
X_ITE X3D Player   Test rotation field for ImageTexture mapping to complex geometry. Test browser ability to apply rotations of (left to right) -180, -90, +45, +90 and +180 degrees to an ImageTexture mapped to the faces of complex geometry, mapping with primitive mapping rules. The result is (for the bottom face of the ElevationGrid, the side and bottom end cap of the Extrusion, and the front of the IndexedFaceSet) the first column of geometry should show the VTS logo upside-down and spelling to the left for all faces. The second column of geometry should map the VTS logo with the positive horizontal direction pointing up, and the positive vertical axis pointing left. The third column should map the VTS logo right side up, on a downward 45 degree angle. The fourth column should map the VTS logo vertically downward, with the +T direction to the right. The fifth column should be identical to column #1. Opposite geometry faces should show reversed mapping, and side faces for the IndexedFaceSet should show smeared end pixels of the front and back faces.

Display error: X3D model not shown.

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Original X3D scene: rotation_complex.x3d

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