X3D Model Documentation: NoUnitTable.x3d

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  5            <!-- unit category="length" conversionFactor="0.01" name="centimeters"/ -->
  6            <meta name='titlecontent='NoUnitTable.x3d'/>
  7            <meta name='descriptioncontent='Units component example for a simple room table'/>
  8            <meta name='creatorcontent='Myeong Won Lee'/>
  9            <meta name='createdcontent='1 August 2009'/>
 10            <meta name='modifiedcontent='20 October 2019'/>
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 13            <meta name='referencecontent='https://www.web3d.org/specifications/X3Dv4/ISO-IEC19775-1v4-IS/Part01/components/core.html#UNITStatement'/>
 14            <meta name='subjectcontent='X3D UNIT statement'/>
 15            <meta name='identifiercontent='https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Basic/Units/NoUnitTable.x3d'/>
 16            <meta name='generatorcontent='X3D-Edit 3.3, https://savage.nps.edu/X3D-Edit'/>
 17            <meta name='licensecontent='../../license.html'/>
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<!-- to top Index for DEF node: Index for Viewpoint node: Viewpoint_1
 19       <Scene>
 20            <WorldInfo title='NoUnitTable.x3d'/>
 21            <Background groundColor='0.05 0.1 0.3skyColor='0.05 0.1 0.3'/>
 22            <Transform scale='0.3415 0.3415 0.3415'>
 23                 <Viewpoint description='Table viewposition='0.0 0.0 1.0'/>
 24                 <Shape>
 25                      <Appearance>
 26                           <Material diffuseColor='0.7686 0.3451 0.8824'/>
 27                      </Appearance>
 28                      <IndexedFaceSet coordIndex='0 8 9 -1 9 1 0 -1 1 9 10 -1 10 2 1 -1 2 10 11 -1 11 3 2 -1 3 11 12 -1 12 4 3 -1 4 12 13 -1 13 5 4 -1 5 13 14 -1 14 6 5 -1 6 14 15 -1 15 7 6 -1 16 17 25 -1 25 24 16 -1 17 18 26 -1 26 25 17 -1 18 19 27 -1 27 26 18 -1 19 20 28 -1 28 27 19 -1 20 21 29 -1 29 28 20 -1 21 22 30 -1 30 29 21 -1 22 23 31 -1 31 30 22 -1 0 1 33 -1 33 32 0 -1 1 2 34 -1 34 33 1 -1 2 3 35 -1 35 34 2 -1 4 5 37 -1 37 36 4 -1 5 6 38 -1 38 37 5 -1 6 7 39 -1 39 38 6 -1 32 33 49 -1 49 48 32 -1 33 34 50 -1 50 49 33 -1 34 35 51 -1 51 50 34 -1 36 37 53 -1 53 52 36 -1 37 38 54 -1 54 53 37 -1 38 39 55 -1 55 54 38 -1 48 49 65 -1 65 64 48 -1 50 51 67 -1 67 66 50 -1 52 53 69 -1 69 68 52 -1 54 55 71 -1 71 70 54 -1 64 65 81 -1 81 80 64 -1 65 66 82 -1 82 81 65 -1 66 67 83 -1 83 82 66 -1 68 69 85 -1 85 84 68 -1 69 70 86 -1 86 85 69 -1 70 71 87 -1 87 86 70 -1 80 81 97 -1 97 96 80 -1 82 83 99 -1 99 98 82 -1 84 85 101 -1 101 100 84 -1 86 87 103 -1 103 102 86 -1 96 97 113 -1 113 112 96 -1 97 98 114 -1 114 113 97 -1 98 99 115 -1 115 114 98 -1 100 101 117 -1 117 116 100 -1 101 102 118 -1 118 117 101 -1 102 103 119 -1 119 118 102 -1 112 113 17 -1 17 16 112 -1 113 114 18 -1 18 17 113 -1 114 115 19 -1 19 18 114 -1 115 116 20 -1 20 19 115 -1 116 117 21 -1 21 20 116 -1 117 118 22 -1 22 21 117 -1 118 119 23 -1 23 22 118 -1 7 15 40 -1 40 39 7 -1 39 40 56 -1 56 55 39 -1 55 56 72 -1 72 71 55 -1 71 72 88 -1 88 87 71 -1 87 88 104 -1 104 103 87 -1 103 104 120 -1 120 119 103 -1 119 120 31 -1 31 23 119 -1 15 14 41 -1 41 40 15 -1 14 13 42 -1 42 41 14 -1 13 12 43 -1 43 42 13 -1 11 10 45 -1 45 44 11 -1 10 9 46 -1 46 45 10 -1 9 8 47 -1 47 46 9 -1 40 41 57 -1 57 56 40 -1 41 42 58 -1 58 57 41 -1 42 43 59 -1 59 58 42 -1 44 45 61 -1 61 60 44 -1 45 46 62 -1 62 61 45 -1 46 47 63 -1 63 62 46 -1 56 57 73 -1 73 72 56 -1 58 59 75 -1 75 74 58 -1 60 61 77 -1 77 76 60 -1 62 63 79 -1 79 78 62 -1 72 73 89 -1 89 88 72 -1 73 74 90 -1 90 89 73 -1 74 75 91 -1 91 90 74 -1 76 77 93 -1 93 92 76 -1 77 78 94 -1 94 93 77 -1 78 79 95 -1 95 94 78 -1 88 89 105 -1 105 104 88 -1 90 91 107 -1 107 106 90 -1 92 93 109 -1 109 108 92 -1 94 95 111 -1 111 110 94 -1 104 105 121 -1 121 120 104 -1 105 106 122 -1 122 121 105 -1 106 107 123 -1 123 122 106 -1 108 109 125 -1 125 124 108 -1 109 110 126 -1 126 125 109 -1 110 111 127 -1 127 126 110 -1 166 167 164 -1 164 165 166 -1 167 168 163 -1 163 164 167 -1 168 169 162 -1 162 163 168 -1 169 170 161 -1 161 162 169 -1 170 171 160 -1 160 161 170 -1 171 172 159 -1 159 160 171 -1 172 173 158 -1 158 159 172 -1 8 0 32 -1 32 47 8 -1 47 32 48 -1 48 63 47 -1 63 48 64 -1 64 79 63 -1 79 64 80 -1 80 95 79 -1 95 80 96 -1 96 111 95 -1 111 96 112 -1 112 127 111 -1 127 112 16 -1 16 24 127 -1 35 3 128 -1 128 130 35 -1 4 36 131 -1 131 129 4 -1 49 50 133 -1 133 132 49 -1 51 35 130 -1 130 134 51 -1 36 52 135 -1 135 131 36 -1 53 54 137 -1 137 136 53 -1 65 49 132 -1 132 138 65 -1 50 66 139 -1 139 133 50 -1 66 65 138 -1 138 139 66 -1 67 51 134 -1 134 140 67 -1 52 68 141 -1 141 135 52 -1 69 53 136 -1 136 142 69 -1 54 70 143 -1 143 137 54 -1 70 69 142 -1 142 143 70 -1 81 82 145 -1 145 144 81 -1 83 67 140 -1 140 146 83 -1 68 84 147 -1 147 141 68 -1 85 86 149 -1 149 148 85 -1 97 81 144 -1 144 150 97 -1 82 98 151 -1 151 145 82 -1 98 97 150 -1 150 151 98 -1 99 83 146 -1 146 152 99 -1 84 100 153 -1 153 147 84 -1 101 85 148 -1 148 154 101 -1 86 102 155 -1 155 149 86 -1 102 101 154 -1 154 155 102 -1 115 99 152 -1 152 156 115 -1 100 116 157 -1 157 153 100 -1 116 115 156 -1 156 157 116 -1 24 25 159 -1 159 158 24 -1 25 26 160 -1 160 159 25 -1 26 27 161 -1 161 160 26 -1 27 28 162 -1 162 161 27 -1 28 29 163 -1 163 162 28 -1 29 30 164 -1 164 163 29 -1 30 31 165 -1 165 164 30 -1 31 120 166 -1 166 165 31 -1 120 121 167 -1 167 166 120 -1 121 122 168 -1 168 167 121 -1 122 123 169 -1 169 168 122 -1 124 125 171 -1 171 170 124 -1 125 126 172 -1 172 171 125 -1 126 127 173 -1 173 172 126 -1 123 124 170 -1 170 169 123 -1 127 24 158 -1 158 173 127 -1'>
 29                           <Coordinate point='-645 0 275 -635.6 -1.202e-005 275 -276.4 0 275 -270.6 -1.202e-005 275 270.6 -1.202e-005 275 276.4 0 275 635.6 -1.202e-005 275 645 0 275 -645 0 -275 -635.6 1.202e-005 -275 -276.4 0 -275 -270.6 1.202e-005 -275 270.6 1.202e-005 -275 276.4 0 -275 635.6 1.202e-005 -275 645 0 -275 -645 575 275 -635.6 575 275 -276.4 575 275 -270.6 575 275 270.6 575 275 276.4 575 275 635.6 575 275 645 575 275 -645 575 -275 -635.6 575 -275 -276.4 575 -275 -270.6 575 -275 270.6 575 -275 276.4 575 -275 635.6 575 -275 645 575 -275 -645 82.14 275 -635.6 82.14 275 -276.4 82.14 275 -270.6 82.14 275 270.6 82.14 275 276.4 82.14 275 635.6 82.14 275 645 82.14 275 645 82.14 -275 635.6 82.14 -275 276.4 82.14 -275 270.6 82.14 -275 -270.6 82.14 -275 -276.4 82.14 -275 -635.6 82.14 -275 -645 82.14 -275 -645 97.59 275 -635.6 97.59 275 -276.4 97.59 275 -270.6 97.59 275 270.6 97.59 275 276.4 97.59 275 635.6 97.59 275 645 97.59 275 645 97.59 -275 635.6 97.59 -275 276.4 97.59 -275 270.6 97.59 -275 -270.6 97.59 -275 -276.4 97.59 -275 -635.6 97.59 -275 -645 97.59 -275 -645 246.4 275 -635.6 246.4 275 -276.4 246.4 275 -270.6 246.4 275 270.6 246.4 275 276.4 246.4 275 635.6 246.4 275 645 246.4 275 645 246.4 -275 635.6 246.4 -275 276.4 246.4 -275 270.6 246.4 -275 -270.6 246.4 -275 -276.4 246.4 -275 -635.6 246.4 -275 -645 246.4 -275 -645 259.8 275 -635.6 259.8 275 -276.4 259.8 275 -270.6 259.8 275 270.6 259.8 275 276.4 259.8 275 635.6 259.8 275 645 259.8 275 645 259.8 -275 635.6 259.8 -275 276.4 259.8 -275 270.6 259.8 -275 -270.6 259.8 -275 -276.4 259.8 -275 -635.6 259.8 -275 -645 259.8 -275 -645 502.4 275 -635.6 502.4 275 -276.4 502.4 275 -270.6 502.4 275 270.6 502.4 275 276.4 502.4 275 635.6 502.4 275 645 502.4 275 645 502.4 -275 635.6 502.4 -275 276.4 502.4 -275 270.6 502.4 -275 -270.6 502.4 -275 -276.4 502.4 -275 -635.6 502.4 -275 -645 502.4 -275 -645 521.1 275 -635.6 521.1 275 -276.4 521.1 275 -270.6 521.1 275 270.6 521.1 275 276.4 521.1 275 635.6 521.1 275 645 521.1 275 645 521.1 -275 635.6 521.1 -275 276.4 521.1 -275 270.6 521.1 -275 -270.6 521.1 -275 -276.4 521.1 -275 -635.6 521.1 -275 -645 521.1 -275 -270.6 -1.202e-005 -275 270.6 -1.202e-005 -275 -270.6 82.14 -275 270.6 82.14 -275 -635.6 97.59 -275 -276.4 97.59 -275 -270.6 97.59 -275 270.6 97.59 -275 276.4 97.59 -275 635.6 97.59 -275 -635.6 246.4 -275 -276.4 246.4 -275 -270.6 246.4 -275 270.6 246.4 -275 276.4 246.4 -275 635.6 246.4 -275 -635.6 259.8 -275 -276.4 259.8 -275 -270.6 259.8 -275 270.6 259.8 -275 276.4 259.8 -275 635.6 259.8 -275 -635.6 502.4 -275 -276.4 502.4 -275 -270.6 502.4 -275 270.6 502.4 -275 276.4 502.4 -275 635.6 502.4 -275 -270.6 521.1 -275 270.6 521.1 -275 -645 575 -305 -635.6 575 -305 -276.4 575 -305 -270.6 575 -305 270.6 575 -305 276.4 575 -305 635.6 575 -305 645 575 -305 645 521.1 -305 635.6 521.1 -305 276.4 521.1 -305 270.6 521.1 -305 -270.6 521.1 -305 -276.4 521.1 -305 -635.6 521.1 -305 -645 521.1 -305'/>
 30                      </IndexedFaceSet>
 31                 </Shape>
 32            </Transform>
 33       </Scene>
 34  </X3D>

<!-- to top Index for DEF node: Index for Viewpoint node: Viewpoint_1
X3D Tooltips element index: Appearance, Background, Coordinate, head, IndexedFaceSet, Material, meta, Scene, Shape, Transform, Viewpoint, WorldInfo, X3D, accessType and type, XML data types, field types

<!-- Online at
https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Basic/Units/NoUnitTableIndex.html -->
<!-- Version control at
https://sourceforge.net/p/x3d/code/HEAD/tree/www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Basic/Units/NoUnitTable.x3d -->

<!-- Color legend: X3D terminology <X3dNode field='value'/> matches XML terminology <XmlElement attribute='value'/>
(Light-blue background: event-based behavior node or statement) (Grey background inside box: inserted documentation) (Magenta background: X3D Extensibility)

to top <!-- For additional help information about X3D scenes, please see X3D Tooltips, X3D Resources, and X3D Scene Authoring Hints. -->