -3.723 -3.035 -4.163 -5.705 -0.9352 -2.248 -11.48 -4.128 -4.038 -9.715 -1.086 -2.11 -12.02 2.138 -1.052 -5.99 -8.584 -1.755 -3.246 -6.948 -3.679 -5.72 -4.233 -1.597 -9.6 10.34 -1.85 -11.36 8.903 -3.68 -10.05 6.874 -3.595 -5.82 1.31 -2.589 -3.211 -1.215 -0.9394 -6.581 -7.152 -0.8051 -7.108 -6.782 -1.203 -5.473 -7.517 -1.625 -4.937 -8.004 -1.015 -6.987 -6.275 -1.449 -5.786 -6.865 -2.455 -4.431 -6.331 -2.753 -3.517 -5.336 -1.47 -2.176 -7.42 -1.539 -3.979 -7.31 -1.68 -4.488 -7.865 -1.002 -5.122 -8.483 -2.703 -5.897 -6.705 -1.117 -6.248 -7.672 -0.8598 -6.407 -8.688 -1.603 -4.163 -7.831 -3.066 -8.836 -5.593 -0.9146 -7.718 -5.769 -4.065 -7.304 -3.234 -2.962 -9.387 -5.67 -1.859 -7.584 -5.814 -0.7539 -7.573 -6.506 -3.195 -8.12 -5.05 -3.814 -8.314 -4.336 -1.679 -8.297 -5.426 -1.929 -8.788 -6.428 -3.145 -10.73 -2.25 -2.219 -11.89 -1.316 -3.02 -4.984 -5.536 -1.956 -2.793 -6.77 -0.742 -7.927 -6.372 -1.168 -8.584 -6.972 -1.453 -9.084 -6.749 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562 683 678 -1 570 526 533 -1 368 570 533 -1 571 549 550 -1 529 571 550 -1 681 541 529 -1 541 659 529 -1 413 542 349 -1 574 329 573 -1 550 572 677 -1 535 572 550 -1 560 520 573 -1 520 574 573 -1 568 575 574 -1 414 329 574 -1 574 575 414 -1 562 369 575 -1 565 567 563 -1 536 578 555 -1 555 578 577 -1 563 560 547 -1 578 563 577 -1 536 530 561 -1 546 548 545 -1 549 579 546 -1 680 674 541 -1 524 580 539 -1 580 423 344 -1 345 425 538 -1 582 580 581 -1 674 675 541 -1 581 348 347 -1 581 523 540 -1 348 581 540 -1 423 580 582 -1 442 581 347 -1 441 585 442 -1 440 585 441 -1 587 435 434 -1 587 436 435 -1 437 587 586 -1 440 589 585 -1 591 430 429 -1 432 431 584 -1 431 588 584 -1 439 438 586 -1 586 587 590 -1 584 586 583 -1 588 431 591 -1 585 582 581 -1 593 428 582 -1 582 428 423 -1 592 429 428 -1 590 583 586 -1 587 434 590 -1 587 437 436 -1 439 586 584 -1 584 588 439 -1 439 588 440 -1 589 588 591 -1 440 588 589 -1 585 589 593 -1 585 581 442 -1 433 583 590 -1 433 590 434 -1 583 433 432 -1 584 583 432 -1 591 431 430 -1 592 591 429 -1 589 591 592 -1 593 592 428 -1 589 592 593 -1 585 593 582 -1 601 594 595 -1 595 602 601 -1 602 595 596 -1 596 603 602 -1 603 596 597 -1 597 604 603 -1 604 597 598 -1 598 605 604 -1 605 598 599 -1 599 606 605 -1 606 599 600 -1 594 608 607 -1 608 594 601 -1 601 609 608 -1 609 601 602 -1 609 602 603 -1 603 614 609 -1 614 603 604 -1 605 610 604 -1 614 604 610 -1 605 611 610 -1 611 605 606 -1 607 608 612 -1 609 613 608 -1 609 614 613 -1 661 614 610 -1 612 616 615 -1 616 612 608 -1 613 617 616 -1 616 608 613 -1 613 618 617 -1 613 619 618 -1 619 613 614 -1 614 623 619 -1 623 614 661 -1 615 616 620 -1 621 617 618 -1 618 622 621 -1 622 618 619 -1 619 623 622 -1 624 623 661 -1 625 620 616 -1 616 626 625 -1 626 616 617 -1 617 627 626 -1 627 617 621 -1 621 628 627 -1 628 621 622 -1 622 629 628 -1 629 622 623 -1 623 630 629 -1 630 623 624 -1 631 638 632 -1 632 638 633 -1 638 631 637 -1 639 633 638 -1 639 606 634 -1 634 633 639 -1 634 606 635 -1 635 606 636 -1 637 631 640 -1 637 641 638 -1 639 638 641 -1 641 606 639 -1 610 606 641 -1 611 606 610 -1 640 641 637 -1 641 640 642 -1 661 610 641 -1 642 643 641 -1 643 642 644 -1 643 646 641 -1 646 643 645 -1 661 641 646 -1 643 644 647 -1 643 648 645 -1 648 649 646 -1 646 645 648 -1 650 646 649 -1 650 651 661 -1 661 646 650 -1 624 661 651 -1 647 652 643 -1 643 653 648 -1 653 643 652 -1 654 655 649 -1 654 648 653 -1 649 656 650 -1 649 648 654 -1 650 657 651 -1 656 649 655 -1 651 657 624 -1 657 650 656 -1 594 632 595 -1 632 594 631 -1 595 633 596 -1 633 595 632 -1 596 633 597 -1 597 634 598 -1 634 597 633 -1 598 635 599 -1 635 598 634 -1 599 636 600 -1 636 599 635 -1 606 600 636 -1 624 657 630 -1 630 656 629 -1 656 630 657 -1 629 655 628 -1 655 629 656 -1 628 654 627 -1 654 628 655 -1 627 653 626 -1 653 627 654 -1 626 652 625 -1 652 626 653 -1 625 652 620 -1 647 620 652 -1 620 644 615 -1 644 620 647 -1 615 642 612 -1 642 615 644 -1 612 640 607 -1 640 612 642 -1 607 631 594 -1 631 607 640 -1 438 437 586 -1 658 354 361 -1 366 354 658 -1 530 536 659 -1 541 530 659 -1'> |
147 | <TextureCoordinate USE='head-TEXCOORD'/> |
148 | <Coordinate USE='head-COORD'/> |
149 | </IndexedFaceSet> |
150 | </Shape> |
151 | </Transform> |
152 | </Transform> |
153 | <Transform DEF='Laetitia_L_Clavicle' rotation='-0.6391 -0.7691 -2.7E-4 -3.141' scale='1.411 3.308 2.5' scaleOrientation='-0.01368 -3.874E-4 -0.9999 -0.1185' translation='-0.2592 0.2692 -5.777E-4'> |
154 |
<!-- ROUTE information for Laetitia_L_UpperArm node:
[from Laetitia_L_UpperArm-ROT-INTERP.value_changed to set_rotation
[from Laetitia_L_UpperArm-SCALE-ORI-INTERP.value_changed to set_rotation
<Transform DEF='Laetitia_L_UpperArm' rotation='-0.1559 -0.1957 0.9682 -1.335' scale='1.358 1.674 0.9318' scaleOrientation='-0.1133 0.415 0.9027 -0.477' translation='1.0 0.0 0.0'> |
155 |
<!-- ROUTE information for Laetitia_L_UpperArm-ROT-INTERP node:
[from Laetitia-TIMER.fraction_changed to set_fraction
[from value_changed to Laetitia_L_UpperArm.set_rotation
<OrientationInterpolator DEF='Laetitia_L_UpperArm-ROT-INTERP' key='0.0 0.01961 0.03922 0.05882 0.07843 0.09804 0.1176 0.1373 0.1569 0.1765 0.1961 0.2157 0.2353 0.2549 0.2745 0.2941 0.3137 0.3333 0.3529 0.3725 0.3922 0.4118 0.4314 0.451 0.4706 0.4902 0.5098 0.5294 0.549 0.5686 0.5882 0.6078 0.6275 0.6471 0.6667' keyValue='-0.1559 -0.1957 0.9682 -1.335 -0.1587 -0.2025 0.9663 -1.337 -0.1632 -0.2161 0.9626 -1.342 -0.168 -0.2304 0.9585 -1.346 -0.1712 -0.2397 0.9556 -1.35 -0.1714 -0.2384 0.9559 -1.349 -0.1663 -0.2201 0.9612 -1.343 -0.1502 -0.1637 0.975 -1.327 -0.1067 -0.004867 0.9943 -1.301 -0.0596 0.1612 0.9851 -1.303 -0.04701 0.2098 0.9766 -1.31 -0.08562 0.08479 0.9927 -1.299 -0.1371 -0.1018 0.9853 -1.314 -0.1604 -0.2003 0.9665 -1.337 -0.1375 -0.1186 0.9834 -1.316 -0.08676 0.06553 0.9941 -1.298 -0.04816 0.2031 0.978 -1.309 -0.06047 0.1688 0.9838 -1.305 -0.1108 -0.003343 0.9938 -1.302 -0.153 -0.1663 0.9741 -1.328 -0.1552 -0.1836 0.9707 -1.332 -0.1153 -0.03743 0.9926 -1.304 -0.06461 0.1442 0.9874 -1.302 -0.04645 0.2121 0.9761 -1.311 -0.08196 0.09766 0.9918 -1.3 -0.1339 -0.0895 0.9869 -1.312 -0.1602 -0.1989 0.9668 -1.336 -0.1428 -0.1389 0.98 -1.321 -0.09783 0.02565 0.9949 -1.299 -0.05448 0.1806 0.982 -1.306 -0.03959 0.2368 0.9708 -1.315 -0.04004 0.2416 0.9695 -1.317 -0.04546 0.2262 0.973 -1.314 -0.04493 0.2164 0.9753 -1.311 -0.04347 0.217 0.9752 -1.311'/> |
156 |
<!-- ROUTE information for Laetitia_L_UpperArm-SCALE-ORI-INTERP node:
[from Laetitia-TIMER.fraction_changed to set_fraction
[from value_changed to Laetitia_L_UpperArm.set_rotation
<OrientationInterpolator DEF='Laetitia_L_UpperArm-SCALE-ORI-INTERP' key='0.0 0.01961 0.03922 0.05882 0.07843 0.09804 0.1176 0.1373 0.1437 0.1437 0.1569 0.1702 0.1702 0.1765 0.1961 0.2121 0.2121 0.2157 0.2353 0.2387 0.2387 0.2549 0.2743 0.2743 0.2745 0.2941 0.2998 0.2998 0.3137 0.3333 0.3402 0.3402 0.3529 0.3665 0.3665 0.3725 0.3922 0.4025 0.4025 0.4118 0.4278 0.4278 0.4314 0.451 0.4683 0.4683 0.4706 0.4902 0.4949 0.4949 0.5098 0.5294 0.5326 0.5326 0.549 0.5593 0.5593 0.5686 0.5882 0.6078 0.6275 0.6471 0.6667' keyValue='-0.1133 0.415 0.9027 -0.477 -0.1215 0.4256 0.8967 -0.478 -0.1394 0.4454 0.8844 -0.48 -0.1584 0.4662 0.8704 -0.4823 -0.1703 0.4798 0.8607 -0.4841 -0.1675 0.4785 0.862 -0.4841 -0.1416 0.4532 0.8801 -0.4812 -0.06113 0.3742 0.9254 -0.4755 0.002718 0.3137 0.9495 -0.474 0.003174 0.3133 0.9496 -0.474 0.1688 0.1567 0.9731 -0.4788 0.3313 -9.969E-4 0.9435 -0.4941 0.3317 -0.001423 0.9434 -0.4942 0.3899 -0.05979 0.9189 -0.5026 0.4514 -0.1193 0.8843 -0.5132 0.3403 0.001241 0.9403 -0.4949 0.3399 0.001695 0.9405 -0.4948 0.298 0.04412 0.9535 -0.4899 0.03565 0.2932 0.9554 -0.475 -0.004829 0.3299 0.944 -0.4751 -0.00529 0.3303 0.9439 -0.4751 -0.1141 0.4254 0.8978 -0.4786 0.00115 0.3136 0.9495 -0.4739 0.001622 0.3132 0.9497 -0.4739 0.003992 0.311 0.9504 -0.4738 0.2654 0.06327 0.9621 -0.4866 0.333 -0.002612 0.9429 -0.4943 0.3335 -0.003055 0.9428 -0.4944 0.4422 -0.1119 0.8899 -0.5116 0.4042 -0.06534 0.9123 -0.5043 0.3399 0.002192 0.9405 -0.4948 0.3394 0.002645 0.9406 -0.4948 0.1782 0.1609 0.9708 -0.4798 -6.496E-4 0.3261 0.9453 -0.475 -0.001117 0.3266 0.9452 -0.475 -0.06134 0.3803 0.9228 -0.4763 -0.09107 0.4012 0.9114 -0.4767 0.001756 0.3131 0.9497 -0.4739 0.002229 0.3126 0.9499 -0.4739 0.1219 0.2 0.9722 -0.4763 0.3311 -6.894E-4 0.9436 -0.4941 0.3315 -0.001135 0.9435 -0.4941 0.3687 -0.03799 0.9288 -0.4993 0.4544 -0.1221 0.8824 -0.5138 0.3407 0.001287 0.9402 -0.4949 0.3403 0.001739 0.9403 -0.4949 0.315 0.02741 0.9487 -0.4918 0.05386 0.2766 0.9595 -0.4752 -0.002978 0.3282 0.9446 -0.4751 -0.003442 0.3286 0.9444 -0.4751 -0.1117 0.4236 0.8989 -0.4785 -0.02602 0.3388 0.9405 -0.4742 0.006774 0.3079 0.9514 -0.4738 0.007218 0.3075 0.9515 -0.4738 0.2107 0.1155 0.9707 -0.4817 0.3318 -0.001174 0.9434 -0.4942 0.3322 -0.001595 0.9432 -0.4942 0.4146 -0.08377 0.9061 -0.5066 0.4838 -0.1527 0.8618 -0.52 0.4924 -0.1564 0.8562 -0.5213 0.476 -0.1358 0.8689 -0.5174 0.459 -0.1278 0.8792 -0.5149 0.4576 -0.1302 0.8796 -0.515'/> |
157 |
<!-- ROUTE information for Laetitia_L_Forearm node:
[from Laetitia_L_Forearm-ROT-INTERP.value_changed to set_rotation
[from Laetitia_L_Forearm-SCALE-ORI-INTERP.value_changed to set_rotation
<Transform DEF='Laetitia_L_Forearm' rotation='0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.1004' scale='0.9064 1.0 1.001' scaleOrientation='0.0 -1.0 0.0 -0.1514' translation='1.0 0.0 0.0'> |
158 |
<!-- ROUTE information for Laetitia_L_Forearm-ROT-INTERP node:
[from Laetitia-TIMER.fraction_changed to set_fraction
[from value_changed to Laetitia_L_Forearm.set_rotation
<OrientationInterpolator DEF='Laetitia_L_Forearm-ROT-INTERP' key='0.0 0.01961 0.03922 0.05882 0.07843 0.09804 0.1176 0.1373 0.1569 0.1765 0.1961 0.2157 0.2353 0.2549 0.2745 0.2941 0.3137 0.3333 0.3529 0.3725 0.3922 0.4118 0.4314 0.451 0.4706 0.4902 0.5098 0.5294 0.549 0.5686 0.5882 0.6078 0.6275 0.6471 0.6667' keyValue='0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.1004 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.09639 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.08732 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.07749 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.0712 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.07279 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.08656 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.1276 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.2415 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.3605 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.3982 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.3097 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.176 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.1008 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.1597 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.2913 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.3923 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.3694 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.2472 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.1276 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.1124 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.2179 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.3482 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.4001 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.3189 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.185 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.102 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.1449 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.2627 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.3754 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.4192 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.4249 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.4139 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.4024 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.4014'/> |
159 |
<!-- ROUTE information for Laetitia_L_Forearm-SCALE-ORI-INTERP node:
[from Laetitia-TIMER.fraction_changed to set_fraction
[from value_changed to Laetitia_L_Forearm.set_rotation
<OrientationInterpolator DEF='Laetitia_L_Forearm-SCALE-ORI-INTERP' key='0.0 0.01961 0.03922 0.05882 0.07843 0.09804 0.1176 0.1373 0.1569 0.1765 0.1961 0.2157 0.2353 0.2549 0.2745 0.2941 0.3137 0.3333 0.3529 0.3725 0.3922 0.4118 0.4314 0.451 0.4706 0.4902 0.5098 0.5294 0.549 0.5686 0.5882 0.6078 0.6275 0.6471 0.6667' keyValue='0.0 -1.0 0.0 -0.1514 0.0 -1.0 0.0 -0.1455 -1.083E-5 -1.0 0.0 -0.1319 3.754E-5 -1.0 0.0 -0.1172 4.493E-5 -1.0 0.0 -0.1078 4.564E-5 -1.0 0.0 -0.1102 2.22E-5 -1.0 0.0 -0.1308 0.0 -1.0 0.0 -0.1916 0.0 -1.0 0.0 -0.3534 0.0 -1.0 0.0 -0.5077 0.0 -1.0 0.0 -0.5534 0.0 -1.0 0.0 -0.4437 0.0 -1.0 0.0 -0.2618 0.0 -1.0 0.0 -0.152 0.0 -1.0 0.0 -0.2384 0.0 -1.0 0.0 -0.4199 0.0 -1.0 0.0 -0.5464 0.0 -1.0 0.0 -0.5188 0.0 -1.0 0.0 -0.3611 0.0 -1.0 0.0 -0.1917 0.0 -1.0 0.0 -0.1693 0.0 -1.0 0.0 -0.3209 0.0 -1.0 0.0 -0.4926 0.0 -1.0 0.0 -0.5557 0.0 -1.0 0.0 -0.4556 0.0 -1.0 0.0 -0.2747 0.0 -1.0 0.0 -0.1539 0.0 -1.0 0.0 -0.2169 0.0 -1.0 0.0 -0.3821 0.0 -1.0 0.0 -0.526 0.0 -1.0 0.0 -0.5782 0.0 -1.0 0.0 -0.5849 0.0 -1.0 0.0 -0.572 0.0 -1.0 0.0 -0.5585 0.0 -1.0 0.0 -0.5572'/> |
160 |
<!-- ROUTE information for Laetitia_L_Hand node:
[from Laetitia_L_Hand-ROT-INTERP.value_changed to set_rotation
[from Laetitia_L_Hand-SCALE-ORI-INTERP.value_changed to set_rotation
<Transform DEF='Laetitia_L_Hand' rotation='0.9994 0.02499 -0.02501 -1.571' scale='0.396 0.4167 0.4167' scaleOrientation='0.0 -1.0 7.94E-4 -0.05' translation='1.0 0.0 0.0'> |
161 |
<!-- ROUTE information for Laetitia_L_Hand-ROT-INTERP node:
[from Laetitia-TIMER.fraction_changed to set_fraction
[from value_changed to Laetitia_L_Hand.set_rotation
<OrientationInterpolator DEF='Laetitia_L_Hand-ROT-INTERP' key='0.0 0.01961 0.03922 0.05882 0.07843 0.09804 0.1176 0.1373 0.1569 0.1765 0.1961 0.2157 0.2353 0.2549 0.2745 0.2941 0.3137 0.3333 0.3529 0.3725 0.3922 0.4118 0.4314 0.451 0.4706 0.4902 0.5098 0.5294 0.549 0.5686 0.5882 0.6078 0.6275 0.6471 0.6667' keyValue='0.9994 0.02499 -0.02501 -1.571 0.9989 0.03334 -0.03336 -1.571 0.9981 0.04346 -0.04349 -1.572 0.9971 0.05383 -0.05388 -1.573 0.996 0.06294 -0.06299 -1.574 0.9952 0.06929 -0.06934 -1.575 0.9949 0.07138 -0.07143 -1.575 0.9958 0.06487 -0.06492 -1.574 0.9986 0.03675 -0.03678 -1.571 1.0 0.003326 -0.003329 -1.57 0.9998 -0.01432 0.01434 -1.57 0.9998 -0.01365 0.01366 -1.57 1.0 -0.003565 0.003568 -1.57 0.9999 0.0101 -0.01011 -1.57 0.9991 0.03026 -0.03028 -1.571 0.9968 0.05641 -0.05646 -1.573 0.9946 0.07327 -0.07333 -1.575 0.9956 0.06653 -0.06658 -1.574 0.9985 0.03917 -0.0392 -1.572 0.9999 0.009249 -0.009257 -1.57 1.0 -0.006232 0.006237 -1.57 0.9999 -0.01141 0.01142 -1.57 0.9999 -0.009406 0.009413 -1.57 1.0 -1.531E-4 1.532E-4 -1.57 0.9994 0.02429 -0.02431 -1.571 0.997 0.05509 -0.05513 -1.573 0.9946 0.07367 -0.07372 -1.575 0.9956 0.06631 -0.06637 -1.574 0.9982 0.04213 -0.04216 -1.572 0.9997 0.01722 -0.01723 -1.57 1.0 0.004465 -0.004468 -1.57 1.0 -0.002277 0.002279 -1.57 1.0 -0.006541 0.006546 -1.57 0.9999 -0.01074 0.01075 -1.57 0.9998 -0.01255 0.01256 -1.57'/> |
162 |
<!-- ROUTE information for Laetitia_L_Hand-SCALE-ORI-INTERP node:
[from Laetitia-TIMER.fraction_changed to set_fraction
[from value_changed to Laetitia_L_Hand.set_rotation
<OrientationInterpolator DEF='Laetitia_L_Hand-SCALE-ORI-INTERP' key='0.0 0.01961 0.03922 0.05882 0.07843 0.09804 0.1176 0.1373 0.1569 0.1765 0.1801 0.1801 0.1961 0.2155 0.2155 0.2157 0.2353 0.2446 0.2446 0.2549 0.2745 0.2941 0.3137 0.3333 0.3529 0.3725 0.3828 0.3828 0.3922 0.4118 0.4314 0.451 0.4706 0.4902 0.5098 0.527 0.527 0.5294 0.549 0.567 0.567 0.5686 0.5882 0.6077 0.6077 0.6078 0.6275 0.6471 0.6667' keyValue='0.0 -1.0 7.94E-4 -0.05 -0.2847 -0.9586 0.01027 -0.06961 0.0 -1.0 7.976E-4 -0.08703 0.3763 -0.9263 -0.01958 -0.1164 0.1142 -0.9934 -0.006425 -0.1271 0.08598 -0.9963 -0.00519 -0.1395 0.0 -1.0 7.982E-4 -0.1432 0.0 -1.0 7.969E-4 -0.1301 0.0 -1.0 7.942E-4 -0.07356 0.9989 -0.04605 -0.00329 -0.1442 0.9997 0.02505 0.001717 -0.1385 -0.995 0.09941 -0.001844 -0.03601 0.9486 0.3162 0.01335 -0.09056 0.9854 0.1696 0.01338 -0.1614 -0.9724 0.233 -0.01351 -0.1175 -0.4876 0.873 -0.007366 -0.03127 0.0 1.0 -7.963E-4 -0.00713 0.9602 -0.2793 -0.002449 -0.01991 0.9477 -0.319 -0.002412 -0.01761 0.5793 -0.8151 -0.005192 -0.02479 0.0 -1.0 7.949E-4 -0.06055 0.03368 -0.9994 -0.001106 -0.1131 0.0 -1.0 7.97E-4 -0.1471 0.0 -1.0 7.956E-4 -0.1335 0.0 -1.0 7.928E-4 -0.07842 0.4672 -0.8841 -0.003621 -0.02092 2.426E-5 1.0 -7.154E-4 -0.002152 0.07888 0.9969 -6.287E-4 -0.002217 0.02694 0.9996 -6.336E-4 -0.01247 -0.925 0.3797 -0.01086 -0.06009 0.0 1.0 -7.684E-4 -0.01881 -1.0 0.001813 -1.536E-4 -0.1685 -0.964 -0.2647 0.02364 -0.1831 0.0 -1.0 7.965E-4 -0.1104 -0.4831 -0.8748 0.03648 -0.1689 0.0 -1.0 7.972E-4 -0.1374 0.2109 -0.9774 -0.01372 -0.1405 0.1794 -0.9837 -0.01117 -0.1352 0.5144 -0.8573 -0.02103 -0.09839 0.9306 -0.3656 -0.01728 -0.1032 -0.9146 -0.404 0.01755 -0.09322 -0.928 -0.3722 0.01628 -0.09248 0.0 -1.0 7.442E-4 -0.00893 1.448E-5 1.0 -8.058E-4 -0.00447 0.9979 0.065 0.002179 -0.06906 0.9986 0.05202 0.002228 -0.08751 0.9994 0.03321 0.00651 -0.3889 0.0 1.0 -7.738E-4 -0.02149 0.4104 0.9119 0.004457 -0.02752'/> |
163 | <Transform DEF='Laetitia_L_Finger0' rotation='1.0 1.268E-5 -1.262E-5 -7.963E-4' scale='0.25 0.25 0.25' scaleOrientation='0.08024 0.0 0.9968 -0.1396' translation='1.0 0.0 0.0'> |
164 | <Transform DEF='Laetitia_L_Finger0Nub' scale='0.1667 0.25 0.25' scaleOrientation='1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0' translation='1.0 0.0 0.0'/> |
165 | </Transform> |
166 | <Transform DEF='l_hand' rotation='0.5412 0.7144 0.4435 -1.924' scale='0.1656 0.1954 0.1146' scaleOrientation='1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0' translation='-5.97 -0.5657 -1.683'> |
167 | <Shape> |
168 | <Appearance> |
169 | <Material ambientIntensity='1.0' diffuseColor='0.01961 0.3529 0.3098' shininess='0.145'/> |
170 | <ImageTexture USE='LaetitiaBodyTemplate'/> |
171 | </Appearance> |
172 | <IndexedFaceSet DEF='l_hand-FACES' ccw='false' creaseAngle='15' coordIndex='5 6 7 -1 8 1 9 -1 2 0 10 -1 0 7 10 -1 7 0 5 -1 1 8 0 -1 11 12 13 -1 14 15 11 -1 16 15 17 -1 18 15 16 -1 18 12 11 -1 15 18 11 -1 17 15 14 -1 12 7 6 -1 12 6 13 -1 19 20 16 -1 21 22 20 -1 21 20 23 -1 20 22 16 -1 19 23 20 -1 24 25 21 -1 26 27 25 -1 26 25 28 -1 29 30 26 -1 25 27 21 -1 31 30 29 -1 30 27 26 -1 24 28 25 -1 32 31 29 -1 33 34 32 -1 35 36 34 -1 35 34 37 -1 38 31 35 -1 10 7 31 -1 36 31 32 -1 34 36 32 -1 31 36 35 -1 10 31 38 -1 37 34 33 -1 8 5 0 -1 39 9 4 -1 9 1 4 -1 40 4 41 -1 39 4 40 -1 10 42 3 -1 41 3 42 -1 41 4 3 -1 39 40 13 -1 10 3 2 -1 13 6 39 -1 43 44 11 -1 13 45 46 -1 11 44 14 -1 16 17 44 -1 43 46 16 -1 16 46 47 -1 14 44 17 -1 47 46 45 -1 11 46 43 -1 45 13 40 -1 47 48 49 -1 50 51 16 -1 16 51 19 -1 23 51 21 -1 21 49 52 -1 21 50 49 -1 51 23 19 -1 52 49 48 -1 16 49 50 -1 52 53 54 -1 21 55 24 -1 52 54 21 -1 28 55 26 -1 26 56 54 -1 55 28 24 -1 21 56 55 -1 26 55 56 -1 57 58 32 -1 32 58 33 -1 37 58 35 -1 35 59 38 -1 35 57 59 -1 38 60 10 -1 10 60 42 -1 58 37 33 -1 32 29 57 -1 29 60 59 -1 29 54 53 -1 29 26 54 -1 21 54 56 -1 47 49 16 -1 51 50 21 -1 13 46 11 -1 44 43 16 -1 38 59 60 -1 29 59 57 -1 58 57 35 -1 61 62 63 -1 64 62 61 -1 5 64 61 -1 62 64 65 -1 66 64 67 -1 64 8 67 -1 8 64 5 -1 61 6 5 -1 63 62 65 -1 65 64 66 -1 67 8 9 -1 61 68 6 -1 39 6 68 -1 63 69 61 -1 63 70 69 -1 61 69 68 -1 66 70 65 -1 66 68 69 -1 67 39 66 -1 9 39 67 -1 39 68 66 -1 63 65 70 -1 70 66 69 -1 12 30 7 -1 30 31 7 -1 47 45 48 -1 48 53 52 -1 53 60 29 -1 53 42 60 -1 53 41 42 -1 53 48 41 -1 41 48 45 -1 45 40 41 -1 22 30 12 -1 12 18 22 -1 16 22 18 -1 21 27 22 -1 22 27 30 -1' texCoordIndex='66 68 67 -1 69 71 70 -1 72 74 73 -1 74 67 73 -1 67 74 66 -1 71 69 74 -1 75 77 76 -1 78 79 75 -1 80 79 81 -1 82 79 80 -1 82 77 75 -1 79 82 75 -1 81 79 78 -1 77 67 68 -1 77 68 76 -1 83 84 80 -1 85 86 84 -1 85 84 87 -1 84 86 80 -1 83 87 84 -1 88 89 85 -1 90 91 89 -1 90 89 92 -1 93 94 90 -1 89 91 85 -1 95 94 93 -1 94 91 90 -1 88 92 89 -1 96 95 93 -1 97 98 96 -1 99 100 98 -1 99 98 101 -1 102 95 99 -1 73 67 95 -1 100 95 96 -1 98 100 96 -1 95 100 99 -1 73 95 102 -1 101 98 97 -1 69 66 74 -1 103 70 104 -1 70 71 104 -1 105 104 106 -1 103 104 105 -1 73 108 107 -1 106 107 108 -1 106 104 107 -1 103 105 76 -1 73 107 72 -1 76 68 103 -1 109 110 75 -1 76 112 111 -1 75 110 78 -1 80 81 110 -1 109 111 80 -1 80 111 113 -1 78 110 81 -1 113 111 112 -1 75 111 109 -1 112 76 105 -1 113 115 114 -1 116 117 80 -1 80 117 83 -1 87 117 85 -1 85 114 118 -1 85 116 114 -1 117 87 83 -1 118 114 115 -1 80 114 116 -1 118 120 119 -1 85 121 88 -1 118 119 85 -1 92 121 90 -1 90 122 119 -1 121 92 88 -1 85 122 121 -1 90 121 122 -1 123 124 96 -1 96 124 97 -1 101 124 99 -1 99 125 102 -1 99 123 125 -1 102 126 73 -1 73 126 108 -1 124 101 97 -1 96 93 123 -1 93 126 125 -1 93 119 120 -1 93 90 119 -1 85 119 122 -1 113 114 80 -1 117 116 85 -1 76 111 75 -1 110 109 80 -1 102 125 126 -1 93 125 123 -1 124 123 99 -1 127 129 128 -1 130 129 127 -1 66 130 127 -1 129 130 131 -1 132 130 133 -1 130 69 133 -1 69 130 66 -1 127 68 66 -1 128 129 131 -1 131 130 132 -1 133 69 70 -1 127 134 68 -1 103 68 134 -1 128 135 127 -1 128 136 135 -1 127 135 134 -1 132 136 131 -1 132 134 135 -1 133 103 132 -1 70 103 133 -1 103 134 132 -1 128 131 136 -1 136 132 135 -1 77 94 67 -1 94 95 67 -1 113 112 115 -1 115 120 118 -1 120 126 93 -1 120 108 126 -1 120 106 108 -1 120 115 106 -1 106 115 112 -1 112 105 106 -1 86 94 77 -1 77 82 86 -1 80 86 82 -1 85 91 86 -1 86 91 94 -1'> |
173 |
<!-- TextureCoordinate
l_hand-TEXCOORD is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 --> <TextureCoordinate DEF='l_hand-TEXCOORD' point='0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.4316 0.2796 0.4516 0.2642 0.4269 0.2746 0.4344 0.2955 0.4297 0.2979 0.4434 0.3162 0.4711 0.3068 0.4727 0.266 0.4573 0.3127 0.4241 0.2321 0.4256 0.2498 0.4306 0.2511 0.4234 0.2217 0.4289 0.2248 0.432 0.2269 0.4292 0.2191 0.4283 0.2337 0.4319 0.2128 0.4378 0.2182 0.4426 0.2251 0.439 0.2288 0.4394 0.213 0.4422 0.2172 0.4476 0.2222 0.4519 0.226 0.4489 0.2303 0.4487 0.2172 0.456 0.245 0.4525 0.2478 0.4632 0.2489 0.4557 0.2373 0.4544 0.2291 0.4589 0.2312 0.4629 0.2365 0.4611 0.2393 0.4595 0.2288 0.4673 0.2512 0.4271 0.2805 0.4498 0.3153 0.4307 0.2686 0.4445 0.2685 0.4626 0.3106 0.4623 0.267 0.4267 0.2318 0.4259 0.2252 0.4275 0.2412 0.4291 0.2506 0.4348 0.2452 0.4383 0.2364 0.4399 0.2448 0.4368 0.2263 0.4356 0.2208 0.4458 0.244 0.4492 0.2389 0.4505 0.2462 0.4466 0.2233 0.447 0.2286 0.4593 0.2374 0.4582 0.2331 0.461 0.2452 0.4627 0.2528 0.4165 0.2663 0.4089 0.263 0.4071 0.2662 0.4183 0.277 0.4042 0.269 0.4119 0.2763 0.42 0.2841 0.4136 0.2705 0.4103 0.2672 0.4049 0.2655'/> |
174 |
<!-- Coordinate
l_hand-COORD is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 --> <Coordinate DEF='l_hand-COORD' point='10.59 27.15 -13.71 11.55 26.82 -15.64 12.31 28.0 -11.55 13.41 27.64 -12.96 13.2 27.21 -14.73 11.7 29.57 -17.77 12.35 29.8 -18.4 12.86 30.7 -15.17 11.24 28.61 -17.26 11.91 28.18 -18.49 13.18 30.82 -12.18 13.05 32.5 -19.4 13.13 31.3 -18.12 13.49 31.32 -19.04 12.54 33.26 -19.57 12.24 33.03 -18.72 13.0 32.88 -18.22 12.44 33.39 -18.73 12.69 32.42 -18.66 12.45 33.82 -18.43 12.19 33.55 -17.61 12.85 33.11 -16.83 12.67 32.85 -17.29 12.46 33.88 -17.43 12.26 33.66 -17.02 12.04 33.4 -16.26 12.71 33.16 -15.58 12.5 32.87 -15.95 12.21 33.76 -16.07 13.24 31.95 -14.77 12.85 31.76 -15.25 12.72 31.81 -13.81 12.72 32.47 -14.94 12.18 33.02 -15.26 11.88 32.95 -14.66 12.6 32.64 -13.87 12.39 32.42 -14.22 12.06 33.23 -14.47 13.05 31.75 -12.99 12.98 29.39 -18.26 14.1 30.12 -17.82 14.14 30.27 -15.97 13.64 30.58 -13.64 13.37 32.49 -18.84 13.06 32.92 -19.06 14.08 31.26 -18.25 13.78 31.87 -18.59 13.52 31.7 -17.58 14.0 31.75 -16.87 13.76 32.29 -17.2 13.31 32.95 -17.55 13.05 33.3 -17.8 13.38 31.9 -16.14 13.77 31.78 -15.46 13.6 32.25 -15.73 12.93 33.26 -16.31 13.16 32.91 -16.17 13.03 32.48 -14.43 12.84 32.76 -14.64 13.39 31.98 -14.08 13.57 31.5 -13.76 11.15 30.39 -20.01 10.62 30.28 -21.62 11.0 30.5 -21.49 10.86 29.73 -19.79 10.94 30.03 -21.9 11.37 29.5 -20.7 11.67 29.01 -19.58 11.88 29.96 -20.28 11.68 30.15 -20.77 11.27 30.24 -21.82'/> |
175 | </IndexedFaceSet> |
176 | </Shape> |
177 | <Shape> |
178 | <Appearance> |
179 | <Material ambientIntensity='1.0' diffuseColor='0.5882 0.5882 0.5882' shininess='0.145'/> |
180 | <ImageTexture USE='LaetitiaHeadTemplate'/> |
181 | </Appearance> |
182 | <IndexedFaceSet DEF='l_hand-FACE' ccw='false' creaseAngle='15'> |
183 | <TextureCoordinate USE='l_hand-TEXCOORD'/> |
184 | <Coordinate USE='l_hand-COORD'/> |
185 | </IndexedFaceSet> |
186 | </Shape> |
187 | </Transform> |
188 | </Transform> |
189 | <Transform DEF='l_forArm' rotation='-0.7213 -0.6741 0.1591 -3.327' scale='0.06897 0.0779 0.04745' scaleOrientation='-0.8621 0.07419 -0.5013 -0.03722' translation='-1.364 -0.7013 0.2351'> |
190 | <Shape> |
191 | <Appearance> |
192 | <Material ambientIntensity='1.0' diffuseColor='0.01961 0.3529 0.3098' shininess='0.145'/> |
193 | <ImageTexture USE='LaetitiaBodyTemplate'/> |
194 | </Appearance> |
195 | <IndexedFaceSet DEF='l_forArm-FACES' ccw='false' creaseAngle='15' coordIndex='0 3 1 -1 5 4 6 -1 7 5 8 -1 7 8 9 -1 7 4 5 -1 3 6 4 -1 7 9 10 -1 8 13 14 -1 15 16 13 -1 14 17 12 -1 17 16 18 -1 16 17 14 -1 16 3 18 -1 9 8 14 -1 13 16 14 -1 16 15 6 -1 3 16 6 -1 10 9 14 -1 18 3 0 -1 1 3 4 -1 1 4 7 -1 1 10 2 -1 12 10 14 -1 2 10 11 -1 10 12 11 -1 1 7 10 -1' texCoordIndex='19 22 21 -1 23 25 24 -1 26 23 27 -1 26 27 28 -1 26 25 23 -1 22 24 25 -1 26 28 29 -1 27 33 32 -1 34 35 33 -1 32 36 30 -1 36 35 37 -1 35 36 32 -1 35 22 37 -1 28 27 32 -1 33 35 32 -1 35 34 24 -1 22 35 24 -1 29 28 32 -1 37 22 19 -1 21 22 25 -1 21 25 26 -1 21 29 20 -1 30 29 32 -1 20 29 31 -1 29 30 31 -1 21 26 29 -1'> |
196 |
<!-- TextureCoordinate
l_forArm-TEXCOORD is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 --> <TextureCoordinate DEF='l_forArm-TEXCOORD' point='0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.379 0.6153 0.4316 0.5878 0.4019 0.5859 0.3644 0.5404 0.3711 0.438 0.363 0.4443 0.3752 0.5355 0.3969 0.5325 0.3896 0.4348 0.4186 0.5324 0.4231 0.5451 0.4257 0.5881 0.4355 0.588 0.4025 0.5345 0.3814 0.4347 0.3647 0.4436 0.3797 0.5379 0.4049 0.5869 0.3848 0.5924'/> |
197 |
<!-- Coordinate
l_forArm-COORD is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 --> <Coordinate DEF='l_forArm-COORD' point='11.05 14.11 -10.53 9.679 16.9 -7.897 10.47 16.74 -4.998 11.27 19.13 -13.57 9.766 19.76 -11.47 10.56 27.41 -13.72 11.55 26.82 -15.64 10.64 20.1 -9.355 12.31 28.0 -11.55 12.58 20.28 -6.89 11.6 19.46 -5.981 11.56 16.56 -4.503 13.15 16.62 -6.061 13.41 27.64 -12.96 13.67 19.78 -9.205 13.2 27.21 -14.73 13.48 19.35 -11.54 13.65 16.67 -8.376 13.13 15.93 -10.16'/> |
198 | </IndexedFaceSet> |
199 | </Shape> |
200 | <Shape> |
201 | <Appearance> |
202 | <Material ambientIntensity='1.0' diffuseColor='0.5882 0.5882 0.5882' shininess='0.145'/> |
203 | <ImageTexture USE='LaetitiaHeadTemplate'/> |
204 | </Appearance> |
205 | <IndexedFaceSet DEF='l_forArm-FACE' ccw='false' creaseAngle='15'> |
206 | <TextureCoordinate USE='l_forArm-TEXCOORD'/> |
207 | <Coordinate USE='l_forArm-COORD'/> |
208 | </IndexedFaceSet> |
209 | </Shape> |
210 | </Transform> |
211 | </Transform> |
212 | <Transform DEF='l_upperArm' rotation='-0.7296 -0.6768 0.09813 -3.214' scale='0.06873 0.07093 0.04743' scaleOrientation='-0.1994 0.05235 -0.9785 -0.3242' translation='-0.2537 -0.7013 -0.01026'> |
213 | <Shape> |
214 | <Appearance> |
215 | <Material ambientIntensity='1.0' diffuseColor='0.01961 0.3529 0.3098' shininess='0.145'/> |
216 | <ImageTexture USE='LaetitiaBodyTemplate'/> |
217 | </Appearance> |
218 | <IndexedFaceSet DEF='l_upperArm-FACES' ccw='false' creaseAngle='15' coordIndex='3 4 21 -1 6 7 8 -1 3 21 8 -1 5 21 4 -1 4 2 5 -1 7 1 8 -1 9 22 10 -1 10 7 11 -1 6 5 12 -1 12 11 6 -1 13 2 9 -1 22 9 2 -1 11 7 6 -1 7 10 1 -1 13 5 2 -1 5 13 12 -1 9 14 15 -1 9 15 16 -1 16 17 18 -1 10 11 20 -1 19 20 11 -1 11 12 19 -1 19 12 18 -1 10 14 9 -1 13 16 12 -1 9 16 13 -1 18 12 16 -1 16 15 17 -1 0 8 1 -1 21 6 8 -1 5 6 21 -1 1 22 2 -1 22 1 10 -1' texCoordIndex='16 18 17 -1 19 21 20 -1 16 17 20 -1 22 17 18 -1 18 23 22 -1 21 24 20 -1 26 24 27 -1 27 21 29 -1 19 22 30 -1 30 29 19 -1 31 23 26 -1 28 26 23 -1 29 21 19 -1 21 27 24 -1 31 22 23 -1 22 31 30 -1 26 33 32 -1 26 32 34 -1 34 36 35 -1 27 29 38 -1 37 38 29 -1 29 30 37 -1 37 30 35 -1 27 33 26 -1 31 34 30 -1 26 34 31 -1 35 30 34 -1 34 32 36 -1 25 20 24 -1 17 19 20 -1 22 19 17 -1 28 39 23 -1 40 24 27 -1'> |
219 |
<!-- TextureCoordinate
l_upperArm-TEXCOORD is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 --> <TextureCoordinate DEF='l_upperArm-TEXCOORD' point='0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2689 0.3131 0.4293 0.7821 0.4225 0.7765 0.4384 0.778 0.4029 0.7448 0.3927 0.769 0.3796 0.7282 0.4393 0.7324 0.4636 0.7422 0.3712 0.7302 0.3735 0.7608 0.4121 0.6221 0.379 0.6153 0.436 0.7234 0.3921 0.6306 0.4214 0.6366 0.4371 0.6324 0.4316 0.5878 0.4019 0.5859 0.4389 0.6127 0.4257 0.5881 0.4355 0.588 0.4049 0.5869 0.3848 0.5924 0.4252 0.6776 0.3897 0.6813'/> |
220 |
<!-- Coordinate
l_upperArm-COORD is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 --> <Coordinate DEF='l_upperArm-COORD' point='6.582 2.636 -6.559 7.888 6.002 -2.917 8.967 5.773 1.759 10.47 1.846 -2.748 11.01 2.906 -1.044 11.72 5.376 -2.143 12.18 4.017 -5.878 10.3 5.305 -8.318 9.02 1.925 -4.966 9.039 14.26 -6.339 11.04 14.33 -10.76 12.9 13.1 -8.93 13.09 12.86 -5.75 10.9 9.892 -2.5 9.671 17.07 -8.071 10.47 16.98 -5.016 11.36 15.2 -3.537 11.56 17.04 -4.401 13.15 16.8 -6.074 13.65 16.67 -8.376 13.12 16.1 -10.33 11.35 2.461 -3.731 8.372 10.02 -4.531'/> |
221 | </IndexedFaceSet> |
222 | </Shape> |
223 | <Shape> |
224 | <Appearance> |
225 | <Material ambientIntensity='1.0' diffuseColor='0.5882 0.5882 0.5882' shininess='0.145'/> |
226 | <ImageTexture USE='LaetitiaHeadTemplate'/> |
227 | </Appearance> |
228 | <IndexedFaceSet DEF='l_upperArm-FACE' ccw='false' creaseAngle='15'> |
229 | <TextureCoordinate USE='l_upperArm-TEXCOORD'/> |
230 | <Coordinate USE='l_upperArm-COORD'/> |
231 | </IndexedFaceSet> |
232 | </Shape> |
233 | </Transform> |
234 | </Transform> |
235 | <Transform DEF='l_clavicle' rotation='-0.994 -0.1004 0.04437 -3.252' scale='0.1184 0.1055 0.04432' scaleOrientation='0.01756 -0.0847 -0.9963 -0.7579' translation='-0.2479 0.1346 -0.02294'> |
236 | <Shape> |
237 | <Appearance> |
238 | <Material ambientIntensity='1.0' diffuseColor='0.01961 0.3529 0.3098' shininess='0.145'/> |
239 | <ImageTexture USE='LaetitiaBodyTemplate'/> |
240 | </Appearance> |
241 | <IndexedFaceSet DEF='l_clavicle-FACES' ccw='false' creaseAngle='15' coordIndex='4 13 1 -1 1 5 7 -1 1 7 11 -1 2 10 3 -1 6 8 10 -1 2 9 10 -1 9 6 10 -1 12 6 4 -1 12 8 6 -1 1 11 12 -1 11 8 12 -1 13 0 1 -1 16 7 14 -1 10 16 3 -1 7 16 8 -1 10 8 16 -1 5 15 7 -1 14 7 15 -1 7 8 11 -1 1 12 4 -1' texCoordIndex='13 14 9 -1 9 15 16 -1 9 16 17 -1 10 19 11 -1 21 22 19 -1 10 18 19 -1 18 21 19 -1 23 21 24 -1 23 22 21 -1 9 17 25 -1 26 22 23 -1 14 12 9 -1 29 31 27 -1 32 29 33 -1 31 29 34 -1 32 34 29 -1 30 28 31 -1 27 31 28 -1 31 34 35 -1 38 40 39 -1'> |
242 |
<!-- TextureCoordinate
l_clavicle-TEXCOORD is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 --> <TextureCoordinate DEF='l_clavicle-TEXCOORD' point='0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3005 0.3507 0.0756 0.5956 0.05235 0.6182 0.2737 0.38 0.2965 0.3748 0.2846 0.3771 0.3309 0.3146 0.3367 0.3446 0.3196 0.3581 0.1002 0.6439 0.06094 0.6314 0.2095 0.6318 0.1013 0.6609 0.07045 0.6433 0.09562 0.6679 0.1058 0.6699 0.3073 0.3671 0.07699 0.6575 0.4293 0.7821 0.4384 0.778 0.3927 0.769 0.4636 0.7422 0.4656 0.7817 0.3887 0.7856 0.3735 0.7608 0.4397 0.795 0.4549 0.7938 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3005 0.3507 0.2965 0.3748 0.3073 0.3671'/> |
243 |
<!-- Coordinate
l_clavicle-COORD is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 --> <Coordinate DEF='l_clavicle-COORD' point='0.3071 -1.822 3.669 4.137 1.415 4.522 4.293 3.33 -11.86 6.71 3.47 -7.397 3.076 -1.088 1.459 9.042 4.925 3.135 3.297 -0.2019 0.05315 8.908 1.464 2.871 6.43 1.102 2.846 2.709 0.07128 -3.897 5.903 1.244 -5.133 6.557 0.6031 3.098 3.506 -0.4116 2.831 1.584 -1.429 3.229 10.53 1.909 -2.821 11.01 2.906 -1.044 9.554 2.227 -5.929'/> |
244 | </IndexedFaceSet> |
245 | </Shape> |
246 | <Shape> |
247 | <Appearance> |
248 | <Material ambientIntensity='1.0' diffuseColor='0.5882 0.5882 0.5882' shininess='0.145'/> |
249 | <ImageTexture USE='LaetitiaHeadTemplate'/> |
250 | </Appearance> |
251 | <IndexedFaceSet DEF='l_clavicle-FACE' ccw='false' creaseAngle='15'> |
252 | <TextureCoordinate USE='l_clavicle-TEXCOORD'/> |
253 | <Coordinate USE='l_clavicle-COORD'/> |
254 | </IndexedFaceSet> |
255 | </Shape> |
256 | </Transform> |
257 | </Transform> |
258 | <Transform DEF='Laetitia_R_Clavicle' rotation='0.6391 -0.7691 2.678E-4 -3.141' scale='1.411 3.308 2.5' scaleOrientation='0.01368 -3.874E-4 0.9999 -0.1185' translation='-0.2592 -0.2692 -5.791E-4'> |
259 |
<!-- ROUTE information for Laetitia_R_UpperArm node:
[from Laetitia_R_UpperArm-ROT-INTERP.value_changed to set_rotation
[from Laetitia_R_UpperArm-SCALE-ORI-INTERP.value_changed to set_rotation
<Transform DEF='Laetitia_R_UpperArm' rotation='0.05654 -0.07432 -0.9956 -1.268' scale='1.361 1.684 0.9242' scaleOrientation='0.04483 0.1362 -0.9897 -0.5105' translation='1.0 0.0 0.0'> |
260 |
<!-- ROUTE information for Laetitia_R_UpperArm-ROT-INTERP node:
[from Laetitia-TIMER.fraction_changed to set_fraction
[from value_changed to Laetitia_R_UpperArm.set_rotation
<OrientationInterpolator DEF='Laetitia_R_UpperArm-ROT-INTERP' key='0.0 0.01961 0.03922 0.05882 0.07843 0.09804 0.1176 0.1373 0.1569 0.1765 0.1961 0.2157 0.2353 0.2549 0.2745 0.2941 0.3137 0.3333 0.3529 0.3725 0.3922 0.4118 0.4314 0.451 0.4706 0.4902 0.5098 0.5294 0.549 0.5686 0.5882 0.6078 0.6275 0.6471 0.6667' keyValue='0.05654 -0.07432 -0.9956 -1.268 0.04964 -0.06468 -0.9967 -1.267 0.04167 -0.05362 -0.9977 -1.266 0.03339 -0.04222 -0.9986 -1.266 0.02561 -0.03157 -0.9992 -1.265 0.01914 -0.02273 -0.9996 -1.265 0.01432 -0.01618 -0.9998 -1.264 0.01386 -0.01578 -0.9998 -1.264 0.02927 -0.03704 -0.9989 -1.265 0.0494 -0.06435 -0.9967 -1.267 0.05871 -0.07639 -0.9953 -1.269 0.04746 -0.06089 -0.997 -1.267 0.02672 -0.03291 -0.9991 -1.265 0.01249 -0.01381 -0.9998 -1.264 0.01907 -0.0231 -0.9996 -1.265 0.03875 -0.05003 -0.998 -1.266 0.05658 -0.07374 -0.9957 -1.268 0.05589 -0.07235 -0.9958 -1.268 0.03821 -0.0484 -0.9981 -1.266 0.0182 -0.02144 -0.9996 -1.265 0.01298 -0.01463 -0.9998 -1.264 0.02743 -0.03461 -0.999 -1.265 0.0483 -0.06283 -0.9969 -1.267 0.0592 -0.07702 -0.9953 -1.269 0.04894 -0.06288 -0.9968 -1.267 0.02823 -0.03495 -0.999 -1.265 0.01289 -0.01434 -0.9998 -1.264 0.01684 -0.02006 -0.9997 -1.264 0.03412 -0.04378 -0.9985 -1.266 0.05341 -0.06954 -0.9961 -1.268 0.06312 -0.0821 -0.9946 -1.269 0.06651 -0.08641 -0.994 -1.27 0.06542 -0.08513 -0.9942 -1.27 0.05847 -0.07684 -0.9953 -1.269 0.05639 -0.07444 -0.9956 -1.268'/> |
261 |
<!-- ROUTE information for Laetitia_R_UpperArm-SCALE-ORI-INTERP node:
[from Laetitia-TIMER.fraction_changed to set_fraction
[from value_changed to Laetitia_R_UpperArm.set_rotation
<OrientationInterpolator DEF='Laetitia_R_UpperArm-SCALE-ORI-INTERP' key='0.0 0.01961 0.03922 0.05882 0.07843 0.09804 0.1176 0.1373 0.1569 0.1765 0.1961 0.2157 0.2353 0.2549 0.2745 0.2941 0.3137 0.3333 0.3529 0.3725 0.3922 0.4118 0.4314 0.451 0.4706 0.4902 0.5098 0.5294 0.549 0.5686 0.5882 0.6078 0.6275 0.6471 0.6667' keyValue='0.04483 0.1362 -0.9897 -0.5105 0.0384 0.1191 -0.9921 -0.51 0.03108 0.09941 -0.9946 -0.5095 0.02361 0.07906 -0.9966 -0.509 0.01668 0.05998 -0.9981 -0.5087 0.01095 0.04412 -0.999 -0.5085 0.006736 0.03234 -0.9995 -0.5084 0.006716 0.03139 -0.9995 -0.5084 0.02075 0.06933 -0.9974 -0.5089 0.03818 0.1185 -0.9922 -0.51 0.04515 0.1408 -0.989 -0.5107 0.03504 0.1131 -0.993 -0.5099 0.01736 0.06254 -0.9979 -0.5088 0.00535 0.02794 -0.9996 -0.5083 0.01171 0.04431 -0.9989 -0.5085 0.0292 0.0926 -0.9953 -0.5093 0.04375 0.1358 -0.9898 -0.5105 0.04234 0.1337 -0.9901 -0.5105 0.02715 0.09053 -0.9955 -0.5093 0.01011 0.04179 -0.9991 -0.5085 0.006037 0.02927 -0.9996 -0.5084 0.01928 0.06488 -0.9977 -0.5088 0.03719 0.1158 -0.9926 -0.5099 0.04552 0.1419 -0.9888 -0.5108 0.03629 0.1167 -0.9925 -0.51 0.01865 0.06623 -0.9976 -0.5088 0.005671 0.02892 -0.9996 -0.5084 0.009741 0.03886 -0.9992 -0.5085 0.02525 0.08131 -0.9964 -0.5091 0.04119 0.1281 -0.9909 -0.5103 0.04845 0.1513 -0.9873 -0.5111 0.05085 0.1594 -0.9859 -0.5114 0.05026 0.1569 -0.9863 -0.5113 0.04631 0.1408 -0.9889 -0.5107 0.04527 0.1361 -0.9897 -0.5105'/> |
262 |
<!-- ROUTE information for Laetitia_R_Forearm node:
[from Laetitia_R_Forearm-ROT-INTERP.value_changed to set_rotation
[from Laetitia_R_Forearm-SCALE-ORI-INTERP.value_changed to set_rotation
<Transform DEF='Laetitia_R_Forearm' rotation='0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.1004' scale='0.9064 1.0 1.001' scaleOrientation='0.0 -1.0 0.0 -0.1514' translation='1.0 0.0 0.0'> |
263 |
<!-- ROUTE information for Laetitia_R_Forearm-ROT-INTERP node:
[from Laetitia-TIMER.fraction_changed to set_fraction
[from value_changed to Laetitia_R_Forearm.set_rotation
<OrientationInterpolator DEF='Laetitia_R_Forearm-ROT-INTERP' key='0.0 0.01961 0.03922 0.05882 0.07843 0.09804 0.1176 0.1373 0.1569 0.1765 0.1961 0.2157 0.2353 0.2549 0.2745 0.2941 0.3137 0.3333 0.3529 0.3725 0.3922 0.4118 0.4314 0.451 0.4706 0.4902 0.5098 0.5294 0.549 0.5686 0.5882 0.6078 0.6275 0.6471 0.6667' keyValue='0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.1004 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.1524 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.2121 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.2729 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.3284 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.3721 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.3975 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.3847 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.274 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.1459 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.1036 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.1921 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.3258 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.401 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.3421 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.2105 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.1094 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.1323 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.2546 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.3741 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.3893 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.2839 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.1536 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.1017 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.1829 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.3168 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.3997 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.3569 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.2391 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.1264 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.08251 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.07682 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.08785 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.09929 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.1004'/> |
264 |
<!-- ROUTE information for Laetitia_R_Forearm-SCALE-ORI-INTERP node:
[from Laetitia-TIMER.fraction_changed to set_fraction
[from value_changed to Laetitia_R_Forearm.set_rotation
<OrientationInterpolator DEF='Laetitia_R_Forearm-SCALE-ORI-INTERP' key='0.0 0.01961 0.03922 0.05882 0.07843 0.09804 0.1176 0.1373 0.1569 0.1765 0.1961 0.2157 0.2353 0.2549 0.2745 0.2941 0.3137 0.3333 0.3529 0.3725 0.3922 0.4118 0.4314 0.451 0.4706 0.4902 0.5098 0.5294 0.549 0.5686 0.5882 0.6078 0.6275 0.6471 0.6667' keyValue='0.0 -1.0 0.0 -0.1514 0.0 -1.0 0.0 -0.228 0.0 -1.0 0.0 -0.3129 0.0 -1.0 0.0 -0.3958 0.0 -1.0 0.0 -0.4678 0.0 -1.0 0.0 -0.5221 0.0 -1.0 0.0 -0.5527 0.0 -1.0 0.0 -0.5374 0.0 -1.0 0.0 -0.3972 0.0 -1.0 0.0 -0.2184 1.038E-5 -1.0 0.0 -0.1562 0.0 -1.0 0.0 -0.2849 0.0 -1.0 0.0 -0.4645 0.0 -1.0 0.0 -0.5568 0.0 -1.0 0.0 -0.485 0.0 -1.0 0.0 -0.3107 0.0 -1.0 0.0 -0.1649 0.0 -1.0 0.0 -0.1986 0.0 -1.0 0.0 -0.3713 0.0 -1.0 0.0 -0.5246 0.0 -1.0 0.0 -0.5429 0.0 -1.0 0.0 -0.4103 0.0 -1.0 0.0 -0.2296 0.0 -1.0 0.0 -0.1534 0.0 -1.0 0.0 -0.2718 0.0 -1.0 0.0 -0.453 0.0 -1.0 0.0 -0.5553 0.0 -1.0 0.0 -0.5035 0.0 -1.0 0.0 -0.3501 0.0 -1.0 0.0 -0.19 0.0 -1.0 0.0 -0.1248 0.0 -1.0 0.0 -0.1162 0.0 -1.0 0.0 -0.1328 0.0 -1.0 0.0 -0.1498 0.0 -1.0 0.0 -0.1514'/> |
265 |
<!-- ROUTE information for Laetitia_R_Hand node:
[from Laetitia_R_Hand-ROT-INTERP.value_changed to set_rotation
[from Laetitia_R_Hand-SCALE-ORI-INTERP.value_changed to set_rotation
<Transform DEF='Laetitia_R_Hand' rotation='-0.9994 0.02499 0.02501 -1.571' scale='0.396 0.4167 0.4167' scaleOrientation='0.0 -1.0 -7.963E-4 -0.05' translation='1.0 0.0 0.0'> |
266 |
<!-- ROUTE information for Laetitia_R_Hand-ROT-INTERP node:
[from Laetitia-TIMER.fraction_changed to set_fraction
[from value_changed to Laetitia_R_Hand.set_rotation
<OrientationInterpolator DEF='Laetitia_R_Hand-ROT-INTERP' key='0.0 0.01961 0.03922 0.05882 0.07843 0.09804 0.1176 0.1373 0.1569 0.1765 0.1961 0.2157 0.2353 0.2549 0.2745 0.2941 0.3137 0.3333 0.3529 0.3725 0.3922 0.4118 0.4314 0.451 0.4706 0.4902 0.5098 0.5294 0.549 0.5686 0.5882 0.6078 0.6275 0.6471 0.6667' keyValue='-0.9994 0.02499 0.02501 -1.571 -0.9989 0.03334 0.03336 -1.571 -0.9981 0.04346 0.04349 -1.572 -0.9971 0.05383 0.05388 -1.573 -0.996 0.06294 0.06299 -1.574 -0.9952 0.06929 0.06934 -1.575 -0.9949 0.07138 0.07143 -1.575 -0.9958 0.06487 0.06492 -1.574 -0.9986 0.03675 0.03678 -1.571 -1.0 0.003326 0.003329 -1.57 -0.9998 -0.01432 -0.01434 -1.57 -0.9998 -0.01365 -0.01366 -1.57 -1.0 -0.003565 -0.003568 -1.57 -0.9999 0.0101 0.01011 -1.57 -0.9991 0.03026 0.03028 -1.571 -0.9968 0.05641 0.05646 -1.573 -0.9946 0.07327 0.07333 -1.575 -0.9956 0.06653 0.06658 -1.574 -0.9985 0.03917 0.0392 -1.572 -0.9999 0.009249 0.009257 -1.57 -1.0 -0.006232 -0.006237 -1.57 -0.9999 -0.01141 -0.01142 -1.57 -0.9999 -0.009406 -0.009413 -1.57 -1.0 -1.531E-4 -1.532E-4 -1.57 -0.9994 0.02429 0.02431 -1.571 -0.997 0.05509 0.05513 -1.573 -0.9946 0.07367 0.07372 -1.575 -0.9956 0.06631 0.06637 -1.574 -0.9982 0.04213 0.04216 -1.572 -0.9997 0.01722 0.01723 -1.57 -1.0 0.004465 0.004468 -1.57 -1.0 -0.002277 -0.002279 -1.57 -1.0 -0.006541 -0.006546 -1.57 -0.9999 -0.01074 -0.01075 -1.57 -0.9998 -0.01255 -0.01256 -1.57'/> |
267 |
<!-- ROUTE information for Laetitia_R_Hand-SCALE-ORI-INTERP node:
[from Laetitia-TIMER.fraction_changed to set_fraction
[from value_changed to Laetitia_R_Hand.set_rotation
<OrientationInterpolator DEF='Laetitia_R_Hand-SCALE-ORI-INTERP' key='0.0 0.01961 0.03922 0.05882 0.07843 0.09804 0.1176 0.1373 0.1569 0.1765 0.1811 0.1811 0.1961 0.2157 0.2353 0.2411 0.2411 0.2549 0.2708 0.2708 0.2745 0.2941 0.3137 0.3333 0.3529 0.3725 0.3828 0.3828 0.3922 0.4118 0.4314 0.451 0.4706 0.4867 0.4867 0.4902 0.5098 0.5294 0.549 0.5686 0.5882 0.6077 0.6077 0.6078 0.6275 0.6471 0.6667' keyValue='0.0 -1.0 -7.963E-4 -0.05 0.1582 -0.9874 -0.006066 -0.06757 0.01097 -0.9999 -0.001275 -0.08703 0.0 -1.0 -7.953E-4 -0.1079 0.09045 -0.9959 -0.006509 -0.1267 0.0 -1.0 -7.997E-4 -0.139 0.0 -1.0 -7.961E-4 -0.1432 -0.1849 -0.9827 0.01126 -0.1324 0.0 -1.0 -7.921E-4 -0.07356 1.695E-5 -1.0 -8.041E-4 -0.006653 -1.401E-5 1.0 7.986E-4 -0.005979 -0.1144 0.9934 4.37E-4 -0.006121 0.0 1.0 7.959E-4 -0.02865 -0.472 0.8816 -0.005743 -0.03097 -0.9678 0.2519 -0.003255 -0.02831 -9.672E-5 -1.0 -0.001471 -6.784E-4 0.9999 -0.01643 -3.777E-4 -0.04474 -0.1871 -0.9823 0.001107 -0.02057 -0.2432 -0.97 0.005436 -0.05262 0.6612 -0.75 -0.01751 -0.06818 0.3619 -0.9322 -0.01169 -0.06495 0.1113 -0.9938 -0.00709 -0.1138 0.0 -1.0 -7.964E-4 -0.1471 0.01824 -0.9998 -0.002015 -0.1335 0.174 -0.9847 -0.007613 -0.07964 0.1849 -0.9827 -0.002491 -0.01882 0.0 1.0 7.999E-4 -0.002152 0.0 1.0 5.843E-4 -0.00221 -0.956 0.2933 -0.005736 -0.0425 0.0 1.0 7.837E-4 -0.02282 -0.04579 0.999 3.647E-4 -0.01883 -0.8514 0.5245 2.869E-4 -5.838E-4 0.4089 -0.9125 -0.01066 -0.05325 0.0 -1.0 -7.947E-4 -0.1 -0.0492 -0.9988 0.001671 -0.1003 -0.3564 -0.9341 0.01895 -0.1182 0.0 -1.0 -7.947E-4 -0.1479 0.0 -1.0 -8.006E-4 -0.133 0.0 -1.0 -7.946E-4 -0.08436 0.03578 -0.9994 -0.001414 -0.03447 -0.3013 -0.9535 5.816E-4 -0.009365 -0.4713 0.882 -3.51E-4 -0.005068 0.0 1.0 8.03E-4 -0.004491 0.516 0.8566 0.001858 -0.005317 0.03648 0.9993 0.001036 -0.01309 -0.02192 0.9998 5.606E-4 -0.02149 -0.008867 1.0 6.85E-4 -0.0251'/> |
268 | <Transform DEF='Laetitia_R_Finger0' rotation='-1.0 0.0 0.0 -7.963E-4' scale='0.25 0.25 0.25' scaleOrientation='0.003829 -1.0 0.0 -0.1051' translation='1.0 0.0 0.0'> |
269 | <Transform DEF='Laetitia_R_Finger0Nub' rotation='0.0 -1.0 0.0 -3.142' scale='0.1667 0.25 0.25' scaleOrientation='1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0' translation='1.0 0.0 0.0'/> |
270 | </Transform> |
271 | <Transform DEF='r_hand' rotation='-0.59 -0.4454 0.6734 -2.295' scale='0.1656 0.1954 0.1146' scaleOrientation='1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0' translation='-5.984 0.4472 -1.642'> |
272 | <Shape> |
273 | <Appearance> |
274 | <Material ambientIntensity='1.0' diffuseColor='0.01961 0.3529 0.3098' shininess='0.145'/> |
275 | <ImageTexture USE='LaetitiaBodyTemplate'/> |
276 | </Appearance> |
277 | <IndexedFaceSet DEF='r_hand-FACES' ccw='false' creaseAngle='15' coordIndex='5 7 6 -1 8 9 1 -1 2 10 0 -1 0 10 7 -1 7 5 0 -1 1 0 8 -1 11 13 12 -1 14 11 15 -1 16 17 15 -1 18 16 15 -1 18 11 12 -1 15 11 18 -1 17 14 15 -1 12 6 7 -1 12 13 6 -1 19 16 20 -1 21 20 22 -1 21 23 20 -1 20 16 22 -1 19 20 23 -1 24 21 25 -1 26 25 27 -1 26 28 25 -1 29 26 30 -1 25 21 27 -1 31 29 30 -1 30 26 27 -1 24 25 28 -1 32 29 31 -1 33 32 34 -1 35 34 36 -1 35 37 34 -1 38 35 31 -1 10 31 7 -1 36 32 31 -1 34 32 36 -1 31 35 36 -1 10 38 31 -1 37 33 34 -1 8 0 5 -1 39 4 9 -1 9 4 1 -1 40 41 4 -1 39 40 4 -1 10 3 42 -1 41 42 3 -1 41 3 4 -1 39 13 40 -1 10 2 3 -1 13 39 6 -1 43 11 44 -1 13 46 45 -1 11 14 44 -1 16 44 17 -1 43 16 46 -1 16 47 46 -1 14 17 44 -1 47 45 46 -1 11 43 46 -1 45 40 13 -1 47 49 48 -1 50 16 51 -1 16 19 51 -1 23 21 51 -1 21 52 49 -1 21 49 50 -1 51 19 23 -1 52 48 49 -1 16 50 49 -1 52 54 53 -1 21 24 55 -1 52 21 54 -1 28 26 55 -1 26 54 56 -1 55 24 28 -1 21 55 56 -1 26 56 55 -1 57 32 58 -1 32 33 58 -1 37 35 58 -1 35 38 59 -1 35 59 57 -1 38 10 60 -1 10 42 60 -1 58 33 37 -1 32 57 29 -1 29 59 60 -1 29 53 54 -1 29 54 26 -1 21 56 54 -1 47 16 49 -1 51 21 50 -1 13 11 46 -1 44 16 43 -1 38 60 59 -1 29 57 59 -1 58 35 57 -1 61 63 62 -1 64 61 62 -1 5 61 64 -1 62 65 64 -1 66 67 64 -1 64 67 8 -1 8 5 64 -1 61 5 6 -1 63 65 62 -1 65 66 64 -1 67 9 8 -1 61 6 68 -1 39 68 6 -1 63 61 69 -1 63 69 70 -1 61 68 69 -1 66 65 70 -1 66 69 68 -1 67 66 39 -1 9 67 39 -1 39 66 68 -1 63 70 65 -1 70 69 66 -1 12 7 30 -1 30 7 31 -1 47 48 45 -1 48 52 53 -1 53 29 60 -1 53 60 42 -1 53 42 41 -1 53 41 48 -1 41 45 48 -1 45 41 40 -1 22 12 30 -1 12 22 18 -1 16 18 22 -1 21 22 27 -1 22 30 27 -1' texCoordIndex='66 67 68 -1 69 70 71 -1 72 73 74 -1 74 73 67 -1 67 66 74 -1 71 74 69 -1 75 76 77 -1 78 75 79 -1 80 81 79 -1 82 80 79 -1 82 75 77 -1 79 75 82 -1 81 78 79 -1 77 68 67 -1 77 76 68 -1 83 80 84 -1 85 84 86 -1 85 87 84 -1 84 80 86 -1 83 84 87 -1 88 85 89 -1 90 89 91 -1 90 92 89 -1 93 90 94 -1 89 85 91 -1 95 93 94 -1 94 90 91 -1 88 89 92 -1 96 93 95 -1 97 96 98 -1 99 98 100 -1 99 101 98 -1 102 99 95 -1 73 95 67 -1 100 96 95 -1 98 96 100 -1 95 99 100 -1 73 102 95 -1 101 97 98 -1 69 74 66 -1 103 104 70 -1 70 104 71 -1 105 106 104 -1 103 105 104 -1 73 107 108 -1 106 108 107 -1 106 107 104 -1 103 76 105 -1 73 72 107 -1 76 103 68 -1 109 75 110 -1 76 111 112 -1 75 78 110 -1 80 110 81 -1 109 80 111 -1 80 113 111 -1 78 81 110 -1 113 112 111 -1 75 109 111 -1 112 105 76 -1 113 114 115 -1 116 80 117 -1 80 83 117 -1 87 85 117 -1 85 118 114 -1 85 114 116 -1 117 83 87 -1 118 115 114 -1 80 116 114 -1 118 119 120 -1 85 88 121 -1 118 85 119 -1 92 90 121 -1 90 119 122 -1 121 88 92 -1 85 121 122 -1 90 122 121 -1 123 96 124 -1 96 97 124 -1 101 99 124 -1 99 102 125 -1 99 125 123 -1 102 73 126 -1 73 108 126 -1 124 97 101 -1 96 123 93 -1 93 125 126 -1 93 120 119 -1 93 119 90 -1 85 122 119 -1 113 80 114 -1 117 85 116 -1 76 75 111 -1 110 80 109 -1 102 126 125 -1 93 123 125 -1 124 99 123 -1 127 128 129 -1 130 127 129 -1 66 127 130 -1 129 131 130 -1 132 133 130 -1 130 133 69 -1 69 66 130 -1 127 66 68 -1 128 131 129 -1 131 132 130 -1 133 70 69 -1 127 68 134 -1 103 134 68 -1 128 127 135 -1 128 135 136 -1 127 134 135 -1 132 131 136 -1 132 135 134 -1 133 132 103 -1 70 133 103 -1 103 132 134 -1 128 136 131 -1 136 135 132 -1 77 67 94 -1 94 67 95 -1 113 115 112 -1 115 118 120 -1 120 93 126 -1 120 126 108 -1 120 108 106 -1 120 106 115 -1 106 112 115 -1 112 106 105 -1 86 77 94 -1 77 86 82 -1 80 82 86 -1 85 86 91 -1 86 94 91 -1'> |
278 |
<!-- TextureCoordinate
r_hand-TEXCOORD is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 --> <TextureCoordinate DEF='r_hand-TEXCOORD' point='0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.4316 0.2796 0.4516 0.2642 0.4269 0.2746 0.4344 0.2955 0.4297 0.2979 0.4434 0.3162 0.4711 0.3068 0.4727 0.266 0.4573 0.3127 0.4241 0.2321 0.4256 0.2498 0.4306 0.2511 0.4234 0.2217 0.4289 0.2248 0.432 0.2269 0.4292 0.2191 0.4283 0.2337 0.4319 0.2128 0.4378 0.2182 0.4426 0.2251 0.439 0.2288 0.4394 0.213 0.4422 0.2172 0.4476 0.2222 0.4519 0.226 0.4489 0.2303 0.4487 0.2172 0.456 0.245 0.4525 0.2478 0.4632 0.2489 0.4557 0.2373 0.4544 0.2291 0.4589 0.2312 0.4629 0.2365 0.4611 0.2393 0.4595 0.2288 0.4673 0.2512 0.4271 0.2805 0.4498 0.3153 0.4307 0.2686 0.4445 0.2685 0.4626 0.3106 0.4623 0.267 0.4267 0.2318 0.4259 0.2252 0.4275 0.2412 0.4291 0.2506 0.4348 0.2452 0.4383 0.2364 0.4399 0.2448 0.4368 0.2263 0.4356 0.2208 0.4458 0.244 0.4492 0.2389 0.4505 0.2462 0.4466 0.2233 0.447 0.2286 0.4593 0.2374 0.4582 0.2331 0.461 0.2452 0.4627 0.2528 0.4165 0.2663 0.4089 0.263 0.4071 0.2662 0.4183 0.277 0.4042 0.269 0.4119 0.2763 0.42 0.2841 0.4136 0.2705 0.4103 0.2672 0.4049 0.2655'/> |
279 |
<!-- Coordinate
r_hand-COORD is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 --> <Coordinate DEF='r_hand-COORD' point='-10.65 27.31 -10.96 -11.82 27.06 -12.72 -12.06 28.06 -8.394 -13.31 27.92 -9.612 -13.33 27.49 -11.41 -12.15 29.82 -14.79 -12.86 30.06 -15.25 -12.94 30.97 -11.94 -11.66 28.85 -14.39 -12.48 28.43 -15.44 -12.9 31.09 -8.912 -13.58 32.78 -16.07 -13.54 31.57 -14.78 -14.01 31.6 -15.6 -13.09 33.52 -16.36 -12.7 33.28 -15.59 -13.39 33.15 -14.92 -12.88 33.65 -15.57 -13.14 32.69 -15.43 -12.84 34.08 -15.27 -12.5 33.8 -14.52 -13.07 33.38 -13.59 -12.95 33.11 -14.08 -12.73 34.14 -14.28 -12.49 33.91 -13.92 -12.19 33.65 -13.22 -12.78 33.42 -12.39 -12.62 33.13 -12.8 -12.33 34.01 -13.0 -13.24 32.23 -11.45 -12.91 32.03 -12.02 -12.62 32.07 -10.64 -12.73 32.73 -11.76 -12.22 33.27 -12.21 -11.86 33.2 -11.69 -12.48 32.9 -10.73 -12.32 32.68 -11.13 -12.01 33.47 -11.46 -12.85 32.02 -9.75 -13.47 29.66 -14.95 -14.5 30.41 -14.24 -14.32 30.56 -12.41 -13.53 30.86 -10.24 -13.84 32.77 -15.44 -13.55 33.19 -15.73 -14.49 31.55 -14.67 -14.23 32.15 -15.09 -13.85 31.98 -14.16 -14.24 32.04 -13.34 -14.03 32.57 -13.72 -13.61 33.22 -14.18 -13.37 33.57 -14.49 -13.54 32.17 -12.77 -13.84 32.07 -12.0 -13.7 32.53 -12.31 -13.08 33.53 -13.05 -13.3 33.19 -12.86 -12.98 32.75 -11.18 -12.81 33.02 -11.43 -13.3 32.25 -10.74 -13.45 31.78 -10.38 -11.84 30.63 -17.13 -11.52 30.51 -18.85 -11.87 30.74 -18.63 -11.56 29.96 -16.99 -11.88 30.26 -19.04 -12.17 29.74 -17.76 -12.35 29.26 -16.58 -12.61 30.21 -17.21 -12.46 30.4 -17.75 -12.18 30.48 -18.88'/> |
280 | </IndexedFaceSet> |
281 | </Shape> |
282 | <Shape> |
283 | <Appearance> |
284 | <Material ambientIntensity='1.0' diffuseColor='0.5882 0.5882 0.5882' shininess='0.145'/> |
285 | <ImageTexture USE='LaetitiaHeadTemplate'/> |
286 | </Appearance> |
287 | <IndexedFaceSet DEF='r_hand-FACE' ccw='false' creaseAngle='15'> |
288 | <TextureCoordinate USE='r_hand-TEXCOORD'/> |
289 | <Coordinate USE='r_hand-COORD'/> |
290 | </IndexedFaceSet> |
291 | </Shape> |
292 | </Transform> |
293 | </Transform> |
294 | <Transform DEF='r_forArm' rotation='-0.6733 -0.7241 0.1493 -3.324' scale='0.06895 0.07786 0.04748' scaleOrientation='-0.6792 -0.101 0.727 -0.04481' translation='-1.37 0.6841 0.1858'> |
295 | <Shape> |
296 | <Appearance> |
297 | <Material ambientIntensity='1.0' diffuseColor='0.01961 0.3529 0.3098' shininess='0.145'/> |
298 | <ImageTexture USE='LaetitiaBodyTemplate'/> |
299 | </Appearance> |
300 | <IndexedFaceSet DEF='r_forArm-FACES' ccw='false' creaseAngle='15' coordIndex='0 1 3 -1 5 6 4 -1 7 8 5 -1 7 9 8 -1 7 5 4 -1 3 4 6 -1 7 10 9 -1 8 14 13 -1 15 13 16 -1 14 12 17 -1 17 18 16 -1 16 14 17 -1 16 18 3 -1 9 14 8 -1 13 14 16 -1 16 6 15 -1 3 6 16 -1 10 14 9 -1 18 0 3 -1 1 4 3 -1 1 7 4 -1 1 2 10 -1 12 14 10 -1 2 11 10 -1 10 11 12 -1 1 10 7 -1' texCoordIndex='19 21 22 -1 23 24 25 -1 26 27 23 -1 26 28 27 -1 26 23 25 -1 22 25 24 -1 26 29 28 -1 27 32 33 -1 34 33 35 -1 32 30 36 -1 36 37 35 -1 35 32 36 -1 35 37 22 -1 28 32 27 -1 33 32 35 -1 35 24 34 -1 22 24 35 -1 29 32 28 -1 37 19 22 -1 21 25 22 -1 21 26 25 -1 21 20 29 -1 30 32 29 -1 20 31 29 -1 29 31 30 -1 21 29 26 -1'> |
301 |
<!-- TextureCoordinate
r_forArm-TEXCOORD is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 --> <TextureCoordinate DEF='r_forArm-TEXCOORD' point='0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.379 0.6153 0.4316 0.5878 0.4019 0.5859 0.3644 0.5404 0.3711 0.438 0.363 0.4443 0.3752 0.5355 0.3969 0.5325 0.3896 0.4348 0.4186 0.5324 0.4231 0.5451 0.4257 0.5881 0.4355 0.588 0.4025 0.5345 0.3814 0.4347 0.3647 0.4436 0.3797 0.5379 0.4049 0.5869 0.3848 0.5924'/> |
302 |
<!-- Coordinate
r_forArm-COORD is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 --> <Coordinate DEF='r_forArm-COORD' point='-11.1 14.56 -7.989 -9.348 17.26 -5.691 -9.783 16.95 -2.4 -11.52 19.37 -10.72 -9.77 19.96 -9.026 -10.6 27.63 -11.08 -11.82 27.06 -12.72 -10.37 20.32 -6.726 -12.05 28.25 -8.504 -11.98 20.53 -3.816 -10.93 19.69 -3.162 -10.79 16.73 -1.518 -12.56 16.82 -2.853 -13.31 27.92 -9.612 -13.35 20.06 -5.824 -13.33 27.49 -11.41 -13.45 19.63 -8.172 -13.31 16.95 -5.003 -13.05 16.37 -7.059'/> |
303 | </IndexedFaceSet> |
304 | </Shape> |
305 | <Shape> |
306 | <Appearance> |
307 | <Material ambientIntensity='1.0' diffuseColor='0.5882 0.5882 0.5882' shininess='0.145'/> |
308 | <ImageTexture USE='LaetitiaHeadTemplate'/> |
309 | </Appearance> |
310 | <IndexedFaceSet DEF='r_forArm-FACE' ccw='false' creaseAngle='15'> |
311 | <TextureCoordinate USE='r_forArm-TEXCOORD'/> |
312 | <Coordinate USE='r_forArm-COORD'/> |
313 | </IndexedFaceSet> |
314 | </Shape> |
315 | </Transform> |
316 | </Transform> |
317 | <Transform DEF='r_upperArm' rotation='-0.6791 -0.7263 0.1065 -3.233' scale='0.06868 0.07109 0.04736' scaleOrientation='-0.2066 -0.0589 0.9766 -0.3386' translation='-0.2526 0.6841 -0.001324'> |
318 | <Shape> |
319 | <Appearance> |
320 | <Material ambientIntensity='1.0' diffuseColor='0.01961 0.3529 0.3098' shininess='0.145'/> |
321 | <ImageTexture USE='LaetitiaBodyTemplate'/> |
322 | </Appearance> |
323 | <IndexedFaceSet DEF='r_upperArm-FACES' ccw='false' creaseAngle='15' coordIndex='3 1 2 -1 0 2 1 -1 4 1 2 -1 0 2 1 -1 5 23 6 -1 8 10 9 -1 5 10 23 -1 7 6 23 -1 6 7 1 -1 9 10 24 -1 26 12 24 -1 24 25 26 -1 12 13 9 -1 8 14 7 -1 14 8 13 -1 15 11 1 -1 25 1 11 -1 13 8 9 -1 9 24 12 -1 15 1 7 -1 7 14 15 -1 11 17 16 -1 11 18 17 -1 18 20 19 -1 12 22 13 -1 21 13 22 -1 13 21 14 -1 21 20 14 -1 12 11 16 -1 15 14 18 -1 11 15 18 -1 20 18 14 -1 18 19 17 -1 0 24 10 -1 23 10 8 -1 7 23 8 -1 26 25 11 -1 11 12 26 -1' texCoordIndex='23 21 19 -1 20 19 21 -1 24 21 19 -1 20 19 21 -1 25 26 27 -1 28 29 30 -1 25 29 26 -1 31 27 26 -1 27 31 32 -1 30 29 33 -1 35 36 33 -1 33 37 35 -1 36 38 30 -1 28 39 31 -1 39 28 38 -1 40 35 32 -1 37 32 35 -1 38 28 30 -1 30 33 36 -1 40 32 31 -1 31 39 40 -1 35 41 42 -1 35 43 41 -1 43 44 45 -1 36 47 38 -1 46 38 47 -1 38 46 39 -1 46 44 39 -1 36 35 42 -1 40 39 43 -1 35 40 43 -1 44 43 39 -1 43 45 41 -1 34 33 29 -1 26 29 28 -1 31 26 28 -1 48 37 35 -1 35 36 48 -1'> |
324 |
<!-- TextureCoordinate
r_upperArm-TEXCOORD is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 --> <TextureCoordinate DEF='r_upperArm-TEXCOORD' point='0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2268 0.5802 0.2154 0.6149 0.2391 0.603 0.05009 0.575 0.2402 0.5735 0.2451 0.5731 0.4293 0.7821 0.4225 0.7765 0.4384 0.778 0.4029 0.7448 0.3927 0.769 0.3796 0.7282 0.4393 0.7324 0.4636 0.7422 0.3712 0.7302 0.3735 0.7608 0.4121 0.6221 0.379 0.6153 0.436 0.7234 0.3921 0.6306 0.4214 0.6366 0.4371 0.6324 0.4316 0.5878 0.4019 0.5859 0.4389 0.6127 0.4257 0.5881 0.4355 0.588 0.4049 0.5869 0.3848 0.5924 0.3916 0.6763'/> |
325 |
<!-- Coordinate
r_upperArm-COORD is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 --> <Coordinate DEF='r_upperArm-COORD' point='-6.676 2.963 -6.341 -7.735 5.781 3.068 -7.699 5.778 -2.93 -8.545 6.472 -0.03934 -8.553 6.505 -0.04437 -10.07 2.121 -0.2432 -10.3 3.125 1.623 -11.07 5.611 0.7086 -12.01 4.267 -2.851 -10.4 5.518 -5.727 -9.078 2.251 -3.53 -8.6 14.44 -4.131 -11.1 14.56 -7.989 -12.75 13.36 -5.72 -12.56 13.12 -2.54 -10.1 10.38 0.06581 -9.348 17.26 -5.691 -9.776 17.19 -2.483 -10.53 15.43 -0.7975 -10.77 17.27 -1.607 -12.55 17.06 -2.859 -13.31 16.95 -5.003 -13.05 16.37 -7.059 -10.98 2.691 -0.9363 -7.505 5.771 -2.948 -8.182 6.489 -0.04561 -7.986 10.1 -3.549'/> |
326 | </IndexedFaceSet> |
327 | </Shape> |
328 | <Shape> |
329 | <Appearance> |
330 | <Material ambientIntensity='1.0' diffuseColor='0.5882 0.5882 0.5882' shininess='0.145'/> |
331 | <ImageTexture USE='LaetitiaHeadTemplate'/> |
332 | </Appearance> |
333 | <IndexedFaceSet DEF='r_upperArm-FACE' ccw='false' creaseAngle='15'> |
334 | <TextureCoordinate USE='r_upperArm-TEXCOORD'/> |
335 | <Coordinate USE='r_upperArm-COORD'/> |
336 | </IndexedFaceSet> |
337 | </Shape> |
338 | </Transform> |
339 | </Transform> |
340 | <Transform DEF='r_clavicle' rotation='-0.1077 -0.9921 0.06436 -3.073' scale='0.1195 0.1045 0.04429' scaleOrientation='0.0602 -0.03697 0.9975 -0.7781' translation='-0.2212 -0.1407 -0.02273'> |
341 | <Shape> |
342 | <Appearance> |
343 | <Material ambientIntensity='1.0' diffuseColor='0.01961 0.3529 0.3098' shininess='0.145'/> |
344 | <ImageTexture USE='LaetitiaBodyTemplate'/> |
345 | </Appearance> |
346 | <IndexedFaceSet DEF='r_clavicle-FACES' ccw='false' creaseAngle='15' coordIndex='4 0 10 -1 13 8 3 -1 8 7 1 -1 8 6 12 -1 10 2 9 -1 6 9 12 -1 4 10 5 -1 10 9 5 -1 12 9 2 -1 8 11 7 -1 12 2 11 -1 8 12 11 -1 6 8 13 -1 16 14 7 -1 10 0 16 -1 7 2 16 -1 10 16 2 -1 1 7 15 -1 14 15 7 -1 7 11 2 -1' texCoordIndex='15 14 27 -1 32 31 19 -1 31 34 33 -1 31 35 36 -1 27 37 38 -1 39 38 40 -1 15 27 30 -1 27 38 30 -1 40 38 37 -1 31 43 34 -1 40 37 46 -1 31 36 43 -1 35 31 32 -1 58 56 60 -1 61 62 58 -1 60 63 58 -1 61 58 63 -1 59 60 57 -1 56 57 60 -1 60 64 63 -1'> |
347 |
<!-- TextureCoordinate
r_clavicle-TEXCOORD is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 --> <TextureCoordinate DEF='r_clavicle-TEXCOORD' point='0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2154 0.6149 0.1747 0.5997 0.3005 0.3507 0.0756 0.5956 0.05235 0.6182 0.2737 0.38 0.2965 0.3748 0.2846 0.3771 0.3309 0.3146 0.3367 0.3446 0.3196 0.3581 0.1002 0.6439 0.06094 0.6314 0.2095 0.6318 0.1013 0.6609 0.07045 0.6433 0.1621 0.6349 0.2426 0.3508 0.2609 0.3767 0.219 0.3169 0.2105 0.3444 0.2522 0.3749 0.2396 0.3664 0.2114 0.6449 0.1744 0.6536 0.175 0.6707 0.1895 0.6651 0.09562 0.6679 0.1058 0.6699 0.2246 0.3566 0.3073 0.3671 0.07699 0.6575 0.2122 0.6544 0.4293 0.7821 0.4384 0.778 0.3927 0.769 0.4636 0.7422 0.4656 0.7817 0.3887 0.7856 0.3735 0.7608 0.4397 0.795 0.4549 0.7938 0.4293 0.7821 0.4384 0.778 0.3927 0.769 0.4636 0.7422 0.4656 0.7817 0.3887 0.7856 0.3735 0.7608 0.4397 0.795 0.4549 0.7938'/> |
348 |
<!-- Coordinate
r_clavicle-COORD is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 --> <Coordinate DEF='r_clavicle-COORD' point='-6.819 3.504 -6.547 -7.723 5.261 3.896 -5.503 1.214 3.811 0.3071 -1.822 3.669 -4.586 3.403 -11.86 -2.117 0.6688 -5.019 -2.716 -0.934 1.494 -8.118 1.694 4.133 -3.412 1.507 4.269 -3.189 -0.01787 -0.02068 -5.832 1.281 -4.376 -5.649 0.7479 3.826 -3.534 -0.1652 2.707 -1.101 -1.371 3.281 -10.07 2.121 -0.2432 -10.3 3.125 1.623 -9.403 2.422 -3.557'/> |
349 | </IndexedFaceSet> |
350 | </Shape> |
351 | <Shape> |
352 | <Appearance> |
353 | <Material ambientIntensity='1.0' diffuseColor='0.5882 0.5882 0.5882' shininess='0.145'/> |
354 | <ImageTexture USE='LaetitiaHeadTemplate'/> |
355 | </Appearance> |
356 | <IndexedFaceSet DEF='r_clavicle-FACE' ccw='false' creaseAngle='15'> |
357 | <TextureCoordinate USE='r_clavicle-TEXCOORD'/> |
358 | <Coordinate USE='r_clavicle-COORD'/> |
359 | </IndexedFaceSet> |
360 | </Shape> |
361 | </Transform> |
362 | </Transform> |
363 | <Transform DEF='neck' rotation='-0.09952 -0.01293 -0.995 -1.582' scale='0.1592 0.3242 0.1107' scaleOrientation='0.9999 -9.382E-4 0.0108 -0.05762' translation='0.2349 -0.01997 0.06193'> |
364 | <Shape> |
365 | <Appearance> |
366 | <Material ambientIntensity='1.0' diffuseColor='0.01961 0.3529 0.3098' shininess='0.145'/> |
367 | <ImageTexture USE='LaetitiaBodyTemplate'/> |
368 | </Appearance> |
369 | <IndexedFaceSet DEF='neck-FACES' ccw='false' creaseAngle='15' coordIndex='1 22 23 -1 22 1 25 -1 10 5 11 -1 2 10 12 -1 12 4 2 -1 11 12 10 -1 13 11 5 -1 14 16 17 -1 11 13 14 -1 20 17 19 -1 19 25 1 -1 16 14 13 -1 6 10 2 -1 18 16 15 -1 13 9 15 -1 5 9 13 -1 8 9 5 -1 8 5 7 -1 7 5 10 -1 3 6 2 -1 13 15 16 -1 10 6 7 -1 19 17 16 -1 21 0 19 -1 1 20 19 -1 16 21 19 -1 2 22 24 -1 22 2 4 -1 23 22 4 -1 24 22 0 -1 19 0 25 -1 22 25 0 -1' texCoordIndex='14 15 16 -1 15 14 17 -1 18 19 20 -1 21 18 22 -1 22 23 21 -1 20 22 18 -1 24 20 19 -1 25 26 27 -1 20 24 25 -1 28 29 30 -1 30 17 14 -1 26 25 24 -1 31 18 21 -1 32 26 33 -1 24 34 33 -1 19 34 24 -1 35 34 19 -1 35 19 36 -1 36 19 18 -1 37 31 21 -1 24 33 26 -1 18 31 36 -1 30 29 38 -1 39 40 30 -1 14 28 30 -1 38 39 30 -1 41 15 42 -1 15 41 43 -1 16 15 43 -1 42 15 40 -1 30 40 17 -1 15 17 40 -1'> |
370 |
<!-- TextureCoordinate
neck-TEXCOORD is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 --> <TextureCoordinate DEF='neck-TEXCOORD' point='0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1413 0.7728 0.1512 0.7561 0.1528 0.7698 0.1418 0.7578 0.2155 0.7482 0.2248 0.7395 0.2264 0.7706 0.207 0.7625 0.2124 0.7789 0.2067 0.7829 0.2432 0.7488 0.2443 0.7807 0.2604 0.7569 0.2578 0.7839 0.133 0.7703 0.1256 0.7638 0.1299 0.7558 0.2021 0.7386 0.267 0.7463 0.2528 0.7323 0.2337 0.7244 0.2211 0.7226 0.2074 0.7257 0.2028 0.7484 0.1242 0.7349 0.1317 0.7413 0.14 0.7441 0.1595 0.7363 0.1502 0.739 0.1612 0.7603'/> |
371 |
<!-- Coordinate
neck-COORD is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 --> <Coordinate DEF='neck-COORD' point='0.3071 -1.822 3.669 0.4709 -4.215 3.926 3.076 -1.088 1.459 3.297 -0.2019 0.05315 2.496 -3.371 1.013 0.3415 0.2209 -3.687 2.709 0.07128 -3.897 1.394 1.446 -7.541 0.3969 1.983 -5.912 -0.9287 1.536 -7.39 1.527 -0.2436 -0.9153 0.2619 -2.198 -2.957 1.865 -3.018 -0.08607 -0.9392 -0.3397 -0.8851 -1.084 -2.97 -0.3168 -2.117 0.6688 -5.019 -2.716 -0.934 1.494 -2.044 -3.376 0.832 -3.189 -0.01787 -0.02068 -1.155 -2.801 2.821 -1.887 -3.78 2.657 -1.101 -1.371 3.281 1.608 -2.961 2.865 2.479 -3.707 2.394 1.584 -1.429 3.229 0.4329 -3.523 3.694'/> |
372 | </IndexedFaceSet> |
373 | </Shape> |
374 | <Shape> |
375 | <Appearance> |
376 | <Material ambientIntensity='1.0' diffuseColor='0.5882 0.5882 0.5882' shininess='0.145'/> |
377 | <ImageTexture USE='LaetitiaHeadTemplate'/> |
378 | </Appearance> |
379 | <IndexedFaceSet DEF='neck-FACE' ccw='false' creaseAngle='15'> |
380 | <TextureCoordinate USE='neck-TEXCOORD'/> |
381 | <Coordinate USE='neck-COORD'/> |
382 | </IndexedFaceSet> |
383 | </Shape> |
384 | </Transform> |
385 | </Transform> |
386 | </Transform> |
387 | </Transform> |
388 | </Transform> |
389 |
<!-- ROUTE information for Laetitia_L_Thigh node:
[from Laetitia_L_Thigh-POS-INTERP.value_changed to set_translation
[from Laetitia_L_Thigh-ROT-INTERP.value_changed to set_rotation
<Transform DEF='Laetitia_L_Thigh' rotation='-0.07434 1.012E-4 0.9972 -3.142' scale='9.267 3.846 3.858' scaleOrientation='0.005298 1.0 -3.296E-4 -0.1243' translation='-1.907 0.7683 0.005805'> |
390 |
<!-- ROUTE information for Laetitia_L_Thigh-POS-INTERP node:
[from Laetitia-TIMER.fraction_changed to set_fraction
[from value_changed to Laetitia_L_Thigh.set_translation
<PositionInterpolator DEF='Laetitia_L_Thigh-POS-INTERP' key='0.0 0.01961 0.03922 0.05882 0.07843 0.09804 0.1176 0.1373 0.1569 0.1765 0.1961 0.2157 0.2353 0.2549 0.2745 0.2941 0.3137 0.3333 0.3529 0.3725 0.3922 0.4118 0.4314 0.451 0.4706 0.4902 0.5098 0.5294 0.549 0.5686 0.5882 0.6078 0.6275 0.6471 0.6667' keyValue='-1.907 0.7683 0.005805 -1.895 0.7764 0.007352 -1.884 0.786 0.009123 -1.872 0.7952 0.01082 -1.86 0.8016 0.01212 -1.849 0.8031 0.01274 -1.837 0.7933 0.01184 -1.823 0.7683 0.008959 -1.81 0.7438 0.006151 -1.807 0.7371 0.005382 -1.821 0.7598 0.007858 -1.839 0.7907 0.01138 -1.845 0.8017 0.01268 -1.835 0.7826 0.01044 -1.817 0.7531 0.007124 -1.806 0.7361 0.00528 -1.814 0.7487 0.006641 -1.832 0.7777 0.009881 -1.845 0.8002 0.0125 -1.842 0.7956 0.01195 -1.827 0.7688 0.00887 -1.81 0.7423 0.005942 -1.808 0.7385 0.005531 -1.822 0.7615 0.008054 -1.839 0.7903 0.01134 -1.846 0.8021 0.01272 -1.836 0.7845 0.01067 -1.818 0.755 0.007336 -1.806 0.7364 0.005308 -1.811 0.7429 0.006198 -1.823 0.7631 0.008825 -1.837 0.7867 0.01159 -1.846 0.8038 0.01266 -1.846 0.8031 0.00768 -1.846 0.8023 0.00583'/> |
391 |
<!-- ROUTE information for Laetitia_L_Thigh-ROT-INTERP node:
[from Laetitia-TIMER.fraction_changed to set_fraction
[from value_changed to Laetitia_L_Thigh.set_rotation
<OrientationInterpolator DEF='Laetitia_L_Thigh-ROT-INTERP' key='0.0 0.01961 0.03922 0.05882 0.07843 0.09804 0.1176 0.1373 0.1569 0.1765 0.1961 0.2157 0.2353 0.2549 0.2745 0.2941 0.3137 0.3333 0.3529 0.3725 0.3922 0.4118 0.4314 0.451 0.4706 0.4902 0.5098 0.5294 0.549 0.5686 0.5882 0.6078 0.6275 0.6471 0.6667' keyValue='-0.07434 1.012E-4 0.9972 -3.142 -0.07043 4.598E-4 0.9975 -3.151 -0.07227 9.142E-4 0.9974 -3.163 -0.07211 0.001349 0.9974 -3.174 -0.06527 0.001517 0.9979 -3.181 -0.2334 0.005611 0.9724 -3.181 -0.2229 0.004415 0.9748 -3.169 -0.2789 8.394E-4 0.9603 -3.14 -0.1712 -0.002173 0.9852 -3.11 0.02821 6.861E-4 0.9996 -3.102 0.08276 2.449E-4 0.9966 -3.13 -0.06191 0.001392 0.9981 -3.165 -0.1974 0.005335 0.9803 -3.178 -0.2129 0.00364 0.9771 -3.158 -0.2314 -9.398E-4 0.9729 -3.122 -0.03585 -7.16E-4 0.9994 -3.101 0.04497 1.79E-4 0.999 -3.116 0.01802 2.071E-4 0.9998 -3.152 -0.1682 0.004404 0.9857 -3.176 -0.1955 0.004921 0.9807 -3.172 -0.2659 0.001563 0.964 -3.141 -0.1505 -0.001904 0.9886 -3.108 0.008814 8.324E-5 1.0 -3.104 0.08204 1.916E-4 0.9966 -3.132 -0.04309 0.001186 0.9991 -3.166 -0.1944 0.005318 0.9809 -3.178 -0.2111 0.003867 0.9775 -3.16 -0.242 -6.947E-4 0.9703 -3.124 -0.04909 -9.736E-4 0.9988 -3.101 0.03349 8.63E-5 0.9994 -3.109 -0.001996 -2.747E-4 1.0 -3.134 -0.04574 -0.008465 0.9989 -3.164 -0.1396 -0.02521 0.9899 -3.193 -0.2139 -0.03831 0.9761 -3.2 -0.221 -0.03953 0.9745 -3.2'/> |
392 |
<!-- ROUTE information for Laetitia_L_Calf node:
[from Laetitia_L_Calf-ROT-INTERP.value_changed to set_rotation
<Transform DEF='Laetitia_L_Calf' rotation='0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.3587' scale='0.8547 1.0 1.0' scaleOrientation='4.273E-4 -1.0 -7.748E-5 -0.3587' translation='1.0 0.0 0.0'> |
393 |
<!-- ROUTE information for Laetitia_L_Calf-ROT-INTERP node:
[from Laetitia-TIMER.fraction_changed to set_fraction
[from value_changed to Laetitia_L_Calf.set_rotation
<OrientationInterpolator DEF='Laetitia_L_Calf-ROT-INTERP' key='0.0 0.01961 0.03922 0.05882 0.07843 0.09804 0.1176 0.1373 0.1569 0.1765 0.1961 0.2157 0.2353 0.2549 0.2745 0.2941 0.3137 0.3333 0.3529 0.3725 0.3922 0.4118 0.4314 0.451 0.4706 0.4902 0.5098 0.5294 0.549 0.5686 0.5882 0.6078 0.6275 0.6471 0.6667' keyValue='0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.3587 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.3582 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.3572 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.3561 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.3595 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.6699 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.2112 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.5549 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.5994 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.2016 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.4807 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.8348 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.6481 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.204 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.6471 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.2637 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.399 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.8677 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.8234 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.2647 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.5628 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.5225 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.2915 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.464 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.8491 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.7285 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.2177 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.6754 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.2941 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.394 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.8615 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.8989 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.9541 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.9963 0.0 1.0 0.0 -1.0'/> |
394 |
<!-- ROUTE information for Laetitia_L_Foot node:
[from Laetitia_L_Foot-ROT-INTERP.value_changed to set_rotation
<Transform DEF='Laetitia_L_Foot' rotation='0.001018 -1.0 -4.611E-5 -0.1934' scale='0.23 0.19 0.37' scaleOrientation='1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0' translation='1.0 0.0 0.0'> |
395 |
<!-- ROUTE information for Laetitia_L_Foot-ROT-INTERP node:
[from Laetitia-TIMER.fraction_changed to set_fraction
[from value_changed to Laetitia_L_Foot.set_rotation
<OrientationInterpolator DEF='Laetitia_L_Foot-ROT-INTERP' key='0.0 0.01961 0.03922 0.05882 0.07843 0.09804 0.1176 0.1373 0.1569 0.1765 0.1961 0.2157 0.2353 0.2549 0.2745 0.2941 0.3137 0.3333 0.3529 0.3725 0.3922 0.4118 0.4314 0.451 0.4706 0.4902 0.5098 0.5294 0.549 0.5686 0.5882 0.6078 0.6275 0.6471 0.6667' keyValue='0.001018 -1.0 -4.611E-5 -0.1934 6.693E-4 -1.0 -0.001987 -0.1924 5.736E-4 -1.0 8.544E-4 -0.1784 4.953E-4 -1.0 0.004287 -0.1713 2.682E-4 -1.0 0.002965 -0.1892 0.003758 -1.0 -7.921E-4 -0.3485 0.02351 -0.9997 -0.002897 -0.1159 0.05901 -0.9983 0.003094 -0.03614 0.009864 -0.9998 0.01926 -0.23 0.00341 -0.9997 0.02221 -0.2415 -5.836E-4 -1.0 0.001039 -0.5031 0.003233 -1.0 -3.947E-4 -0.1616 0.01107 -0.9999 -0.004492 -0.2322 0.03917 -0.9992 -0.004384 -0.1079 0.02302 -0.9996 0.01407 -0.1493 0.004039 -0.9995 0.0315 -0.1814 -1.649E-4 -1.0 0.005106 -0.4267 -0.003886 -1.0 0.002733 -0.1028 0.006288 -1.0 -0.004397 -0.2666 0.03388 -0.9994 -0.005619 -0.1134 0.02806 -0.9996 -9.403E-4 -0.1194 0.0115 -0.9997 0.02272 -0.1971 0.002394 -0.9998 0.01796 -0.2713 -6.75E-4 -1.0 -1.767E-4 -0.4666 0.001225 -1.0 -0.002131 -0.1593 0.008837 -0.9999 -0.004732 -0.2651 0.03668 -0.9993 -0.004286 -0.1141 0.02255 -0.9997 0.01096 -0.1549 0.004377 -0.9995 0.03082 -0.1838 -7.942E-4 -1.0 0.004987 -0.4524 0.004102 -1.0 0.00642 -0.1175 -0.1056 -0.9925 0.06156 -0.1491 -0.1521 -0.9867 0.05673 -0.3601 -0.1663 -0.9852 0.04084 -0.521 -0.1672 -0.9851 0.0393 -0.535'/> |
396 | <Transform DEF='Laetitia_L_Toe0' rotation='0.0 -1.0 0.0 -1.571' scale='0.08108 0.1579 0.1304' scaleOrientation='1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0' translation='1.0 0.0 -0.7838'> |
397 | <Transform DEF='Laetitia_L_Toe01' rotation='0.0 -1.0 0.0 -3.503E-4' translation='1.0 0.0 0.0'> |
398 | <Transform DEF='Laetitia_L_Toe02' rotation='0.0 -1.0 0.0 -3.503E-4' translation='1.0 0.0 0.0'> |
399 | <Transform DEF='Laetitia_L_Toe0Nub' rotation='0.0 -1.0 0.0 -3.142' scale='0.1667 0.25 0.25' scaleOrientation='1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0' translation='1.0 0.0 0.0'/> |
400 | </Transform> |
401 | </Transform> |
402 | </Transform> |
403 | <Transform DEF='l_foot' rotation='-0.01919 0.09687 0.9951 -1.569' scale='0.2176 0.2114 0.0779' scaleOrientation='0.3619 -0.296 0.884 -0.1597' translation='-14.36 0.8393 0.08964'> |
404 | <Shape> |
405 | <Appearance> |
406 | <Material ambientIntensity='1.0' diffuseColor='0.01961 0.3529 0.3098' shininess='0.145'/> |
407 | <ImageTexture USE='LaetitiaBodyTemplate'/> |
408 | </Appearance> |
409 | <IndexedFaceSet DEF='l_foot-FACES' ccw='false' creaseAngle='15' coordIndex='4 6 5 -1 4 7 6 -1 5 9 8 -1 5 10 9 -1 11 13 12 -1 11 14 13 -1 12 16 15 -1 12 13 16 -1 15 18 17 -1 15 16 18 -1 17 20 19 -1 17 18 20 -1 19 21 7 -1 19 20 21 -1 7 22 6 -1 7 21 22 -1 6 22 10 -1 10 23 9 -1 10 22 23 -1 9 14 11 -1 9 23 14 -1 19 7 4 -1 24 17 19 -1 24 15 17 -1 25 12 15 -1 25 15 24 -1 25 11 12 -1 8 9 11 -1 5 6 10 -1 16 13 26 -1 18 16 27 -1 16 26 27 -1 14 28 13 -1 13 28 26 -1 20 18 29 -1 18 27 29 -1 14 29 28 -1 20 29 14 -1 2 8 11 -1 2 3 8 -1 1 11 25 -1 1 2 11 -1 3 5 8 -1 1 19 0 -1 1 24 19 -1 0 4 3 -1 0 19 4 -1 3 4 5 -1 1 25 24 -1 20 14 19 -1 14 11 19 -1 19 23 21 -1 11 23 19 -1 23 22 21 -1 27 26 28 -1 27 28 29 -1' texCoordIndex='30 32 31 -1 30 33 32 -1 31 35 34 -1 31 36 35 -1 37 39 38 -1 37 40 39 -1 38 42 41 -1 38 39 42 -1 41 44 43 -1 41 42 44 -1 43 46 45 -1 43 44 46 -1 47 48 33 -1 47 49 48 -1 33 50 32 -1 33 48 50 -1 32 50 36 -1 36 51 35 -1 36 50 51 -1 35 53 52 -1 35 51 53 -1 47 33 30 -1 54 43 45 -1 54 41 43 -1 55 38 41 -1 55 41 54 -1 55 37 38 -1 34 35 52 -1 31 32 36 -1 42 39 56 -1 44 42 57 -1 42 56 57 -1 40 58 39 -1 39 58 56 -1 46 44 59 -1 44 57 59 -1 60 62 61 -1 63 62 60 -1 64 66 65 -1 64 67 66 -1 68 65 69 -1 70 71 37 -1 67 72 66 -1 70 45 73 -1 68 75 74 -1 76 77 67 -1 76 74 77 -1 67 77 72 -1 68 69 75 -1 78 79 80 -1 79 81 80 -1 80 82 83 -1 81 82 80 -1 82 84 83 -1 85 86 87 -1 85 87 88 -1'> |
410 |
<!-- TextureCoordinate
l_foot-TEXCOORD is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 --> <TextureCoordinate DEF='l_foot-TEXCOORD' point='0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.9533 0.4685 0.947 0.4641 0.9521 0.4436 0.9559 0.4595 0.9387 0.4644 0.9322 0.462 0.939 0.4447 0.934 0.5157 0.9318 0.535 0.9337 0.5447 0.9307 0.539 0.9447 0.5367 0.9455 0.5461 0.9579 0.5345 0.9558 0.5448 0.9576 0.515 0.9629 0.538 0.9583 0.4758 0.9608 0.4521 0.9629 0.4894 0.9458 0.4391 0.9336 0.4522 0.9311 0.4772 0.9306 0.4881 0.9479 0.5237 0.9334 0.5207 0.9449 0.564 0.9491 0.5643 0.9392 0.557 0.9535 0.5582 0.878 0.5146 0.8857 0.497 0.8954 0.4943 0.9045 0.5131 0.8837 0.448 0.8777 0.451 0.883 0.4333 0.8928 0.4437 0.8908 0.4807 0.8819 0.4793 0.9462 0.4957 0.9414 0.5155 0.8938 0.4267 0.9542 0.515 0.9093 0.4608 0.9044 0.4832 0.9036 0.4457 0.9059 0.4345 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5'/> |
411 |
<!-- Coordinate
l_foot-COORD is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 --> <Coordinate DEF='l_foot-COORD' point='4.941 67.01 -19.25 3.724 66.69 -15.69 2.045 67.05 -19.02 3.489 67.32 -22.21 4.67 68.39 -24.51 3.368 68.7 -25.41 3.666 69.7 -29.53 4.757 69.84 -26.0 2.29 68.48 -24.21 1.712 69.83 -25.73 2.201 69.72 -29.48 1.499 68.48 -21.12 1.93 68.05 -14.97 2.252 69.04 -15.09 1.475 68.92 -17.33 3.844 68.07 -14.39 3.847 69.04 -14.54 5.431 67.98 -15.26 5.346 69.03 -15.36 5.276 68.01 -21.52 5.633 68.87 -17.84 4.679 70.58 -26.11 2.826 70.45 -30.22 1.908 70.67 -25.6 4.849 67.22 -15.44 2.454 67.24 -15.14 3.43 71.22 -15.55 4.192 71.2 -15.66 3.384 71.17 -16.48 4.145 71.15 -16.59'/> |
412 | </IndexedFaceSet> |
413 | </Shape> |
414 | <Shape> |
415 | <Appearance> |
416 | <Material ambientIntensity='1.0' diffuseColor='0.5882 0.5882 0.5882' shininess='0.145'/> |
417 | <ImageTexture USE='LaetitiaHeadTemplate'/> |
418 | </Appearance> |
419 | <IndexedFaceSet DEF='l_foot-FACE' ccw='false' creaseAngle='15'> |
420 | <TextureCoordinate USE='l_foot-TEXCOORD'/> |
421 | <Coordinate USE='l_foot-COORD'/> |
422 | </IndexedFaceSet> |
423 | </Shape> |
424 | </Transform> |
425 | </Transform> |
426 | <Transform DEF='l_calf' rotation='0.02823 0.06039 0.9978 -1.583' scale='0.04139 0.04884 0.02866' translation='-2.279 0.2293 0.3541'> |
427 | <Shape> |
428 | <Appearance> |
429 | <Material ambientIntensity='1.0' diffuseColor='0.01961 0.3529 0.3098' shininess='0.145'/> |
430 | <ImageTexture USE='LaetitiaBodyTemplate'/> |
431 | </Appearance> |
432 | <IndexedFaceSet DEF='l_calf-FACES' ccw='false' creaseAngle='15' coordIndex='0 1 2 -1 1 3 2 -1 2 3 4 -1 2 4 5 -1 5 8 6 -1 4 8 5 -1 6 8 9 -1 6 9 10 -1 9 11 10 -1 10 11 12 -1 10 12 0 -1 0 12 7 -1 0 7 1 -1 13 0 14 -1 14 0 2 -1 14 2 15 -1 15 2 16 -1 5 17 16 -1 2 5 16 -1 5 6 17 -1 17 6 18 -1 18 6 10 -1 18 10 19 -1 10 0 20 -1 10 20 19 -1 20 0 13 -1 21 13 14 -1 21 14 22 -1 22 14 15 -1 22 15 23 -1 23 15 24 -1 15 16 24 -1 24 16 17 -1 24 17 25 -1 25 17 18 -1 25 18 26 -1 26 18 19 -1 26 19 27 -1 27 19 28 -1 19 20 28 -1 28 20 21 -1 20 13 21 -1 29 21 22 -1 29 22 30 -1 30 22 23 -1 30 23 31 -1 31 23 32 -1 23 24 32 -1 32 24 25 -1 32 25 33 -1 33 25 26 -1 33 26 34 -1 34 26 27 -1 34 27 35 -1 35 27 36 -1 27 28 36 -1 36 28 29 -1 28 21 29 -1' texCoordIndex='33 35 34 -1 35 36 34 -1 34 36 37 -1 34 37 38 -1 38 40 39 -1 37 40 38 -1 41 43 42 -1 41 42 44 -1 42 45 44 -1 44 45 46 -1 44 46 47 -1 47 46 48 -1 33 49 35 -1 50 33 51 -1 51 33 34 -1 51 34 52 -1 52 34 53 -1 38 54 53 -1 34 38 53 -1 38 39 54 -1 55 41 56 -1 56 41 44 -1 56 44 57 -1 44 47 58 -1 44 58 57 -1 58 47 59 -1 60 50 51 -1 60 51 61 -1 61 51 52 -1 61 52 62 -1 62 52 63 -1 52 53 63 -1 63 53 54 -1 63 54 64 -1 65 55 56 -1 65 56 66 -1 66 56 57 -1 66 57 67 -1 67 57 68 -1 57 58 68 -1 68 58 69 -1 58 59 69 -1 70 60 61 -1 70 61 71 -1 71 61 62 -1 71 62 72 -1 72 62 73 -1 62 63 73 -1 73 63 64 -1 73 64 74 -1 75 65 66 -1 75 66 76 -1 76 66 67 -1 76 67 77 -1 77 67 78 -1 67 68 78 -1 78 68 79 -1 68 69 79 -1'> |
433 |
<!-- TextureCoordinate
l_calf-TEXCOORD is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 --> <TextureCoordinate DEF='l_calf-TEXCOORD' point='0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.6033 0.446 0.6204 0.4418 0.6053 0.4914 0.6231 0.4906 0.655 0.4905 0.6504 0.4421 0.6635 0.4436 0.6642 0.4912 0.7566 0.4558 0.7548 0.5023 0.7536 0.5057 0.7828 0.4538 0.7845 0.5003 0.8138 0.5014 0.8158 0.4578 0.8276 0.5046 0.5999 0.4924 0.6019 0.3848 0.6068 0.3869 0.6253 0.3793 0.6538 0.3793 0.6624 0.3827 0.7562 0.3959 0.7617 0.396 0.7792 0.3957 0.8088 0.396 0.8189 0.3966 0.61 0.3127 0.6162 0.3117 0.6269 0.3092 0.6475 0.3095 0.6559 0.3109 0.7563 0.3259 0.7642 0.3254 0.7765 0.3268 0.7967 0.3256 0.8042 0.3254 0.6188 0.2739 0.622 0.2718 0.6287 0.2718 0.6382 0.2716 0.6467 0.2716 0.7651 0.2755 0.7709 0.2712 0.7764 0.2723 0.7853 0.2759 0.7917 0.2808'/> |
434 |
<!-- Coordinate
l_calf-COORD is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 --> <Coordinate DEF='l_calf-COORD' point='6.805 49.13 -15.62 6.617 44.79 -12.4 4.961 49.54 -9.582 4.823 44.91 -10.36 2.133 44.88 -11.25 2.426 49.47 -10.93 0.989 49.21 -15.66 7.346 44.62 -15.44 0.9096 44.75 -13.8 1.036 44.22 -18.06 3.506 48.9 -20.43 3.585 44.08 -20.41 6.038 44.3 -19.31 7.092 54.89 -16.91 6.564 55.3 -14.0 4.442 55.39 -12.1 2.038 55.36 -12.83 0.8801 54.97 -15.31 1.391 54.77 -18.39 3.302 54.59 -19.94 5.805 54.63 -19.35 6.173 61.69 -17.63 5.911 61.89 -15.09 4.191 61.98 -13.54 2.237 61.93 -14.15 1.158 61.75 -16.34 1.65 61.51 -19.11 3.197 61.22 -20.34 5.192 61.38 -19.86 4.941 67.01 -19.25 5.168 66.75 -17.07 3.724 66.69 -15.69 2.796 66.8 -16.47 2.045 67.05 -19.02 2.315 67.26 -21.2 3.489 67.32 -22.21 4.408 67.18 -21.72'/> |
435 | </IndexedFaceSet> |
436 | </Shape> |
437 | <Shape> |
438 | <Appearance> |
439 | <Material ambientIntensity='1.0' diffuseColor='0.5882 0.5882 0.5882' shininess='0.145'/> |
440 | <ImageTexture USE='LaetitiaHeadTemplate'/> |
441 | </Appearance> |
442 | <IndexedFaceSet DEF='l_calf-FACE' ccw='false' creaseAngle='15'> |
443 | <TextureCoordinate USE='l_calf-TEXCOORD'/> |
444 | <Coordinate USE='l_calf-COORD'/> |
445 | </IndexedFaceSet> |
446 | </Shape> |
447 | </Transform> |
448 | </Transform> |
449 | <Transform DEF='l_thigh' rotation='-0.07303 0.1591 0.9846 -1.605' scale='0.04135 0.04226 0.02834' scaleOrientation='-0.3816 -0.0558 0.9227 -0.2203' translation='-0.9693 0.2293 -0.09516'> |
450 | <Shape> |
451 | <Appearance> |
452 | <Material ambientIntensity='1.0' diffuseColor='0.01961 0.3529 0.3098' shininess='0.145'/> |
453 | <ImageTexture USE='LaetitiaBodyTemplate'/> |
454 | </Appearance> |
455 | <IndexedFaceSet DEF='l_thigh-FACES' ccw='false' creaseAngle='15' coordIndex='0 2 1 -1 1 3 0 -1 0 4 5 -1 11 16 8 -1 10 17 12 -1 13 17 18 -1 12 17 13 -1 13 18 14 -1 18 19 14 -1 14 19 20 -1 14 20 15 -1 15 20 11 -1 20 16 11 -1 16 21 22 -1 16 22 8 -1 8 22 23 -1 8 23 9 -1 9 23 10 -1 23 24 10 -1 10 24 25 -1 10 25 17 -1 18 17 26 -1 17 25 26 -1 18 26 27 -1 18 27 19 -1 19 27 20 -1 27 28 20 -1 20 28 16 -1 28 21 16 -1 21 29 22 -1 29 30 22 -1 22 30 31 -1 22 31 23 -1 23 31 24 -1 31 3 24 -1 24 3 32 -1 24 32 25 -1 25 0 26 -1 7 27 0 -1 28 29 21 -1 30 29 33 -1 28 27 6 -1 32 0 25 -1 29 28 6 -1 6 27 7 -1 4 0 3 -1 26 0 27 -1 3 0 32 -1 34 31 30 -1 35 31 34 -1 35 3 31 -1 36 3 35 -1' texCoordIndex='31 30 29 -1 29 32 33 -1 36 34 35 -1 49 50 40 -1 42 51 43 -1 45 53 52 -1 45 52 44 -1 44 52 46 -1 52 54 46 -1 46 54 55 -1 46 55 47 -1 47 55 48 -1 55 56 48 -1 50 58 57 -1 50 57 40 -1 40 57 59 -1 40 59 41 -1 41 59 42 -1 59 60 42 -1 42 60 61 -1 42 61 51 -1 53 63 62 -1 53 62 52 -1 52 62 64 -1 52 64 54 -1 54 64 55 -1 64 65 55 -1 55 65 56 -1 65 66 56 -1 58 67 57 -1 67 68 57 -1 57 68 69 -1 57 69 59 -1 59 69 60 -1 69 70 60 -1 60 70 71 -1 60 71 61 -1 72 39 62 -1 38 64 39 -1 65 73 66 -1 68 67 74 -1 65 64 37 -1 72 62 63 -1 73 65 37 -1 37 64 38 -1 34 76 75 -1 62 39 64 -1 75 76 77 -1 78 69 68 -1 79 69 78 -1 79 70 69 -1 80 82 81 -1'> |
456 |
<!-- TextureCoordinate
l_thigh-TEXCOORD is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 --> <TextureCoordinate DEF='l_thigh-TEXCOORD' point='0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.9296 0.6745 0.9314 0.7086 0.9316 0.7092 0.9344 0.668 0.9314 0.7002 0.9296 0.6745 0.9314 0.7086 0.9316 0.7092 0.8129 0.7538 0.7702 0.7394 0.748 0.6836 0.6053 0.4914 0.6231 0.4906 0.655 0.4905 0.6642 0.4912 0.7548 0.5023 0.7536 0.5057 0.7845 0.5003 0.8138 0.5014 0.8276 0.5046 0.5999 0.4924 0.5934 0.5364 0.6703 0.5365 0.7632 0.5535 0.7526 0.5493 0.7899 0.5545 0.8126 0.5527 0.8327 0.5481 0.5843 0.6207 0.5821 0.631 0.6137 0.5991 0.6553 0.5964 0.6803 0.616 0.7563 0.6321 0.7482 0.6301 0.7909 0.6367 0.8254 0.6409 0.849 0.6403 0.5877 0.7295 0.5783 0.6847 0.6124 0.6536 0.6775 0.6816 0.6828 0.6571 0.7486 0.6682 0.8455 0.7399 0.587 0.7167 0.9344 0.668 0.9314 0.7002 0.9469 0.6788 0.6085 0.702 0.6291 0.6824 0.9026 0.7003 0.9036 0.7173 0.9021 0.6934'/> |
457 |
<!-- Coordinate
l_thigh-COORD is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 --> <Coordinate DEF='l_thigh-COORD' point='-0.3312 25.97 -13.79 0.4985 26.82 -4.988 0.4188 26.86 -9.724 0.3505 27.0 -3.263 -0.1329 26.82 -4.909 -0.6173 26.87 -9.595 5.634 21.52 -15.13 2.523 22.48 -16.53 6.617 44.79 -12.4 4.823 44.91 -10.36 2.133 44.88 -11.25 7.451 44.62 -15.45 0.9096 44.75 -13.8 1.033 46.46 -17.67 3.491 46.21 -21.44 6.004 47.42 -19.3 7.896 40.46 -15.01 0.4727 40.62 -13.15 1.298 39.65 -17.38 3.928 39.18 -20.17 5.844 39.56 -18.56 9.017 31.68 -13.87 8.339 32.65 -8.486 5.798 34.74 -6.173 2.271 34.99 -6.233 0.3727 32.98 -11.76 1.202 31.91 -16.73 3.862 31.32 -19.39 6.769 31.14 -17.61 8.17 22.44 -10.74 9.309 26.67 -5.658 5.995 29.63 -4.452 0.4375 29.3 -6.066 9.077 23.51 -5.418 6.391 25.18 0.6279 4.612 27.02 0.4165 2.145 27.33 -1.959'/> |
458 | </IndexedFaceSet> |
459 | </Shape> |
460 | <Shape> |
461 | <Appearance> |
462 | <Material ambientIntensity='1.0' diffuseColor='0.5882 0.5882 0.5882' shininess='0.145'/> |
463 | <ImageTexture USE='LaetitiaHeadTemplate'/> |
464 | </Appearance> |
465 | <IndexedFaceSet DEF='l_thigh-FACE' ccw='false' creaseAngle='15'> |
466 | <TextureCoordinate USE='l_thigh-TEXCOORD'/> |
467 | <Coordinate USE='l_thigh-COORD'/> |
468 | </IndexedFaceSet> |
469 | </Shape> |
470 | </Transform> |
471 | </Transform> |
472 |
<!-- ROUTE information for Laetitia_R_Thigh node:
[from Laetitia_R_Thigh-POS-INTERP.value_changed to set_translation
[from Laetitia_R_Thigh-ROT-INTERP.value_changed to set_rotation
<Transform DEF='Laetitia_R_Thigh' rotation='-0.04695 -1.034E-4 0.9989 -3.142' scale='9.284 3.846 3.851' scaleOrientation='-0.01315 0.9999 5.155E-4 -0.07837' translation='-1.748 -0.7683 0.005285'> |
473 |
<!-- ROUTE information for Laetitia_R_Thigh-POS-INTERP node:
[from Laetitia-TIMER.fraction_changed to set_fraction
[from value_changed to Laetitia_R_Thigh.set_translation
<PositionInterpolator DEF='Laetitia_R_Thigh-POS-INTERP' key='0.0 0.01961 0.03922 0.05882 0.07843 0.09804 0.1176 0.1373 0.1569 0.1765 0.1961 0.2157 0.2353 0.2549 0.2745 0.2941 0.3137 0.3333 0.3529 0.3725 0.3922 0.4118 0.4314 0.451 0.4706 0.4902 0.5098 0.5294 0.549 0.5686 0.5882 0.6078 0.6275 0.6471 0.6667' keyValue='-1.748 -0.7683 0.005285 -1.759 -0.7607 0.006637 -1.77 -0.7514 0.008177 -1.781 -0.7427 0.009664 -1.792 -0.7365 0.01087 -1.803 -0.7352 0.01154 -1.816 -0.7451 0.01106 -1.832 -0.7702 0.008907 -1.843 -0.7946 0.006593 -1.845 -0.8013 0.005923 -1.833 -0.7787 0.007973 -1.814 -0.7477 0.01064 -1.806 -0.7366 0.01156 -1.819 -0.7559 0.009954 -1.837 -0.7853 0.007384 -1.846 -0.8022 0.005837 -1.839 -0.7897 0.006987 -1.822 -0.7607 0.009541 -1.807 -0.7382 0.01143 -1.81 -0.7428 0.01105 -1.827 -0.7696 0.00877 -1.842 -0.7961 0.006403 -1.844 -0.7999 0.006053 -1.832 -0.7769 0.008131 -1.814 -0.7481 0.01061 -1.806 -0.7362 0.01159 -1.818 -0.7539 0.01013 -1.835 -0.7834 0.007556 -1.846 -0.8019 0.005861 -1.842 -0.7955 0.00665 -1.831 -0.7754 0.008852 -1.816 -0.7517 0.01094 -1.805 -0.7346 0.01149 -1.806 -0.7353 0.006947 -1.806 -0.736 0.005266'/> |
474 |
<!-- ROUTE information for Laetitia_R_Thigh-ROT-INTERP node:
[from Laetitia-TIMER.fraction_changed to set_fraction
[from value_changed to Laetitia_R_Thigh.set_rotation
<OrientationInterpolator DEF='Laetitia_R_Thigh-ROT-INTERP' key='0.0 0.01961 0.03922 0.05882 0.07843 0.09804 0.1176 0.1373 0.1569 0.1765 0.1961 0.2157 0.2353 0.2549 0.2745 0.2941 0.3137 0.3333 0.3529 0.3725 0.3922 0.4118 0.4314 0.451 0.4706 0.4902 0.5098 0.5294 0.549 0.5686 0.5882 0.6078 0.6275 0.6471 0.6667' keyValue='-0.04695 -1.034E-4 0.9989 -3.142 -0.03837 9.993E-5 0.9993 -3.151 -0.03017 2.696E-4 0.9995 -3.163 -0.02013 3.317E-4 0.9998 -3.174 -0.007962 2.302E-4 1.0 -3.182 0.01689 -2.971E-4 0.9999 -3.183 -0.005617 4.21E-4 1.0 -3.171 0.03967 -1.507E-4 0.9992 -3.14 -0.05849 -0.001745 0.9983 -3.113 -0.2239 -0.005965 0.9746 -3.106 -0.2656 -0.003413 0.9641 -3.13 -0.1745 0.001425 0.9847 -3.168 0.01483 -2.902E-4 0.9999 -3.182 0.0985 -4.79E-4 0.9951 -3.158 0.01141 -2.844E-4 0.9999 -3.123 -0.193 -0.005196 0.9812 -3.105 -0.2066 -0.004456 0.9784 -3.118 -0.2577 -2.307E-4 0.9662 -3.152 -0.08977 0.001559 0.996 -3.18 0.03094 -2.607E-4 0.9995 -3.174 0.04772 -1.123E-4 0.9989 -3.141 -0.1122 -0.002814 0.9937 -3.111 -0.1987 -0.005383 0.98 -3.107 -0.246 -0.00314 0.9693 -3.132 -0.1982 0.001466 0.9802 -3.168 -0.005333 7.953E-5 1.0 -3.182 0.06696 -3.007E-4 0.9978 -3.16 0.008646 -3.629E-4 1.0 -3.125 -0.2002 -0.005327 0.9798 -3.105 -0.2176 -0.005273 0.976 -3.111 -0.2448 -0.00253 0.9696 -3.134 -0.1516 9.969E-4 0.9884 -3.163 -0.005937 2.447E-4 1.0 -3.184 -0.0378 9.234E-4 0.9993 -3.183 -0.04432 0.001039 0.999 -3.182'/> |
475 |
<!-- ROUTE information for Laetitia_R_Calf node:
[from Laetitia_R_Calf-ROT-INTERP.value_changed to set_rotation
<Transform DEF='Laetitia_R_Calf' rotation='0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.2329' scale='0.8547 1.0 1.0' scaleOrientation='-6.882E-4 -1.0 8.05E-5 -0.2329' translation='1.0 0.0 0.0'> |
476 |
<!-- ROUTE information for Laetitia_R_Calf-ROT-INTERP node:
[from Laetitia-TIMER.fraction_changed to set_fraction
[from value_changed to Laetitia_R_Calf.set_rotation
<OrientationInterpolator DEF='Laetitia_R_Calf-ROT-INTERP' key='0.0 0.01961 0.03922 0.05882 0.07843 0.09804 0.1176 0.1373 0.1569 0.1765 0.1961 0.2157 0.2353 0.2549 0.2745 0.2941 0.3137 0.3333 0.3529 0.3725 0.3922 0.4118 0.4314 0.451 0.4706 0.4902 0.5098 0.5294 0.549 0.5686 0.5882 0.6078 0.6275 0.6471 0.6667' keyValue='0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.2329 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.212 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.167 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.122 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.1106 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.1196 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.5028 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.7141 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.8884 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.7083 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.5001 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.5728 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.2305 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.3467 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.819 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.8046 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.239 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.6336 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.3999 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.3441 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.7093 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.8349 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.4116 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.3928 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.6139 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.2436 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.4182 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.8585 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.8208 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.2781 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.4854 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.4968 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.1636 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.2561 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.2578'/> |
477 |
<!-- ROUTE information for Laetitia_R_Foot node:
[from Laetitia_R_Foot-ROT-INTERP.value_changed to set_rotation
<Transform DEF='Laetitia_R_Foot' rotation='-0.001584 -1.0 0.0 -0.1254' scale='0.23 0.19 0.37' translation='1.0 0.0 0.0'> |
478 |
<!-- ROUTE information for Laetitia_R_Foot-ROT-INTERP node:
[from Laetitia-TIMER.fraction_changed to set_fraction
[from value_changed to Laetitia_R_Foot.set_rotation
<OrientationInterpolator DEF='Laetitia_R_Foot-ROT-INTERP' key='0.0 0.01961 0.03922 0.05882 0.07843 0.09804 0.1176 0.1373 0.1569 0.1765 0.1961 0.2157 0.2353 0.2549 0.2745 0.2941 0.3137 0.3333 0.3529 0.3725 0.3922 0.4118 0.4314 0.451 0.4706 0.4902 0.5098 0.5294 0.549 0.5686 0.5882 0.6078 0.6275 0.6471 0.6667' keyValue='-0.001584 -1.0 0.0 -0.1254 -0.002282 -0.9999 -0.01147 -0.1185 -0.003268 -0.9994 -0.0331 -0.09001 -0.003338 -0.9976 -0.06844 -0.0658 -0.001993 -0.9976 -0.06982 -0.07988 -0.001919 -0.9991 -0.04142 -0.1412 -2.206E-4 -1.0 -0.006793 -0.4776 1.601E-4 -1.0 -0.001052 -0.481 -9.019E-4 -1.0 9.709E-4 -0.2039 -0.009073 -1.0 0.004035 -0.3047 -0.01661 -0.9999 0.001155 -0.233 -0.01436 -0.9997 -0.0197 -0.1913 -0.003071 -0.9997 -0.02624 -0.2207 9.542E-4 -1.0 -0.002218 -0.4369 4.605E-4 -1.0 -0.003201 -0.1222 -0.007044 -1.0 0.003737 -0.2946 -0.03522 -0.9994 0.004792 -0.1143 -0.04312 -0.999 -0.007662 -0.07717 -0.006575 -0.9996 -0.02724 -0.1964 -0.001012 -0.9999 -0.01042 -0.354 9.037E-5 -1.0 -0.001172 -0.3609 -0.004323 -1.0 0.003911 -0.2155 -0.02097 -0.9998 0.005773 -0.1608 -0.02061 -0.9998 0.001117 -0.1986 -0.01712 -0.9997 -0.01754 -0.1823 -0.003648 -0.9996 -0.0276 -0.2021 6.961E-4 -1.0 -0.002299 -0.4433 0.002327 -1.0 -0.001012 -0.1214 -0.006701 -1.0 0.004351 -0.2942 -0.03055 -0.9995 0.004205 -0.131 -0.08639 0.9949 0.05207 -0.03299 -0.009611 -0.9999 0.002972 -0.1634 0.001247 -1.0 0.001253 -0.1357 3.365E-4 -1.0 0.001825 -0.1483 2.657E-4 -1.0 0.002689 -0.1459'/> |
479 | <Transform DEF='Laetitia_R_Toe0' rotation='0.0 -1.0 0.0 -1.571' scale='0.08108 0.1579 0.1304' scaleOrientation='1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0' translation='1.0 0.0 -0.7838'> |
480 | <Transform DEF='Laetitia_R_Toe01' rotation='0.0 -1.0 0.0 -3.503E-4' translation='1.0 0.0 0.0'> |
481 | <Transform DEF='Laetitia_R_Toe02' rotation='0.0 -1.0 0.0 -3.503E-4' translation='1.0 0.0 0.0'> |
482 | <Transform DEF='Laetitia_R_Toe0Nub' scale='0.1667 0.25 0.25' scaleOrientation='1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0' translation='1.0 0.0 0.0'/> |
483 | </Transform> |
484 | </Transform> |
485 | </Transform> |
486 | <Transform DEF='r_foot' rotation='-0.01919 0.09687 0.9951 -1.569' scale='0.2176 0.2114 0.0779' scaleOrientation='0.3619 -0.296 0.884 -0.1597' translation='-14.36 -0.7824 0.08964'> |
487 | <Shape> |
488 | <Appearance> |
489 | <Material ambientIntensity='1.0' diffuseColor='0.01961 0.3529 0.3098' shininess='0.145'/> |
490 | <ImageTexture USE='LaetitiaBodyTemplate'/> |
491 | </Appearance> |
492 | <IndexedFaceSet DEF='r_foot-FACES' ccw='false' creaseAngle='15' coordIndex='4 5 6 -1 4 6 7 -1 5 8 9 -1 5 9 10 -1 11 12 13 -1 11 13 14 -1 12 15 16 -1 12 16 13 -1 15 17 18 -1 15 18 16 -1 17 19 20 -1 17 20 18 -1 19 7 21 -1 19 21 20 -1 7 6 22 -1 7 22 21 -1 6 10 22 -1 10 9 23 -1 10 23 22 -1 9 11 14 -1 9 14 23 -1 19 4 7 -1 24 19 17 -1 24 17 15 -1 25 15 12 -1 25 24 15 -1 25 12 11 -1 8 11 9 -1 5 10 6 -1 16 26 13 -1 18 27 16 -1 16 27 26 -1 14 13 28 -1 13 26 28 -1 20 29 18 -1 18 29 27 -1 14 28 29 -1 20 14 29 -1 2 11 8 -1 2 8 3 -1 1 25 11 -1 1 11 2 -1 3 8 5 -1 1 0 19 -1 1 19 24 -1 0 3 4 -1 0 4 19 -1 3 5 4 -1 1 24 25 -1 14 20 11 -1 20 19 11 -1 11 21 23 -1 19 21 11 -1 21 22 23 -1 26 29 28 -1 26 27 29 -1' texCoordIndex='30 31 32 -1 30 32 33 -1 31 34 35 -1 31 35 36 -1 37 38 39 -1 37 39 40 -1 38 41 42 -1 38 42 39 -1 41 43 44 -1 41 44 42 -1 43 45 46 -1 43 46 44 -1 47 33 48 -1 47 48 49 -1 33 32 50 -1 33 50 48 -1 32 36 50 -1 36 35 51 -1 36 51 50 -1 35 52 53 -1 35 53 51 -1 47 30 33 -1 54 45 43 -1 54 43 41 -1 55 41 38 -1 55 54 41 -1 55 38 37 -1 34 52 35 -1 31 36 32 -1 42 56 39 -1 44 57 42 -1 42 57 56 -1 40 39 58 -1 39 56 58 -1 46 59 44 -1 44 59 57 -1 60 61 62 -1 63 60 62 -1 64 65 66 -1 64 66 67 -1 68 69 65 -1 70 37 71 -1 67 66 72 -1 70 73 45 -1 68 74 75 -1 76 67 77 -1 76 77 74 -1 67 72 77 -1 68 75 69 -1 78 79 80 -1 79 81 80 -1 80 82 83 -1 81 82 80 -1 82 84 83 -1 85 86 87 -1 85 88 86 -1'> |
493 |
<!-- TextureCoordinate
r_foot-TEXCOORD is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 --> <TextureCoordinate DEF='r_foot-TEXCOORD' point='0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.9533 0.4685 0.947 0.4641 0.9521 0.4436 0.9559 0.4595 0.9387 0.4644 0.9322 0.462 0.939 0.4447 0.934 0.5157 0.9318 0.535 0.9337 0.5447 0.9307 0.539 0.9447 0.5367 0.9455 0.5461 0.9579 0.5345 0.9558 0.5448 0.9576 0.515 0.9629 0.538 0.9583 0.4758 0.9608 0.4521 0.9629 0.4894 0.9458 0.4391 0.9336 0.4522 0.9311 0.4772 0.9306 0.4881 0.9479 0.5237 0.9334 0.5207 0.9449 0.564 0.9491 0.5643 0.9392 0.557 0.9535 0.5582 0.878 0.5146 0.8857 0.497 0.8954 0.4943 0.9045 0.5131 0.8837 0.448 0.8777 0.451 0.883 0.4333 0.8928 0.4437 0.8908 0.4807 0.8819 0.4793 0.9462 0.4957 0.9414 0.5155 0.8938 0.4267 0.9542 0.515 0.9093 0.4608 0.9044 0.4832 0.9036 0.4457 0.9059 0.4345 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5'/> |
494 |
<!-- Coordinate
r_foot-COORD is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 --> <Coordinate DEF='r_foot-COORD' point='-5.084 67.11 -18.09 -3.567 66.77 -14.79 -2.193 67.1 -18.4 -3.903 67.39 -21.29 -5.256 68.49 -23.35 -4.039 68.78 -24.49 -4.682 69.78 -28.52 -5.444 69.94 -24.82 -2.868 68.53 -23.5 -2.401 69.88 -25.12 -3.224 69.78 -28.75 -1.807 68.53 -20.58 -1.694 68.1 -14.4 -2.002 69.09 -14.47 -1.435 68.96 -16.83 -3.539 68.14 -13.47 -3.534 69.11 -13.62 -5.192 68.08 -14.04 -5.093 69.13 -14.15 -5.598 68.11 -20.28 -5.604 68.97 -16.56 -5.361 70.67 -24.95 -3.894 70.52 -29.36 -2.566 70.72 -24.96 -4.648 67.31 -14.33 -2.246 67.3 -14.47 -3.164 71.29 -14.71 -3.929 71.28 -14.67 -3.201 71.24 -15.63 -3.967 71.23 -15.6'/> |
495 | </IndexedFaceSet> |
496 | </Shape> |
497 | <Shape> |
498 | <Appearance> |
499 | <Material ambientIntensity='1.0' diffuseColor='0.5882 0.5882 0.5882' shininess='0.145'/> |
500 | <ImageTexture USE='LaetitiaHeadTemplate'/> |
501 | </Appearance> |
502 | <IndexedFaceSet DEF='r_foot-FACE' ccw='false' creaseAngle='15'> |
503 | <TextureCoordinate USE='r_foot-TEXCOORD'/> |
504 | <Coordinate USE='r_foot-COORD'/> |
505 | </IndexedFaceSet> |
506 | </Shape> |
507 | </Transform> |
508 | </Transform> |
509 | <Transform DEF='r_calf' rotation='0.02525 0.06003 0.9979 -1.541' scale='0.04139 0.04884 0.02866' translation='-2.279 -0.2192 0.354'> |
510 | <Shape> |
511 | <Appearance> |
512 | <Material ambientIntensity='1.0' diffuseColor='0.01961 0.3529 0.3098' shininess='0.145'/> |
513 | <ImageTexture USE='LaetitiaBodyTemplate'/> |
514 | </Appearance> |
515 | <IndexedFaceSet DEF='r_calf-FACES' ccw='false' creaseAngle='15' coordIndex='0 2 1 -1 1 2 3 -1 2 4 3 -1 2 5 4 -1 5 6 8 -1 4 5 8 -1 6 9 8 -1 6 10 9 -1 9 10 11 -1 10 12 11 -1 10 0 12 -1 0 7 12 -1 0 1 7 -1 13 14 0 -1 14 2 0 -1 14 15 2 -1 15 16 2 -1 5 16 17 -1 2 16 5 -1 5 17 6 -1 17 18 6 -1 18 10 6 -1 18 19 10 -1 10 20 0 -1 10 19 20 -1 20 13 0 -1 21 14 13 -1 21 22 14 -1 22 15 14 -1 22 23 15 -1 23 24 15 -1 15 24 16 -1 24 17 16 -1 24 25 17 -1 25 18 17 -1 25 26 18 -1 26 19 18 -1 26 27 19 -1 27 28 19 -1 19 28 20 -1 28 21 20 -1 20 21 13 -1 29 22 21 -1 29 30 22 -1 30 23 22 -1 30 31 23 -1 31 32 23 -1 23 32 24 -1 32 25 24 -1 32 33 25 -1 33 26 25 -1 33 34 26 -1 34 27 26 -1 34 35 27 -1 35 36 27 -1 27 36 28 -1 36 29 28 -1 28 29 21 -1' texCoordIndex='33 34 35 -1 35 34 36 -1 34 37 36 -1 34 38 37 -1 38 39 40 -1 37 38 40 -1 41 42 43 -1 41 44 42 -1 42 44 45 -1 44 46 45 -1 44 47 46 -1 47 48 46 -1 33 35 49 -1 50 51 33 -1 51 34 33 -1 51 52 34 -1 52 53 34 -1 38 53 54 -1 34 53 38 -1 38 54 39 -1 55 56 41 -1 56 44 41 -1 56 57 44 -1 44 58 47 -1 44 57 58 -1 58 59 47 -1 60 51 50 -1 60 61 51 -1 61 52 51 -1 61 62 52 -1 62 63 52 -1 52 63 53 -1 63 54 53 -1 63 64 54 -1 65 56 55 -1 65 66 56 -1 66 57 56 -1 66 67 57 -1 67 68 57 -1 57 68 58 -1 68 69 58 -1 58 69 59 -1 70 61 60 -1 70 71 61 -1 71 62 61 -1 71 72 62 -1 72 73 62 -1 62 73 63 -1 73 64 63 -1 73 74 64 -1 75 66 65 -1 75 76 66 -1 76 67 66 -1 76 77 67 -1 77 78 67 -1 67 78 68 -1 78 79 68 -1 68 79 69 -1'> |
516 |
<!-- TextureCoordinate
r_calf-TEXCOORD is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 --> <TextureCoordinate DEF='r_calf-TEXCOORD' point='0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.6033 0.446 0.6204 0.4418 0.6053 0.4914 0.6231 0.4906 0.655 0.4905 0.6504 0.4421 0.6635 0.4436 0.6642 0.4912 0.7566 0.4558 0.7548 0.5023 0.7536 0.5057 0.7828 0.4538 0.7845 0.5003 0.8138 0.5014 0.8158 0.4578 0.8276 0.5046 0.5999 0.4924 0.6019 0.3848 0.6068 0.3869 0.6253 0.3793 0.6538 0.3793 0.6624 0.3827 0.7562 0.3959 0.7617 0.396 0.7792 0.3957 0.8088 0.396 0.8189 0.3966 0.61 0.3127 0.6162 0.3117 0.6269 0.3092 0.6475 0.3095 0.6559 0.3109 0.7563 0.3259 0.7642 0.3254 0.7765 0.3268 0.7967 0.3256 0.8042 0.3254 0.6188 0.2739 0.622 0.2718 0.6287 0.2718 0.6382 0.2716 0.6467 0.2716 0.7651 0.2755 0.7709 0.2712 0.7764 0.2723 0.7853 0.2759 0.7917 0.2808'/> |
517 |
<!-- Coordinate
r_calf-COORD is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 --> <Coordinate DEF='r_calf-COORD' point='-6.974 49.27 -13.89 -6.529 44.92 -10.75 -4.426 49.63 -8.407 -4.516 45.0 -9.194 -1.974 44.92 -10.74 -2.093 49.51 -10.37 -1.249 49.23 -15.38 -7.712 44.58 -13.3 -1.076 44.77 -13.55 -1.705 44.27 -17.47 -4.304 48.98 -19.45 -4.495 43.97 -19.0 -6.447 44.09 -17.23 -7.246 55.04 -15.12 -6.368 55.44 -12.38 -4.048 55.48 -11.03 -1.769 55.4 -12.35 -0.9347 54.99 -15.08 -1.811 54.81 -17.99 -3.882 54.67 -19.04 -6.277 54.75 -17.84 -6.232 61.82 -16.07 -5.666 62.01 -13.64 -3.786 62.07 -12.55 -1.935 61.97 -13.63 -1.139 61.77 -16.05 -1.959 61.55 -18.66 -3.638 61.29 -19.49 -5.541 61.5 -18.52 -5.084 67.11 -18.09 -5.032 66.86 -15.8 -3.567 66.77 -14.79 -2.622 66.86 -15.79 -2.193 67.1 -18.4 -2.699 67.31 -20.57 -3.903 67.39 -21.29 -4.826 67.28 -20.57'/> |
518 | </IndexedFaceSet> |
519 | </Shape> |
520 | <Shape> |
521 | <Appearance> |
522 | <Material ambientIntensity='1.0' diffuseColor='0.5882 0.5882 0.5882' shininess='0.145'/> |
523 | <ImageTexture USE='LaetitiaHeadTemplate'/> |
524 | </Appearance> |
525 | <IndexedFaceSet DEF='r_calf-FACE' ccw='false' creaseAngle='15'> |
526 | <TextureCoordinate USE='r_calf-TEXCOORD'/> |
527 | <Coordinate USE='r_calf-COORD'/> |
528 | </IndexedFaceSet> |
529 | </Shape> |
530 | </Transform> |
531 | </Transform> |
532 | <Transform DEF='r_thigh' rotation='-0.07598 0.163 0.9837 -1.563' scale='0.04138 0.04224 0.02833' scaleOrientation='-0.6562 0.04574 -0.7532 -0.1307' translation='-0.9695 -0.2192 -0.09513'> |
533 | <Shape> |
534 | <Appearance> |
535 | <Material ambientIntensity='1.0' diffuseColor='0.01961 0.3529 0.3098' shininess='0.145'/> |
536 | <ImageTexture USE='LaetitiaBodyTemplate'/> |
537 | </Appearance> |
538 | <IndexedFaceSet DEF='r_thigh-FACES' ccw='false' creaseAngle='15' coordIndex='6 3 11 -1 5 7 12 -1 7 8 12 -1 12 8 13 -1 8 9 13 -1 13 9 14 -1 9 15 14 -1 9 10 15 -1 10 6 15 -1 15 6 11 -1 11 17 16 -1 11 3 17 -1 3 18 17 -1 3 4 18 -1 4 5 18 -1 18 5 19 -1 5 20 19 -1 5 12 20 -1 12 13 21 -1 20 12 21 -1 13 22 21 -1 13 14 22 -1 14 15 22 -1 22 15 23 -1 15 11 23 -1 23 11 16 -1 16 17 24 -1 24 17 25 -1 17 26 25 -1 17 18 26 -1 18 19 26 -1 26 19 27 -1 19 28 27 -1 19 20 28 -1 28 20 0 -1 2 0 22 -1 23 16 24 -1 25 29 24 -1 23 1 22 -1 0 20 21 -1 24 1 23 -1 1 2 22 -1 21 22 0 -1 27 28 0 -1 30 25 26 -1 31 30 26 -1 31 26 27 -1 32 31 27 -1' texCoordIndex='35 26 36 -1 28 29 37 -1 31 38 39 -1 31 30 38 -1 30 32 38 -1 38 32 40 -1 32 41 40 -1 32 33 41 -1 33 34 41 -1 41 34 42 -1 36 43 44 -1 36 26 43 -1 26 45 43 -1 26 27 45 -1 27 28 45 -1 45 28 46 -1 28 47 46 -1 28 37 47 -1 39 48 49 -1 39 38 48 -1 38 50 48 -1 38 40 50 -1 40 41 50 -1 50 41 51 -1 41 42 51 -1 51 42 52 -1 44 43 53 -1 53 43 54 -1 43 55 54 -1 43 45 55 -1 45 46 55 -1 55 46 56 -1 46 57 56 -1 46 47 57 -1 58 48 25 -1 24 25 50 -1 51 52 59 -1 54 60 53 -1 51 23 50 -1 58 49 48 -1 59 23 51 -1 23 24 50 -1 48 50 25 -1 61 63 62 -1 64 54 55 -1 65 64 55 -1 65 55 56 -1 66 67 68 -1'> |
539 |
<!-- TextureCoordinate
r_thigh-TEXCOORD is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 --> <TextureCoordinate DEF='r_thigh-TEXCOORD' point='0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.8129 0.7538 0.7702 0.7394 0.748 0.6836 0.6053 0.4914 0.6231 0.4906 0.655 0.4905 0.6642 0.4912 0.7548 0.5023 0.7536 0.5057 0.7845 0.5003 0.8138 0.5014 0.8276 0.5046 0.5999 0.4924 0.5934 0.5364 0.6703 0.5365 0.7632 0.5535 0.7526 0.5493 0.7899 0.5545 0.8126 0.5527 0.8327 0.5481 0.5843 0.6207 0.5821 0.631 0.6137 0.5991 0.6553 0.5964 0.6803 0.616 0.7563 0.6321 0.7482 0.6301 0.7909 0.6367 0.8254 0.6409 0.849 0.6403 0.5877 0.7295 0.5783 0.6847 0.6124 0.6536 0.6775 0.6816 0.6828 0.6571 0.7486 0.6682 0.8455 0.7399 0.587 0.7167 0.9344 0.668 0.9314 0.7002 0.9469 0.6788 0.6085 0.702 0.6291 0.6824 0.9026 0.7003 0.9036 0.7173 0.9021 0.6934'/> |
540 |
<!-- Coordinate
r_thigh-COORD is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 --> <Coordinate DEF='r_thigh-COORD' point='-0.3312 25.97 -13.79 -6.555 21.73 -13.57 -3.631 22.06 -15.59 -6.526 45.22 -10.87 -4.513 45.36 -9.341 -1.971 45.22 -10.86 -7.719 44.77 -13.55 -1.076 44.77 -13.55 -1.647 46.91 -18.21 -4.509 46.17 -20.57 -7.035 45.71 -17.72 -8.223 40.63 -12.99 -0.6866 40.63 -13.01 -2.03 39.69 -16.97 -4.966 39.28 -19.06 -6.65 39.69 -17.0 -9.441 31.87 -11.56 -8.105 32.82 -6.428 -5.267 34.86 -4.789 -1.793 35.03 -5.724 -0.3959 32.99 -11.66 -1.926 32.15 -16.38 -5.032 31.41 -18.28 -7.688 31.29 -15.8 -8.507 22.31 -8.552 -8.893 26.86 -3.38 -5.401 29.75 -3.026 0.3505 27.0 -3.263 -0.06787 29.3 -6.003 -8.667 23.53 -3.137 -5.314 25.3 2.093 -3.534 27.11 1.436 -1.379 27.37 -1.518'/> |
541 | </IndexedFaceSet> |
542 | </Shape> |
543 | <Shape> |
544 | <Appearance> |
545 | <Material ambientIntensity='1.0' diffuseColor='0.5882 0.5882 0.5882' shininess='0.145'/> |
546 | <ImageTexture USE='LaetitiaHeadTemplate'/> |
547 | </Appearance> |
548 | <IndexedFaceSet DEF='r_thigh-FACE' ccw='false' creaseAngle='15'> |
549 | <TextureCoordinate USE='r_thigh-TEXCOORD'/> |
550 | <Coordinate USE='r_thigh-COORD'/> |
551 | </IndexedFaceSet> |
552 | </Shape> |
553 | </Transform> |
554 | </Transform> |
555 | <Transform DEF='spine' rotation='-0.09728 -0.01066 -0.9952 -1.581' scale='0.1592 0.3862 0.1107' scaleOrientation='0.9999 -9.227E-4 0.01026 -0.06374' translation='7.25 -0.01997 0.06469'> |
556 | <Shape> |
557 | <Appearance> |
558 | <Material ambientIntensity='1.0' diffuseColor='0.01961 0.3529 0.3098' shininess='0.145'/> |
559 | <ImageTexture USE='LaetitiaBodyTemplate'/> |
560 | </Appearance> |
561 | <IndexedFaceSet DEF='spine-FACES' ccw='false' creaseAngle='15' coordIndex='5 7 6 -1 7 9 6 -1 2 10 1 -1 10 2 8 -1 9 10 8 -1 8 6 9 -1 7 5 11 -1 0 3 4 -1 11 4 3 -1 5 4 11 -1 14 15 16 -1 16 15 17 -1 2 1 18 -1 18 12 2 -1 17 12 18 -1 12 17 15 -1 16 19 14 -1 0 13 3 -1 19 3 13 -1 14 19 13 -1 23 22 20 -1 23 20 21 -1 23 22 20 -1 23 20 21 -1 30 31 32 -1 29 31 30 -1 30 28 27 -1 30 32 28 -1 32 31 20 -1 31 60 20 -1 31 61 60 -1 31 29 61 -1 29 70 61 -1 61 33 59 -1 12 59 2 -1 34 35 26 -1 4 5 36 -1 36 34 4 -1 37 36 38 -1 36 5 38 -1 6 38 5 -1 0 34 25 -1 34 0 4 -1 38 6 8 -1 39 42 40 -1 40 42 41 -1 42 27 43 -1 42 43 41 -1 41 44 40 -1 40 44 45 -1 40 45 46 -1 40 46 39 -1 71 46 47 -1 45 37 48 -1 45 48 46 -1 46 48 49 -1 46 50 47 -1 46 49 50 -1 8 50 49 -1 38 49 48 -1 38 48 37 -1 38 8 49 -1 8 2 50 -1 25 34 26 -1 37 51 36 -1 52 36 51 -1 26 35 24 -1 34 36 53 -1 53 35 34 -1 51 37 44 -1 45 44 37 -1 53 36 52 -1 54 41 55 -1 43 56 55 -1 55 41 43 -1 72 39 29 -1 47 50 59 -1 33 47 59 -1 71 47 33 -1 57 56 28 -1 32 57 28 -1 29 30 72 -1 30 27 72 -1 70 29 39 -1 27 28 43 -1 43 28 56 -1 57 32 58 -1 2 59 50 -1 62 26 63 -1 13 64 14 -1 64 13 62 -1 65 66 64 -1 64 66 14 -1 15 14 66 -1 0 25 62 -1 62 13 0 -1 66 12 15 -1 60 67 65 -1 60 61 67 -1 61 68 67 -1 61 59 68 -1 12 68 59 -1 66 67 68 -1 66 65 67 -1 66 68 12 -1 25 26 62 -1 65 64 22 -1 69 22 64 -1 26 24 63 -1 62 21 64 -1 21 62 63 -1 22 20 65 -1 60 65 20 -1 21 69 64 -1 71 70 39 -1 70 33 61 -1 70 71 33 -1 39 46 71 -1 72 27 42 -1 42 39 72 -1 73 44 51 -1 23 22 20 -1 23 20 21 -1' texCoordIndex='57 58 59 -1 58 60 59 -1 61 62 63 -1 62 61 64 -1 60 62 64 -1 64 59 60 -1 65 66 67 -1 68 69 70 -1 67 70 69 -1 66 70 67 -1 71 72 73 -1 73 72 74 -1 61 63 75 -1 75 76 61 -1 74 76 75 -1 76 74 72 -1 77 78 79 -1 68 80 69 -1 78 69 80 -1 79 78 80 -1 81 82 83 -1 81 83 84 -1 81 82 83 -1 81 83 84 -1 85 86 87 -1 88 86 85 -1 85 89 90 -1 85 87 89 -1 87 86 83 -1 86 91 83 -1 86 92 91 -1 86 88 92 -1 88 93 92 -1 92 94 95 -1 76 95 61 -1 96 97 98 -1 70 66 99 -1 99 96 70 -1 100 101 102 -1 101 57 102 -1 59 102 57 -1 68 96 103 -1 96 68 70 -1 102 59 64 -1 104 105 106 -1 106 105 107 -1 105 90 108 -1 105 108 107 -1 107 109 106 -1 106 109 110 -1 106 110 111 -1 106 111 104 -1 112 111 113 -1 110 100 114 -1 110 114 111 -1 111 114 115 -1 111 116 113 -1 111 115 116 -1 64 116 115 -1 102 115 114 -1 102 114 100 -1 102 64 115 -1 64 61 116 -1 103 96 98 -1 100 117 101 -1 118 101 117 -1 98 97 119 -1 96 99 120 -1 120 97 96 -1 117 100 109 -1 110 109 100 -1 121 101 118 -1 122 107 123 -1 108 124 123 -1 123 107 108 -1 125 104 88 -1 113 116 95 -1 94 113 95 -1 112 113 94 -1 126 124 89 -1 87 126 89 -1 88 85 125 -1 85 90 125 -1 93 88 104 -1 90 89 108 -1 108 89 124 -1 126 87 127 -1 61 95 116 -1 128 98 129 -1 80 130 79 -1 130 80 128 -1 131 132 133 -1 133 132 71 -1 72 71 132 -1 68 103 128 -1 128 80 68 -1 132 76 72 -1 91 134 131 -1 91 92 134 -1 92 135 134 -1 92 95 135 -1 76 135 95 -1 132 134 135 -1 132 131 134 -1 132 135 76 -1 103 98 128 -1 131 133 82 -1 136 82 133 -1 98 119 129 -1 128 137 130 -1 137 128 129 -1 82 83 131 -1 91 131 83 -1 84 136 133 -1 112 93 104 -1 93 94 92 -1 93 112 94 -1 104 111 112 -1 125 90 105 -1 105 104 125 -1 138 109 117 -1 81 82 83 -1 81 83 84 -1'> |
562 |
<!-- TextureCoordinate
spine-TEXCOORD is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 --> <TextureCoordinate DEF='spine-TEXCOORD' point='0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.05749 0.4563 0.0593 0.4306 0.06375 0.4546 0.06166 0.4149 0.1207 0.4923 0.07767 0.3992 0.1188 0.3911 0.07163 0.4921 0.3246 0.198 0.3195 0.2147 0.3054 0.1997 0.2701 0.2251 0.2689 0.1984 0.2975 0.2228 0.2102 0.4535 0.1961 0.4534 0.2048 0.4296 0.1903 0.4146 0.166 0.3994 0.1714 0.4906 0.2233 0.1988 0.2362 0.2011 0.2275 0.2165 0.2394 0.2239 0.2321 0.5721 0.2268 0.5802 0.2154 0.6149 0.2391 0.603 0.1375 0.5801 0.188 0.5721 0.1747 0.5997 0.1621 0.552 0.1318 0.6 0.1184 0.563 0.2092 0.5603 0.1945 0.5272 0.1607 0.5344 0.1607 0.5144 0.174 0.5029 0.3014 0.2618 0.3005 0.3507 0.2689 0.3131 0.321 0.2575 0.02977 0.5601 0.04502 0.5112 0.05098 0.5016 0.2695 0.2618 0.07094 0.5533 0.09999 0.5806 0.05123 0.5741 0.0756 0.5956 0.1159 0.6002 0.05235 0.6182 0.03709 0.5628 0.04677 0.5319 0.07261 0.5357 0.07568 0.5156 0.03577 0.529 0.04282 0.5102 0.0653 0.5044 0.03497 0.5863 0.05009 0.575 0.2737 0.38 0.3309 0.3146 0.04345 0.6114 0.1002 0.6439 0.1123 0.6256 0.1277 0.6205 0.1171 0.5764 0.1412 0.6219 0.1621 0.6349 0.2426 0.2661 0.2426 0.3508 0.2265 0.2664 0.2217 0.554 0.2044 0.5029 0.2232 0.5154 0.2179 0.5263 0.2054 0.5078 0.2402 0.5735 0.219 0.3169 0.05434 0.5749'/> |
563 |
<!-- Coordinate
spine-COORD is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 --> <Coordinate DEF='spine-COORD' point='-0.05269 13.2 -1.842 -0.5906 17.72 -15.67 -0.1489 10.08 -14.94 0.1654 16.26 -1.58 3.616 13.38 -1.26 6.16 14.15 -4.274 5.811 13.65 -8.648 6.338 15.9 -7.953 4.392 10.25 -13.92 5.202 16.5 -12.13 3.234 17.52 -14.28 4.477 15.51 -4.425 -4.558 10.25 -13.94 -3.926 13.38 -1.268 -6.036 14.14 -4.331 -6.06 13.59 -8.633 -6.487 15.75 -7.167 -6.001 16.58 -11.48 -4.125 17.2 -13.8 -4.547 15.48 -3.854 -6.819 3.504 -6.547 -7.723 5.261 3.896 -7.699 5.778 -2.93 -8.167 6.488 -0.04749 0.3071 -1.822 3.669 0.1606 9.799 1.325 0.2359 5.027 4.306 0.2491 5.654 -13.53 -0.5187 3.143 -10.14 -4.141 5.93 -17.0 -1.72 4.307 -15.42 -6.186 4.838 -14.91 -4.586 3.403 -11.86 -3.874 8.489 -16.0 4.337 9.757 1.647 4.137 1.415 4.522 7.229 10.06 -0.4813 8.149 6.617 -9.286 6.534 10.01 -8.825 4.044 5.931 -16.99 6.09 4.839 -14.89 4.293 3.33 -11.86 1.646 4.307 -15.42 0.892 3.138 -10.2 6.71 3.47 -7.397 7.622 5.811 -12.92 6.551 7.632 -14.45 3.753 8.49 -15.99 8.135 8.132 -11.83 7.132 9.24 -12.75 4.777 9.303 -15.3 8.156 5.995 -2.964 8.167 6.473 -0.01642 9.042 4.925 3.135 2.954 0.07632 -3.93 1.394 1.446 -7.541 0.3969 1.983 -5.912 -0.9221 1.378 -7.358 -2.152 0.4281 -4.963 -4.977 9.302 -15.32 -7.828 5.81 -12.94 -6.787 7.734 -15.05 -4.478 9.754 1.617 -3.412 1.507 4.269 -6.768 10.05 -0.5821 -8.465 6.616 -9.309 -6.849 10.01 -8.843 -8.455 8.131 -11.85 -7.462 9.238 -12.79 -8.545 6.472 -0.03934 -4.01 7.073 -16.98 3.898 7.073 -16.97 0.03628 4.607 -16.27 7.785 6.473 -0.0231'/> |
564 | </IndexedFaceSet> |
565 | </Shape> |
566 | <Shape> |
567 | <Appearance> |
568 | <Material ambientIntensity='1.0' diffuseColor='0.5882 0.5882 0.5882' shininess='0.145'/> |
569 | <ImageTexture USE='LaetitiaHeadTemplate'/> |
570 | </Appearance> |
571 | <IndexedFaceSet DEF='spine-FACE' ccw='false' creaseAngle='15'> |
572 | <TextureCoordinate USE='spine-TEXCOORD'/> |
573 | <Coordinate USE='spine-COORD'/> |
574 | </IndexedFaceSet> |
575 | </Shape> |
576 | </Transform> |
577 | </Transform> |
578 | <Transform DEF='pelvis' rotation='-0.1065 -0.02337 -0.994 -1.584' scale='0.1034 0.09767 0.05738' scaleOrientation='0.008598 -0.5432 0.8395 -0.0572' translation='2.285 -0.01297 0.03239'> |
579 | <Shape> |
580 | <Appearance> |
581 | <Material ambientIntensity='1.0' diffuseColor='0.01961 0.3529 0.3098' shininess='0.145'/> |
582 | <ImageTexture USE='LaetitiaBodyTemplate'/> |
583 | </Appearance> |
584 | <IndexedFaceSet DEF='pelvis-FACES' ccw='false' creaseAngle='15' coordIndex='17 7 18 -1 8 18 7 -1 0 10 18 -1 18 8 0 -1 15 7 17 -1 9 6 16 -1 14 1 19 -1 19 1 9 -1 9 16 19 -1 7 15 6 -1 6 15 16 -1 18 10 11 -1 20 23 15 -1 17 20 15 -1 20 24 23 -1 25 27 26 -1 28 12 27 -1 28 27 25 -1 26 27 19 -1 29 30 12 -1 29 12 28 -1 27 12 14 -1 25 23 24 -1 26 19 16 -1 26 16 23 -1 25 24 21 -1 25 21 31 -1 25 31 28 -1 31 32 33 -1 31 33 28 -1 28 33 29 -1 32 34 33 -1 33 34 35 -1 33 35 29 -1 29 35 30 -1 34 22 35 -1 35 13 36 -1 35 36 30 -1 22 13 35 -1 27 14 19 -1 15 23 16 -1 26 23 25 -1 40 41 3 -1 4 3 41 -1 0 41 10 -1 41 0 4 -1 38 40 3 -1 5 39 2 -1 14 42 1 -1 42 5 1 -1 5 42 39 -1 3 2 38 -1 2 39 38 -1 41 11 10 -1 43 38 45 -1 40 38 43 -1 43 45 46 -1 47 48 49 -1 50 49 12 -1 50 47 49 -1 48 42 49 -1 29 12 51 -1 29 50 12 -1 49 14 12 -1 47 46 45 -1 48 39 42 -1 48 45 39 -1 47 44 46 -1 47 52 44 -1 47 50 52 -1 52 54 53 -1 52 50 54 -1 50 29 54 -1 53 54 55 -1 54 56 55 -1 54 29 56 -1 29 51 56 -1 55 56 22 -1 56 57 37 -1 56 51 57 -1 22 56 37 -1 49 42 14 -1 38 39 45 -1 48 47 45 -1' texCoordIndex='38 39 40 -1 41 40 39 -1 42 43 40 -1 40 41 42 -1 44 39 38 -1 45 46 47 -1 48 49 50 -1 50 49 45 -1 45 47 50 -1 51 52 46 -1 46 52 47 -1 40 43 53 -1 54 58 52 -1 38 57 44 -1 54 59 58 -1 60 61 62 -1 63 64 61 -1 63 61 60 -1 62 61 50 -1 65 66 64 -1 65 64 63 -1 61 64 48 -1 60 58 59 -1 62 50 47 -1 62 47 58 -1 60 59 55 -1 60 55 67 -1 60 67 63 -1 67 68 69 -1 67 69 63 -1 63 69 65 -1 68 70 69 -1 69 70 71 -1 69 71 65 -1 65 71 66 -1 70 56 71 -1 71 72 73 -1 71 73 66 -1 56 72 71 -1 61 48 50 -1 52 58 47 -1 62 58 60 -1 74 76 75 -1 77 75 76 -1 78 76 79 -1 76 78 77 -1 80 74 75 -1 81 83 82 -1 84 86 85 -1 86 81 85 -1 81 86 83 -1 87 82 88 -1 82 83 88 -1 76 89 79 -1 90 88 94 -1 74 80 93 -1 90 94 95 -1 96 98 97 -1 99 97 100 -1 99 96 97 -1 98 86 97 -1 101 100 102 -1 101 99 100 -1 97 84 100 -1 96 95 94 -1 98 83 86 -1 98 94 83 -1 96 91 95 -1 96 103 91 -1 96 99 103 -1 103 105 104 -1 103 99 105 -1 99 101 105 -1 104 105 106 -1 105 107 106 -1 105 101 107 -1 101 102 107 -1 106 107 92 -1 107 109 108 -1 107 102 109 -1 92 107 108 -1 97 86 84 -1 88 83 94 -1 98 96 94 -1'> |
585 |
<!-- TextureCoordinate
pelvis-TEXCOORD is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 --> <TextureCoordinate DEF='pelvis-TEXCOORD' point='0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.8129 0.7538 0.8027 0.7967 0.7702 0.7394 0.7816 0.7924 0.7367 0.7894 0.7362 0.7374 0.83 0.7792 0.6366 0.7985 0.615 0.7993 0.61 0.7851 0.6794 0.7847 0.6795 0.7991 0.6396 0.785 0.6199 0.7908 0.6091 0.7773 0.748 0.6836 0.5877 0.7295 0.5783 0.6847 0.6775 0.6816 0.8455 0.7399 0.5926 0.7439 0.587 0.7167 0.6007 0.7207 0.6604 0.7523 0.6072 0.7396 0.6548 0.7295 0.6773 0.7408 0.6762 0.7191 0.6856 0.7101 0.6085 0.702 0.6291 0.6824 0.6556 0.6992 0.6583 0.6785 0.6747 0.6943 0.6855 0.683 0.697 0.6979 0.8129 0.7538 0.8027 0.7967 0.7702 0.7394 0.7816 0.7924 0.7367 0.7894 0.7362 0.7374 0.83 0.7792 0.6366 0.7985 0.615 0.7993 0.61 0.7851 0.6794 0.7847 0.6795 0.7991 0.6396 0.785 0.6199 0.7908 0.6091 0.7773 0.748 0.6836 0.5877 0.7295 0.5783 0.6847 0.6775 0.6816 0.8455 0.7399 0.5926 0.7439 0.587 0.7167 0.6007 0.7207 0.6604 0.7523 0.6072 0.7396 0.6548 0.7295 0.6773 0.7408 0.6762 0.7191 0.6856 0.7101 0.6085 0.702 0.6291 0.6824 0.6556 0.6992 0.6583 0.6785 0.6747 0.6943 0.6855 0.683 0.697 0.6979'/> |
586 |
<!-- Coordinate
pelvis-COORD is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 --> <Coordinate DEF='pelvis-COORD' point='-0.5959 17.61 -15.65 0.1654 16.26 -1.58 6.194 15.59 -7.873 4.873 16.17 -12.02 3.072 17.14 -14.18 4.477 15.51 -4.425 -6.378 15.66 -7.163 -5.744 16.34 -11.46 -4.126 17.17 -13.79 -4.547 15.48 -3.854 -0.6383 23.06 -17.73 -0.3168 27.07 -14.04 0.4694 21.7 1.054 0.4985 26.82 -4.988 0.3885 18.5 0.4731 -7.852 18.47 -9.511 -6.446 17.6 -5.002 -6.431 24.12 -14.18 -3.553 24.16 -16.13 -3.392 18.39 0.7123 -8.503 22.61 -8.657 -8.893 26.86 -3.38 0.3505 27.0 -3.263 -8.141 20.7 -3.385 -8.661 24.78 -3.442 -6.072 23.54 2.03 -5.706 21.73 1.245 -0.8289 20.68 2.908 -1.3 22.66 3.287 0.4838 23.55 0.8498 1.196 24.06 -1.422 -5.138 28.21 1.418 -3.359 30.02 0.7611 -1.191 25.51 2.531 -1.204 30.28 -2.193 0.4691 25.87 -0.259 1.829 25.41 -3.956 -0.1329 26.82 -4.909 7.314 18.32 -11.41 6.441 17.47 -6.615 5.752 23.48 -15.59 2.635 24.18 -16.92 4.137 18.32 -0.2298 8.235 23.53 -11.0 9.309 26.67 -5.658 8.392 20.53 -5.454 9.077 23.51 -5.418 7.08 23.4 0.3837 6.575 21.6 -0.2915 1.94 20.65 2.561 2.505 22.62 2.811 -0.4742 24.08 -1.213 6.566 28.09 -0.04695 4.787 29.93 -0.2583 2.389 25.47 2.083 2.321 30.24 -2.634 0.6758 25.87 -0.2849 -1.36 25.44 -3.557'/> |
587 | </IndexedFaceSet> |
588 | </Shape> |
589 | <Shape> |
590 | <Appearance> |
591 | <Material ambientIntensity='1.0' diffuseColor='0.5882 0.5882 0.5882' shininess='0.145'/> |
592 | <ImageTexture USE='LaetitiaHeadTemplate'/> |
593 | </Appearance> |
594 | <IndexedFaceSet DEF='pelvis-FACE' ccw='false' creaseAngle='15'> |
595 | <TextureCoordinate USE='pelvis-TEXCOORD'/> |
596 | <Coordinate USE='pelvis-COORD'/> |
597 | </IndexedFaceSet> |
598 | </Shape> |
599 | </Transform> |
600 | </Transform> |
601 | </Transform> |
602 | </Transform> |
603 | < ROUTE fromNode='Laetitia-TIMER' fromField='fraction_changed' toNode='Laetitia_Pelvis-POS-INTERP' toField='set_fraction'/> |
604 | < ROUTE fromNode='Laetitia_Pelvis-POS-INTERP' fromField='value_changed' toNode='Laetitia_Pelvis' toField='set_translation'/> |
605 | < ROUTE fromNode='Laetitia-TIMER' fromField='fraction_changed' toNode='Laetitia_Pelvis-ROT-INTERP' toField='set_fraction'/> |
606 | < ROUTE fromNode='Laetitia_Pelvis-ROT-INTERP' fromField='value_changed' toNode='Laetitia_Pelvis' toField='set_rotation'/> |
607 | < ROUTE fromNode='Laetitia-TIMER' fromField='fraction_changed' toNode='Laetitia_Spine-POS-INTERP' toField='set_fraction'/> |
608 | < ROUTE fromNode='Laetitia_Spine-POS-INTERP' fromField='value_changed' toNode='Laetitia_Spine' toField='set_translation'/> |
609 | < ROUTE fromNode='Laetitia-TIMER' fromField='fraction_changed' toNode='Laetitia_Spine-ROT-INTERP' toField='set_fraction'/> |
610 | < ROUTE fromNode='Laetitia_Spine-ROT-INTERP' fromField='value_changed' toNode='Laetitia_Spine' toField='set_rotation'/> |
611 | < ROUTE fromNode='Laetitia-TIMER' fromField='fraction_changed' toNode='Laetitia_Neck-SCALE-ORI-INTERP' toField='set_fraction'/> |
612 | < ROUTE fromNode='Laetitia_Neck-SCALE-ORI-INTERP' fromField='value_changed' toNode='Laetitia_Neck' toField='set_rotation'/> |
613 | < ROUTE fromNode='Laetitia-TIMER' fromField='fraction_changed' toNode='Laetitia_Head-ROT-INTERP' toField='set_fraction'/> |
614 | < ROUTE fromNode='Laetitia_Head-ROT-INTERP' fromField='value_changed' toNode='Laetitia_Head' toField='set_rotation'/> |
615 | < ROUTE fromNode='Laetitia-TIMER' fromField='fraction_changed' toNode='Laetitia_Head-SCALE-ORI-INTERP' toField='set_fraction'/> |
616 | < ROUTE fromNode='Laetitia_Head-SCALE-ORI-INTERP' fromField='value_changed' toNode='Laetitia_Head' toField='set_rotation'/> |
617 | < ROUTE fromNode='Laetitia-TIMER' fromField='fraction_changed' toNode='Laetitia_L_UpperArm-ROT-INTERP' toField='set_fraction'/> |
618 | < ROUTE fromNode='Laetitia_L_UpperArm-ROT-INTERP' fromField='value_changed' toNode='Laetitia_L_UpperArm' toField='set_rotation'/> |
619 | < ROUTE fromNode='Laetitia-TIMER' fromField='fraction_changed' toNode='Laetitia_L_UpperArm-SCALE-ORI-INTERP' toField='set_fraction'/> |
620 | < ROUTE fromNode='Laetitia_L_UpperArm-SCALE-ORI-INTERP' fromField='value_changed' toNode='Laetitia_L_UpperArm' toField='set_rotation'/> |
621 | < ROUTE fromNode='Laetitia-TIMER' fromField='fraction_changed' toNode='Laetitia_L_Forearm-ROT-INTERP' toField='set_fraction'/> |
622 | < ROUTE fromNode='Laetitia_L_Forearm-ROT-INTERP' fromField='value_changed' toNode='Laetitia_L_Forearm' toField='set_rotation'/> |
623 | < ROUTE fromNode='Laetitia-TIMER' fromField='fraction_changed' toNode='Laetitia_L_Forearm-SCALE-ORI-INTERP' toField='set_fraction'/> |
624 | < ROUTE fromNode='Laetitia_L_Forearm-SCALE-ORI-INTERP' fromField='value_changed' toNode='Laetitia_L_Forearm' toField='set_rotation'/> |
625 | < ROUTE fromNode='Laetitia-TIMER' fromField='fraction_changed' toNode='Laetitia_L_Hand-ROT-INTERP' toField='set_fraction'/> |
626 | < ROUTE fromNode='Laetitia_L_Hand-ROT-INTERP' fromField='value_changed' toNode='Laetitia_L_Hand' toField='set_rotation'/> |
627 | < ROUTE fromNode='Laetitia-TIMER' fromField='fraction_changed' toNode='Laetitia_L_Hand-SCALE-ORI-INTERP' toField='set_fraction'/> |
628 | < ROUTE fromNode='Laetitia_L_Hand-SCALE-ORI-INTERP' fromField='value_changed' toNode='Laetitia_L_Hand' toField='set_rotation'/> |
629 | < ROUTE fromNode='Laetitia-TIMER' fromField='fraction_changed' toNode='Laetitia_R_UpperArm-ROT-INTERP' toField='set_fraction'/> |
630 | < ROUTE fromNode='Laetitia_R_UpperArm-ROT-INTERP' fromField='value_changed' toNode='Laetitia_R_UpperArm' toField='set_rotation'/> |
631 | < ROUTE fromNode='Laetitia-TIMER' fromField='fraction_changed' toNode='Laetitia_R_UpperArm-SCALE-ORI-INTERP' toField='set_fraction'/> |
632 | < ROUTE fromNode='Laetitia_R_UpperArm-SCALE-ORI-INTERP' fromField='value_changed' toNode='Laetitia_R_UpperArm' toField='set_rotation'/> |
633 | < ROUTE fromNode='Laetitia-TIMER' fromField='fraction_changed' toNode='Laetitia_R_Forearm-ROT-INTERP' toField='set_fraction'/> |
634 | < ROUTE fromNode='Laetitia_R_Forearm-ROT-INTERP' fromField='value_changed' toNode='Laetitia_R_Forearm' toField='set_rotation'/> |
635 | < ROUTE fromNode='Laetitia-TIMER' fromField='fraction_changed' toNode='Laetitia_R_Forearm-SCALE-ORI-INTERP' toField='set_fraction'/> |
636 | < ROUTE fromNode='Laetitia_R_Forearm-SCALE-ORI-INTERP' fromField='value_changed' toNode='Laetitia_R_Forearm' toField='set_rotation'/> |
637 | < ROUTE fromNode='Laetitia-TIMER' fromField='fraction_changed' toNode='Laetitia_R_Hand-ROT-INTERP' toField='set_fraction'/> |
638 | < ROUTE fromNode='Laetitia_R_Hand-ROT-INTERP' fromField='value_changed' toNode='Laetitia_R_Hand' toField='set_rotation'/> |
639 | < ROUTE fromNode='Laetitia-TIMER' fromField='fraction_changed' toNode='Laetitia_R_Hand-SCALE-ORI-INTERP' toField='set_fraction'/> |
640 | < ROUTE fromNode='Laetitia_R_Hand-SCALE-ORI-INTERP' fromField='value_changed' toNode='Laetitia_R_Hand' toField='set_rotation'/> |
641 | < ROUTE fromNode='Laetitia-TIMER' fromField='fraction_changed' toNode='Laetitia_L_Thigh-POS-INTERP' toField='set_fraction'/> |
642 | < ROUTE fromNode='Laetitia_L_Thigh-POS-INTERP' fromField='value_changed' toNode='Laetitia_L_Thigh' toField='set_translation'/> |
643 | < ROUTE fromNode='Laetitia-TIMER' fromField='fraction_changed' toNode='Laetitia_L_Thigh-ROT-INTERP' toField='set_fraction'/> |
644 | < ROUTE fromNode='Laetitia_L_Thigh-ROT-INTERP' fromField='value_changed' toNode='Laetitia_L_Thigh' toField='set_rotation'/> |
645 | < ROUTE fromNode='Laetitia-TIMER' fromField='fraction_changed' toNode='Laetitia_L_Calf-ROT-INTERP' toField='set_fraction'/> |
646 | < ROUTE fromNode='Laetitia_L_Calf-ROT-INTERP' fromField='value_changed' toNode='Laetitia_L_Calf' toField='set_rotation'/> |
647 | < ROUTE fromNode='Laetitia-TIMER' fromField='fraction_changed' toNode='Laetitia_L_Foot-ROT-INTERP' toField='set_fraction'/> |
648 | < ROUTE fromNode='Laetitia_L_Foot-ROT-INTERP' fromField='value_changed' toNode='Laetitia_L_Foot' toField='set_rotation'/> |
649 | < ROUTE fromNode='Laetitia-TIMER' fromField='fraction_changed' toNode='Laetitia_R_Thigh-POS-INTERP' toField='set_fraction'/> |
650 | < ROUTE fromNode='Laetitia_R_Thigh-POS-INTERP' fromField='value_changed' toNode='Laetitia_R_Thigh' toField='set_translation'/> |
651 | < ROUTE fromNode='Laetitia-TIMER' fromField='fraction_changed' toNode='Laetitia_R_Thigh-ROT-INTERP' toField='set_fraction'/> |
652 | < ROUTE fromNode='Laetitia_R_Thigh-ROT-INTERP' fromField='value_changed' toNode='Laetitia_R_Thigh' toField='set_rotation'/> |
653 | < ROUTE fromNode='Laetitia-TIMER' fromField='fraction_changed' toNode='Laetitia_R_Calf-ROT-INTERP' toField='set_fraction'/> |
654 | < ROUTE fromNode='Laetitia_R_Calf-ROT-INTERP' fromField='value_changed' toNode='Laetitia_R_Calf' toField='set_rotation'/> |
655 | < ROUTE fromNode='Laetitia-TIMER' fromField='fraction_changed' toNode='Laetitia_R_Foot-ROT-INTERP' toField='set_fraction'/> |
656 | < ROUTE fromNode='Laetitia_R_Foot-ROT-INTERP' fromField='value_changed' toNode='Laetitia_R_Foot' toField='set_rotation'/> |
657 | < ROUTE fromNode='TrackBuilder' fromField='orientation_changed' toNode='LaetitiaTransformDVD' toField='rotation'/> |
658 | < ROUTE fromNode='TrackBuilder' fromField='position_changed' toNode='LaetitiaTransformDVD' toField='translation'/> |
659 | </Scene> |
660 | </X3D> |
Event Graph ROUTE Table entries with 58 ROUTE connections total, showing X3D event-model relationships for this scene.
Each row shows an event cascade that may occur during a single timestamp interval between frame renderings, as part of the X3D execution model.
Color legend: X3D terminology
DEF='idName' field='value'/>
matches XML terminology
DEF='idName' attribute='value'/>
(Light-blue background: event-based behavior node or statement)
(Grey background inside box: inserted documentation)
(Magenta background: X3D Extensibility)
name='fieldName'/> </ProtoInstance>
<!-- For additional help information about X3D scenes, please see X3D Tooltips, X3D Resources, and X3D Scene Authoring Hints. -->