X3D Resources |
Extensible 3D (X3D) Graphics is the royalty-free open standard for publishing, viewing and archiving interactive 3D models
on the Web.
Applications |
Authoring Tools |
Authoring Support |
Books |
Conformance |
Conversions |
Examples |
Export |
Feedback |
License |
Mobile |
Model Search |
PowerPoint |
Quality Assurance (QA) |
References |
Security |
Showcase |
Tooltips |
Training and Tutorials |
Videos |
VRML and Open Inventor |
Wish List |
X3D‑Edit | X3D Scene Authoring Hints | Contact
Numerous resources are available to support both X3D Graphics and its compatible predecessor,
the Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML).
Extensible 3D (X3D) is the third-generation successor to the Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML),
providing full backwards compatibility and adding functionally equivalent XML and compressed-binary file encodings.
Player support for X3D components
provides a feature comparison of major X3D viewers, for each player and each X3D component.
A simple example test scene is
provided in a variety of X3D encodings and conversions:
(.x3d XML,
.x3dv ClassicVRML,
.wrl VRML97,
.html listing,
.html Cobweb,
.xhtml X3DOM,
.json JavaScript Object Notation,
.x3db compression,
C14N canonicalization, and
.png image)
scene is a simple authoring example that illustrates the minimalist X3D Interchange profile.
Also available: internationalized
Hello World Scenes.
Please install one of the following X3D players
to view X3D/VRML scenes and browse these examples.
X3D players and plugins
from Web3D Consortium members:
InstantReality is a high-performance X3D player and Mixed Reality (MR) system by Fraunhofer IGD
(Linux, MacOSX, Windows)
Special mention.
X3DOM (pronounced "X-Freedom")
implements a high-performance X3D player in open-source JavaScript.
Authors can publish X3D source within an HTML5 page that works with Web browsers without prior plugin installation
(get involved
FreeWRL/FreeX3D X3D/VRML browser (open-source C).
(Linux, MacOSX, Windows)
(bug tickets).
Also described on
is an open-source C++ API and X3D player
(Linux, MacOSX, Windows)
is an open-source Java viewer and application codebase for X3D graphics scenes.
GeoVrml Run-Time was originally used for VRML97 GeoVrml examples.
is a pure Java-based 3D Graphics Engine for web browsers.
Open source renderer by Mitch Williams.
Other X3D players, not (yet?) Web3D Consortium members:
BS Contact
BS Contact Geo
X3D/VRML97 plugins for HTML web browsers (Linux, MacOSX, Windows)
Castle Game Engine
is used to build
a free cross-platform VRML/X3D browser that also supports other 3D model formats
(FreeBSD, Linux, MacOSX, Windows)
Cobweb X3D Browser
implements a high-performance X3D player in open-source JavaScript.
Authors can publish X3D source within an HTML5 page that works with Web browsers without prior plugin installation.
Cortona3D Viewer
by Parallel Graphics,
VRML plugin for Netscape or Internet Explorer
is an Open Source multimedia framework for presentation technologies (graphics, animation and interactivity)
and packaging formats such as MP4. (Linux, MacOSX, Windows).
Heilan X3D Browser
open-source C++ browser for audio research (Linux, MacOSX, Windows).
open-source C++ libraries for X3D.
by Okino provides a
3D rendering, translation, viewing & data optimization system
(Windows + emulators
and plugins for other authoring tools)
Octaga Player 5.0
(and Octaga-only
plugin test page)
Octaga VS
is a high-performance X3D/VRML browser (Windows)
Downloads of prior Octaga Player 2.1 also available at
is a free cross-platform runtime for VRML and X3D (FreeBSD, Linux, MacOSX)
is a free multi-platform standalone VRML97 viewer for visualizing virtual worlds,
and can connect to a
Simulink 3D Animation
server (FreeBSD, MacOSX, Linux, Unix)
SwirlX3D Free Player by Pine Coast Software (Windows)
Legacy and unsupported X3D players:
blaxxun Contact
VRML97 plugin for Netscape or Internet Explorer, and
Matlab plugin
(not supported).
CosmoPlayer was created by Silicon Graphics Inc. (SGI) (not supported)
Vivaty was the successor to MediaMachines, with eventual acquisitions by Platinum, Computer Associates and Microsoft.
(corporate history)
Flux Player and Flux Studio
X3D/VRML97 viewer plugin and authoring tool for Internet Explorer (Windows)
(not supported).
Also includes download links to Nexternet Pivoron player.
- Flux open-source early release for VRML and X3D, removed by project committers (Windows, Internet Explorer and Firefox).
Sourceforge changed their policy after this incident to eliminate such removals from occurring again.
Thanks to another contributor, this
original early-release codebase
is again available.
Vivaty (formerly Flux) Player
X3D/VRML97 plugin for Internet Explorer (Windows)
(not supported).
plugin for Netscape or Internet Explorer
(release plans)
which was
acquired by MediaMachines in 2001.
Not supported.
Many authoring tools have emerged since X3D can be used for any purpose without royalty fees.
Tool support for X3D components
provides a feature comparison of major X3D authoring tools, for each player and each X3D component.
is the primary authoring tool used at NPS to create the X3D, Sourcebook and Savage example archives. Available free.
is a small, simple, easy-to-learn 3D authoring tool that includes support for X3D export
(Linux, MacOSX, Windows)
is an open-source 3D authoring tool that includes support for X3D import/export
(FreeBSD Linux, MacOSX, Windows)
BS Content Studio Tool
for easy and fast creation of 3D scenes and applications,
November 2014:
new update announced.
BS Editor
is the original authoring tool
is an open-source, image-based modeling tool for creation of buildings from photographs.
is an open-source, portable, and extensible system for the processing and editing of unstructured 3D triangular meshes.
is a parallel visualization application to visualize large data sets.
RawKee X3D Exporter Plug-in for
by Aaron Bergstrom
provides an open-source framework and tools for translating planetary terrain data and images
to different formats including multi-resolution versions optimized for web browsing.
SwirlX3D Editor
is an X3D/VRML authoring environment from Pinecoast Software (Windows)
is open-source 3D modeling software designed for artists
is a simple X3D Editor from University of Perugia Italy (Linux, MacOSX, Windows)
Titania X3D Editor
is a free standalone X3D/VRML authoring tool primary developed for Ubuntu/Debian operating system.
VIM (Vi IMproved) Editor does syntax highlighting and folding (collapsing of blocks) for both XML and VRML97. Nothing specific for X3D yet.
is a VRML97 source-code parser by
is a professional editor for VRML programming.
Visualization Toolkit (VTK)
is an open-source toolkit, written in C++, for large scale 3D data visualization that offers X3D export.
is a Python interactive scripting interface for VTK that includes X3D export of mesh-based surfaces.
White Dune
is a graphical VRML97/X3D editor, simple NURBS/Superformula 3D modeller, animation tool, and VRML97/X3DV command-line compiler in development.
(FreeBSD, MacOSX, Linux, Unix, Windows).
Wings 3D
is an advanced subdivision modeler that is both powerful and easy to use.
It can be used as a free open-source X3D/VRML authoring environment
(Linux, MacOSX, Windows)
Open-Source 3D Component Editor using X3DOM
by Fraunhofer IGD is an
example X3D scene editor
that runs in a web browser.
by Altova is an
XML development environment for modeling, editing, debugging and transforming XML technologies.
X3D-Edit distribution
enables XMLSpy support for X3D editing and validation, using either X3D DTD or schema.
is an overview project for X3D specification-development work
- ContentCatalog.spp project files are provided with each example archive
X3D Java Scene Access Interface (SAI) Library
provides standard X3D Java interfaces with concrete implementation classes, all as open source.
This application programming interface (API) library is strongly typed to avoid authoring errors, and
is autogenerated from the
X3D XML schema
X3D Object Model
to ensure correctness.
Legacy and unsupported X3D authoring tools:
Octaga Exporter
directly exported visual effects created using Autodesk 3DS Max into VRML and X3D.
Vapour Technology: VRML Authoring Tools for computing orientations (Dizzy, Peek, SpinDoctor and Twister)
Vivaty Studio
Flux Studio
is a high-quality authoring tool
It is an easy-to-use, inexpensive, general-purpose, visually oriented, 3D modeling and animation application
for X3D
(not supported).
This group also produced
Flux Player and Flux Studio
X3D/VRML97 viewer plugin and authoring tool for Internet Explorer (Windows)
(not supported).
Numerous other resources provide support for authoring X3D.
Additional authoring support includes the following assets.
is a Java applet that simulates the VRML/X3D illumination model given a default view of a sphere, a default directional light with direction [ -1 -1 -1 ], and a default material.
NIST Plugin and Browser Detector for server-side determination of VRML or X3D browser in use
Tools often need to support offline validation of content that includes authoritative online urls for the XML DOCTYPE and Schema. An
OASIS specification defines how to map authoritative urls to local copies.
is one example how an application can accomplish that.
The X3D Working Group is also showing how to best provide
support for the draft
HTML5 Recommendation.
Books on Extensible 3D (X3D) Graphics
X3D Graphics is the international standard for real-time 3D communication.
X3D for Web Authors
by Don Brutzman and Len Daly, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Elsevier, April 2007, 468 pages.
Visualizing Information Using SVG and X3D
Vladimir Geroimenko and
Chaomei Chen, editors,
Springer, 2008.
Computer Graphics: From a Small Formula to Cyberworlds
by Alexei Sourin,
3nd edition, Pearson Prentice Hall, Singapore, 385 pages, 2012.
Chapter 14 discusses X3D and VRML.
Networked Graphics: Building Networked Games and Virtual Environments
by Anthony Steed
and Manuel Fradinho Oliveira,
Elsevier, 536 pages, 2009.
Chapter 7 discusses X3D, X3D-Edit and DIS.
Interactive 3D Multimedia Content:
Models for Creation, Management, Search and Presentation,
edited by Wojciech Cellary and
Krzysztof Walczak,
Springer London, 302 pages, 2012.
Contributed chapters discuss X3D capabilities together with other standards,
then describe significant implemented research work regarding 3D/VR/AR systems.
Most works provide extensions based on the VRML/X3D standards.
Online resource:
Chapter 2, Interactive 3D Content Standards.
Core Web3D
by Aaron E. Walsh and
Mikaël Bourges-Sévenier,
Prentice Hall PTR, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey USA, 1088 pages, 2000.
Several chapters discuss developmental versions of X3D.
VRML & X3D for virtual reality
by KyungBae Park, KyungIn Kang and SeungWook Kwak, 21 Century, ISBN-10: 8984681903, 422 pages, 2006 (in Korean).
X3D, Who are you? Focus on examples for Web 3D design
by KyungBae Park and SeungWook Kwak, Global, ISBN-13: 9788955024135, 472 pages, 2007 (in Korean).
by Mitch Williams, ISBN-13: 9781783280919, 306 pages, 2014.
Chapter 1
shows how X3D complements WebGL.
Books on Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML) 97
VRML design began in 1994 and the language became a stable International Standard in 1997.
Of interest: X3D is a third-generation design that is fully backwards-compatible with the second-generation VRML 97 standard.
Thus all design guidelines and technical details in the following textbooks remains relevant.
VRML 2.0 Sourcebook
by Andrea L. Ames, David R. Nadeau, and John L. Moreland,
John Wiley & Sons, 1996.
(also see
VRML 2.0 Sourcebook examples
in X3D)
Annotated VRML 2.0 Reference Manual
by Rikk Carey and Gavin Bell,
Addison Wesley,
Boston Massachusetts, 1997.
Late Night VRML 2.0 with Java
by Bernie Roehl,
Justin Couch,
Cindy Reed-Ballreich, Tim Rohaly and Geoff Brown, Ziff-Davis Press (Macmillan Publishers), 1997.
VRML 2.0 Handbook
by Jed Hartman and Josie Wernecke,
Addison Wesley,
Boston Massachusetts, 1996.
Also see the Tenochtitlan examples.
VRML: Exploring Virtual Worlds on the Internet,
by Walter Goralski, Matthew Poli, and Peter Vogel, Prentice Hall PTR, January 1997.
Das Einsteigerseminar VRML
by Prof. Dr. Rolf Däßler, April 2001, BHV Publishing Group, 498 pages, in German. Available
Also available:
VRML Resources.
There are three conformance test suites to help improve
the quality of X3D and VRML players.
The Web3D Consortium offers compliance certification of this last suite.
X3D Conformance Testing Program
describes details.
The Web3D Consortium also supports the
Conformance working group mailing list
which includes
list archives.
Of related interest:
Quality Assurance (QA).
Numerous conversion tools are available for the various encodings of X3D and VRML.
X3D is a direct superset of VRML with three encodings:
XML encoding (.x3d
Classic VRML encoding (.x3dv
VRML97 encoding (.wrl
X3D is designed so that all three encodings are equivalent, you can choose to use any of them.
Converting X3D scenes to/from VRML (.wrl) also works well,
since X3D is 3rd-generation VRML.
The functionality provided by the VRML97 specification matches the X3D Immersive Profile.
X3D players
providing file-menu conversions (Save As) include
BSContact, OctagaVS(pro), view3Dscene, and Xj3D.
Xj3D Open Source for X3D/VRML97 includes
command-line and file-menu X3D translators between
all three encodings.
Xj3D can also import Collada files.
exposes all of these Xj3D conversion capabilities via a
conversion panel embedded under the
X3D...Import and ...Export menus.
X3D-Edit can further
import, export
and also
edit, validate
Collada files.
XSLT Stylesheets convert .x3d scenes into alternate formats and encodings.
These slidesets (and corresponding batch files) are bundled in
3D PDF Converter
includes support for X3D export. This capability allows users to easily visualize, validate and then export CAD data
in a suitable format for import into a 3rd Party System.
Accutrans 3D by MicroMouse Productions
provides accurate translation of 3D geometry between the file formats used by many popular modeling programs.
is able to export product data into high-precision B-rep and lightweight mesh formats including
SolidWorks, Inventor, ACIS, CATIA V4/V5, Parasolid, STEP, NX (formerly Unigraphics), IGES, COLLADA, DWF, X3D, and VRML.
is a free open-source 3D modeling environment for the RenderMan interface with
X3D import
X3D export.
open-source 3D Web Formats Import-Export Tool for Maya and Maya LT
includes X3D support.
"It's a work in progress, but a good start..."
Created by
Aaron Bergstron,
original author of the RawKee X3D Exporter for Maya.
Demonstration videos
also available.
capabilities include
BS Converter for 3ds max
BS Converter for Blender.
provides excellent top-level import/export support, as described by
Blender Model Export To X3D using X3D-Edit.
CAD Exchanger
is commercial C++ software to view and convert 3D models that supports
multiple formats
including VRML and X3D.
Chisel VRML Optimisation Tool
with new version
provided by
Halden Virtual Reality Centre.
Originally built by Trapezium and maintained by
can be used to create or import models, animate them and render online.
Support is provided for multiple
import/export data exchange
Cura3D printing software
supports X3D model import. Cura3D can output to multiple 3D printers and also export
InstantReality X3D encoding converter
is an online translator between
XML (.wrl) encoding,
and can also convert into
X3DOM outputs
(HTML5 or XHTML5).
Free for non-commercial use.
is an open source, portable, and extensible system for the processing and editing of unstructured 3D triangular meshes.
by Luxology
is a sophisticated authoring tool that includes X3D export.
NIST VRML to X3D Translator
was originally written by
Qiming Wang.
updated version of the source
(and a
.zip distribution)
are maintained on SourceForge.
The translator is also bundled in X3D-Edit under the X3D/Import/VRML97 menu.
Okino Polytrans/NuGraf
is the premier industry translation tool that can convert
many many different file formats
(including Collada)
to and from X3D, VRML97
VRML 1.0.
original 2002 press release
describes the central value of the VRML/X3D scene graph as a detailed, extendable design
used in the Okino converter architecture.
Open Cascade
is an open source (LGPL) geometry kernel written in C++ uses
The Web3D CAD public wiki includes a
STEP to X3D Python script.
provides support to convert, edit, store and share 3D data in PDF.
File-format support includes VRML97.
PMOD 3D Imaging Rendering Tool (P3D)
enables interactive investigation of volumetric medical data and imagery as part of modeling tool suite.
Project Rawkee: Open-Source X3D Plugin for Maya
by the
Archaeology Technologies Laboratory (ATL)
North Dakota State University (NDSU).
(CIS/2 to VRML and IFC Translator, aka CIS/2 Viewer)
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
SPRI Server Step Conversion
allows browsing the content of STEP files, which can contain multiple geometric models.
Further information is found on the
Web3D CAD public wiki.
SwirlX3D Translator
is an enhanced version of the Viewer that permits Collada and 3DS files to be imported into VRML or X3D (Windows)
Unreal Realm of Concepts: Unreal to X3D Exporter
by Dave Arendash
supports VRML/X3D, Collada, OpenInventor 1.0, 3d Studio Max 3DS, Quake 3 MD3, Wavefront OBJ and Videoscape GEO.
has utilities and converters for Google Earth KML/Sketchup, Autodesk 3DS Max, Autodesk Maya, and Unreal.
Vivaty Studio
also includes Collada import.
VRML 1.0 to VRML97 Converter
by Octaga
XIOT X3D Input Output Tool library
provides an open source generic C++ toolkit to import and export X3D in its different XML encodings: ASCII and binary.
A special development was done to provide a Fast Infoset (FI) based X3D encoding.
The X3D Examples Archives demonstrate how X3D nodes and scenes work.
Thousands of scenes are provided in all X3D encodings.
You can browse them individually online or download
fully complete, separately installable .zip archives.
Links to
additional X3D example scenes
are also available below.
A simple example test scene is
provided in a variety of X3D encodings:
.x3d XML
.x3dv ClassicVRML,
.wrl VRML97,
.html listing,
.html Cobweb,
.xhtml X3DOM,
.json JavaScript Object Notation,
.x3db compression,
C14N canonicalization, and
.png image
Special testing distribution.
A comprehensive collection of all JSON example scenes is available at
(MD5 checksum)
plus current output from the X3D JSON build process at
Production notes:
summarizes archive contents and lists key links.
Build scripts are written using
Ant with build.xml files in each archive's root.
Please install a player plugin
in your Web browser to view X3D/VRML scenes and browse these examples.
Alternatively you can view X3DOM versions by selecting the .xhtml links.
These examples are maintained by the
Web3D Consortium
and are all protected under an
open source license,
provided free for any use.
Sourceforge X3D Project
is the site where master versions of most
X3D examples
are maintained.
Quality Assurance
regression testing provides exhaustively thorough validation checks on all X3D example scenes.
Each example scene is provided using all X3D file encodings.
Zipped example archives start with the directory structure
in order to match the online addresses for most examples, and also to
allow side-by-side installation of local archives for easier user access.
Example scene archive details:
X3D for Web Authors Examples Archive
X3D for Advanced Modeling Examples Archive
Basic X3D Examples Archive
ConformanceNist Test Suite X3D Examples Archive
VRML 2.0 Sourcebook X3D Examples Archive
Savage X3D Examples Archive
SavageDefense X3D Examples Archive (restricted access)
Source version control
is available for developers wanting to track or
contribute to these X3D example archives.
or some other subversion client
(such as
to check out the version-control source and project information.
Decide whether to use
or else a personal
sourceforge account.
Check out
usually to a local directory such as
Further links and information available via the
x3d sourceforge project.
Additional X3D example scene collections designed to demonstrate VRML/X3D capabilities include the following.
BitManagement Interactive Demos
Castle VRML / X3D demo models
which were produced for the
Kambi/Castle game engine
by Michalis Kamburelis.
H3DAPI examples repository
example scenes
Holger Grahn's VRML Demos
InstantReality examples
test-set files (.zip)
was a volunteer effort to create a VRML Space Exhibit for the Children of Ireland.
The project resulted in a multimedia space adventure in which a group of future emigrants
set out from Earth aboard the Jeanie Johnston to settle the Solar System.
This content was designed and built by Paul S. Hoffman, Len Bullard, and many other individuals.
Alexei Sourin's book
Computer Graphics: From a Small Formula to Cyberworlds
provides online examples including
Virtual Campus
of Nanyang Technical University (NTU) Singapore.
is a large VRML site illustrating the 1519 history of
Cortes and Moctezuma on the island city of Tenochtitlan, center of the Aztec Empire.
This content was designed by Delle Maxwell as a companion piece to the
VRML 2.0 Handbook.
3D CAD Browser .com
has both commercial and kind-of free (tradable) models available.
Output formats include .x3d and .wrl formats.
X3D and VRML.
The following applications are known to have X3D or VRML output capabilities.
Additional entries are welcome.
Also see
Conversions and Translation Tools on this page.
3DS Max
Chemistry Markup Language (CML) examples
in the public
X3D Basic Examples Archive
show how to covert
CML models
into X3D
using a simple
Chimera by UCSF
is a highly extensible program for interactive visualization and analysis of molecular structures and related data.
Chimera exports
ESRI ArcScene with 3D Analyst extension
can export an assembled GIS scene to VRML and optionally GeoVRML.
is an open-source Java viewer for three-dimensional chemical
structures, with features for chemicals, crystals, materials and biomolecules.
Jmol can illustrate most molecular-model features via
provides powerful math-oriented technical computing software for engineers, mathematicians, and scientists.
Maple 13 exports X3D.
is a powerful computational tool for numerics of any precision, symbolics, or visualization.
Mathematica can
export X3D and VRML.
Live Interior 3D Pro
export to VRML and X3D.
Rhino includes VRML export
and apparently
X3D export as well.
SketchUp Pro
by Trimble can
export VRML files
SOLIDWORKS by Dassault Systemes
VRML import and export
is a molecular visualization program for displaying, animating, and analyzing
large biomolecular systems using 3D graphics and built-in scripting.
VMD is designed for modeling, visualization, and analysis of biological systems
such as proteins, nucleic acids, lipid bilayer assemblies, etc. and
may be used to view more general molecules.
Export features
include support for X3D, VRML97 and VRML 1.0.
VRMLout for AutoCAD and VRML Translator for Inventor
can publish AutoCAD 3D models and Autodesk Inventor assemblies on the Web.
Feedback is welcome on any X3D topic.
Scene authors and interested users are always welcome to participate in the X3D Graphics community.
Comments, questions and trouble reports help to improve X3D resources or clarify the X3D specifications.
Web3D mailing lists
are active and archived. These are a great place to ask a question or search for earlier answers.
Web3D Standards Comment Form
is used for identifying specification issues, detailed bug reports, suggestions and changes.
Reporting problems and recommending changes are important steps, they prevent grief for future authors and implementers.
Sending in the report gets the issue into the bug-tracking system and also sent to the mailing list for discussion.
If you first login as a Web3D Consortium member, a log of your posts is maintained for your convenience.
All opinions are valued. Dialog, lessons learned, success stories and alternatives are always considered helpful as part of our technology explorations and mailing-list discussions.
Our overarching goal is to compatibly improve X3D examples, tools, and specification prose for the X3D and H-Anim International Standards.
Dedicated diligence supports long-term usage, interoperability, and archival stability of interactive 3D graphics models for the Web.
Since 1994, all VRML and X3D progress has occurred through cooperative community efforts by
industry, academia, agencies and interested professionals.
Web3D Consortium members
actively support X3D specification development.
We follow an open and proven process, described in our
Standards Submission Policy.
Mantis issue tracking by working-group members
keeps track of details, alternatives and resolution for each specification issue.
(Secondary login required for Web3D members.)
Administration details are available on the
Mantis documentation.
Web3D Consortium github
(member-only access) is used to maintain editors-draft Web3D specifications in version control.
All draft X3D specifications are first developed by X3D Working Group participants.
All draft X3D specifications are discussed by the open community on the x3d-public mailing list.
Following certification by Web3D Consortium members, member-country delegations in the
International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
ratify and approve final status as an International Standard (IS).
Further motivation:
interactive 3D graphics continues to steadily advance, and the Web is the next major frontier.
We are working to make 3D a first-class media type on the Web
that has broad usability similar to images, vector graphics, audio and video.
Experienced 3D authors know that making a great 3D model takes a lot of work.
(Painful) humor: we have found a task that is just as hard:
rebuilding that same 3D model three years later, because the previous proprietary software is no longer usable.
X3D is a good fit for the
Open Web Platform (OWP)
for publishing
rich interactive experiences, powered by vast data stores, that are available on any device
Combined technology standards include
HTML5, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), Javascript, Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) and MathML.
Get involved! You too can be part of this great progress.
Join the ongoing mailing list discussions to learn more and contribute your ideas about 3D on the Web.
Projects Wish List
lists many interesting developer opportunities with potentially broad impact.
Among other things,
Web3D Consortium membership
provides a
safe haven
for companies to carefully look at possible contribution of proprietary technology,
ultimately becoming royalty-free capabilities for unrestricted use on the Web.
Anyone can help build the Web. Thanks for considering these important possibilities.
Need something else?
You can
contact Web3D Consortium
or else
contact X3D Working Group cochairs
for any direct or private inquiries.
Questions, suggestions, additions and comments regarding this X3D Resources page are also welcome.
Please see the
section below.
There is a mobile subset of the X3D vocabulary called the
X3D Interactive Profile.
Conversion tools are likely to emerge that can down-convert scenes using the
X3D Immersive Profile
for lightweight mobile and embedded applications.
There has been a lot of dialog about X3D Mixed and Augmented Reality (MAR)
and whether a new X3D Mobile Profile is possible that harmonizes capabilities
for lightweight scenes running with HTML5 on mobile devices, possibly including
essential AR and GPS capabilities. How can such X3D capabilities best be aligned with HTML?
Join the
X3D Graphics public mailing list
to join the discussion, learn more and contribute!
X3D Examples archives
include thousands of open-source models contributed by
Web3D Consortium members.
You can also search for X3D models at these sites:
free collections from 3D designers
3D Model Search Engine
by Princeton Shape and Retrieval Analysis Group (various sources)
Archibase Planet
free model collections from 3D designers
archive3d.net model search and download
MakerBot Thingiverse
design community for discovering, making, and sharing 3D printable things
3D Printing Service and Marketplace, which also offers guidance on
exporting VRML files for Shapeways.
Turbo Squid (for purchase and free)
Search Engine for 3D printable Models
yobi3d.com (proprietary, available for non-commercial use)
TODO: we need a more up-to-date way to install X3D plugins for PowerPoint.
X3D Quality Assurance (QA) identifies errors and warnings in order to make X3D scene content more portable and reliable.
X3D Scene Authoring Hints: Validation
describes DOCTYPE (DTD) and XML Schema validation of X3D scenes in detail.
X3D Specifications
are the authoritative reference for determining correctness of X3D scenes.
Of related interest:
Conformance Testing.
Extensible 3D (X3D) Graphics
Open security by design, as specified by W3C's
XML Security Recommendations,
provides the strongest approach for secure Web documents used internationally on the Web.
The .x3d encoding is XML based, which means that the full power of Web Security can be applied to X3D Graphics models.
X3D model security supports multiple existing and emerging capabilities:
Multiple forms of validation and
Quality Assurance (QA)
are available to prevent unwanted insertions of malicious content in X3D models.
Strongly typed
Metadata nodes
can be inserted in any X3D model. Interchange conventions are expected to emerge with growing usage.
Security mechanisms such as encryption and authentication can be applied to high levels of detail
allowing authors to protect intellectual property at high resolution for
authorized users while still rendering simple unrestricted models for other users.
XML Security compatibility provides two crucial technologies: the W3C
XML Encryption
XML Signature (digital authentication) Recommendations.
XML Security mechanisms can be applied to entire scenes in .x3d files (XML documents) or scene subgraphs within an .x3d file (XML fragments).
XML Encryption Requirements
include super-encryption, multiple signatures, and also optional declaration of alternative encryption algorithms in the unencrypted envelope header.
XML Security software libraries are broadly available and usable by international partners in any context, including Web commerce.
Data-centric security is independent of network-transport security.
Efficient XML Interchange (EXI) Working Group
efforts for best practices are ensuring that EXI-based data compression of XML documents can be used compatibly with XML Security.
Example prerequisite: EXI compression must precede encryption or else pseudo-randomization of bits precludes compression benefits.
W3C Security Interest Group
serves as a forum for discussion about improving standards and implementations to advance the security of the Web.
Web3D Consortium members expect that required support for secure url addresses using
protocols is likely to be included in
X3D version 4.0.
Full compatibility with XML Security capabilities is required for the next-generation
X3D Efficient Binary Encoding
under development.
W3C Recommendation for
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)
Wikipedia summary)
precautions gain increasing importance as X3D pages are embedded in HTML5 pages.
Most of these capabilities are demonstrated and formalized already. Several are already working-group efforts in progress.
Therefore, this emerging combination of capabilities can be considered low risk, with high probability of full convergence eventually occurring.
X3D security vulnerabilities are relatively few but deserve attention.
XML/HTML security resources follow.
X3D player and tool support for security:
The Web3D Consortium X3D Working Group participates in the
W3C Security Activity
EXI Working Group
to continue aligning X3D with ongoing developments.
Member participation
is welcome.
X3D Showcase DVD
is produced twice each year the Web3D Consortium for outreach to members and interested individuals.
X3D Tooltips provide authoring tips, hints and warnings for each node and field in X3D.
Multiple languages are available:
Developer support:
Interested in contributing, by updating an existing set of tooltips or creating a new translation?
X3D Tooltips inquiries
are welcome.
The annual
Web3D Conference
includes several excellent new tutorials each year.
Now in it's 19th year, the conference is
sponsored by
and the
Web3D Consortium.
X3D for Web Authors
textbook includes a comprehensive set of online examples, slidesets and videos.
Coverage includes all of VRML and the X3D Immersive Profile.
Additional training and tutorial resources include:
Numerous demonstration videos can be found online that show X3D models and applications in action.
Web3D Consortium Videos
showcases many member interesting examples using X3D, VRML and H-Anim.
Web3D Consortium YouTube Videos
includes multiple
organized by topic area
Web3D Conference YouTube Videos
collects and archives videos from the annual
Web3D Conference, now in its 21st year.
X3D for Web Authors online course videos
(both on
and at
Bit Management showcase
and additional
vimeo demo videos
Fraunhofer IGD YouTube videos
Damon Hernandez Metaverse One YouTube videos
Michalis Kamburelis Castle Game Engine YouTube videos
Sebastian Ullrich - Heart Surgery Simulation with Blender and H3D YouTube video
Virginia Tech VTVisionarium YouTube videos
VRML X3D and Realtime Web3D YouTube videos by
Archival and Web-based Visualization of Volumetric Scans and Clinical Data for TBI using the X3D International Standard
by Nicholas Polys and Andrew Wood, with proposal coauthored by Don Brutzman
Mathworks Matlab Simulink 3D Animation videos
X3D for Web Authors book
includes a full set of
course video lessons for learning X3D.
VRML design began in 1994 and the language became a stable International Standard in 1997.
VRML97 is fully compatible with X3D and is the basis of the ClassicVRML .x3d
Open Inventor is an object-oriented 3D toolkit offering a comprehensive solution to interactive graphics programming problems.
Of interest:
the original VRML design was directly based on a competitive community selection of the
Open Inventor .iv
as being the current "best of breed" for Web markup of scene graphs.
This architectural design similarity provides fundamental common ground between Open Inventor, VRML97 and X3D.
Questions, suggestions, additions and comments about this X3D Resources page are welcome.
Please send them to
Don Brutzman
(brutzman at nps.edu).
Master version of the X3D Resources page is available online at
and available in
Sourceforge version control.
Updated: 27 November 2016.